Wherever the Light Shines

by MLPSolarDash1907

Chapter 4 - Times Are Changing

PRESENT DAY: Year 17 – Day: 1

She woke with a start. Sitting up from the mothball mattress Mystic gazed around to find herself in her hut.

Another nightmare. Another blasted nightmare that came out like a shadow in the dark. Sleep is always required but she always hopes for a dreamless sleep.

Rubbing her temples, she remembered something about today.

It’s her birthday.

A cursed day.

It’s also part of the reason why she’s here. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

The mare opened her eyes and looked around her messy hut. This place needs cleaning up. Might as well do a quick clean up before heading out.

Her ear twitched to the sound of rain pattering outside. Fitting. It felt natural. Lighting her horn, Mystic began picking up various different items scattered and littered on the floor. She either threw them in the trash or placed them on distant shelves. The mare straightened up some books on a shelf and caught a glimpse of a map of Equestria.

She paused when she saw it. A thought crept upon her as if it arose from the darkness. She shook her head and continued to work.

Her magic was working fine, but her mind was occupied with what she’s here for. She cleared her throat and stretched a bit.

Her stomach rumbled.

“Hold on, hold on,” she told her stomach as if talking to somepony.

The unicorn finished cleaning mostly everything before her eyes landed on her machete on the crowded bookshelf.

Memories came flooding back to her when she’d first used one. It’s become almost like a treasure, yet an item that brought some pain as well.

She can’t ever be without it.

However, she can’t keep thinking. First breakfast and then to her destination.

Year 11 – Day 175

Mystic grunted as she examined her stronger muscles. She put on her best face to her friend sitting across from her.

“Don’t worry,” she said, “I’m managing.”

Sunshine didn’t reply, but gave her an uncertain look that told her that she has recent events running through her head.

“Hong thinks he can change my schedule,” said Mystic, trying to make light of the situation, “But I’ve been able to show him that I’m capable of being my own mare and in line with the program.”

“The Leader hasn’t been doing well?” Sunshine suddenly asked.

Figures. Mystic let out a sigh and massaged her left foreleg.

“I don’t know much, but I hear it’s not looking good,” replied Mystic.

“Gosh...” Sunshine marveled.

“I know,” Mystic took a sip of her coffee, “It came out of nowhere. Everypony other than trained professionals are allowed to see him.”

“You’re not worried?”

“No,” another sip from her coffee, “As passive and dull the Leader is, he’s been going on for this long.” She gazed at Sunshine softly, “Plus the doctors brought in are the best in the city so I believe they’ll do whatever they can to save his flank.”

Sunshine went silent, her breakfast of pancakes untouched since the conversation began. Mystic let out a sigh and stroked her cheek gently.

“Look, I didn’t want to start this kind of conversation on our day out. I answered for you,” she said.

Sunshine sighed, “I know. I’m sorry to know that.”

The table went silent again. Mystic seeing Sunshine’s concern behind her eyes. That dastardly General is not only changing things, he’s also been giving her silent devious smiles (something she probably should’ve kept to herself) but they keep no secrets from each other.

“Let’s talk about something different,” Mystic suggested, “Anything you’ve heard recently?”

Some of Sunshine’s spark returned to her eyes.

Is she thinking about it again? Mystic thought incredulously.

“I have heard of several stories of ponies and a place,” she said.

“Really?” another sip, “Who and where?”

“Six ponies saving the world from a moon goddess.”

Mystic held in an annoyed grunt. She seriously looked into those rumors?! She couldn’t believe it! The land of Equestria sounds like it could be nice. But...

“Sunshine, you know I love you,” Mystic started, “But that, six little ponies saving the world from an eternal night against a moon goddess sounds far-fetched.”

“Oh, that’s not the only thing!” Sunshine said happily, “They also saved the world from eternal chaos, changelings, and a shadowy king!”

Mystic scoffed. Did Sunshine fall for such ridiculous fantasies?

“I don’t think they’re just rumors, Mystic,” Sunshine continued, “Who knows how powerful those six ponies really are? What in the world could be going on there?”

Mystic didn’t reply.

“Maybe you and I can get out of this place when your program is over and we can be like sisters!”

