//------------------------------// // Grand Galloping Gala... // Story: We're both twins, yes! Now buzz off... // by Desperate Dawn //------------------------------// “How am I looking, Twivy? No loose tie or anything right?” “Spike, for the last time you’re fine,” I said with a roll of my eyes. “Twilight, you ready?” “Almost!” Twilight called out upstairs. Tonight is the big night. Tonight either will become the greatest night ever or the worst one there is. I pray to whatever deity above to have mercy on the innocents or god forbid Fate and Murphy himself. Spike adjusted his bowtie and straightened his tuxedo for the sixth time as we wait for Twilight. The girls are chatting with each other, all wearing their respective gowns that Rarity made a few months back. The gown she made was already good as it is, but for some reason or another, the girls wanted to wear…well. Let’s just say they don’t quite understand fashion as good as Rarity does and we’ll leave it at that. And if Ponyville has taught me anything, I will not say a single thing about tonight. Anything could happen, and at the very least, this year’s Gala will be the most interesting one in history. How did we get ourselves extra tickets for the Gala if previously we only have four? Asking the Princess herself solves that problem, it turns out. Talk about privilege for the Princess’s own pupil. After a few minutes of waiting Twilight finally came down with a giddy excitement, “Alright, girls, tonight is the big night, Applejack you’ve got what I asked?” Applejack nodded as she brings out a pumpkin, “Ah sure does, but what are ya going to do with it?” Twilight only smiled as she said, “You’ll see it in just a second.” All of us followed Twilight outside where she put the pumpkin on the road. I already have a feeling of where this is going. I watched as Twilight slowly turned the pumpkin into one big chariot with the same shape of the fruit. The girls all watched in awe as Twilight finished her spell, she turned to us. “So, what do you girls think?” Barrage of cheers and compliments all rang out simultaneously from the girls to Twilight, however, for whatever reason I just felt the spell only lasted till midnight. I brushed that thought aside as Twilight ushered the girls inside after Rarity convinced two stallions to get us to Canterlot, Spike’s in front acting as the chauffeur. All the way to Canterlot, I fell in and out of a trance, completely oblivious to everything. I could make out the song the girls were singing, something about how they planned their nights and everything. For whatever reason, I don’t know how, but I can feel the air around Canterlot is both lively and extraordinary, and not too far off the mark, a jumbled mess of chaos. I slumped in my seat, growing anxious and restless as Canterlot’s palace grows closer as the song came to an end. We arrived at Canterlot’s palace, the girls excitedly leave out the chariot and all awed at the splendor of the palace, everything is just so grand and lavish. The floor’s all polished and seems to sparkle with the light. The curtains, ceilings, everything, all of which are decorated lavishly, especially the pillars. It was wrapped in smooth red velvet linen with streaks of gold and purple on the outline. A bit grander than the Gala Spike and I attended previously. I took a deep breath and sighed, I could tell the first hour will be a complete pain in the flank. Spike came up with an expression almost come close to a mix of anxiety, and annoyance. “Alright, as long as we stick together, tonight wouldn’t be as boring, right girls?” Spike blinked as everypony save me all scattered and went on their separate ways. I pat Spike’s back in an attempt of reassurance, even though I am in doubt myself. “It’s okay, Spike, let’s just find Princess Celestia first and hopefully Twilight would be there.” Spike nodded, a bit disappointed. It didn’t take long for us to find my sister amongst this crowd of nobles, she’s in the middle of talking with the Solar Princess and by the looks of it, the two are enjoying it. However, it came to an end as soon as it is started as the Princess turned back and continue on her task, which is greeting all the nobles that came to the Gala. Twilight attempts to talk with Princess Celestia is all but futile efforts as more and more nobles came to have a moment with the Princess. I approached with a manner befitting a typical noble, Spike doing the same. Princess Celestia smiled as she noticed our approach, “Good evening, Princess.” Spike and I bowed our heads slightly. “Good evening to you as well, Twivine and Spike, I hope you find the Gala most entertaining.” Princess Celestia replied. “Most certainly,” I lied. “However, I shall take my sister elsewhere if you do not mind.” She nodded and smiled warmly, “I hope you three have a pleasant evening tonight.” “And you as well, Princess,” I bowed my head again as I grabbed a slack-jawed Twilight out of there with Spike following short. “What was that?” Twilight exclamation, thankfully didn’t attract any attention. “Getting you out of trouble,” I replied. “Honestly, Twilight, Princess Celestia only have so much time with you before moving to another guest.” “B-but-” Twilight tried to form a rebuke but her words died down on her throat. I decided to give her a little bit of info about the Gala. “Twilight, I know you’re upset, but talking with the Princess is just downright impossible as early as