The Ever-Shifting Tides Of Life

by DougtheLoremaster

Chapter 7: Like Mothers Like Daughters- Part 2

Rarity sat in front of the gates to their house, observing the entire scene. She could see the wound on Scootaloo’s back and as Sweetie Belle picked up the sword, against her own will; smiled. It’s just like before. The wing, the sword; it takes me back to that day. The day she lost hers.


Engineer Twilight stared at Rarity in disbelief. “You want me to do WHAT with my magic?”
Rarity stamped her hoof in frustration. “Listen, I know it’s a long shot but she…”
Twilight stared at her for a moment. “No you listen to me. I was there when you lost your horn, I helped you train yourself to not use magic, and am glad to help out whenever possible but this might kill her!”
Rarity pointed to the wound as tears filled her eyes. “Do you see that? The blackened flesh? Twilight she’s been infected. Her flesh is corrupted by shadow magic! The neurotoxin has paralyzed her. Please, I'm begging you...She’ll die if we don’t! She’ll be his puppet...Please Twilight!”
Twilight sighed. “I guess you’ve forced my hoof haven’t you. Fine, I’ll do it. Where is the blade?”
Rarity produced her own beloved medical knife. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “She means that much, huh?”
Rarity smiled warmly at the unconscious Pegasus. “More than you could ever know.”
Twilight’s horn glowed a bright purple causing the knife to levitate. “So be it. Just don’t be mad at me if it goes poorly. Now then...Let’s play Celestia!”
With those words, Twilight plunged the blade into the infected wound of Rainbow Dash.


Scootaloo’s screams resounded across the valley as the unconscious pegasus had the sword blade plunged into her wound. Sweetie Belle focused intently on the blade; after having broken it in half, it had been coated with her magical energy. Sweat began to drip down her face as she concentrated on it. Don’t waver, focus! Focus! Slowly now, steady. Sweetie Belle resisted the urge to wipe her brow as the blade was slowly forced into the wound, turning a bright crimson red. The blade was absorbing the blood, and it was almost completely red after five horrific minutes of screaming and wailing from Scootaloo.


Rarity watched in morbid fascination as Twilight watched the blade turning red before her eyes. She isn’t even blinking! Rainbow Dash lay screaming in agony as the pain wracked her unconscious form. Rarity looked at her with tears in her soft eyes. I know it hurts, but we need the nerves to be active otherwise it won’t work. Forgive me Dah-ling, no anesthesia for you this time.“NOW!”
Twilight’s shout snapped her out of her thoughts. As Rarity watched, the blade dissolved into a metallic puddle of goo. The goo then began to move on it’s own.


