//------------------------------// // Blue Moon // Story: [Archival] Blue Moon (A Fallout-Inspired Short Story) // by Bongo //------------------------------// Blue Moon A MLP: FiM and Fallout: NV Crossover…kind of... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Little Pony, My Little Pony AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA My Little Pony FiMFiction doesn't like copyrighted lyrics My Little Pony So Frank Sinatra's "Blue Moon" gets the boot Just imagine The lyrics here As they were Originally there Or else we Might get sued And magic makes it all complete You have my little ponies Do you know you're all my very best friends? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            Princess Luna lay outside a cave entrance located at the side of a mountain, all alone. She was busily concentrating on the great steel-blue moon that lay up above in the sky. Few stars could be seen through the many dust clouds that came rolling in constantly. This, plus her tiredness from sleep deprivation, made Luna very anxious for her hour had almost come. Ever so slowly, the moon kept rising upward, casting shorter and shorter shadows across the barren landscape. Finally, the majestic moon had positioned itself right above the land. It was now exactly 12:00 midnight. Princess Luna gave off a final sigh of relief, for her job was done for now.          She took her attention off of the moon now and turned around and headed straight inside the cave. With every ten steps, she lit up the passageway with a temporary bright blue orb that flooded the tunnel with light. After about seventy steps, she finally reached her sanctuary…her only home in the wasteland…a small cavity deep inside the mountain. It was adorned with as many treasures she could rescue from Canterlot; shelves, books, various lanterns, pillows, and blankets; before it happened…          Walking past a couple of old shelves with miscellaneous broken trinkets, she finally reached it. At the very far corner of the cave was a very dark cave, only lit by magical candles that never melted and never burned out. They all led down a smaller and tighter passageway. Luna carefully navigated the tight labyrinth, making sure she did not injure herself on the jagged rocks that stuck out like knives again located on the walls.          After a few more minutes of navigating, she finally made it. At the end of the passageway was a filthy velvet curtain which was attached to a dirty and stain-bleached golden rope. With a tired mind, she put her concentration efforts onto the rope, which soon started to telepathically move away from the curtain, which in turn, pulled apart to show a small shrine engraved into the wall.          The shrine was very simplistic, just adorned with candles and a couple of cracked picture frames. At the bottom of the shrine were a couple of pillows, stained with dirt and what appeared to be salty water.          Luna took a step closer and inspected the pictures very closely. To the right of the shrine was a picture of her as a small filly, dressed in her most beautiful gown she had ever worn. Although she looked extremely happy in the picture, Luna knew that deep down, she was slowly getting depressed and that was the early stages of her transformation into Nightmare Moon. To the left of the shrine was a filly Princess Celestia, dressed in a gown that literally outshined the sun. She looked very happy-go-lively in that picture. A sharp pain of lust suddenly swept over Luna. It wasn’t a sexual lust, but a lust of want. She wanted it, but she knew if she did, her depression may worsen. Princess Luna finally moved her eyes to the middle of the shrine. Sitting on a small pedestal sat a grimy golden frame with a cracked glass pane. The picture in the frame made Princess Luna’s eyes water; It was a picture taken of Celestia and her smaller sister right after she was freed from being Nightmare Moon. Luna had a wreath of roses around her neck and Celestia was standing tall and proud above her then-returned Princess Luna. She was very small in comparison with her larger, more mature sister. They both smiled intensively, hooves on both of their shoulders, manes flying around in the small breeze. The picture was almost as if someone just froze time and space for just that one second, for everything was too perfect in the picture. The only thing ruining it was a long, jagged crack that managed to squeeze in the tight space in between her and her sister in the glass pane. Although the obstruction was not part of the picture its self, it seemed to split them apart, like as if a great wall had been built there to keep those two separated. Luna took her hoof and touched her younger self in the picture frame, trying to learn the history of her, even though it was herself. It was like meeting a new pony for the first time, yet she knew the pony wasn’t new. She then moved her hoof and it met Princess Celestia. The still gleaming eyes looked toward Luna, piercing her very heart. She strengthened the force of her hoof upon the frame, trying to reach