Mystic blinked. Did she hear that right?

“And-and we’ll find a nice family that’ll welcome us with open arms and we’ll have a happy life together!” Sunshine laughed, “It sounds like a magical place!”


“And-and there are rainbows that fly through the sky and bring peace to all! Clouds that are cities and a castle of gold on the tallest peak!”

Mystic sighed. This is getting tedious and nonsensical.

“Could you just stop and think for a minute, please?” Mystic spoke up.

“Huh?” Sunshine asked.

Mystic took in a deep breath, “Sunshine, life isn’t all about magical rainbows, friendship and being fantastic.”

Sunshine’s smile began to fade.

“I’ve spent all of my free time looking into the world out there and around me and that’s not how things work.” She leaned forward, “Work hard. Get through your day. Hope you’re approved to whatever life you can have and continue it.” She leaned back into her seat, “Those are worthy goals for anypony.”

“But Mystic, it’ll certainly bring you happiness and joy! Just like we both talked about getting!” Sunshine smiled again.

“I agree that we both need them. But who have you gotten this information from?” Mystic asked, “Ponies that are just talking. And ponies talk and info gets mixed up between groups.”

Sunshine’s smile dropped again, “You don’t know that for sure!”

“And the same could be said about you,” replied Mystic. Sunshine blinked, surprised.

“Just because there are supposedly ponies that shoot rainbows and mountains of gold don’t mean that it makes our lives any better. Who knows how exaggerated the details have gotten?”

“I think you need to be a little more open-minded!” Sunshine insisted, “Just because you had a rough life doesn’t mean you can’t hope!”

Mystic slightly winced.

Sunshine formed a small glare, “And I’m in the same boat as you! You’re not the only one who’s had a hard life!”

Mystic looked down at her coffee, not replying to her friend.

“I want what’s good for us, and I’m sure we can find good things for us, my friend,”

“I don’t deny that there is good out there. It’s not like you hope or expect it to be. Just try and keep your ideas and fantasies about what you’ve shared to yourself, okay?”

“Fantasies?!” Sunshine scolded. Mystic perked up, surprised at her outburst.

“The only fantasies I have are those of us having a good life!”

Sunshine let out a sigh and Mystic frowned in response.

“I don’t mean to be rude, Mystic,” she continued, “But I’m tired of what we’ve been going through.”

“And I haven’t been?” Mystic asked, “I could’ve just not let you stay by me when we first met.”

They both paused at what she’d said.

Did I just say that? Mystic thought. Way to go, Mystic!

“Sunshine...I didn’t mean that,” she insisted. “I’m sorry.”

Sunshine didn’t speak, her head hanging lower than what it was before. A pang of guilt jabbed at Mystic’s heart; the poor thing obviously wants to dream of a better place.

“It’s okay...” came a small, soft reply.

Relieved, Mystic took another sip of her coffee.

The clouds above began to gather above Mystic as she walked back to the accursed arena (the Palace) to get ready for another day of work. Her mind wandered back to the Leader. Is he really okay? She can’t believe she’s concerned about somepony who isn’t her friend.

She let out a sigh.

Sunshine seemed rather upset about her observations. She’s become her best friend and her ideals have been inspiring but the ideas presented earlier are ridiculous. A place like that can’t exist. There are times for optimism and knowing when something sounds too good to be true. Maybe tomorrow she’ll reinstate what she meant and give a proper apology, too. A sting of guilt emerged at the thought of simple miscommunication.

Some shouts came from down the street.

She took a quick glance and saw muddied pegasi trying to escape some soldiers but they were shot with a bolt of magic and collapsed onto the ground.

Mystic shook her head, getting her attention back to the Palace.

Things seem a bit different around here, she thought. It seems as if there are more criminals every day.

The thought of those criminals attacking the orphanage for no good reason came to her mind. She could almost hear the screams of the children and her little ray of sunshine as knives and ropes swung around.

The picture was bloodcurdling.

She shuddered and arrived at the worn-down entrance to the back of the Palace to get her assignments. Several other ponies were already out. All of them began to lash out at her but she paid them no mind. Same thing every day.

Soon after receiving her assignments, Mystic began scrubbing the hallways with a sponge.

