The Labyrinth

by Alvaxerox

The power is mine

There was a girl name Wallflower Blush, she was someone who wanted to be noticed. She felt invisible to the world, like she doesn't exist. Until one day... She found a magical item called the memory stone, she used it to erase tiny bits of memories and because Sunset Shimmer was popular since she reformed, she grew jealous and erased all of the good memories of Sunset Shimmer from her friends, making them only remember the bad memories of her, leaving them to believe their not friends cause she's evil. Until Sunset figured out the memory stone, and tried to convince Wallflower to give the memory stone to her, until Wallflower decided to teach Sunset's lesson even harder by erasing her friends memories of their friendship, which would recycle their memories like if they were children, Sunset sacrifice herself to save her friends memories.

Wallflower took all of Sunset's memories of her time as a human. She has no memories of earth. She was reverted to a pony personality.

Wallflower saw what she has done and planned to run away until the mane 6 helped Sunset after they saw how she saved them from Wallflower and combined the magic of friendship to destroyed the memory stone, and freed all the memories she had erased. She was embarrassed of what evil deed she's done, she felt like she can never be forgiven for erasing memories. Sunset, Twilight and the others have forgiven Wallflower and gave her gardening club in the year book.

Since then... Sunset and Wallflower became good friends. But little did everyone know about people who harness magic... The power will always be a part of them forever. Once you dealt with Equestria magic in your hands, you won't be yourself again.

After the events of Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls...

Its been a week since Twilight Sparkle and her friends left, Wallflower stayed in Canterlot City to become its protector. She wanted to make up for causing Sunset Shimmer a lot of trouble even stealing her memories. She remembers how she first discovered her superpowers.

Two months ago...

Wallflower Blush was enjoying her flower club, she still felt nervous after the incident she cause Sunset cause of her jealously. But even worse... She still has nightmares. "Why can't I shake off this fear!?" She said as she bashes an old tree trunk. The trunk of the tree timbered down in half. She was in shock at what she witnessed. She looked down at her hands. She sees a pinch of energy flowing through her vains. She felt it before, it's the power of the memory stone. But the question is why. She ended today's club activities and ran to find Sunset Shimmer.

"Sunset!" Wallflower yelled. She found Sunset in the music room. "Sunset. Thank goodness I found you. And Twilight as well."

"What's wrong Wallflower?" Sunset asked.

"You are not going to believe this. You know how Applejack now has superstrength thanks to those color crystals you both have?" Wallflower asked.

"Yeah? Their called geos." Twilight said.

"Believe me or not it doesn't matter. I have super strength too." Wallflower said. She lifted a heavy piano. Then she found took Sunset and Twilight outside and she showed them that she can lift a car.

"Holy..." Sunset said. "You do have super powers."

"Yes. And I'm scared. I can even do this." Wallflower shot light blue energy from her hand. It's color looks like from the memory stone.

"It's the same like Gloriosa Daisy's power and Juniper's." Twilight said.

Sunset figures it out. "Of course. The memory stone is a magic Equestrian relic. And humans are very different then ponies. If someone has touches magic from Equestria, rather it be a relic or someone from Equestria spreading it, a bit of its power stays in someone forever. I've figured it out after me and Twilight and the others stopped Gloriosa when she became Gaia Everfree."

"And I had the memory stone.and you said it's a magic relic from Equestria." Wallflower said. "So that means?"

"It means you have superpowers just like us now. To humans. Equestrian magic is different. For ponies, it's different. But for us human beings, it changes our lives forever. I was once scared to use my midnight powers. Until I got over it." Twilight said.

"So I could have the power to be really strong and erased memories?" Wallflower asked in fear.

"Not really. You were able to shoot energy like lighting." Sunset said. "The magic from Equestria must've altered your genes thus giving you new types of powers."

"But what if I accidentally stole memories again." Wallflower said.

"That's strange. I can see memories too. But it seems you have the power to restore memories to make up for abusing your memory stealing powers." Sunset said.

"So I just need to control them. That shouldn't be a problem." Wallflower said. "I guess I'm gonna be a superhero like all of you now." Twilight and Sunset nodded. "Well, thanks. And I promise, I will use my powers to help others and not take advantage of erasing my screw ups."

Present Day

Wallflower Blush walked out the room and wondered at the hallway. "If I'm going to be a superhero, I'll need to get use to my new superpowers. I should start with my superstrength, maybe I should go ask Bulk Biceps for help."

Bulk had just finished an exam and is waiting for the results. He later sees Wallflower Blush walking to him. "Hey Bulk." She said.

"Oh, hi Wallflower. How you've been?" Bulk said.

"I've been good. I've discovered something today and I want your help to control it." Wallflower said.

"Uh... What do you mean?" Bulk asked.

"I'll show you. Hold still and don't freak out." Wallflower grabbed Bulk by the waist. And Bulk was about to freak out.


"That's kinda my point Bulk." Wallflower said as she put Bulk down. "I have super powers. And superstrength is one of them."

"Oh that explains. Your way more stronger then me if it's superpowers." Bulk said.


"YEAH! Your super strong like the Hulk or the Thing." Bulk said.

"Yeah but I'll need to get in shape if I wanna be a superhero." Wallflower said. "I might need some training with my physical body. Can you couch me?"

"Sure. I never trained a super power person before. And if your gonna be a crime fighter, you need training." Bulk said.

Wallflower jumped in the air with joy. "Yay!"

"YEAH!!!" Bulk said joining the cheer. "Meet me at the gym after lunch. That's when we begin."

"I'll see you there... Couch." Wallflower said.

To be continued...