for Celestia. She knew it was no good, but she tried and tried, pushing harder and harder. It was like trying to reach for a good friend in a swiftly moving crowd; just within reach yet impossible to achieve. Finally giving in, she gave another long, painful sigh. Luna just wiped the dust away from her bigger sister’s image before removing her own hoof. She then moved it downward and she finally felt it…it was Princess Celestia’s very own tiara… Grasping it carefully, she lifted it upward and put it in front of her very face. The metals were tarnished and the jewels were either extremely dirty or missing. The only jewel that still shone brightly was a big, purple gem that sat in the very middle and acted as the centerpiece of the tiara. Princess Luna could see her reflection in the glimmering masterpiece, and upon closer inspection, she read the tiny, ancient language engraved around the jewel;     Reverof difen Ynomrah de Stnemele, twis dan Celestia por Luna encastra reveren   Luna had memorized the small scripture ever since Princess Celestia had told her what it meant. Reverof difen Ynomrah de Stnemele, twis dan Celestia por Luna encastra reveren…Forever shall thy two be together, sisters Celestia and Luna, bonded by love… Princess Luna had a tear forming in her eye again. True, she did this every morning and every night, but she could not overcome the feeling after every visit. Carefully placing the tiara back onto its pedestal, she closed the velvet curtains again. Placing her head down onto the pillows below, she began to cry herself back to sleep again, with those memories catching up to her again…     It was a beautiful, sunny day in Canterlot. Ponies were busily running around in the streets below, bustling in and out of shops every second. A slight breeze swept through the mountain and the trees started to sway slightly. Up above the main hall and ramparts of the giant castle was Princess Luna with her rosary wreath still wrapped around her neck. She was back in her old tower suit located at the west wing of the castle. Just a few mere hours ago, she was Nightmare Moon and almost shrouded the world in eternal darkness. If it wasn’t for the heroic efforts of Twilight Sparkle and her friends, she may have continued. Thanks to them and the powerful magic of the Elements of Harmony, Nightmare Moon was defeated and Princess Luna was finally reverted back to her younger state right before she started the long and almost painful transformation into Nightmare. After a grand party held by Pinkie Pie in Ponyville, Princess Luna was once again reunited with her sister Celestia in commanding the sun and moon at the throne in wholly harmony. Luna was standing over the balcony railing, overlooking much of the Equestrian Valley. Much had changed since her imprisonment in the moon. More towns and villages have popped up, the Everfree forest was slowly receding, and a great boom in population had occurred in her absence. A slight breeze came forth and whipped her mane in a dream-like state. Birds started peacefully chirping in the distance, and looking down upon Ponyville, she could clearly see a rainbow trail circling the town. For the first in a long time since her imprisonment, Princess Luna felt a wave of relaxation sweep across her body. Putting her head on the railing, she left out a small, relaxed sigh and closed her eyes in tranquility. Suddenly, Luna felt the head of another mare rubbing against her dark blue mane. Opening her eyes, Princess Luna saw Princess Celestia was the one doing it. She, too, had her eyes closed and made soft rubbing motions on her neck. It felt very comforting. “It’s so good to see you back here, my dearest Luna…” Celestia quietly said. It was just loud enough to be heard yet soft enough to be a near inaudible whisper. “I have missed you so much ever since that day. You don’t know how much it means to me for you to be here again. Things got pretty boring and tiring while you were away.” Princess Luna started to slightly blush. Teasingly pushing her sister away, she said in a giggly tone,” Yes, I am very glad to be back. I had almost no control over myself when I was Nightmare Moon. Funny, even in my 1,000 year absence, things haven’t changed here in the castle.” Smiling, Princess Celestia removed her neck from Luna’s,” Yes, even though I had no other choice, when I banished you into the moon, I still had a deep love for you, and I awaited your very return, so I kept this room intact since the day you have left. Everything is still from before you were banished.” “Thanks sis’” Luna gave a ‘thank you’ type of hug to her sister,” Hey, you know what?” “What is it, dear Luna? What is on your mind?” “Just to remember this by, let’s have a picture together, that way, we can always remember this moment in our lives.”Her horn glowed a faint purple and an old camera came floating out of her room. It magically adjusted itself so that Luna and Celestia were at the perfect center of the frame. “Well, it’s good to be back, Celestia. It sure is.” Princess Celestia in turn put a hoof around Luna’s