
by Howzdozit

Prologue - This is how it's always been.

  Rays of the rising sun peeked through a window, long, velvet curtains being the only things sheltering the room beyond glass from being basked in bright light. A slight breeze pushed a curtain but an inch to the right, allowing the east-facing window to let in the calming tranquility of the morning.

    Or, in Sunset Shimmer’s case, the cause of all evil.

    She rolled over, mushing her face into a silk-covered pillow. Judging by the lack of an angry, blaring alarm screaming at her to get up, she guessed that the time for that had not arrived yet.

    Rolling over to her right, she turned her head to look at the bright, red numbers across the sleek, black alarm clock.


    Deciding that it would be useless to simply lay in bed and wait an extra three minutes the clock would take to ring, she unfurrowed herself from her sheets. Pressing a button on the box to ensure that the alarm would not go off, she slid her feet into a pair of slippers.

    Walking over to her closet area, Sunset surveyed the sets of outfits that filled it. Most of her clothes were the same uniform the elementary classes at Crystal Prep were required to wear.

    Fetching a white button up shirt, the teal vest that she had to wear over it, and a plain blue skirt, Sunset turned to her bathroom.

    After getting dressed and brushing her teeth, she went back to her room and sat herself at the vanity desk near her window.
    The next task was quite mundane, simply just brushing her hair thoroughly and styling it. After that, she double checked she had done all of her homework the night before. With that, Sunset grabbed her backpack and took it downstairs.

    Noticing that her parents, as usual, were out, she grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen counter. Upon picking it up, she noticed a note on her left. She frowned upon reading it.

  Good morning, Sunset Shimmer. Your formal educator has informed us that your report cards are being sent home today. Remember, the lowest grade you are allowed to maintain is a 95%. Don’t find out what happens if you have but a half percentage lower than that.

  We will pick you up directly after school and you will show us your grades first thing when we get home.

  Do not disappoint us.

                                                               Your parents,

Dimming Dusk & Fallen Sun

    Sunset crumpled up the note and threw it in the trash. The whole ‘minimum grade’ thing didn’t bother her. As far as Sunset could remember, school had always been a piece of cake. She finished her breakfast, threw the wrapper away, and began her trip to school.

    Drops of water fell on a window. Outside, blinding lighting and crashing thunder could be heard.

    That didn’t bother the sleeping Sunset Shimmer. She lay under linen sheets, her head supported by soft pillows. Her breathing was slow, steady, and calm. The drumming of water droplets on her window made a sound that could drive anybody to sleep.

    An alarm screeched.

    Opening a single eye, Sunset reached her hand over and silenced it. 


    Upon realizing the time, Sunset sprang up from her bed and raced over to her closet. Grabbing the uniform Crystal Prep assigned for its junior high classes, she rushed into the bathroom.


     Brushing her hair, then styling it.


    The new part her parents insisted she implemented into her routine, makeup.


    Grabbing her backpack, rushing down the stairs, taking an umbrella, and out the door.

    At least, Sunset would’ve rushed out the door, if her mother weren’t home.

   “Sunset Shimmer.”

    Slowly, Sunset turned around. “Yes, mother?”

   “What are you still doing in my house?” a stern voice asked.

    Sunset looked down at her feet. “I didn’t hear my alarm. I’m sorry, mother.”

    Dimming Dusk, Sunset Shimmer’s mother, narrowed her eyes. “And why exactly did you allow that of yourself? As far as I’m aware, I raised you to be a responsible young lady. Are you trying to go out of your way to disappoint me?”

   “No, I- well, -I.. I just..” Sunset trailed off. How was she supposed to answer such questions? How was she supposed to handle the implications of the questions?

    In the back of her mind, she allowed herself to believe her mother’s implications were right.

   “No answer, huh? What’s wrong, did your voice stop working?” Dimming asked in a mocking tone.

    Sunsets could feel tears well up in her eyes, as well as a bubbling anger in her chest. “I-I’ll.. do better, mom,” she managed.

    Dimming Dusk lifted Sunset’s chin up with her index finger, a flame in her eyes. “What did me and your father say about the lack of use of our proper titles, Shimmer?!” she said sternly, her long, pointy nails digging into her daughter’s skin to the point of slight pain.

    Sunset’s eyes widened in fear as she swallowed a knot in that was beginning to form in her throat. “I apologize, mother,” she squeaked out.

    Dimming narrowed her eyebrows as she brought Sunset closer to her, and spoke in a harsh tone, “And what did we say of your presentation, whether in public or in the confines of this safe home?”

    “Right..” Sunset cleared her throat, slipping into a faked posh accent “Always present oneself with confidence, manners, and proper posture.” She straightened her back once her mother slightly loosened her grip. “Do not speak as one of a lower place, act as an educated individual, and strive to be better than all around.” Sunset put on a confident smirk, though in one looked deep into her eyes, they would see her true feelings.

    She felt scared. Hopeless. Fake. Not in control of her life.

    She felt coerced.