//------------------------------// // Choices // Story: Choices // by Norwegian boy //------------------------------// After the music stopped the audience started to clap for the artist, the artist, who was a human, stood up and bowed. “Thank you all, don’t forget to tip the waitress.” He grabbed his guitar and stepped of the stage and went over to the bar, he sat down on one of the bar chairs there. A black stallion walked up to him. “A drink Jack?” Jack smiled at the stallion. “You know it Boss.” It’s been three months since Jack left Ponyville and Equestria, he had saved enough money while working on Applejack’s farm to get himself to Sun shore city. When he got there, he had enough money for staying at a motel for two weeks. At first, he was a street musician, he became very popular very fast. Then an earth pony stallion named Boss saw his talent and offer him a job in his bar, as local musician there. Jack has been working there for the last five months and guest love him and his music, eventually he got enough money to buy himself a house. The black stallion just smiled at him. “One soda coming right up.” Boss went under the bar and opened the cooler, he took a soap and handed it to Jack. “Here you go.” “Thanks Boss.” Jack was about to hand him the money, but the stallion stopped him. “Don’t worry about the money Jack, this one is on me.” Jack blinked a couple of time. “You sure?” Boss just nodded, that made Jack smile. “Thanks.” Jack drank the soap with a smile. Boss is a big stallion, he’s even bigger the Mac and that scared Jack at first, lucky for the customers and Jack, Boss is a kind stallion. Jack finished up the soap, he placed the bottle on the counter. “See you tomorrow Boss.” Jack grabbed his guitar, said goodbye to Boss and some of the waitress and walk out of the bar. Once outside Jack could see that the sun was going down. ‘Wow, it’s that late already?’ He thought for himself. He wonder what to do next, then he stomach stated to make some noise. “Yeah, food sounds right about now.” “Good idea, I’m starving.” Said a voice to his right. Jack turned to see who it was, and it was… “Celestia, what are you…” That was all he could say before she but hand over his mouth. “Shh, don’t say my name.” She look around with panic in her eyes to see if anyone heard it, nobody heard it. She breathe a sigh of relief. She look back at Jack. “Now, I am going to remove my hand and I would like you not to say my name, you call me Tia or Daisy, anything ells just not my name, got it?” Jack gave her a nod. “Good.” She removed her hand from his mouth. Once Jack could talk again. “As good as it to see you again, mind telling me why I can’t say your real name?” “Because I am incognito, you see this neckless.” She pointed at the neckless that was hanging around her neck. “This neckless creates an illusion around me so others can’t see the real me.” “Okay? Why can I see you then?” That was a good question. “Think it’s because you are human, and that magic have no effect on you.” She explained to him. He nodded. “I guess that make sense.” She let out a tired sigh. “Look, is there place where we can talk? I have been on a boat for three day and I am exhausted.” Jack couldn’t help but smirk, he knew that felling all too well. “Sure, I was on my way to get something to eat, we can talk at the restaurant.” Celestia liked that idea. “That’s sounds good, I am a little hungry myself.” With that said, they walk to the restaurant. Once at the restaurant they found a table to sit by and they order their food, Jack had order a hamburger while Celestia order a hayburger. When the food arrived, Jack started to eat right away while Celestia just looked at him with disgust. Jack noticed Celestia’s look. “What?” “Nothing, I’m just a surprised and disgust that you can eat that. You know what it’s from, right?” “Yes, I am fully averred of where it’s from and I don’t care. Hamburger was my favourite food back on earth.” He took a big bite the hamburger and he enjoyed every bite. “God, this is so good.” He took another bite and after he was finished he took a sip from the cup with water he had order. “So, how’s are thing in Ponyville? What happened since I left?” “Well, Applejack and her family misses you.” He knew that. “And so, does the rest of the town.” He didn’t knew that. “Did you just say that entire town miss me?” Celestia nodded. Jack put both hands on his face. “Are you kidding me? When I arrived, they were afraid of me and when I left they miss me, unbelievable. The ponies in Equestria is one minded, give them a pone and they will wiggle their tails.” At this moment he didn’t care that Celestia was sitting across him. “I agreed with you there.” Jack looked at her with widen eyes. “What?” He just keep on staring. “Yes, I just said I agreed with you, you can stop staring.” He shook his head a few times. “Sorry, it was just weird hearing you say that. You agree with me, that the ponies in Equestria are one minded.” “I can only blame myself for that, I tried so hard to create the perfect place to live in that I didn’t think off how it would affect the ponies in Equestria.” She put her head in her hand. “Maybe I am not the perfect leader I thought I was.” She said with sadness in her voice. Jack felt bad for her, he didn’t mean to make her doubt herself. “We have saying on earth, you are only human.” She look at him with confusion. “Yes, I know that you’re not a human but making mistake is a part of life it’s