neck too, giving off a playful smile,” Yes…it sure is good to have you back…” The camera flashed and both their eyes were filled with blinding brightness…     Princess Luna woke up with a stir again. She had her face in her hooves on the pillows again. Streaks of tears were still rolling down her eyes and soaked her coat. Getting up and wiping those tear away, she whispered to the shrine,” Yes…it sure would be good to have you back…” Luna then proceeded down the tunnel again, trying to be careful not to cut herself, but in her sad, sleepy drunkenness, some rocks scraped her body, and small cuts appeared all over her body again. These sharp pains were nothing compared to the internal pains that pierced her heart like ice cold daggers. Coming out of the passage bloody and bruised, Luna merely took a nearby cloth to try and clean the red marks off and stop the bleeding. The cloth had started to gain a slight red tinge from constant use after each tunnel dive every night. Luna finished rubbing her body clean when a sudden in the pit of her stomached signaled that a meal was needed. Walking over to a rusty refrigerator that was half buried into the ground, Luna could only find what little she had left; some canned beans and some Instant Potato Mash. In the corner were some unopened rescued Cola bottles. With not much of a choice, she decided to just have some cave fungus. Carefully scraping a small portion to make the rest last, she slowly nibbled on the green, fuzzy food. She had no appetite, but she knew she had to eat, so Luna forced it down herself. After the light dinner, Princess Luna turned her body towards a small cot in the corner. It was filthy and stained, but was surprisingly comfortable. Her horn glowed once more and all the lights in the cave dimmed. Snuggling down onto the bed, Luna wrapped herself in the blanket and wedged her head onto the pillow. Setting a nearby clock was to ring once six hours have passed, Luna drifted off into a well deserved sleep. Sleep to her, however, was hardly ever relaxing. She knew what was coming; she knew what would happen; but every time it came, she reacted. Luna kept on dreaming about her last days spent with her dearest, loving sister Princess Celestia. It left an everlasting impression upon her little mind…     It was a beautiful summer day in Canterlot. Ponies were bustling in and out of the tightly compact stores below, and pegasi were flying around and about in the sky. A summer wind cot caught in the air and leaves started to dance in the almost enchanting wind. Luna was in the castle’s immense library, searching through countless book, catching up on the history of Equestria while she was imprisoned. She read up on everything, from the Sonic Rainboom that happened in Phillydelphia to the recent founding of Appleloosa. It was just a sea of information that Luna was trying to catch up on. She spent countless hours upon hours reading. The day was starting to give way to the afternoon. That was when Princess Celestia came waltzing in. “Still reading those dusty, old books, Luna? Why, you are starting to become like my old student Twilight Sparkle! You have spent more time in Canterlot’s finest library than going out there to meet the very ponies who love your beautiful nights!” Luna finally took her head out of a book entitled ‘Manehattan, A History’ “But Celestia, it has been a full year and I still have not caught up with the history of Equestria!” Celestia put a sisterly grip on her and gave her a teasing punch,” Hey, some things can be learned from a book, and others have to be learned from experience. Once again, take my student, Twilight, for example. She knew much from reading books back here in Canterlot, but ever since she moved to Ponyville and started interacting with others, she has gained more knowledge than this library in all.” “Can I at least finish a couple more books…please?” Luna gave off a cute look, curling her lips and having her pupils enlarge. Princess Celestia laughed. “Sure thing Luna, you can finish reading a couple of books, but after that you just have to get out and enjoy my beautiful sunlit days! Speaking of which, my shift is coming to an end and yours is about to start.” Luna sighed a bit. She was starting to get into the interesting part when mafia ponies nearly ruled all of Manehattan,” Fine. I will meet you up on the balcony, okay? Let me just put in a bookmark.” “Okay, I will see you there later then…” Turning around, her wings grew erect and flew out of an open window to the main tower. Luna rolled her eyes as she placed a bookmark inside and proceeded to simply walk up the long flights of stairs. Passing by many tapestries and tall windows, she finally met up with her sister on the top balcony which overlooked almost all of Equestria, for today was a perfectly cloudless day. “It’s about time you got here. I may be able to make the moon rise, but all of Equestria is counting on you! Do you want to make them wait any longer?” She then gave the wave of her hoof that signaled Luna to step next to her sister’s side. “Sorry to keep