this, there’s a lot of nobles that wanted some attention to the Princess, therefore she can only have so little time in order to welcome all of them.” Twilight sighed dejectedly, “Can tonight go any worse than this?” I patted her shoulder, “Don’t worry about it, the night is still young, in the meantime let’s check out the music shall we?” And so, the three of us wandered the ballroom, Twilight clearly have no idea how to behave in this type of social gathering, thankfully, my act as noblemare manage to weave off some of the nobles off from our backs. The classical music that had become the ambiance and general atmosphere of the Gala suddenly come to an end, I glance over at the band playing as the lead violinist stood up and referred the audience nearby. I took interest at this, approaching the band with both Twilight and Spike following soon after. “Fillies and Gentlecolts, we apologize for the sudden cut in the music, however, a guest is willing to fill in the role as tonight’s vocalist. Therefore, without further ado, please welcome, Sweet Melody.” With that announcement, a light pink unicorn mare almost closely resembled the supermodel Fleur de Lis, entered the stage. Unlike most unicorns, she had a curved horn, which in turn gains a few questioning looks from the nobles but otherwise ignored. She wore a black gown that touched the floor, a butterfly tie graced her chest as she walked down the stage full of confidence. With a nod from the lead violinist, she started her song in sync with the music, and by the heavens, her voice is so beautiful, her soft voice delivered the otherwise mundane atmosphere of the Gala into something akin of hearing an angel sings in a quiet valley. It just flows...right. Even Pinkie, which somehow appeared at the back of the stage, seemed lost at her voice. I had to admit, this is significantly better than the last Gala. The singer definitely captured the audience's heart with that performance. Of course, all good things have to come to an end as the last of the song faded away, Sweet Melody proceeds to bow to the audience’s and bid farewell, of course, there is a loud clapping of hooves as she did so. The band, alongside the crowd, continued as if nothing had happened, returning to its usual mundane atmosphere. “Wow, I didn’t know somepony have that sort of emotion conveyed into a song,” Twilight commented. I agreed with a nod, “Mhm, the emotion is just right on that one, shame nopony really bothered to recognize it.” “Whoaa, I don’t know what happened, but I feel like I was apart of the song,” Spike added. A giggle interrupted us as Sweet Melody make herself known, “I appreciate what you said, but that is nothing to be praised for.” Twilight stared in disbelief, “Are you kidding!? That is exceptional, I don’t think anypony could do that sort of thing.” Sweet Melody, however, once again giggled in response, “You flatter me, but anypony are capable of conveying their emotions as much as I am.” “You must be Sweet Melody, my name is Twivine Sparkle, it is a pleasure to be your acquaintance.” I offered my hoof, which she took it eagerly. “The pleasure is mine,” she smiled as she turned to Spike. “And who is this wittle~little baby dragon~.” Spike puffed his cheeks as he was being prodded by the eager mare as much of a baby would be treated, I mean, he is technically still a baby in dragon standards, so... “This is Spike, my adopted brother, and this is my elder sister, Twilight,” I introduced the two, Twilight can only squeak a ‘hello’ as Sweet Melody turned to her. “Ah, I’ve heard of about you two, you’ve made quite the reputation here in Canterlot.” “Umm, what reputation are you talking about?” Twilight naively asked. Sweet Melody looked around before leaning forward to whisper at us, “Do not get me wrong, but you two are the talk of the noble when you became the Princess protege.” I frowned at this, I know nobles tend to exaggerate things, but knowing how much trouble we get ourselves into when we’re little, I’m not surprised. What I am surprised though, is that Sweet Melody is rather… uncomfortable speaking about it. As if afraid that she offend us. “What do they talk about?” Twilight inquired, and Sweet Melody gladly satisfy her curiosity. “You see, the two of you are well known within the noble circles, upon knowing of your affiliation with the Princess directly, they would try to get close to your family in order to gain influence and perhaps bolster their position.” Melody then sighed as she turned to regard me, “However, this is the opposite for you, you are regarded as a spawn of Tartarus due to your appearance. Some nobles even petition for your banishment.” My blood boils upon hearing that, further increasing my hate to the general nobility of Canterlot. Before I could ask, Melody continued on. “I wouldn’t be surprised if somepony is trying to get your attention, Twilight, but knowing that they have to face ‘the spawn of Tartarus’ -no offense to you by the way- almost everypony immediately backed away.” “Well, thank god, they didn’t because they have to answer to my vine if they did,” I stated with a growl. “So, are you saying that somepony is maybe after Twilight’s attention?” Spike asked, genuinely confused with the whole ordeal. “This is just a rumor, but, I heard Prince Blueblood showed some kind of courtship with you, Twivine.” “What!?” I exclaimed, horrified that I was courted by none other than the royal arse. “Where