what you do afterwards what’s matter. You were just listing to your heart when you created this perfect world to live in, it’s nothing wrong with that.” She thought of what he said, and he was right, the only thing she and her sister was to fix it. It wasn’t too late. “I hope you are right Jack.” They went back eating their food. Then Jack decided to ask another question. "What happened to Twilight? Something tells me she felt bad when i told the ponies that I had no way home." Celestia rubbed her forehead. "After my talk with her, she said that she wasn't worthy to be the princess of friends anymore." Jack look at Celestia in disbelieve. "Tell me you are kidding me." Celestia shook her head. "What did you do?" "I told her that she was overreacting but she didn't listen to me, so I just removed her wings and since she has been trying to be worthy again. Just don't ask me what she has been doing." Jack just stared at her, he had no word. After they were finishing eating, Jack decided to ask Celestia something. “So, do you have a place to stay?” That made Celestia froze, she hadn’t thought about that. “What? You do have a place to stay?” Celestia looked down on the table in shame. “Seriously?” “Give me a break, I’m not perfect. Yes, I forgot to book a room at a hotel.” “Well, you’re in no luck now. This is business season, there are no available rooms.” That made Celestia panic on the inside, her plan was that she would staying in Sun shore city for three days, but she had forgot to book a room. “Don’t worry, you can stay at my place. Come on.” Before she could argue, he got up and started to walk. Celestia grabbed her bag that she had with her and followed him. Eventually they arrived in part of the town that almost looked like Ponyville, it wasn’t as pretty as the rest of the town, the buildings look less ‘prettier’ then rest of the town. “I thought you lived in part of the city where you worked.” Celestia asked him. Jack couldn’t help but snort. “Yeah right, I can’t afford to live there. Only those with a lot of money can live there, I have to settle with this place, for those who hasn’t much money.” “I guess that make sense.” Celestia look around. She could see ponies, dragons, zebras and even some changelings, those made Celestia nervous. “Don’t worry.” That scared Celestia. “Those changelings are harmless they don’t feed of love like they do in Equestria.” She trusted Jack, but she was still wary of them. “If you say so.” They finally arrived at an apartment block, it stated to get dark. “Ah, home sweet home.” Celestia took look at the place, it was a house with one floor, and it had seen better days. The paint was coming off and yard wasn’t that much to look at. “You live here?” Jack could hear the doubt in her voice. “Hey, this is the only place I can afford. It’s either this place or a motel and I am not going to live in a motel again, now come on.” He walk into the building, Celestia followed him. They entered his apartment and the first thing Celestia noticed that it was mess, she couldn’t help but frown about the mess. “Yeah, yeah. It’s a mess here, I know. what do expect? I am man after all.” He walk over to the couch he place his guitar by and sat down on the couch. “Don’t worry about the mess, I have seen worse.” She has a little sister. She looked around the living room and it wasn’t that out of the ordinary, a couch, a chair and a table. She place her suitcase on the floor and sat down on that chair, she then removed the neckless and the spell disappeared. Sitting in his chair was now one of the rules of Equestria. “So, what do you do for fun when you are not working?” He just shrugged his shoulders. “I usually read or play my guitar, there’s nothing ells to do here.” She nodded. “I see, Is possible you can tell me what happened when you first arrived here?” Jack rubbed his face. “Well, I had to live in a motel the first two weeks thanks to that I used most of my money to get here. I lived in the motel for two week, playing my guitar and earning enough money to buy food. Then Boss saw me and heard my music and he offered me a job, to play at his club. I manage to make enough money to rent this place and I have been living here ever since.” He finished with a small smile. “Sounds rough.” Celestia said with some sadness. “It was nothing compared to be hated by an entire town.” Celestia wanted to say something there but nothing came to mind, he then let out a big yawn. “I don’t know about you, but I am tired.” The Celestia also yawned. “Me too, the boat trip has taken a toll on me.” Jack laugh when he heard that. “I know what you mean, that boat trip can be tiering.” He stretched his body. “You can take my bed and I’ll take the couch.” She waved her hand. “I can’t possible take your bed.” “For fuck sake Celestia, you are my guest and I am not going to let a mare sleep on the couch, especially one off the rulers of Equestria. So, stop being so stubborn. You can lock the door if you don’t want me to come and sleep in the same bed as you, which I won’t” Celestia was a little stubborn but he knew how to handle those who was stubborn, he lived with the Apple family for two months and they are very stubborn. She wasn’t argued with what he said. “If you say so, I always forget that you live with Applejack for two months. You are used to stubborn ponies.” She got up and grabbed her suitcase. “Even a stubborn princess.” Jack snorted. “Oh please, you and Applejack has nothing against my