you waiting sis, but you know I just love walking instead of flying. Really helps you take in the atmosphere of the castle…” Celestia jokingly ruffled Luna’s mane,” Well, what have you been reading lately little sister, romance novels? You haven’t acted like that before…” Princess Luna started to slightly blush a bit,” Well, yes…I WAS reading a few romance novels I found in the library. I found them completely enchanting. I could go into detail about them if you want…” Celestia put a hoof over the dark mare’s mouth,” There is time for that later, but for now we have business to attend to…” “Right…” Luna shook her head up and down. Finally, the two mares got serious and focused all their attention onto the sun and the moon, for the tower was so high at that point, half the sun could be seen in the west and half the moon could be seen in the east. With their eyes closed, both of their horns glowed magnificently. The sun was just about to dip behind the horizon and the moon was about to pave way for the night. The sky was a blissful dark blue as stars had just started to appear in the sky.   When suddenly…   BOOM!   Both Princess Celestia and Luna opened their eyes immediately. “Celestia, what was that?” Luna asked quickly in a scared tone. Princess Celestia got up and walked towards the railing. “Oh my…” was all that she could say as she turned her head away and closed her eyes. A tear had started to form at the tips. Luna got up immediately and walked over to the railing to see what all the fuss was about. When she got to the railing, her mouth started to gape open, for out on the horizon was a giant mushroom cloud that lit the sky up like lightning. The cloud rose higher and higher until it literally went past the atmosphere. A shockwave could be seen sweeping across the land like a bullet at top speed. The ground rumbled hard and shook Canterlot to its very foundations. Terrified screams could be heard throughout Equestria, for ponies could be seen running around frantically; pegasus ponies could also be seen flying in all directions away from the nuclear blast. The shockwave soon enough hit Canterlot with full force. What followed was a wind speed faster than anypony could imagine and a long, hard sweep of hot air came across everypony. Suddenly, a Royal Guard Pegasus came flying up to Celestia and Luna,” Princess Celestia, Princess Luna! You need to come with me immediately!” Luna was filled with both uncontrollable rage and fear,” W-what’s going on?” The guard took out a scroll and read it,” It appears that the nearby nation of Gallania has just launched an attack upon the nation of Equestria! This letter was sent just before the bombs fell!” “Impossible!” Celestia stamped an angry hoof down,” We have been maintaining a peaceful relationship with them! What in the world would make them change their minds?” “It appears that the original democracy was overturned b tyrants, and they have an iron fist and a strong lust for force. It appears they want to conquer all of the surrounding nations for their own…” Suddenly, four more mushroom clouds could be seen in the distance, lighting up the sky like a Fourth of July party. Shockwaves interacted with each other and caused massive destruction to the land. “Princess, we have to go, now! There is no time to be wasting! We have to escort you!” Three more pegasi guards came flying upward and got Celestia and Luna up in the air. “Alright stallions, follow me!” He then zoomed to the very top of the mountain, just above where Canterlot rested. Celestia and Luna beat their wings as hard as they could as the shockwave behind them started to catch up. Luna managed to get a look behind her, and what she saw shocked her; When the shockwave swept over Canterlot, the whole entire city crumbled down, and the castle walls collapsed. She could even see the outlines of those poor Earth Ponies, either being crushed or falling to their death as the shockwave swallowed them whole. It was absolutely terrifying. After about a fifteen second flight, the small team finally reached a small cave entrance at the top,” Get in here, quick! It may not be the best place to hide, but it’s the only one for miles!” All of them landed on a small cliff lip that connected to the entrance. Just as they entered the tunnel, a nuclear missile just made contact with the ground nearby Canterlot, sending its radiated particles far and wide. Princess Celestia turned around and saw the bomb detonate. She knew that they were in such a close proximity they would surely suffer radiation poisoning. Looking at her smaller, cowering sister in a corner, Celestia knew just what to do… “Princess Celestia, where are you going!?” Yelled one of the guards as he lunged forward to try and pull her back. Celestia was already out of arm’s reach by that time. Knowing she would have to get fully outside to cast the spell correctly, she knew it was a death sentence…but she would do anything to protect Luna after those many years of being trapped within the moon… Walking outside into the waste, Princess Celestia got a full blast of