This will all be worth it to see Sunshine, she repeated in her mind. It motivated her to work.

As she continued to work, she couldn’t help but hear some voices going around the hallways. They were quiet, but always present. Some were a little urgent. At one point she could’ve sworn she heard ponies shouting orders. Her mind grew curious as to what is going on. However, she had to stick to the routine.

“Palace servants, I swear,” she muttered.

Mystic continued down the halls and for most of the morning she could see ponies dressed in all black going to and fro. It frustrated her. Most ponies would be staying out of the halls as she cleaned them. What could possibly be so important?

Finally, after more ponies came down a hall she’d worked on, she’s finally had it.

“Okay!” she groaned and stomped up to the ponies.

“What is going on here?! I am trying to work here!”

She paused when she saw they had sad looks on their faces. They didn’t say anything to her and just kept walking, letting out silent weeps.

“Huh?” Mystic tilted her head curiously.

“There you are!” came a hard voice.

Here we go again, Mystic thought. She turned to see Hong having some of the same black clothing on. He was also wearing a black hat, too. This further confused her.

“I’ve been looking for you,” he said, “Where have you been?!”

“Cleaning the halls as part of my routine?” Mystic replied, confused.

“The Leader has passed away!” Hong growled.

Mystic’s blood turned into ice. “What?”

“He’s passed away!” Hong snapped, “They’re just swearing in a new Leader right now!”

Wait...ponies going to and fro. For most of the morning. And all dressed in black. Mystic examined Hong and could see he’s serious.

No, this cannot be happening! It can’t be true! If he’s passed away then things might be different for her!

“You lie!” Mystic growled, her shock turning into anger. “He’s fine!”

“No, I am not!” Hong began pulling her along, “Come on, you’ll soon see!”

Mystic tried pulling away, but Hong kept a firm grip on her foreleg.

“I’m behaving! I am following the program! I should be out in a few weeks!” Mystic protested.

“Oh, we’ll see about that!” Hong snapped.

As Hong dragged her down to the throne room, more ponies dressed in the same black attire came down the hall. Mystic’s eyes nearly bulged out of her skull when she saw several soldiers carrying a casket decorated with white and red flowers. Hong moved himself and Mystic out of the way and let them pass.

Mystic’s heart raced as she followed where the casket is heading. She felt another yank on her foreleg before she was brought into the throne room where she saw two ponies standing in front of the stage. She took notice that the brown unicorn had his right foreleg held up.

She glanced around to see that there weren’t many ponies in the room. She looked around for one more pony to give her a sense of security.

“Where’s the Advisor?” she asked.

“He had to leave,” said Hong, “The law is that the Royal Advisor is to be replaced by the pony by the next in line for the throne.”

That sounded fishy.

“Is that even a thing?”

“Who do you think you’re talking to?! I am the General! I uphold the law!”

Yeah right! Mystic thought.

She noticed that her heart is racing faster as her body shuddered. The unicorn looked up to see the brown leader nod his head.

“Then I hereby appoint you, the new Leader of our fair city!” said the stallion beside him. He bowed followed by the rest, including Mystic. She had to bow.

She stood up straight and looked into his blue eyes. He seemed nervous yet sincere. On edge, but ready.

“Your Majesty,” said Hong, “It is my honor to welcome you into the position of power that’ll help change this city for the better!”

The new leader nodded, “And we shall.”

Hong’s tone seemed happier. Chipper, even. That caused Mystic’s blood to turn into ice as she felt sweat pouring down her face.

“Things will be corrected and put on fair trials,” Hong continued, “And we will make this city prosper and criminals will flee in mortal terror!”

Mystic began to realize that the new Leader isn’t saying any of these things. Something is definitely wrong.

“And finally, our previous leader, though he was in this throne for the longest time, we can finally move on past his dullness and have the Leader we truly deserve!”

“And we shall.”

“But first, before we begin anything,” Hong shoved Mystic in front of him, “I present to you the pony I spoke about!”

The new Leader looked down at her, “So, you’re Mystic.”

“Yes?” Mystic asked uncertainly.

“As Hong has brought to my attention, you received an unfair trial and sentence after you, a tween, broke through the wall.”

