//------------------------------// // Tournament of Champions // Story: Humans Assemble! // by Mistershield //------------------------------// Chapter 22- Tournament of Champions It was shortly after lunch time, so a lot of ponies and Equestrians were up and about. Mostly getting back to work or heading home, with the lunch rush over and all. Princess Celestia walked ahead of the group that should might as well be a parade. The four legged residents of the town picked up their heads of the display. Less than a day ago, almost no human had ever been seen. Now a group of eight humans and their partners were heading off to the direction of the Apple farm. Twilight walked alongside her mentor, apparantly in discussion about something. Princess Luna followed afterwards, a small smile on her face. It was funny, having watch Travis walk around and look around. Sure, he had seen the city on a flying chariot, but this was his first time walking amoung the Ponyville residents. Some of the stares and looks he got from them made him want to punch them. He had each hand in his jacket pockets, trying to keep them there from letting them grasp his laser sword. "Oh Travis, thank you for restraining yourself. This means much to me," Luna said, keeping back from chuckling. "Oh save it. I may be an assassin, but I have no desire to kill innocents. But they better knock it off with the staring. If they were cheering or something, at least I wouldn't feel them judging us," Travis said. He turned to look back at the humans and their partners. Luna leaned into his side a bit, bringing her face to rub against the left side his cheek. "You are the Champion of one of the rulers of the land. Of course they will stare at someone so important," Luna said to draw her face back. The look of surprise on Travis' face made that innocent touch worth it. He looked so rattled then. "Just keep it to yourself already. I'm into humans," he said said, lifting his face away from hers. That touch came from no where, and it felt like someone had rubbed a plushie toy against the sensitive part of his cheek. The night princess closed her eyes to chuckle. "What's so funny?" "Dear Travis. I can shape into a human if I so wished. I'm the princess over the night and dreams. If you wanted, I could turn into a human in your dreams," Luna said. Travis shot his eyebrows up, turning to look at Luna. A smile quickly spread over his face. "Oh, any dream?" The laser katana weilder said with a deep voice. "Well, I do not see why not. You are my champion, it is only right I grant you a boon," Luna said. Travis brought his face against her left ear and begun to whisper. At first, she giggled. Someone whispering in her ear felt tickelish. She suddenly went into a deep blush, lowering her head. "What's the matter princess? Not going to slap me?" Travis said, drawing his head back to grin. He wasn't sure what to think, he had whispered the dirtiest acts and things he could think of in her ear. Seeing her blush was a reward, and not getting slapped for it was welcomed. "Wait... Until tonight," Princess Luna said, coughing once as she moved her head away to not look him in the face. Damn this man, he plagued her cheeks with heat! She had said any dream. "But you have to win the tournament," she quickly added. Now she knew why her sister said the Doctor was wonderful and insufferable at the same time. "Moooeee," Travis said in a low and deep voice. Oh hell yes, he had a reason to win this tournament now. "So a tournament. What kind?" Pinkie Pie asked, bouncing alongside Dan. They followed afterwards, Dan having left the area first. They decided to let the princesses go first though. "I'm not sure yet. I could be mean and say talent show, rap battle, or even a cook-off. But something tells me it will end up being an elimiation martial arts style," Dan said. The angry one had placed both hands behind his head as he walked. What he wouldn't give for some coffee right now. He hoped they had some at this apple farm. "Oh! I just love talent shows! We can all show off our cutie marks!" Pinkie Pie said. Dan lifted an eyebrow at her. "You know, you are not competing right?" Dan asked. "Why not? We could make it doubles, or better yet, couples!" Pinkie said, moving over to kiss his cheek. "Stop it," Dan whined, looking at how the others were giving him looks at the kiss. Somewhere down the line, Nate did the 'whipcrack' noise again. "Because we are doing it to decide who will be leader, that's why." "Aw. We never get to have fun..." Pinkie Pie said, moving her face back to walk now. Dan wondered if she meant the tournament or the public displays of affection. Knowing her, it was both. "Why not cheer for me?" Dan offered. "Oh! That sounds even better!" Pinkie said, moving to bounce up and again. Phoenix and Rainbow Dash followed after those two. While not exactly wanting to, Phoenix had listened to their conversation. A talent show? But he only knew one song... Still he guessed that with all the other warriors, it would end up being a fighting competition. There was something else nagging at his mind. "Rainbow Dash? When are the Elements of Harmony taken into public?" "Hm? Now that you mention it, Twilight did say something about them in the letter...." Rainbow Dash said, lifting her head up to look at the case Princess Celestia was carrying. "We always keep them locked up for security reasons. I've only ever seen them twice in my whole life. Once against Nightmare Moon, and the other against Discord..." "So why bring them here now?" Phoenix asked. Rainbow Dash turned to look up at her partner and raised an eyebrow. Why bring them out when there was no danger? It seemed strange to her. Was it because the princess wanted the Elements to be exposed to the new Element bearers? "Alright Teach! I am going to dedicate this match to you!" Ralf said, moving his arms in slow circles around his sides. Needed to get loose