//------------------------------// // Six Plus Two // Story: Tales Of Friendship // by Bluecatcinema //------------------------------// The Young Six were making their way through Ponyville. It was Saturday, and since they'd finished their lessons for the week, they were eager to spend the day having fun together. For starters, they were on their way to Sugarcube Corner for fruit smoothies. "Gotta love the weekend." Gallus smirked. "Aw, yeah." Smolder agreed. "Never really appreciated these days before I went to school." "Lots of things Yona never appreciate before school." Yona admitted. "Like sweet pony fruit drinks!" "Sure beats studying, huh, Ocellus?" Silverstream nudged her Changeling friend. "I guess." Ocellus shrugged. "Considering we practically had to drag her away from her homework, I wouldn't bet on that." Smolder teased. "You say that like it's a bad thing..." Ocellus pouted, as Smolder and Gallus sniggered. "Come on, guys." Sandbar rolled his eyes. "Those smoothies won't drink themselves." "'Course not." Silverstream shrugged. "That would be weird!" "Yeah, that would be weird." Gallus smirked. As they walked down the streets, Smolder spotted a familiar creature standing outside the Ponyville post office. A short, scaly, winged creature... "Is that Spike?" Smolder narrowed her eyes. "You know any other dragons who live in Ponyville?" Gallus pointed out. "Wonder what he's doing there?" Silverstream mused. "We could always go up and ask him." Ocellus suggested. "What about smoothies?" Yona frowned. "It'll only take a minute." Sandbar assured her. "And it's not like the smoothies are going anywhere." Smolder added. "Again, weird." Silverstream grinned. "Guess we're doing this then." Gallus shrugged nonchalantly. "Like the good friends we are..." The Young Six marched over to Spike, who had begun to pace. "Hey, Spike." Smolder smiled. "Hey, guys." Spike turned. "Why dragon standing outside post office?" Yona asked. "Yeah, can't you like, send letters by fire breath?" Sandbar added. "Oh, I'm not here for mail." Spike confessed. "I'm just waiting for a friend." "A friend?" Silverstream mused. "At the post office? Weird place for a meet-up..." "Not when the friend you're waiting for is a mail carrier." Spike countered. "... You're gonna have to talk me through this one." Smolder frowned. "He's talking about Gabby." Gallus revealed. "She's the mailgriffon from Griffonstone." "Yona remember." Yona nodded. "Yona and Silverstream there when she ask Gallus to take picture of her and Spike." "Mm-hmm." Silverstream agreed. "She seemed nice." "A dragon and a Griffon, friends?" Smolder said sarcastically. "What a crazy world we live in..." "So what else is new?" Gallus deadpanned. "She's a great friend." Spike smiled. "She's fun, she's nice, she's understanding, she's really sweet..." "So, when's the wedding?" Smolder teased. "Ha, ha." Spike grumbled. "Real funny." "She sure sounds like a lot of fun to be around." Sandbar noted. "She is." Spike nodded. "We hang out all the time. Lucky for me, Grandpa Gruff has a lot of correspondence with Gallus." "My writing claw can back that up." Gallus joked. "We usually meet up around this time." Spike explained. "But she seems to be running a little late today." "That's too bad." Silverstream pouted. "And not like her." Gallus added. "Most days, she drops by with a letter from Grampa Gruff like clockwork." "Maybe she just has a lot of mail to deliver over in Griffonstone today." Ocellus surmised. "Or maybe there's some bad weather between Griffonstone and Ponyville, and it's keeping her from getting here on time." Sandbar offered. "Maybe." Spike shrugged. "But she'll make it here eventually. She always does..." "So you're just gonna stand out here all day?" Smolder asked. "Probably not all day." Spike shrugged. "Like I said, she'll show sooner or later." Smolder's brow furrowed with concern. She looked at her friends, and a silent conversation ensued, ending with the Young Six nodding in agreement. "Instead of doing something boring like that, why don't you hang out with us?" Silverstream asked. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm good." Spike said awkwardly. "I don't want to miss Gabby showing up. I'd hate for her to think I ditched her, or something..." "I don't think Gabby would mind that much." Sandbar declared. "You said yourself she's a really nice Griffon." "She probably wouldn't want you to be bored out of your mind, either." Gallus added. "Come on." Smolder urged. "We were just about to head over to Sugarcube Corner for smoothies." "All this pacing has made me kinda thirsty..." Spike admitted. "And you don't wanna be so worn out from pacing that you can't have any actual fun with Gabby, right?" Smolder prompted. "Nope." Spike shook his head, grimly remembering the last time he was too tired to hang out with Gabby. "So join Yona and friends for refreshing smoothie break." Yona smiled. "It would be the logical thing to do." Ocellus added. "...Okay, sure." Spike finally gave in. "A quick break probably wouldn't hurt. And I can be back in a flash..." "Exactly." Smolder grinned. "And you'll have us to hang out with in the meantime. It's win-win!" "Let's just keep it quick, okay?" Spike urged. "Yeah, sure." Gallus rolled his eyes. "Not so quick Yona can't enjoy smoothie!" Yona added. In keeping with Spike's wishes, the group rushed over to Sugarcube Corner, ordered their smoothies, and sat at a table (one which Spike insisted be closest to the exit) to enjoy said smoothies. "Mmm, Yona love smoothies!" Yona said between sips. "Almost as good as studying, right, Ocellus?" Gallus smirked. Ocellus simply glared at Gallus as she dipped her smoothie. "Is it just me, or was that line really long?" Spike frowned. "And those ponies took so long to make up their minds." "Dude, relax." Sandbar told him. "It didn't take that long." "It wasn't exactly quick, either." Spike retorted, before returning to the task of drinking his smoothie with gusto. "You don't have to drink it that fast." Smolder chided him. "What happened to savouring the flavor?" "Besides, if you drink it like that, you might end up getting-" Silverstream started. "Hic!" Spike practically leapt out of his seat. "Hic! Hic!" "Hiccups..." Silverstream finished. "Oh- Hic! -great." Spike groaned. "Why did I- Hic! -let you guys talk me into- Hic! -this?" "Hey, we didn't tell you to inhale your smoothie." Gallus pointed. "Now I'm gonna have to- Hic! -hang out with Gabby while I've- Hic! -got these- Hic!" Spike sighed. "Not necessarily." Sandbar pointed out. "We can try to help you get rid of those hiccups." "H- Hic! -ow?" Spike asked. "Well, a good scare usually does the trick for me." Silverstream offered. "Oh, y- Hic! -eah?" Spike frowned skeptically. "And how- Hic! - are you going to- Hic! - scare me?" Spike felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned, and found himself staring into the face of a Timberwolf. "Yahhh!" He yelled, jumping right out of his seat. The Timberwolf's body was suddenly engulfed in blue flame, with Ocellus appearing in its stead. "What was that for?" Spike gasped, short of breath from the terror. "You nearly scared the scales right off of- wait. ...I'm cured!" "You were right, Silverstream." Ocellus smiled. "A good scare really did do the trick." "Always does." Silverstream grinned. "Good thinking, guys." Sandbar nodded. "You should've seen your face." Gallus teased Spike, sniggering. "Dragon jump right out of chair!" Yona chuckled. "You could've warned me, you know." Spike pouted in Ocellus's direction. "Then it wouldn't have been scary." Ocellus pointed out. "She's got a point there." Smolder acknowledged. "Yeah, whatever." Spike scowled. "Now that we've all finished our smoothies, I think I'll head back to the post office. Gabby'll probably be there by now." "But friends just starting to have fun!" Yona protested. "I know, but I don't want to miss having fun with Gabby." Spike replied. "Tell ya what: I'll go take a quick fly-by over the post office." Smolder offered. "If she's there, I'll let you know. If not, then you can hang out with us a little longer. Deal?" "Deal." Spike nodded. Taking flight, Smolder zipped out of the bakery. Spike followed her outside. "Where are you going?" Gallus frowned. "Smolder just said she's gonna check." "I know." Spike retorted. "I just want to be ready to move if Gabby is there." "Makes sense..." Sandbar shrugged. For a few moments, Spike stood outside, impatiently awaiting Smolder's return. The time elapsed was barely a couple of minutes, but it seemed to Spike like an eternity before Smolder came back. "Finally." Spike said under his breath as she landed. "Well?" "No sign." Smolder replied. "Sorry." Spike bowed his head with disappointment. "Hey, don't look so down." Smolder placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure she'll be here soon." "And in the meantime, you can still hang out with us!" Silverstream hugged Spike suddenly, as the others emerged from Sugarcube Corner. "Won't that be fun?' "I guess..." Spike smiled weakly. "That's the spirit." Sandbar grinned. "So, what's next on the fun itinerary?" Spike asked. "Maybe we could go down to the lake?" Ocellus suggested. "It's always