Sweetie Belle observed as the liquified blade began to flow within the wound as it formed a connection to the infected area, entirely consuming it. The ooze then began to stretch and mold until it was a perfect representation of Scootaloo’s other wing. Smiling, she gently tugged on the new wing with her hoof. It didn’t feel like metal; the texture resembling the down of actual feathers, though it did look like metal. It’s sheen and color resembled steel. After tugging on it, she watched as it folded in to lay against Scootaloo’s back like a regular wing would.
Scootaloo lay peacefully, breathing slowly and steadily. Laying her ear down upon the newly reconstructed chest, Sweetie Belle listened to the steady heart rate. Oh thank the stars above! Her heart and pulse are holding steadily, and the wing has been accepted by her body as well. Phew! Nodding, she then turned to look at Rainbow Dash and gawked in shock as she saw that the once unconscious pegasus was suddenly sitting upright and watching her.
When...How...Wasn’t she- Stretching her cyan and metal wings with a flourish, Rainbow Dash grinned and waved at her, as she turned her head to stare at Rarity who was sitting in the gateway to their house watching them and waving at Rainbow Dash. There was no longer any sign of fatigue or even injury on the Pegasus, as she waved back. Turning to look at Sweetie Belle, she spoke in her normal raspiness, though it carried an urgency. “Hey kiddo, mind patching up my wing?”
The unicorn filly couldn’t believe it; the wing clearly had a hole in it. The flesh was shredded. Yet, here the Pegasus was moving about freely. “How are you-”
Laughing, Rainbow’s voice had a slight tremor of pain to it, as she grinned towards Rarity who was now walking towards them. “She wanted me to wake up. So I did.”
As Rarity trotted towards them, she called out. “Sweetie Belle dah-ling, take Scootaloo inside; she needs rest. I’ll take care of Rainbow.”
Rainbow and Rarity watched as Sweetie Belle levitated Scootaloo onto a stretcher and carried the sleeping Pegasus with her into the house. After the two fillies had vanished from sight Rainbow looked sheepishly at Rarity. “I’m sorry Rar, guess I messed up ag-”
Rarity threw her hooves around Rainbow in a warm embrace. “Oh shut up, Stormy!”
A slow blush appeared on Rainbow’s face as Rarity kissed her fiercely on the muzzle. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you! Now shut up while I fix your wing. You did just fine Dah-ling.”
As Rarity pulled her supplies out of the bag on her side, Rainbow extended her wing in silence. “I’ve been worried sick Dah-ling, it took everything I had not to burst into tears seeing you there on the ground. Oh my, you’ve lost a lot of blood, haven’t you? Not too worry I’ve got some fresh made transfusions ready, just for you.”
Smiling sadly as she looked into Rainbow’s eyes, her voice was filled with warmth. “Stormy, this will hurt, bear with me, Dah-ling.”
With those words and an understanding grin from Rainbow Dash, Rarity jammed the tube into Rainbow’s thigh, beginning the transfer. “Talk to me, what did you discover?”
“Ugh- Las Pegasus is gone, as is Appleloosa. The Risen made short work of the survivors, long before our arrival; judging by the decaying of the flesh.”
As Rarity carefully pulled the needle expertly through Rainbow’s wing, she asked her about another that was on her mind. “What about...Twilight? Stop moving, Stormy!”
Rainbow twitched her wing in pain. “Twilight is holding steady near the border. Last time we saw her was a week ago. She was housing two fillies of the Earthpony race; Applebloom and Babs Seed...I think their names were.”
Rarity tugged the binding closed as she listened. Biting off the excess string, she said softly. “Was?”
Rainbow looked down in dismay. “They...We…”
Rarity lifted up Rainbow’s muzzle to stare her in the eyes. “Tell me.”
Rustling her wings, the cyan Pegasus’s eyes began to tear up. “Twilight thought they would be better off traveling with Scootaloo and me. We were attacked upon arriving at the safety of the cloud house; they didn’t make it. I’m so sorr-”
Rarity spoke in a gentle tone. “Don’t apologize. You did your best; at least you and Scootaloo made it here safely. I’m afraid I’ve some bad news as well; Ponyville and Canterlot are lost to us as well. Sweetie Belle and I barely escaped ourselves; thanks to Cherilee’s sacrifice. No other survivors.”
Rainbow looked towards the mountains and whispered softly. “We've lost so many and don’t have many options for survival left in Equestria. Perhaps…”
Rarity nodded, giving her a tender kiss. “I agree. We can take the next week to prepare. The kids will need some survival training as well. For now let’s enjoy time together as a regular family, while we still have a place to call home, Dah-ling.”
“Mom! I made some dinner! Scootaloo is still asleep, though.”
Both mares turned to see Sweetie Belle barreling down the path towards them with a big grin on her face. Rarity whispered to Rainbow. “No matter how bad it is, say you like it. She’s been working on her cooking for a while.”
Rainbow winked at her in understanding as the three trotted up to the house. Putting a practiced smile on her face, she spoke to Sweetie Belle. “I can’t wait.”
As Rarity and Rainbow entered the house, Rarity turned and gave Rainbow a loving kiss. “Welcome back home, Dah-ling.”
Rainbow froze as the fearsome roars and barks of the Risen could be heard off in the distance. An ice cold shiver ran down her spine. They’re coming, won’t be long now. Quickly shutting and barring the door behind her, Rainbow replied warmly. “Good to be home, where I belong, Rar.”