Time Stops For No Dragon

by FluttershyLover55

Chapter Nineteen:Releasing The Swirl

Time Stops For No Dragon
Chapter 19-Releasing The Swirl

"Okay, Spike. I'm going to ask you one more time, and if you still don't want to tell me what's wrong, I'll respect your privacy."

Spike nodded, seeing an opportunity to climb out of the hole he was in. "Okay."

"Is there anything bothering you? I want to help you, if there is." Fluttershy's honest gaze showed that she was only trying to help, but Spike still didn't feel like he was ready to say anything, if he could help it.

"No. I'm all good, Shy'."

"If you say so." Fluttershy wasn't very convinced, but she didn't want to be rude to her guest. She turned to leave the room.

"Wait, Fluttershy!"

The pegasus craned her neck to look back at the dragon, in surprise. "Hmmm?"

"Could you get me something for a headache? It feels like a drill is burrowing into my skull!" Spike rubbed his temples, trying to diffuse the pain, if even for a single moment.

"O-Of course!" It wasn't what she was hoping for, but at least, she could be of some assistance to her ailing friend.


Soon enough, it was after noon, and time for Fluttershy's birthday picnic. The rest of her friends were planning to meet the pegasus and Spike at a field, just outside Ponyville. When they arrived, Spike recognized it as the same place that he had fought with Discord for the final time, in the future. What the dragon didn't know, was that this day was about to take a turn for the worse.

A large picnic blanket was spread out over the grass with all sorts of desserts, drinks, and other foods upon it.

Fluttershy was touched that her friends had worked so hard, to make sure that she had a good birthday. "Oh, girls! You didn't have to…"

Rarity walked up and put a hoof on her shoulder. "It simply just wouldn't do, if this party wasn't as magnificent as the mare it was planned for! No need to thank us, Darling."

The moment was quickly ruined, however, as Spike sneezed. A stream of emerald fire spewed forth from his mouth, quickly consuming half of the spread on the blanket, and sending a swirl of smoke into the sky.

"Spike!" Twilight scolded, sending an annoyed look to the embarrassed dragon.

"It's okay, Twilight. It's not like he could help it!" Fluttershy defended her patient, gliding over to him with a tissue in hoof.

"Are you sure you're feeling up to this?" She asked, as Spike used the tissue to wipe his nose.

"I'll be fine, Shy'! It's just a cold, so don't worry so much! Just enjoy your party." Spike lightly shoved her towards the others, flashing her a reassuring smile.

The pegasus was hesitant to leave his side, but had little choice, as she was dragged away by Pinkie Pie. "Come on, Fluttershy! The fun is over here!"

Spike sat off to the side, munching on a cupcake and watching the others play 'Pin the Tail on the Pony', as he relaxed under the shade of a tree. An apple fell off of the branch above Spike, bouncing off of his head and into his hand.

"Ow! Stupid apple!" He muttered, rubbing the spines on his head.

"Watch who you're calling stupid, little dragon."

Spike jumped at the sound, not seeing anypony nearby. "Wha-Who said that? Show yourself!"

The voice sighed. "All right, if you insist."

The dragon backed away from the tree in wonder, as at least a dozen more apples fell from it, bouncing and rolling into a pile, including the one in his hand. The pile shifted as the apples combined together, stretching and transforming into something else, entirely. A white flash completed the display, revealing a very mis-matched creature. It offered a toothy grin to the dragon.

"Good afternoon, Spike. How are you doing on this fine day?"

"I'm all right, I guess. Shouldn't you be hiding somewhere, which isn't in plain sight? The others might spot you!" Spike pointed over to the girls, who still hadn't noticed Discord's appearance.

"Yes, that is probably for the best." The draconequs agreed, floating over to the tree, and somehow merging with it.

"I'm guessing, that you didn't come here just to say hello, so what are you REALLY here for?" Spike leaned back against the tree, continuing to munch on his treat.

"You would be correct in that assumption. I have some news to tell you. I detected a strong magic earlier, so I traced it to its source."

"And?" Spike urged, prompting him to continue.

"Strangely enough, it seems to be emanating from that little trinket of yours. It appears to be getting stronger by the minute, so I would advise you to be careful."

"So, is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I'm not sure." Discord admitted.

"Well, thanks anyway. I appreciate your concern." Spike said, watching as Pinkie Pie balanced a stack of plates on her head.

The plates toppled off of her towards the ground, but Twilight caught them with her magic.

All of the sudden, the magenta aura around the dishes was stripped away from them, including the aura around Twilight's horn, canceling the spell. The wave of magic shot over to Spike, where it was absorbed into the artifact. Spike, Discord, and all of the rest watched in fascination. The horn was encircled by the magic it had absorbed, crackling with energy. The horn tore free from his neck, disintegrating the string it was on, and floated over to an empty spot in the grass.

Twilight and Rarity felt a tugging in their horns, as their magic was forcefully ripped from them, causing them to collapse to the ground in pain. Fluttershy galloped over to their side to make sure they were okay, while the others continued watching the horn. Two extra ribbons of magic now circled it, adding to the light show. More ribbons were released from inside the horn, surrounding it in all directions, spinning even faster.

All of the magic coalesced to form a skeleton attached to the horn, which rapidly grew skin and a gray coat of fur. The magic dissipated, flowing back into the unicorn's horn, and Twilight and Rarity's. A star-patterned cloak and a large, pointy wizard's hat with the same pattern on it appeared out of nowhere, settling on the unicorn's body. A long, white beard quickly grew upon the lower half of his face. His face was shaded by the hat that he now wore, but his eyes were still visible under its rim, glinting in the shadows.

As he turned around to face the group of ponies and the dragon behind them, the bells on his cloak and hat jingled. His strikingly golden eyes analyzed all of his surroundings, as Twilight and Rarity got back on their hooves, feeling a little better, since their magic was restored. When he spoke, his voice was deep, almost ominous in tone.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Spike, and the 'Elements of Harmony'." He turned to look at the two unicorns nearby, and grinned evilly. "Without the extra boost you two gave me, I wouldn't have escaped my prison, so thank you for that. You know, I actually bear no hatred towards any of you ponies. The one I'm after, is of a different species, entirely." Starswirl directed his attention to a very surprised and terrified dragon. As if reading his thoughts, the unicorn added, "That's right, Spike, I'm talking about you."

"M-Me? What have I, done to you? We've never even met before!" Spike stammered, confusedly.

Starswirl did something unexpected by everypony present, beginning to laugh. "Hahaha! On the contrary, Spike, it's not what you've done, but what you WILL do, if given the chance. That's why I'm here. To stop you, from ever getting one!"

Everypony (except for Spike) gasped in horror.

"Before I meet my doom, can you at least explain how you're here, in the first place?"

Starswirl considered it for a moment, before nodding. "Very well. I am a reasonable stallion, so I won't kill you, until I have explained my reasons in detail."

"Oooh! Flashbacks are so awesome-rific! Can I tell the story? Pretty please?" Pinkie Pie begged, flashing puppy dog eyes at the overwhelmed unicorn.

"I suppose so, but I don't see how…"

"Shhh! You're interrupting the story!"

"But, you haven't even…"

"Started yet? If you're wondering how I knew what you were going to say, it's because I'm a totally amazing, Psychic!" Pinkie Pie continued to babble on for a while, before finally starting to tell the story of Starswirl.

Although it wasn't 100% accurate, her version was WAY cooler, than the boring original.