I Love You

by Inferno demon Dash

Teach Me (Twilight/Cadance)

Twilight Sparkle had too many thoughts racing through her head. Calculations, variables, pros and cons, checklists and even a chart. Yet all her research, knowledge and brain power went out the window as she stood in front of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s front door, her right hoof raised to knock, inches from its destination and the words on her tongue nearly freezing in fear once the Alicorn opened the door.

She foalsat her for the sake of the gods!

She was...well actually she didn’t know how old Cadance was compared to her, but she knew for a fact that Cadance was older than her, that was the point of a foalsitter after all.

Yet, Twilight didn’t care. In actuality, she didn’t know how or even why she started to have romantic feelings for the mare, but she knew that she had to at least do something about it.

Part of her felt as though she should go over her notes from the romance books she read to triple check that she had everything in place for what she wanted to say, another part of her felt as though she shouldn't get in the way of Cadance and Shining Armor. He was her BBBFF after all, and she knew that even though the two were taking a break, Shining still loved the Alicorn dearly.

Yet, shockingly, a small part of her mind convinced her to say ‘to hell with it all’ and here she was, with no back up plan.

It was also the part of her brain that forced her hoof forward as she knocked and her eyes widen in shock as she swallowed the saliva in her throat audibly and panicked, but that was nothing new.

Briefly she wondered where the royal guards who were supposed to be guarding Cadance’s room were as her plan to leave a note with them for the princess evaporated as the door opened and Cadance stuck her head out in confusion before looking down.

“Oh, Twilight. I wasn’t expecting you. Come in.” Cadance spoke warmly as she opened the door wider with a hoof and a gentle smile, awaiting for the unicorn to enter.

It took every instinct Twilight had not to scream her love for the Alicorn or run away in terror as she slowly took a deep breath and walked inside, flinching as the older mare closed the door behind them.

“Please, have a seat. Make yourself at home, I was just thinking of ways to get Spike and Blue Blood back for the prank they pulled on me yesterday. Maybe a genius like yourself could help me?” She asked as she walked over to her large pink sofa near the edge of her room and laid down, not noticing the unicorn inching her way towards a chair near the couch as she climbed up and sat, feeling awkward with her front hooves in between her body as Twilight glanced at her old foalsitter who had a pencil in her magic and a notebook in front of her, obviously writing down plans to take down her cousins in a way that was not harmful, she hoped.

Twilight cleared her throat, forgetting nearly everything she had been working on for a month once she came to terms with her feelings as she tried to focus on what she knew best, planning.

“I’d love to help, may I see what you got in mind already?” She asked in what she hoped was not a squeaky voice as Cadance looked over at the unicorn and gave a dark grin before she floated the notebook towards Twilight as she gripped it in her hooves, forgetting the fact that she could have used her horn with her mind going haywire on what to say to her crush.

Quickly, as she had done many times before, she skimmed through the rough drafts, her mind working overtime with ideas on how to tweak or alter the plans laid out to not only get the best results, but also impress her crush. Part of her prayed that Princess Celestia would not be mad at them for pranking her son and nephew, and that the castle staff would forgive them for the mess.

As she worked, Twilight didn’t notice Cadance give a large yawn as she stretched out her hooves and smack her lips. She was tired, but she was glad that Twilight was here to help her. It allowed them to spend more time together.

“How have you been, Twilight? It’s been a while since we last saw each other. How’s college? Magic Historian class going well for you?” Cadance asked casually as she laid her head on a pillow.

“Hm? Oh, it’s going great. Nothing I can’t handle for the most part, but it’s starting to affect my sleep, not that there’s any problem with that, it’s just that I-”

“Need your sleep, I got it.” Cadance interrupted with chuckle as she took notice of just how Twilight was now making all her previous plans seem like garbage. Cadance trusted that Twilight was keeping the prank tempered, as she tended to go overboard at times.

“I’ve been helping Spike with his piano lessons when I have the time, and between that, studying on how to be a princess and the council meetings I’ve been sitting in with Aunt Tia, I’ve been exhausted.” Cadance sighed loudly as she slowly turned over to lay on her back with a hoof over her forehead as Twilight giggled and glanced up.

She felt her body froze as she looked at Alicorn before her, trying to keep her eyes from traveling lower down her body with a blush.

Clearing her throat loudly, Twilight buried herself deeper into her work, absentmindedly finding herself drawing the mare in front of her before she quickly erased it and covered it by coughing.

“Thirsty?” Cadance asked as Twilight gave a slow nod.

“I could use a glass of water if you don’t mind.” She responded with a tint of a blush while the mare rolled over and got her hooves on the floor to appease to her guest with a smirk.

