Ex-Bolts Rising

by Melody Song

Fillydelphia to Manehatten

Misty Fly zoomed ahead of Water Spout, spinning through the air. She was ready to win this for her team. She just needed to get across the water to where Manehatten stood. Water Spout suddenly dove low over the water.

"Enjoy the sea, you'll be in it for a while!" Water Spout called, spinning around over the water.

"What is she doing? It looks like she's making a tornado, but over the water. That's not possible....wait, isn't there a storm called a...waterspout!" Misty frantically flew out of the way, but the water was moving into a tornado shape, spiraling up into the air. Misty had to stop, it was breathtaking.

"See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!" Water Spout flew away, and Misty yelled as the water towered into the clouds above, joining with them, the water in the clouds increasing it's power.

Misty began flying after Water Spout, but the wind began to pick up with the water, and Misty was pulled in. She went through the water and was whipping around inside. It was like being inside a tornado of water, similar to ones that pegasi used to get water to Cloudsdale. The wind was too great for her to get her wings going, every time she flapped them the wind would hit her back and force them closed. Misty was being spun so fast...that she remembered something

Misty Fly was in Wonderbolt Academy, and was on the Dizzitron, which had just been released. The wind spun around her as she went flying, though not by choice. Misty expanded her wings but the wind was so great, it felt like they would break. She closed them and did a somersault, landing on a puffy cloud.

"Fail. We should work out a safety net or something if that happens again..." the Drill Sargent commented to his helpers. Misty stood up, wobbling, then fell back down.

"Hey you, newbie, Dizzy." a mare landed by her.

"You're Spitfire, one of the real Wonderbolts, but you're only my age, at least." Misty said

"I'm actually a bit younger, by a few months, at least. During my year at the Academy they used to accept ponies younger than they do now. It used to be that you were eligible around the age of sixteen, so my friends and I got in a few years back. But rules change, you're the recruit now, not me. And it looks like you're Wonderbolt material. That was some mess up though."

"Why'd you call me Dizzy?"

"I don't know your name, and it suits you, seeing as how your only mess up so far has been on the Dizzitron." Spitfire replied.

"How did you know that was my only mess up? Were you watching us?" Misty asked, nervous.

"Yep, my friends and I thought we'd check out the recruits." Spitfire said, sitting beside her. "What happened there Dizzy?"

"Well, when I was in the air, I tried to open my wings but the wind was so strong, I felt like they were about to rip off."

"Come on Dizzy, that was just your mind playing tricks on you, unless that thing's set to maximum it's just a hunk of metal. There's no real danger, or the Sargent wouldn't let you on it. The only thing stopping you is your mind, you just need to push past that and you're right side up again." Spitfire said, and Misty nodded, extending her wings.

"I think I'm ready to try again, after Blaze goes. By the way, my real name's Misty Fly."

"I'm sticking with Dizzy."

"What's the point if I told you what my real name is?"

"If you become a Wonderbolt, it'll be the name I greet you by, so you'll know you're in the right place." Spitfire replied coolly, and Misty smiled gratefully.

"Thanks, for everything."

"No problem, happy to help a fellow Wonderbolt. A future one, anyway." Spitfire said, before spreading her wings and taking off, flying down to the Headquarters.

"Dizzy. Huh, I guess it does kind of suit me." Misty thought to herself as she flew down to rejoin the line of ponies waiting for their turn on the Dizzitron.

"Spits was right, even back then she knew exactly what to say to encourage her friends. She was a born leader." Misty Fly thought, she then extended her wings and spread them wide to catch the air, she was gliding now.

"This is just a giant, naturally occurring Dizzitron. I could fly straight up through the clouds and be out of it." Misty murmured to herself, until she spotted a pod of dolphins playing nearby through the water.

"They won't see it until it's too late. Spitfire would never forgive me if I abandoned a pony-or creature-in trouble, even if our job is on the line." Misty thought, and nodded to herself.

"Maybe, if I think of it as a tornado, I can accelerate the downdraft and make it stop moving." Misty muttered

She began spiraling down the water spout counterclockwise, wings curved at her sides to avoid injury. Misty could see the water trying to break apart, faltering in places. The water spout began to slow, shrinking down into the water, and Misty swooped up, flying out through the top seconds before it collapsed.

"And just like that, the day is saved. I had better warn Rapid about these guys, that was a dirty trick." Misty thought, lifting her hoof where the horseshoe was still held, and she took off again.

In less than no time, Misty had caught up with Water Spout, who seemed less than thrilled that her trap hadn't worked. They were nearing Manehatten, where Rapidfire and Short Fuse waited.

"It's a tight race here folks." the announcer called, as Rapidfire and Short Fuse steadied themselves for the pass over of the horseshoe.

Misty pulled ahead of Water Spout at the last second and passed the horseshoe to Rapidfire, grabbing his hoof to stop him.

"They cheat, be careful honey." Rapidfire nodded and he shot forward, Short Fuse grabbing the horseshoe from Water Spout and flying after him.

"She trapped you in a water spout?" Princess Celestia asked

"Yes Princess, I would have given up right there if I hadn't remembered a time when Spitfire was a young Wonderbolt, and I was a Academy cadet. I was having trouble on one of the exercises until she helped me realize I was only doubting myself." Misty explained

"Raven..." Princess Luna murmured, but she was already scribbling on her paper.

"Got it your highness." Raven said softly, and Princess Luna nodded.