and wall. "I said my name's Cherilee, at least call me that if you don't want me to call you Mr. Jones," the school teacher said to look away at her 'champion.' Thanks to her fuschia coat though, the blush she sported was hidden. It wasn't fair. Why did the big guys like Big Macintosh and Ralf enter her life? Why not a nice sensitive man? Still, it was nice to have something dedicated to her. "Aw, come on. Do you really expect me to call someone respectful by their first name?" Ralf said, lowering his eyebrows to look at her. "Repectful?" Cherilee asked, lifting her head. "Yeah. I'm a soldier. In the battlefield, we call each other by our last names. Only if you shed blood for another can you call them by their first name," Ralf said, remembering his days with Clark in the battlefield. "And I have it easy. Just tell me who to fight and I do it. But a teacher has it hard. Its your job to lead kids, and that's real tough. I can't handle kids at all," he said to look away and straight ahead. "But I would give my life so that people like you can live happy and never worry about war." Cherilee blinked once and looked away to look ahead of herself and walk. Who knew? This muscle bound guy had a soft spot in him. "So what you are telling me is, you fight the easy fight and leave the hard part to girls?" "Hey! That's wasn't sexist!" Ralf said, crossing his arms on his chest and frown. Cherilee giggled for the first time since she meet this man. "Soma? Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked, moving in next. Soma and Fluttershy walked side by side, which seemed to be the fashion between the mares and the humans. Luckily for them, the female ponies had left Soma alone this time. No one wanted The Stare again. "You mean after what happened in the library? Yeah, Ralf's antics broke me out of my reverie," the young man said. The soul hunter finally decided to change boots at the library. This time, he was wearing plain combat boots. Trying to stay slow on purpose was hard. "Oh. I've noticed for a while that you react strange around people with um..." Fluttershy had to wait a second, thinking the right word to say. "Humans with some edge in them." "I think it has something to do with Dracula's soul. While I posses his power, his darkness and malice are not there. I think the soul power wants to bond with Dan and Sephiroth to get back what was once lost. If that makes any sense," Soma said. "Oh. What makes you stop around me?" Fluttershy asked again, turning to look at his face. She seemed hopefull. "I- I don't know. I am guessing it was your Elements... I think. Pinkie Pie knocked me out of it thanks to her humor. You kept me calm with your kindness. I think positive emotions make the dominator soul power weaken." It kind made sense to him at least. "Are you saying, that you need me to stay at your side?" Fluttershy asked. "I will if you want me to..." she said, blushing a bit. "Fluttershy.." Soma said, a loss for words. That was really touching. He could never ask someone to be burdened with his power. "Are you sure about that?" "Oh yes, I'm very sure. Though we may need to make my house a bit bigger..." the yellow pegasus said, closing her eyes to continue walking. "Wait, what?" Soma asked, lifting his eyebrows. Stay her house? How long did she think he was going to stay? "Aren't you scared that your house will get attacked again?" "Why be scared when I have the most potentially dangerous thing In Equestria at my side? Besides, you said that nothing would harm me when you are around..." Fluttershy moved to nuzzle against his waist . Soma moved his hand out to pet her mane. When did he promise that? That 'coo' sound started again from her. Damn her cuteness. "Can you believe those two?" Applejack rolled her eyes as she saw the display between Soma and her friend. Dovahkiin merely looked down at the cowboy and smirked. Like she was any different. "If I win, I promise to give you a massage like Phoenix and Soma do for their partners. I also promise a kiss," he said in a low voice. He even ducked so only she could hear. Applejack froze in her tracks, eyes suddenly shot up. "You're just yanking my-" She stopped, turning to look at Dovahkiin as he smiled. That no good dirty truth teller! She lowered her to blush and started to walk faster. He merely followed behind her. "You'd better win then!" She said in a loud voice. He merely chuckled. "I may just do that anyway if I don't win," The dragon born proclaimed. She said nothing in response. "Are these things customary?" Sephiroth asked, trailing behind those two. Lyra moved her head to the sides. How should she answer? "Well, it is customary for the knight in a competition to fight to earn a kiss from his princess or lady. Its in all of the ballads and songs!" She said, finally glad for her cutie mark. Very few songs called for the harp, but a lot of songs had been written by bards to tell a story alongside a harp. "There is truth to that..." Sephiroth said. Such inane requests and romantic motions made the females in their fantasies. Still, not just the best time to break the trend. Once he was leader, that could change. "Very well. Lady Lyra Heartstrings, I Sephiroth, vow to fight to uphold your honor and for the blessing of your kiss," he said, lowering his voice to sound deep. "Oh um... Thank you," she replied, her voice low as well. That was exactly what a knight would say. And more than once, she imagined what a human knight would say that to her in her fantasies. The poor unicorn debated if she should be happy or weird. "All this talk about a tournament. They should give it a name, really," Rarity said. Nate walked at her side. While she was thinking the same thing as Lyra, Nate frowned. Just how was he supposed to take on Soma or Dovahkiin? Hell, he didn't even want to go against Phoenix. That guy was determined, and his Tournabout was nuts. "Hey Rarity, I may not win this..." Nate