“I got something a little better than water.” She giggled as Twilight’s eyes followed her movements towards the miniature fridge she had installed, complete with a cold spell to keep the food and drinks from spoiling or getting too warm. As she opened it with a hoof and brought out two bottles with her magic.

Twilight’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets once she was given the bottle, squirming nervously in her seat as she looked at the beer in her hoof.

“I...I’m not really one for alcohol, Cadance.” She stuttered looking at the Hayseed Beer in her left hoof with an embarrassed grin on her face as she glanced over at the Alicorn who had already opened her bottle and took a drink.

“Oh come on, Twi. Live a little. Other ponies your age make up any excuse they can to get drunk. One beer won’t hurt, would it?” She asked with a sly grin on her face as she got back to her spot on the couch and took another sip. She watched as Twilight, who was eighteen and thus at the legal age for things like drinking or gambling, slowly twist the cap off with a hoof and sniff the drink.

Saying that Twilight Sparkle didn’t do anything even remotely illegal unlike those she studied with was like saying the sky was blue. While she could very well drink, Twilight never went near the stuff, not even the day she had turned eighteen as her family, Cadance and Blue Blood got drunk off their asses while Celestia watched Spike.

She still didn’t know how her uncle managed to break the pool table, but she knew her father was angry over it even to this day. Twilight herself, who just turned eighteen over three months ago only had a small glass of wine that her family nearly forced her to try, but she never had beer before.

Cautiously she lifted the bottle to her muzzle with a small tremor while Cadance watched her like a hawk, eyes wide in both shock and excitement. Her father and brother have been trying to get the unicorn to share a drink with them for months, yet Cadance was able to do it on the first try and that caused her to smirk and feel proud of herself.

When she put the bottle to her lips and took a long drink, putting it down swiftly to cough from the liquid going down the wrong pipe while Cadance had to keep herself from bursting out laughing, she had a feeling that it was going to be a fun night with her friend.


“You did not!” Cadance screamed as she howled with laughter. She was on her third beer, while Twilight grinned and took another sip of her second.

“I assure you, that’s the reason Shining Armor and my dad can no longer eat pears. My mom and I were dying of laughter. It was a bit mean but it was all in good fun.” Twilight answered as she chuckled at the memory.

Once the laughter died, there was an awkward pause, at least it felt like it to Twilight as she cradled the bottle in her hooves and glanced at the mare who was taking a long swig of her drink.

“Hey, Cadance?” Twilight nearly whispered to the Alicorn who looked at her with a tipsy smile.

“Yeah, Twi?” She replied before she rolled over on her back with a loud sigh of content.

“What happened with you and Shining?” Twilight questioned nervously as she looked up from the ingredient label she was reading to the older Alicorn who took a deep breath and breathed loudly out of her nose at the question.

“He felt like the responsibilities we were both under was taking too much time away from our relationship. It’s true, if I’m being honest but...it still stung to learn he wanted to break up. Maybe he’s having doubts that he can be with a princess. I don’t blame him if he did.” She answered softly before turning her eyes to Twilight who had her full attention.

“D-do you think you would give dating another shot?” Twilight fumbled awkwardly as she quickly took another sip, not meeting the Alicorn’s gaze.

“I mean...maybe. It’s been about a year after all, why? You trying to get under my tail, Twi?” She teased as the unicorn nearly choked once she took another swallow before she blushed.

“N-no. I mean not yet at least. I mean it would be rude to not at least take you out on a date first.” She replied quickly as Cadance chuckled before she took in what Twilight had said and quickly turned back to her.

“You’re serious?” She asked, her face emotionless as her eyes narrowed at the one she nearly raised while the young mare’s fur was so red they were both surprised she didn’t burst into flames, though Cadance had no doubt that being set on fire was exactly what Twilight was hoping would happen as she gave a tiny nod in response.

The silence that went on through the bedroom felt like eons to Twilight as she waited for the mare to say something, to reject her in disgust like trash or to comment at how inappropriate and disrespectful such a relationship would be or any number of negative responses that Twilight had whirling through her head as she waited for Cadance to speak.

“It won’t be easy dating me.” Was the only response she got as Twilight’s eyes widen in shock while the older mare had a nasty smile on her face as she winked.

“I-I’m good at multitasking. I won’t l-let you down.” Twilight stuttered with a very strained but nervous smile as the princess laughed loud and hard.

“How about Tuesday at eight? After you get out of class. I could go for a hayburger and some fries.” Cadance asked while Twilight gave a small chuckle.

“I’ll clear my schedule.” She spoke with a grin before Cadance brought her bottle close to her own with her magic.

“To a new relationship.” She said with an air kiss as she laughed again once Twilight blushed and repeated the phrase before they tapped the bottles together gently.

They talked and laughed the night away with a few more bottles of beer, as the smiles they wore never left the new couple’s face.