dirt, heat, and most of all, radiation. Looking around, she was nearly blinded, for it had just brightened to about ten fold. She then started hacking and coughing hard due to the many tiny dust particles that were starting to fill up her lungs to the brim. Celestia could even feel all the radiation leaping onto her coat and into her skin – it was now or never from this point onward… With the last of her strength, Princess Celestia concentrated all her energy and might on the spell she was about to do. Back in Canterlot, it would have taken just a few mere seconds, but with all these constant irritations coming into her, it felt like an eternity. The long horn started to glow and then a small blue orb enveloped her and the cave entrance. Celestia has done it, for she has made a protective orb around the cave entrance to keep the radiation leakage to a bare minimum. With a final huff and a gasp for air, she collapsed. “Celestia? Where are you Sis’?” Luna stopped cowering in fear once the lights and rumbling started to die down. She did not hear a single reply at all. Starting to have a cold chill of thought run down her spine, Luna quickly got up. “Celestia! Please come back!” She then galloped to the entrance of the cave. The four other guards followed her closely. After what seemed like forever, Princess Luna and the guards finally saw the horrifying results; Princess Celestia had risked her life for the well being of the others. “Luna…” Celestia managed to hack out,” I was hoping you would stay in there…I never wanted you to see me in such a s-state…” Luna paid no attention to her dying sister’s objections. She immediately rushed to her side and tried to support her upwards,” D-don’t worry, Celestia! Everything will be alright! We will get you better! Everything will be b-better…better…” Luna had much trouble trying to lift her larger sister up on her feet. The four pegasi guards came over to help support the heavy weight of Princess Celestia. Carrying her inside, Luna lit the place up with some quick to produce blue orbs all around the cave walls. It showed that the place was no bigger than one of the guest bedroom back in Canterlot. The guards laid the filthy Celestia down onto a small patch of moss. Her perfectly white coat was now stained with much mud and grime. Her body temperature felt as if she had taken a dip into a solar-heated pool and stayed there for about seven years. Even Celestia’s usually bright and waving rainbow mane started to lose its color, and had even had stopped waving in the motionless air. Whenever Princess Celestia coughed and hacked, one could literally hear that half of her lungs clogged with dirt. “Ple-please hang on there! Please! I am not going this far and losing you!” Luna cried out as tears started streaking down her cheeks,” Why did you have to go out there!? Why did you have to do this!?” Luna tried her best at trying to fix up her sister. Bending her head downward, her horn touched Celestia’s drowning lungs. Although not much happened, Celestia did manage to speak a bit easier and breathe a little bit better. “I did it to protect you, dear Luna.” Celestia lifted her head upwards and painfully placed a hoof over her rambling sister’s mouth,” I knew that the radiation would leak in here, not only killing me, but also killing all of you in the process. I had no other choice but to sacrifice my life for the well being of you all…” She gave a great cough at the end of the statement and rested her head. “Please, Celestia, please don’t leave me right now! Please, I need your help…I need you” Luna’s face was a wreck. Her normally straightened mane was all frilled and dirty. Rivers of tears streamed down her cheeks and fell upon Princess Celestia’s face like a light rain. “I cannot live without you…how will I be able to remember you once you are gone!? I just cannot think straight at this point and not remember anything!” “Luna, plea…” “I can’t live without you!” “Luna, p…” “DON’T LEAVE ME!” “Luna…” Celestia put a hoof onto her sister’s shoulder,” We will always remember each other…always.” “H-how can I remember? I can’t even remember the last five minutes of my life at this point!” Celestia just quieted her sister again and spoke in a soft tone; she knew her time was starting to come to a close, for her heart was beating ever so faster and her lungs kept on trying to unclog all the dirt and grime,” Remember me by this…” Celestia took her tiara off her head and placed it in front of Luna’s soaked eyes,” Remember this tiara, my dearest Luna?” She was barely able to choke out the answer,” Y-yes, Celestia. I can remember it was given to us right af-after birth…” “You see these small words inscribed around the center gem?” “Y-yes” “These inscriptions are written in olden Equestrian. It was put there to symbolize our significance together…” Princess Celestia gave off a hard cough and some mucus spat out. “Always remember, my ever so sweet sister, these words…’ Reverof difen Ynomrah de Stnemele, twis dan Celestia por Luna encastra reveren…Forever shall thy two be together, sisters Celestia