said, turning to look at the white unicorn. "Nate dear, I don't expect you too," she replied, her eyes closed. "What? Am I really that unreliable?" He asked, frowning a bit. "Heavens no! I don't want you hurt at all. If even one of those brutes dares to scratch that pretty face of yours, I will make sure they will not wake up the next morning," Rarity said. Nate opened both eyes at this and then looked around. Please someone tell him another guy heard that. "If for a second you think you are going to take real hit, I want you to forfeit. I want you alive and healthy for our date." "Whipcrack" Yep, someone heard that. Nate turned to the person that made the noise and stopped walking, lifting his eyebrows. It was that male pony that he had knocked out. The one obessed with tubs of jelly. The male pony pointed at both of his eyes with his left front hoof, and then pointed at Nate. "Well crap." __________________________________ Soon enough, they reached the Applefarm. The guys and mares split up, having to go over a few things. The girls would prepare the stage for the tournament and go over the rules. In the meantime, Nate went over the notes he took down with the newcommers. Someone had to get them up to speed. Well, save a few that had their own thing to do. Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Dan, and Pinkie Pie were having their own little meeting. "Dan and Pinkie Pie. Princess Celestia says she wants to try something with you two," Twilight said to smile up at her mentor. "I don't do three ways," Dan immediately said, frowning at the alicorn. Pinkie Pie picked up her eyebrows, looking at Twilight and the Princess. She said nothing, whistling a bit. Twilight turned to look at her friend with her mouth open. Had she entertained the idea?! "No Dan Mandel, nothing so enjoyable," Princess Celestia said. This made both Dan and Twilight Sparkle now stare at her with their mouths open. "We think its time you obtained your own Elemental Power." "What, Anger? How exactly?" Dan asked, finally getting his senses back. Oh, this Princess was on thin ice again. "Well, Pinkie Pie is your counter element. We think if she wears her Jewel and blasts you with her own Element, it would have an effect on you," Twilight interjected. She had to shake her head to get the picture of Dan having intimate time with anypony out of her head. "Blast me? I want to live, thank you very much," Dan said as he crossed both arms on his chest. "Um... Really? Why us first?" Pinkie Pie asked, moving a hoof to her chin. Blasting her fiance didn't sound appealing. If it was her Party Cannon, it may have been different. "Well, your bond with Dan is the most developed than the others. You both own your own home, and you are engaged," Princess Celestia said. "That is assuming that-" Dan raised his left hand to interrupt. "Dan, I know the spell to change one of you two," Princess Celestia said. Dan's mouth fell open, while Pinkie Pie immediately raised her eyebrows and stood on the tip of her hooves. "No fooling?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Well, assuming what I found is correct. But we need to keep Dan or you in your current forms for now, least till the threat of the changelings is gone. We think that Dan obtaining his element will also help with the spell," Twilight said. "What are we waiting for! Someone hold Dan down!" Pinkie Pie said. She had moved faster than anyone could have predicted to grab hold of the chest holding the elements. She set it on the ground and looked for it a bit, before finally getting her Element Jewel. "Aha!" She cried out, really happy. "Wait, Pinkie Pie, lets think about this like rational creatures- Oh you know what? Forget it. Just blast me," Dan said, defeated. He had a feeling if he ran, Pinkie would chase after him till the ends of this planet. "Alright?" Princess Celestia said, not sure what just happened there. "Now Pinkie Pie, I want you to imagine your Element. Tune yourself with humor and laughter. Gather your power into your jewel and then fire it at Dan. Do not worry, its harmless. Harmony only wishes to bring peace, not bring harm to others..." "If I die, I am going to come back from the dead and haunt you," Dan said, gritting his teeth to point at Twilight. "Why me?! It was the Princess Celestia's idea!" Twilight frowned. While she would stand up and protect the princess from anything, she was not going to stand in Dan's way. She believed that he would just come back as a ghost just to spite them all. "Here I go!" Pinkie Pie said, closing her eyes. She held her chest up and fired a pink beam at Dan's chest. "Dan! Focus on your anger! Attune yourself to your element!" Princess Celestia said quickly. Pinkie Pie was way to eager and fired that fast. "Oh shut up!" Dan said, clearly upset. "I thought we had a deal that no unicorn, pony, pegasus, or any combination of those could tell me what to do!" Dan shouted, clearly mad. That was enough, and the pink glow shooting at him gathered and spread against his chest. He didn't even feel anything though. He was getting nice and angry now. "If you think I am going to let you welch out of your deal, you are-" "Done!" Pinkie Pie said, lowering her chest to smile. "What the?" Dan asked, lifting his eyebrows. That was fast, and it was painless. Even that glow that had surrounded his form was gone. "Nothing happened!" Dan said, frowning. "What a waste-" He stopped, looking down at the back of his left hand. There was a glowing tattoo there. "Did, did Dan just get a cutie mark?" Twilight asked. "Hey guys!" Applejack rushed over to the group. She looked pleased with herself. "We got the Tournament of Champions ready! The first round of competitions will be tag matches!" Dan stopped to look at the orange mare, his tattoo no longer a concern. "That was fast... Who is in the first round?" "Its going to be a real humdinger! Sephiroth and Soma vs. Dan and Phoenix!"