“What ever he told you, I’ve made up almost everything that has been charged! I’ve worked my flank off and nearly broken some bones just to satisfy him! I had great respect for the-”

“But you are crafty!” Hong shouted, causing the new Leader to flinch.

“A-And,” the new Leader spoke in a shaky tone “I hereby sentence you to five to ten years more servitude! And with harder work to boot!”

Mystic took in a sharp breath of air. She wanted to scream, but Hong placed a hoof on her shoulder that shut her up.

“And may I see fit on how she’s to be punished?” Hong asked.

The new Leader nodded.

“But sire!” Mystic cried, “With all due respect-”

Hong shoved her to the ground, silencing her. She pulled herself up and saw that the new Leader had a nervous look in his eyes.

“You will listen to everything I say,” Hong spoke in a low tone. “And this time, things will be as they should’ve been.”

This cannot be happening! Mystic thought, her breath quickening. Her mind and heart are racing.

This cannot be happening! Mystic thought, her breath quickening. Hong must’ve done something to the Leader! Yeah, that makes sense!

She managed to stand up.

“Sire, please!” Mystic pleaded, “You’re the next in line! You should know about the regulations our previous Leader set up!”

He just sat there without another word, almost seeming ice cold on that throne. Nopony moved for what seemed like forever. Her fear began to turn into anger. The foolish leader! How could he not stand up against Hong?! He’s allowing that monster to violate the rehabilitation protocols and get at her when he wants!

“I think we’re done here,” came the dreaded voice.

She turned around with a glare on her face.

“Why do you hate me so much?” she demanded.

Hong leaned forward and got right into Mystic's face, “You think you're really something, don't you? I won't be responsible for somepony who just happened to show up and broke through our highly secure wall.” The atmosphere seemed to get darker around him, “I know what you really are.”

Mystic couldn't help but gulp. Does he? Does he know more about her? The General's presence is a lot more intimidating than before. She wanted to ask more questions about what he meant by that but nothing came out of her choked up throat.

“And the new Leader and I will be working very closely to ensure the city’s restoration and prosperity,” Hong spoke.

Mystic nearly collapsed. The old fear of being trapped in this cruel world beginning to encase her again.

“And you won’t be talking to this Leader anytime soon except in your trial depending on your behavior.”

Why won’t the new Leader speak up?!

“And one more thing,” Hong’s smile grew into a devilish grin.

“You will never see Sunshine Smiles again.”

Year 12 – Day 10


Another sheet of metal perfected.

Her hoofs stung as she began lifting it up. She winced as she began walking along the rocky ground.

A cough escaped her esophagus as her nervous eyes glanced around at the metal walls that encased her like a tomb. Clanging came from various different rooms as the warehouse came into view. The heat from the melted metal hit her like a tidal wave that caused her to fight hard not to pass out again.

She glanced around to see hot, plump, overweight earth ponies pushing and pulling various carts with reinforced steel. The trepidatious unicorn turned to the right and saw the liquid metal being poured into a mold to make a larger sheet of metal.

Mystic bumped into somepony, causing her to yelp. She quickly pushed by the pony before she could see his reaction. Every part of her body seemed to hurt.

She stepped on something sharp, causing massive pain to shoot up her bandaged hooves, “Ow!” Before she could stop herself, she fell onto the floor.

Pure adrenaline kicked in and she picked herself up and the sheet of metal. Her eyes darted around, looking for anypony who had a whip in their hooves that could whip her at any moment.

Nopony seemed to notice, but she can’t ever be too careful...

When nothing came, she let out a small sigh and continued to her destination, watching her back at every corner.

Every time she saw somepony, her heart skipped a beat. The icky, covered in oil ponies terrified her ever since she began working here.

It did not help that everypony in this metal factory were all stallions.

Some have even tried to make moves on her and force her into being with them. She couldn’t imagine what they would’ve done to her if they managed to corner her on her first day.

The mental images were unspeakable horrors that haunted her every day.

After what seemed like forever, the unicorn placed her sheet on the table. The skinny earth pony behind the table squinted his eyes and examined it. Almost microscopically.