mother, it you want to talk about stubborn then I have stories about her.” Celestia wanted to hear that but that had to wait for another time, she walked to the bedroom. “Just don’t chance anything in there, I like it as it is.” Celestia opened the door to Jack’s room and she almost got a heart attack when she saw the state of the room, there were clothes everywhere. She didn’t care what he said, she couldn’t sleep in this mess. She closed the door, place her bag on the floor and started to clean. Celestia didn’t know how long it took but she was finished, the room didn’t looked like a hurricane had gone through it. Jack’s clothes was place in his dresser and she had thrown away what she thought was garbage, she then let out a big yawn. “That took a lot out of me.” She walked over to the bed and lay down and she fell asleep as soon her head hit the pillow. Celestia woke up the next morning by the sun shining through her window, she bolted up in her bed. “I forgot to move the sun.” She then noticed that she was not in her bedroom in the castle. “That’s right, I am not in Equestria anymore, I don’t have to move the sun.” She then decided to rub the tiredness from her eyes. She opened her eyes. “I need a shower.” She got out of the bed and went over to her bag and found what she needed to take a shower, she opened the door and walked out. Once she was in the hallway. “Jack?” It didn’t take long before he answered. “Yeah?” “Where’s the bathroom?” She asked the human. “It’s on your right.” She looked to her right and saw the bathroom door was opened. “Thank you.” She walked to the bathroom to take a shower. After the was done, she walked back to Jack’s bedroom to chance into some new clothes. After getting dress, she walked to the kitchen, she followed the smell. Standing by the stove was Jack, he had his back to her. She sat down by the kitchen table and notice that Jack had already placed plats and other stuff. “Did you sleep well?” He asked her. “Yes. I almost had panic when I had forgotten to rise the sun, then I remember where I was.” She couldn’t see it, but she knew that he was smiling. “Yeah, it was a little weird to me the first time.” He then walked to table with plate full of pancakes. “I hope you like pancakes, coking isn’t my strongest site.” He told her while putting the plate down. “Don’t worry, I am not picky at the moment.” He didn’t say anything he just walked to the refrigerator and open it. While he was doing that, Celestia help herself to some pancakes. Jack sat down white mug with apple juice. “Drink?” She just nodded while eating, which made Jack laugh a little. He poured in her glass and his own, he then took some pancakes. While they were eating, Celestia decided to ask Jack something. “So, what do you do when you are not playing at the club?” He stopped eating for a moment. “It’s better that I show you.” He went back to his food leaving Celestia very curious. After they were done eating, they decided to go to where Jack spend his time in the day, Celestia put on her necklace and they were on their way. Before they left, Jack gabbed his guitar case. After some walking they were there, at Sun shore city orphanage. “Jack, what are we doing here?” She asked him. He didn’t answer, he just went in. Celestia followed him. Once they were inside, the first Celestia saw that the orphanage had seen better day. The paint on the walls was coming off, the same could say for the roof. She saw Jack disappeared into a door and then she heard voices, young voices. “Hey everyone, it’s Jack.” Said one voice. “What are going to play for use today?” said another one. Then an elderly mare walked out of another room and entered the room walked into. “Alright children, let Jack get ready before you ask him.” Then she heard a punch of aw. Celestia decided to find out what was going on. Once entered the room she could see Jack sitting on a chair and punch of children sitting on the floor around him. She could see ponies, dragons, zebras, griffons and they were all children. “Alright, let’s see what I have in store for you this time.” He took out his guitar from the guitar case, he tuned a little and started to play. Celestia walked into the room and leaned against the wall and listen. She could see that Jack enjoy playing his guitar, it was like he was a totally different human. She could also see the children enjoyed the music, they were smiling the whole time. He play some more song and when he was done, they children started to clap for him, then one of them, who was an earth pony, raised his hands. Jack just laugh at that. “What was the first song you played? You haven’t play that one before.” The pony asked. “That’s one is called Renegades.” Jack answered. “Does it mean something?” Asked a young female dragoness. “Well, I am not entirely sure, but I think it means that what you can do whatever you set your mind to whatever your handicap. If you are missing an arm and still want to be a boxer, then just do it, don’t let a missing arm stand in the way of your dream. Don’t let anything stay in the way of your dream.” Then one of the children happened to look behind her. “Who’s that? Your marefriend?” She said while pointing at Celestia, who now was blushing. That made every children to turn around, they then started to talk among themselves. Jack couldn’t help but laugh. “No, she not my marefriend, she I just a friend that is visiting me.” He then packed away his guitar. “I have to go I have other places to be.” That made every children groan in disappointment. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back next week.” It didn’t help their mood. Celestia then watch as the elderly mare walked towards Jack. “Alright everyone, let’s give Jack an applause for his performance.” All the children did, Celestia also clap her hands at Jack’s performance. Once they were outside, Celestia decided to say something. “So, they think I am your marefriend?” Jack just shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t take it personally, they have ask me about that ever since I started to play for them. I am not sure why.” “Do you have one?” Jack just shocked his head. “Nope, what I am focusing on right now is to live my life and try not to starve and besides, I haven’t meet the right one yet.” Celestia couldn’t help but feel bad for him. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.” Jack just waved it off. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He said with a smile. He it might look like he was ok but Celestia wasn’t convince, she decide not to pry anymore on the subject. “So, what do you do after this.” She asked him while looking at orphanage. “Just follow me.” Jack started to walk towards the town and Celestia followed him. It didn’t take them long before they ended up at the destination, the park. “After I have played for the children, I come here and play for the citizens of this town or the tourists and sometimes they give me money.” Celestia gave him a questionable look. “Hey, what I get pay at the bar isn’t enough to pay the rent and put food on the table and besides, I have been doing this for five months and I haven’t been arrested yet.” Jack sat down on one of the benches, took out his guitar and placed guitar case on the ground, he let it be open. Celestia wanted to explore the city but there was something about Jack’s music. When she first heard him after he arrived in Equestria, she was mesmerize by the music he played, she had never heard it before. Therefore, she decided to try and hear him so much she could so she could listen to him play. She sat down in the grass not far from and listen. After what felt like an hour, Jack was finished playing. He got up and started to count what he had earned. While he was doing that, Celestia got off the grass and dusted her butt to get rid of any grass straw. “How much did you make?” Celestia asked the human. “About thirty bits.” “That wasn’t much.” She said with some disappointment, she didn’t think he play anything bad. “It’s Wednesday, I usually get more in the weekend.” He put away his guitar and closed the guitar case, he then looked Celestia. “So, what do you want to do?” He asked her. “I really want to explore the city.” “Sure, let get something to eat first, I am starving.” Celestia wasn’t about to argued with that, considering her stomach made some noise. “That’s a good idea, this time the food is on me.” They walked to the exit of the part to find somewhere to eat. After they had eaten, they did as Celestia wanted, explore the city. Which meant, walking in every store that was selling clothes. Jack lost count in how many stores Celestia went into, she also had to try out almost every clothes she thought look good on her, she even asked Jack for his opinion. Which put him in an awkward position, he didn’t know anything about fashion. So, he did what men does best, lie. He just told her what he thought she wanted to hear. The sun was begging to go down when Celestia was finally finished with her shopping, she had left all her stuff at Jack’s apartment and they were now heading towards the club where Jack played. The sun was setting on the horizon and Celestia was kind of glad that she didn’t have to lower it, she didn’t know why. “This place is so more better than Canterlot, the shops here has was better selection. I have to admit, better than Rarity’s.” Back in Ponyville, Rarity had just past out in her own home. Her sister had no idea what just happened. “Yeah, that’s great.” Jack said with annoyance in his voice. Celestia heard that. “Is there something wrong Jack?” She asked him. “Nothing is wrong.” Celestia wasn’t convinced, Celestia grabbed his shoulder which he just slap away. “What’s wrong with you? Ever since we left last shop you have been acting like a child.” He faced her. “You want to no what’s wrong with me? Fine, after we left the park you had to drag me to every clothing store you visit and you had me watch you try on every dress, including underwear. Do you know how embarrassed I was? Standing in a woman clothing store watching you try on underwear.” Celestia felt bad, she was so excited to be in a new place that she had forgotten when she had Jack with her. “I guess I went a little overboard. Tell you what, lets do something you want. I’ll pay.” Jack raised a brown when he heard that. “Anything?” Celestia nodded. “There is one thing, follow me.” That she did. “Arcade corner.” Celestia read aloud. After Celestia had said they would do something Jack wanted, they had arrived at place called Arcade corner. “What is this place?” She had to ask she didn’t know. the building wasn’t that big, it had a door and a few windows which she could see ponies playing something in giant box. Jack wasn’t surprised. “This place is where ponies, dragons and other species comes to play arcade games, I just to do it when I was younger at the local arcade, but then it shut down and my childhood