nice and peaceful there." "Yona like lake." Yona grinned. "Lots of places to have fun there." "I guess the lake isn't that far..." Spike mused. "Sure, let's go." "Race ya there!" Smolder opened her wings and took off in the direction of the lake. "You're on!" Spike followed after her. "Yaks best at racing!" Yona raced along on hoof. "You're not leaving me behind!" Silverstream followed suit. "Wait up!" Ocellus yelled. "So much for peaceful..." Gallus rolled his eyes. "First the thrill, then the chill." Sandbar chuckled. "That's what my dad always says." Soon after, they were all gathered at the lake. Silverstream had won the race (to Smolder's annoyance), and they were all laying on the lake shore. "This is the life." Sandbar sighed, dipping his front hooves into the water. "Yeah." Ocellus agreed, enjoying the feeling of the sun on her face. "Lots of great memories here." Silverstream smiled. "Mm-hmm." Yona nodded. "This where friends first start to become friends." "Good times." Gallus agreed. "And plenty more to come." Smolder acknowledged. "How ya doin', Spike?" Spike didn't look nearly as relaxed as the others. His eyes kept darting back in the direction of Ponyville. "Maybe I should check back." He said worriedly. "Just a quick look. Gabby might be there by now." "Or she might not, and you'll gone all the way back there for nothing." Smolder pointed out. "Okay, there's that." Spike said sheepishly. "For all we know, Gabby won't be here for hours." Gallus noted. "Isn't it better to pass the time until she shows up with some fun, instead of pacing outside the post office?" "It is." Spike sighed. "i know it is. But I can't stop thinking about the chance that I might miss Gabby." "Then maybe you just need something to take your mind off it." Ocellus declared. "Like what?" Spike asked. "I got an idea." Smolder smirked. "What Smolder have in mind?" Yona inquired. "Two words: Firebreathing contest." Smolder grinned. That got Spike's attention. "Right here?" He asked. "Right now?" "You know it." Smolder nodded. "You're on!" Spike smirked. The two dragon stepped ahead of the others, and took deep breaths, readying themselves. Smolder went first, expelling a plume of flame seven feet in front of her. "Top that, if you can." She bragged. "Be careful what you wish for." Spike grinned. Spike unleased a gout of flame of his own, which just barely surpassed Smolder's. "Not bad, not bad." Smolder waved her hand dismissively. "But I'm still getting warmed up." Smolder unleashed an even bigger burst of flame. "So we're getting serious, are we?" Spike said airily. "'Bout time..." The two dragons fired off blast after blast of flame. The rest of the Young Six watched the contest with awe. "Amazing." Ocellus gazed. "It's almost like fireworks!" Silverstream cheered. "Anycreature taking bets?" Gallus grinned. "My Bits are on Smolder." "Yona say Spike will win." Yona declared. "Little dragon got heart!" "Let's just wait and see..." Sandbar observed. Before long, the two dragons began to run our of steam. After Smolder unleashed a four foot blast of flame, Spike put his all into one last burst... only to just barely clear three feet. "...Okay, you win this round..." He admitted. "I've got nothing left in the tank." "You put up a really good fight, though." Smolder complimented him. "Little more practice, and you might just leave this dragon in the dust." "Thanks, Smolder." Spike said. "That was amazing!" Silverstream cheered. "You two put on quite a show." Gallus agreed. "Dragons best at firebreathing!" Yona bellowed. "You were both great." Ocellus added. "Thanks, Ocellus." Smolder beamed. "Hey, maybe next time, you could change into a dragon and join in!" Spike offered. "I never considered that before..." Ocellus admitted. "It would definitely make things more interesting." Smolder noted. "Speaking of interesting, are you up for more fun, Spike?" Sandbar asked. "Because I have a couple of activity ideas of my own." "So does Yona!" Yona admitted. "And me!" Silverstream grinned. "Why let the fun stop now?" Gallus urged. "Why indeed?" Spike smiled. "Okay, guys, let's see what you have in mind..." Over the next couple of hours, Spike had more fun with the Young Six. He played in the water with Silverstream and Sandbar, flew with Gallus, discussed matters at the Changeling hive with Ocellus, and enjoyed a live demonstration of yak-style smashing, courtesy of Yona. "Now isn't this way better than standing around, waiting for somecreature to show up?" Silverstream asked. "Oh, jeez!" Spike gasped, suddenly realizing just how much time must have passed during all of their