“You’re sure you got it corrected this time?” he asked.

Mystic coughed again, “Y-Yes sir. I swear.”

“You’d better!” the pony snapped at her, nearly causing her to topple, “Otherwise you’ll be subject to getting hot hooves!”

Mystic gulped loudly.

The pony examined the sheet again. Mystic was tense, uncertain of how he’d take it.

“It’s adequate,” he said. Mystic almost let out a sigh of relief.

“You get back to your station, we’ve got more metal that needs melting!” he snapped.

Mystic nodded vigorously.

She began walking away. He always scared her, as skinny as he is. Her stomach rumbled again and she ran one of her hooves along her shrunken torso. She had to keep working. Lunch isn’t for another two hours.

After making her way back to her station, Mystic felt a little cooler but could still feel the heat emitting from the warehouse. She looked down at her hooves and the bandages were coming undone.

Knowing she doesn’t have much time, Mystic went to her small table and pulled out a box of bandages. She sat down on the floor and took off the old ones. She cringed and blinked her tears when she saw how red and swollen they’ve become with cuts and bruises.

I need a doctor, she thought.

But they rarely look at workers with her degree of punishment, except when they’re really sick.

She yawned. When she did, the unicorn shuddered and squeezed her eyes shut. The feeling of falling asleep during the night terrified her.

“Stay awake. I’ve got to push on. I’ve got to push on. For Sunshine’s sake,” she told herself as she began wrapping her fresh bandages around her forelegs.

She told herself that every day and always hoped to see her friend again. Things are different in Imperial City and it’s not looking up for her.


There is a silver lining she’s hoping that will work.

With some newfound agenda, Mystic stood up and saw her filthy body covered in scars. Some fairly recent along her torso and neck. She formed a determined look as the door opened behind her and she felt a wave of heat hit her.

Mystic collapsed onto her mattress. Her body is worn out and is shaking due to the adrenaline wearing off.

“Dang, dang, dang,” she muttered.

Despite having no energy, Mystic sat up and examined her bandages coming loose again. She felt them aching once again. However, she levitated a glass of water, chugged it and levitated another one over. She undid her bandages and gently poured water on them. She hissed in pain but pushed through. When she finished, she levitated another box over and began wrapping more around her forelegs. She looked down at her hindlegs and noticed the ones down there have come off.

She let out a sigh, knowing she’ll have to wait for the next delivery. But she doesn’t have that on her mind.

After fixing herself up a bit, Mystic spotted a large box. The unicorn gently levitated it to the side to reveal a hole big enough for her to squeeze through.

“Almost there,” she said to herself.

She needed to finish this. She hopes it’ll reach to the outside world. Sunshine is just within reach.

Adrenaline flowed through her body once again as she grabbed a rusty spoon to continue her heinous project.

Mystic broke the surface and gasped for air! She looked around and saw she’s outside! Her heart leaped for joy! She’s done it!

She made sure that the box was covering the hole and she placed the dirt she’d dug up back over the hole so it’d stay hidden.

Don’t worry Sunshine, she thought as she took off into the night, I am coming.


Everywhere in the streets seemed to have an ominous atmosphere. Ponies weren’t going around the streets as they were when she’d first arrived. The thought of ponies being persecuted by the government terrified her, let alone what could’ve happened for being unable to interact with ponies outside her captors and bosses.

Soldiers patrolled the city, looking for any suspicious activities. Mystic hid behind a wall as a couple of them passed by. When they were gone, she bolted in the direction of the orphanage.

She has so much to tell her.

After what felt like an hour, she finally arrived at her destination. The unicorn stealthily worked her way around the building to find Sunshine’s window. When she turned a corner, she stopped.

Looking down an alleyway, she saw a pony with a cloak on with the same purple and blue mane she’s seen before. The mare reached up and rubbed her eyes, only to see that she was gone. At that moment, she yawned.

“I must be seeing things,” she muttered.

Focusing her attention back on the orphanage, she spotted several windows.

Third one from the left, she thought.

The unicorn made her way over, spotted some pebbles and levitated them to her side. Taking aim she tossed one forward.



*tink* *tink*

She waited. Nothing.

Growing desperate, she spotted a larger pebble and tossed it over.