disappeared.” He said with some sadness in his voice. “Then I stumble over this place a while ago and I was ten year old again. I can’t go her as much as I like because I don’t make that much, but I stop by once in a while.” Celestia just nodded. “I understand, just what is this place? You haven’t answer that part yet.” Jack just smile. “It’s better that I show you.” He grabbed her hand and lead her into the building. After two hours Jack and Celestia came back out, Celestia had the biggest smile she ever had and Jack had his hands in his pockets, pouting. “How the hell can a pony who had never played an arced games before be so good?” He mumble to himself. Celestia heard him. “I wasn’t that good at first, you managed to beat me the first five times.” She told him while patting him on the back. I didn’t help on his mood. “After that you became unstoppable, no matter which game, you managed to beat me.” Celestia shrugged her shoulders. “What can I say, I am quick learn.” Jack look at her with narrow eyes. “No one learn that fast, I took me years before I became good, you did in half an hour.” He almost shouted that last part. She then pointed a finger on him. “Hey, don’t get angry with me, you’re the one that told me that it was just a game when I first lost. Maybe you should remember that. Jack wanted to say something, but nothing came to mind, she was right that it was just a game but that dosen’t mean it fun to lose. “Whatever.” He look at the sun as saw that it was almost nightfall. “I have to get to the bar and get ready to play.” Celestia claps her ands together. “Cane I come? I love to see you play.” “Sure, why not.” Celestia squealed like a little girl when she heard that while Jack just rolled his eyes of her behaviour. ‘Sometime I wonder if I am dealing with little girl then a ruler that is over two thousand years old.’ He thought for himself as they started to walk. When they arrived at the club, Celestia notice that it weren’t many customers there. “Not many here.” She told herself, she could see at least twelve in a bar which could at least host fifty, maybe more. “It’s Wednesday, there’s usually more here in the in weekend.” Jack told her. Celestia nodded. “That make sense.” They walk up to the bar where the Boss was. “Hey Boss.” Jack said. The giant turned around and smile when he saw who it was. Celestia was just amazed how big the stallion was, he was even bigger than herself which she thought was not possible. “Hello there Jack, ready to play?” Jack nodded. “Good, unfortunately I can only pay for one song tonight.” Celestia could help but react to that. “That dosen’t seem like much.” Jack just waved it off. “it’s like this sometimes, that’s why I went to the park to play there.” Celestia had to slap herself mentally for that. Jack want to the stage to get ready while Celestia took a seat at the bar counter. “Do you have apple cider?” She asked Boss. He turned around, then he opened a small door and took out a bottle from what look like a small cooler. “That’s fifteen bites.” He told her while placing the bottle on the counter, Celestia pay him, opened the cork and started to drink. It didn’t take long before she could hear music coming from the stage, Jack was siting on a chair started to play. When he was done, Celestia couldn’t help but admire how good he was. not only that, it looked like he really enjoyed himself, he like playing music. Then she started to clap and so did the rest of the customers, even Boss clap for him. After he done with putting away his guitar, he want over to the bar and took a seat next to Celestia. “That was amazing Jack, how did you manged to do that with your guitar?” “Years of practise.” Celestia didn’t doubt his words, it took years before she become really good with her magic and it’s the same for Jack, years of practise. After Celestia had finished up her apple cider, Jack got paid. They went back to Jack, eat some food and went to bed. The next morning, they got up, eat some breakfast and then Celestia had to pack her stuff so she could take an early boat. They were currently standing on the dock. “Well, it’s been a fun, even I haven’t bene here that long but duty calls.” Said Celestia. “Maybe you should chance you career, then you can take more holidays.” James told her with a smile. “Believe me, I am think bout it.” She then gave Jack a hug and he returned it. “It was good seeing you again Jack.” The broke the hug. “Is there something you want me to tell Applejack when I get back?” He nodded. “Yes, tell her and the rest of the family that they don’t have to worried, I am happy here. Also, tell Twilight that she has a choices, everyone has a choice.” Celestia couldn’t help but smile of his words. “I will tell them that.” Then they heard that the boat was ready to leave. “I better hurry or I miss my ride, I really don’t want to fly to Equestria, that’s long way.” James couldn’t help but laugh of that. They said goodbye to each other and then Celestia walk on board. James watch as the boat departed, eventually he couldn’t see the boat anymore as it disappeared in the horizon. He started to walk home. He then started to sing to himself Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road Times grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go So make the best of this test and don’t ask why It’ not a question, but a lesson learned in time It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right I hope you had the time of your life…