in Equestria did you have that idea?” Melody shrugs, “I have no idea, some say that the Prince had gone mad or even bewitched by you, of course, nopony has proof of this.” I groaned, my distaste with nobles had increased tenfold. Twilight turned to me, “Is this why you refused to go to the Gala in the first place?” “Pretty much, yeah,” I replied lamely. “Though, I’m kind of surprised,” Spike suddenly spoke out. “Last time, Prince Blueblood bothered you like, all the time, but now he isn’t here to do that.” “I was wondering the same thing, it is quite unusual for him,” Melody chimed, letting out a thoughtful hum. Briefly, I saw Prince Blueblood tried to get away from Rarity as fast as he can walk with grace and dignity. He is clearly avoiding her attempt at courtship if one would really hazard a guess. Oh well, at least he won’t bother us for the rest of the night. Erm, I mean I hope so... As I glanced around the massive ballroom, I’ve noticed something, particularly, a stallion with dark grey fur with a noticeable splotch of white on his muzzle, wearing the same tuxedo-like all other stallions. I swear I saw him before, but where? Both of our eyes met, his eyes widening slightly, and quickly looks away in avoidance. Perhaps an approach is required and I did just that. “Hello there,” I greeted him. He only nods in acknowledgment, not really facing me, this might be considered rude to somepony, but not me. His nervousness is apparent and so damn obvious. I move in front of him to view his face better, it took me a moment to realize that the nervous mess of a stallion in front of me was Zepher. I don’t know how or why he’s here, I assume something to do with Zecora being invited, however, that seems very unlikely the case. “Zepher?” I said with a confused frown, he finally turns at me and grinned nervously. “Ahaha, hello, Miss Twivine, we’ve meet again.” “Zepher, I won’t ask how, but instead, I’ll ask why?” He took a moment to come up with an answer, and it was the most overused excuse in the history of excuses. “Because I wanted to be in the Gala?” I resist the urge to facepalm, “Okay, forget it, let’s start with how did you get in here?” “I walk through the front gate?” That innocent look he was giving me, I don’t know whether or not it was intentional, but I swear, I want to pinch it badly. I sighed in defeat, “You know what, I... I don’t even care anymore...” “Hey, Twivine!” I heard somepony called out to me, I turned to where it came from. Two pegasus walked up to two of us, one was a familiar pegasus stallion bearing a friendly grin and the other was a cobalt pegasus mare with a neutral expression. “Hey, Silver, I didn’t know you attend the Gala this year,” I said with a smile. Silver Sky scratch the back of his neck, “Well, I’m a sergeant now, so I-“ “So you’re Twivine Sparkle?” she suddenly interrupted. “My little brother had told me much about you.” “Oh, really, I hope everything that he says is a good thing,” I replied, forcing a smile. By this point, I don’t care if my mouth ached. Silver Sky let out a nervous laugh, “Twivine, I wish you to meet my elder sister, her name is Wi-“ “Blue Wind,” she offered her hoof, once again interrupting Silver before he could finish. Reluctantly, I accepted her hoof. “A pleasure to be your acquaintance.” She only nods, eyeing me like a hawk studying its prey before going in for the kill. Usually, I’m not bothered with that kind of glare especially from the nobles, but she was different. I found myself gulping at her gaze as she continued her observation, thankfully Silver Sky came in for the rescue. “Alright sis, that’s enough,” He stepped in front of me, bearing the same glare as she was. “Fine,” she scoffed, turning at me, “If you don’t count that eye, I’ll say my little brother had gotten himself a pretty good catch.” I felt my cheeks burning up, with a brief glance I noticed that Silver had the same expression as I, flustered. “Sis, don’t be ridiculous! Didn’t you told me you wanted to meet somepony?” Silver Sky was quick to change the subject but it didn’t really derail it that much, thankfully, Blue Wind didn’t pursue it further. “Oh alright then, I’ll leave you lovebirds alone.” She said with a coy smile, walking away. He sighed as his sister went out of sight, he turned at me, cheeks lightish pink from earlier embarrassment. “So uh, that was my sister. Don’t get too worked up, she just like messing around.” “Err...right.” The two of us stood there, staring at each other awkwardly, then subsequently saved by Zepher as he made himself known. “Hey, you two okay?” Realizing that we both have been staring, quickly looks away, avoiding eye contact. “We’re fine,” said the two of us in unison and we both quickly realize our mistake, Silver Sky, however, attempt to hide it by sputtering incoherent words like a fish out of water. Although it was counter-productive since his face basically turns crimson red. “I think I’ll go and find my sister,” I said, trying to leave the cringe-worthy awkwardness of a conversation. “Y-yeah, you’ll do that,” he said rather quickly, then we both separated with Zepher following after me. Then the music stopped, the abrupt halt of the song made me wonder what just happened. ‘Does Melody wanted to do another song or-‘ my thoughts come to an end as the song turns into a happy and cheerful beat. A nice change of pace for once, but these beat seems familiar. The beats were just like in Pinkie’s party... ‘Just like in Pinkie’s party.’ ... ...Oh, no... My eyes went wide in realization, whirling my attention to where the band were, replaced with a hyper-enthusiastic pink pony along with a DJ-table. “Come on everypony, let’s get this party started!” Pinkie’s declaration was met with a confused stare from the nobles alike. I facehooved, groaning miserably, “Noo, Pinkie...” I heard a giggle behind me, turning my head to see Sweet Melody followed along by Twilight and Spike. “I like your friend enthusiasm,” Melody said, watching Pinkie tried to push the nobles on ‘partying’. “Well, I kinda like the change in the atmosphere,” Spike chimed in, bobbing his head along with the beat. “Stage juuuuumppp!” Pinkie suddenly exclaimed, jumping into a crowd, which said crowd immediately dispersed instead of catching her. That, however, lead to Pinkie slamming in front of Applejack’s cart filled with cake, on which said cake flew up to the air and were about to land on Blueblood, only then he used Rarity to shield himself. This infuriates Rarity, slamming a piece of the cake at Blueblood, which he got himself knock towards Princess Celestia’s golden statue, making the statue stumbling and about to fall to the crowd of nobles nearby and said crowd quickly scattered from the falling statue. Of course, Rainbow Dash had to make the ‘rescue’ and caught the massive golden statue, because of the weight, she accidentally knocked over one of the pillars, on which said pillar are lined perfectly to make a domino effect on all of the pillars nearby. Before anypony could make up what in the actual buck that just happened, there was a loud rumble and loud scream. “YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE MEEEEEE!” After that declaration, all of hell’s broke loose... “Well, I’ll say that is a very interesting Gala I’ve ever attended.” We managed to get out of that mess, thanks to teleportation spell. We reappeared just outside the palace’s entrance just in time to see how much damage the girls had done, the animals that rampaging on the Gala make an absolute hell over those poor souls that got stuck in there, the Pegasus noble even resorting to ditch out the party by slamming themselves at the window and flew away. Some of the ground-based nobles actually made it out, only for the group of animals to pour out of the entrance, creating another mass panic. I pity the guard’s that got themselves the Gala shift. “Twivine, are you kidding? It's like the best Gala to ever happened!” Spike exclaimed cheerfully. It was met with a collective groan from the six weary mares. “More like, the worst one there is,” they said in unison. Of course, the statement went over the oblivious drake’s head. “I most certainly disagree, this is one most exciting night I ever had!” Sweet Melody -- luckily enough to be nearby when chaos set itself loose – giddily bring out her opinion about tonight. Zepher meanwhile, looked way out of place, awkwardly pawing at the wooden floor of Donut’s Joe. This place is a long-time favorite of the Sparkle family. Both Twilight and I recommend this place as our rendezvous point as it not only was close to the Palace, but it was also the place that has the best donut in all Canterlot. “Here’s your order girls,” Joe gave us a couple of plates with our order of donuts with Spike being with the most donut. “Well, at least the night isn’t so bad after all,” Twilight said. “Indeed it wasn’t,” the most serene and motherly uttered voice made us glance over at the door, there was Princess Celestia smiling as she approached us. You can call me dramatic, but Twilight isn’t the only one that was affected by Rarity’s influence. “Princess Celestia!” All of us chorused simultaneously, ducking our heads down. “Please, do not bow your heads, I already had enough of that at the Gala.” We all did so, but before any of us could say anything, she continued. “I must say, what you girls had done for tonight Gala is astounding!” “Um, pardon me, Princess, but uhh... tonight is just awful.” Applejack looked back to us, receiving a nod from all of the girls sans me and Sweet Melody before turning back. The Solar Princess let out an amused chuckle, “Oh dear Applejack, the Gala is always awful.” “Huh?” was the response from all six girls, before they can ask, the Princess elaborates at their confusion. “The Gala is always mundane and dull, and for once, something actually happened. That is why I was hoping for all of you to liven it up a little, and while it may not go according to what you’ve planned. At the very least, you all could agree that in the end, it didn’t turn out that bad.” The girls looked at each other, before finally bursting out in laughter, both Spike and Sweet Melody joining afterward, Zepher meanwhile... he is nowhere to be seen, that’s weird, I’ve sworn he was just here. A changeling with a fiery green mane and zebra-like markings lies on the ground with his back, groaning as he rubbed his stomach. “Too...much...emotions...” His groans continue to echo in the dark forest of the Everfree. Oh well, at the very least, everypony is happy. And I actually got a contact whenever I need to have the latest info about the nobility here in Canterlot. And nothing can ruin tonight’s moo- Wait, is that Princess Luna that just flew off? As the night grew longer, and the sound of laughter muffled. For once, I found myself a bit unnerved by how that cyan eyes was looking at me. ACT 1: Revelations END