She cringed and ducked behind a fence post and examined her surroundings vigorously. Her eyes landed back on the window and she spotted a filly retreat back into the shadows.

Her heart skipped a beat.

She decided to wait and soon, hoofsteps scampered in her direction. Looking to her left, she nearly broke into tears when she saw the familiar yellow coat and twirly horn break into the moonlight. Her heart soared.

“Mystic!” Sunshine whispered/shouted.

“Sunshine!” Mystic cried, almost too loud.

The filly jumped at her and clomped her hooves around her neck. Mystic couldn’t take it anymore; she began to weep as if she hadn’t seen her in years. She must’ve looked silly, but she didn’t care. When she heard Sunshine softly weeping, the mare pulled back and looked into her pleading, adorable face.

“Don’t you dare cry,” Mystic spoke, wiping her friend’s face, “You know I love seeing you smile.”

Sunshine managed to form a smile, “And I thought you were the tearless one.”

Mystic actually chuckled before they embraced again.

Both ponies hid in the little shed outside the orphanage. Both began talking with one another and caught up a little bit. Mystic could tell Sunshine was obviously looking at her bandaged hooves, but the filly didn’t say anything.

Probably not to push her into uncomfortable territory.

“Things haven’t been too much different for me,” said Sunshine, “Only...before I met you that is.”

Her heart sank, remembering how much she’s been bullied by the unfortunate occupants.

“Things...” Mystic knew she had to say something, “Haven’t been too good for me. Worse even.”

She lit her horn and revealed some new scars and the ruddiness of her forelegs, Sunshine softly gasped.

Sunshine's jaw dropped, “Oh...my gosh...” she whispered her, “Mystic...you look...”

“Like Tartarus?”


“The first Leader died and things changed for me...” Mystic explained, “I wasn’t...” she choked, “Allowed to see you again...”

“What?” Sunshine asked, horrified.

Mystic nodded and felt tears welling up again, “I thought...” She trailed off.

Sunshine placed a gentle hoof on Mystic’s shoulder, “You thought?”

Mystic let out a sob, “I thought he might’ve killed you...”

Sunshine let out a horrified gasp. Mystic let out some more sobs as she examined her hooves again, “Things are horrid, Sunshine. The worst part was those thoughts...”

“But I’m here,” Sunshine said as her eyes glistened, “I’m alive and well.”

Mystic just let out some more sobs as Sunshine held her close. She returned the gesture and held her tight.

It was a moment frozen in time, two friends in a cold, cruel world reunited as if things would be okay and they could run away together and build a better life.

However, there is one more thing on her mind.

“S-Sunshine...I-I have...n-night...” she tried to get it out.

“What?” the filly asked.

Mystic pulled back, her chest feeling heavy as if it’d weighed a ton.

“Sunshine...there’s something you need to know...” said Mystic, feeling trepidatious.

“What is it?” Sunshine asked softly.

“I...” Mystic looked around, her eyes filled with nervousness and her heart raced.

I need to tell her, I need to tell her, she thought. She turned to her friend, took a breath in and breathed out.

“I’ve been having...nightmares...”

Sunshine’s eyes widened.


“Oh my...what are they about?”

Mystic shuddered and shut her eyes tight. How can she tell her about what she’s been dreaming about? They felt so real. Not like normal nightmares.

“They’re...not good ones...”

“There are good nightmares?” Sunshine tilted her head.

“No no,” said Mystic.

“Are they about your...” Sunshine lowered her voice to a whisper, “About your whippings? Hong?”

She leaned forward. “Did you remember anything before you woke up?”

Mystic shook her head vigorously. “No to that last question.”

“Then...what are they about?”

Mystic gulped. “They’re dark...vicious...vivid...” Her hairs on her coat stood on end as chills ran up and down her spine.

She leaned forward and began to describe her nightmares to the filly. As time went on, Sunshine’s eyes widened in horror as Mystic told her. Mystic shook and held back tears. When she finished, Sunshine pulled back and almost looked as white as a ghost.

“My...gosh...” she whispered, almost like a ghost.

Mystic solemnly nodded, remembering their vivid details as a soft breeze blew through the cracks of the hut.