fun. "Gabby! I forgot to check back at the post office! She could have arrived before we even got here! She could've been waiting all this time..." "Calm down." Smolder urged. "It won't take that long to get back." "Especially if we move right now." Sandbar added. "'We'?" Spike asked. "We've stuck with you this long, haven't we?" Gallus asked. "Besides, Gabby'll probably have a letter for me. So..." "So let's get moving!" Silverstream whooped. "There's no time to lose!" Ocellus opened her carapace, releasing her wings. "Yona and friends go now!" Yona added. "Don't have to tell me twice." Spike nodded. Spreading his wings, he took flight leading the group as they departed from the lake. The group rushed back to the post office. Gabby was indeed there, though she didn't seem too upset to be kept waiting. "Hey, Gabby!" Spike called, coming to a landing in front of her. "There you are!" Gabby leapt over and gave her dragon friend a hug. "Great to finally see ya, Spike." "Great to see you too, Gabby." Spike gladly returned the hug. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long?" "Nah." Gabby shrugged. "I only just got here. I said 'finally' because it took so long getting here. If anything, I should be the one apologizing for keeping you waiting. You weren't too bored, were you?" "Not so much." Spike admitted. "Not when I had some other friends to help pass the time until you got here." He indicated the Young Six, who were just joining them. "Hi, Gallus!" Gabby smiled, waving to the one she most recognised. "Hey, Gabby." Gallus nodded. "How are things back in Griffonstone?" "Eh, about the same as usual." Gabby shrugged. "That bad, huh?" Gallus joked. "So, you guys know each other?" Smolder asked. "'Know' is kinda stretching it." Gallus shrugged. "Yeah." Gabby admitted. "Every time I tried to talk to him way back when, he'd pretend he hadn't heard me, and walk the other way." "Dude, seriously?" Sandbar stared at Gallus, appalled. "In my defense, that was before I came to school." Gallus said regretfully. "Sorry about that, by the way." He told Gabby. "That's okay." Gabby smiled. "it wasn't any worse than how any of the other Griffons treated me." She glanced around at the others. "So, how about some introductions? I at least recognise the Hippogriff and the yak..." "Yona!" Yona announced. "I'm Silverstream." Silverstream added. "And these are Ocellus, Sandbar and Smolder." "Hello." Ocellus declared. "Hi." Sandbar grinned. Nice to meet you at last." Smolder nodded. "Great to meet you all." Gabby said warmly. "So, ready to hang out?" Spike asked hopefully. "Wait... Aren't you hanging out with these guys?" Gabby pointed out. "Well, yeah." Spike admitted. "But I think we've both been kept waiting long enough." "Aww, but we've all been having so much fun!" Silverstream protested. "It doesn't have to end." Gabby smiled. "We can all hang out together!" She turned to the others. "If that's okay with you guys?" "Eh, why not?" Smolder shrugged. "I think I owe you that much." Gallus said fairly. "The more the merrier." Sandbar smiled. "Eight's more fun than seven, I always say!" Silverstream grinned. "Yona always glad to make new friends." Yona added. "Me too." Ocellus walked up to Gabby. "And if you have the time, I'd love to talk with you about the ins and outs of the Griffonstone mail system." "Be glad to." Gabby nodded. "Whattaya say, Spike? Is there room for six more in our day of fun?" Spike glanced at the Young Six, fondly remembering the fun they'd already had. "...There sure is." He smiled. "Great!" Gabby beamed. "What do you say we grab some smoothies first? That long flight made me thirsty!" "Yona always up for smoothies!" Yona grinned. "Just try not to drink them too fast." Gallus smirked. "You don't wanna get hiccups, right, Spike?" "Right." Spike pouted. "But if you do, Ocellus can scare them out of you." Smolder chuckled. "Oookay..." Gabby said, mildly. "Well, let's get going! Those smoothies aren't gonna drink themselves. Y'know, because that would be weird..." "I like the way you think, Gabby." Silverstream smiled approvingly. "Somehow, I'm not surprised." Gallus joked. "Guess what, Gabby?" Spike asked. "Sugarcube Corner's got a new smoothie flavor." "Ooh, what is it?" Gabby smiled. "Banana-guava twist." Spike revealed. "Sounds delicious!" Gabby grinned. "It is." Spike chuckled. He was glad to finally spend time with Gabby, but sharing the experience with the Young Six seemed to make it all the more special. "Let's go, gang." The now-eight young creatures made their way back to Sugarcube Corner. Their day of fun was just beginning...