Mystic felt as if she’d won a huge victory for the first time since the first Leader’s death. She managed to sneak back into her room without being detected and knew she had to make her visits every few days so she and Sunshine wouldn’t be discovered.

It was hard but it needed to be this way for now. There was one thing Mystic couldn’t get out of her mind. The mysterious cloaked pony.

Year 12 – Day 24

Mystic couldn’t believe what she had just heard.

“You’re planning to leave the city?!” she asked.

Sunshine nodded with a bright smile.

“Yes! I am!

Mystic did a double-take. “H-How?!”

“There’s a pony who’s thought to come from the land of Equestria and save from the city who so desire to leave it!” Sunshine explained.


“Yes! He especially saves fillies, colts, and their parents,” Sunshine took a sip of her water, “He believes this city is too far gone and can’t be saved. And I think he’s correct.”

“Sunshine, that land isn’t what you think it is,” she said.

Sunshine lightly frowned causing some guilt to return to the older mare.

“Even if it isn’t. I would prefer it over this place,” she said.

“I didn’t mean to upset you that one time.”

“I know...” Sunshine trailed off.

Mystic felt a frown tugging at her features as she gazed at her saddened friend.

“I might be your ray of sunshine, Mystic,” Sunshine spoke up, “But I think sometimes when things are too dark, you need to save the innocent.”

That’s true. And the city appears to be declining as the years go on. She doesn’t understand why they just won’t accept help from Equestria.

“I was thinking that you would go with me.”

Mystic’s eyes widened.

“Yeah,” it’s as if Sunshine read her mind, “I know it’s a bold decision and who knows what could happen on the trip there?”

“Exactly,” said Mystic, “What could happen?” Lost in the wilderness? Attacked by a carnivore or monster? Seized by soldiers?

“I need to try,” Sunshine spoke desperately, “I don’t want to be here anymore.” She held Mystic’s hoof in both of her own, “And I know you don’t want to be here anymore.”

Mystic thought about it a little bit but quickly noticed that there wasn’t much need to think about it.

“When is he supposed to be coming?” she asked. Sunshine looked into her eyes and Mystic formed a smile.

Sunshine returned it, “In about a week. We’ll be out of here before we know it!”


The door was kicked down causing both ponies to fly back to the edge of the shed!

Blinding lights landed on them as they heard voices thundering outside.

“There she is!” came a voice.

“There’s the little escapee!”

“Seize her! Get her back!”

Mystic and Sunshine’s eyes were wide and their pupils shrunk to pebbles.

An old instinct began to resurface beneath Mystic’s chest. She leaped in front of Sunshine and crouched down protectively of her.

“I WON’T let you hurt her!” she bellowed.

“Grab her!” came the first voice.

Mystic looked at the wall and at the door being blocked. She let out a shout before she landed a solid kick on the wall, shattering it to pieces!

“She’s trying to get away!”

Mystic levitated a bucket up and hurled it at the lights, hearing it clang against a helmet. The unicorn grabbed Sunshine and leaped outside.

However, some soldiers were outside and one grabbed Sunshine from Mystic’s magical grasp!

“NO!!” Mystic wailed.

She saw the orphanage owner and she took Sunshine from the soldiers. Mystic felt strong hooves wrap around her torso. Her forelegs began flailing around trying to escape!

“Take her back to the Palace!”

No! Mystic thought, trying to fight her way out.

*CLANG!* Mystic felt her hoof impact something metal. Opening her eyes, she saw that she’d knocked a soldier aside. He looked at her with fury in his eyes.

“Take her away!” he ordered, “Minor incident but no problems!”

Mystic tried breaking free as she was being taken away and felt a magic dampener placed on her horn.

“SUNSHINE!” she screeched.


The mare tried again to break free and spotted the same cloaked pony from before. She didn’t imagine her?! Who is she?!

“You’re going to be clogging out the Pits again, Mystic!” one of the soldiers scolded.

Snapped out of her thoughts, Mystic nearly vomited, the memory of being shoved into the gross contents of the sewage on the day she...Sunshine!

“SUNSHINE NOOOOOO!!!” Mystic wailed, her vision obscured by tears.