and Luna, bonded by love…’ It was to symbolize that throughout anything we still loved each other, all through the thick and thin. Even when I banished you into the moon when you were Nightmare Moon, I had resented the actions I had to take. I still loved you even when you were in your most destructive mode.” With all her strength, she managed to give an affectionate nuzzle with her grieving sister who laid next to her, both eyes closed shut trying to keep the water back. “Remember, my favorite sister, Princess Luna…as long as you remember and love me, we will still be together…” Celestia rubbed her head through Luna’s soft, dark mane, “B-but wha-at if I forge-get about our lo-love?” Luna was choked up at this point. All of her words were only stopped by brief gasps and sobs. Celestia turned Luna’s head to look at her straight in her eyes,” Don’t worry. If you forget about our love, as long as somepony else remembers, it may jog your memory and you will remember me again. It is very difficult to forget somepony if you have a strong love for them…” She started to talk slower with a raspier voice. Her mane had stopped dead in its tracks and the long horn that lay upon her head stopped shining and became dull with hardly any more shine or luster. “My time is coming to a close, Princess Luna. It will now be your responsibility to raise and lower the sun and moon, just as I did while you were imprisoned in the moon. Remember, my dearest sister, to not lose faith in our love. If you lose faith, you shall grow weaker and weaker with no chance of recovery, and every surviving pony still out there needs you, Luna. They need their sun and moon to rise and fall to keep the remaining natural elements intact. Do it for everypony else, Luna…do it for me…always remember…remember…rememb-…” Poor Princess Celestia never got to finish, for before she was about to finish, her heart gave way and her lungs collapsed in on herself. Her pupils suddenly got large, then shrunk down to the size of a grain. Before giving off her final breath, she only managed to whisper,” I love you…” Princess Celestia then became a lifeless ragdoll. Her head fell down upon the soft moss with a small thud and her eyelids closed gracefully. “Celestia? Celestia!? CELESTIA!?” Luna rang out in fear, seeing her now lifeless body just sitting there. Putting her own hooves upon the princess’ body, she felt her skin had gone cold and there was no more pulse,” NO! COME BACK SISTER! COME BACK! I NEED YOU! I Need you…I want you…I love you…” Princess Celestia just lay there; dead, cold, and deprived of life itself. After thousands of years of living; to see other ponies and civilizations rise and fall, she had to come to such an end. The guards took off their helmets and bowed in silence. They knew that there was nothing that could be done and did not want to interfere with the heart-felt conversation between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The only sound now left was the slight sound of a breeze outside and the constant, non-stop gasps and sobs of Luna as she had been weeping on Celestia’s corpse. One of the guards came up and put a reassuring hoof onto her shoulder,” I am sorry, Princess Luna. There was nothing more we could do. She decided to end her life this way. I am also sorry, Princess, but we have to move the body out of the cave an…” Luna reacted with great aggression. Staring angrily at the guard, she took her hoof and grabbed him by the mane,” Why!? You cannot separate me from my sister! You just cannot!” “But Princess! We have to do it beca~aughckauckaugck~~~” Luna started to choke him. All the depression inside of her body had started to take its effect, for she started reacting with hardly any thought, for her mind was too numb to even have a single straight thought. Two other guard ponies stepped up and restrained Luna against a wall. The third one came up to her and slapped Princess Luna across the face,” Get a grip on yourself Princess! I am sorry, but we had to restrain you before you killed one of us! We already had enough deaths for today – we don’t need any more! Face the facts! I know she is Princess Celestia; your beloved sister; but her body is now just a radiated corpse now! If we leave it here to rot, we may all die from radiation poisoning! If we all die, it will make your sister’s sacrifice worthless!!!” Rage bubbled within Luna when he referred to Princess Celestia as an ‘it’. She was just about to make the ceiling collapse in on them, but when the last sentence finally went through her brain, she realized what the Royal Guard was true. If they all did die due to the radiation leakage from the soon-to-be rotting corpse, it would make Celestia’s sacrifice entire worthless. Finally calming down, she finally relaxed and the other two guards relaxed their grip. The guard she was chocking before slowly got up, taking deep breaths and rubbing his sore throat. “I-I’m terribly sorry about that. It’s just tha-that I just cannot stop this…rage…that is built up inside of me. I hope you can forgive me.” “It is okay Princess Luna. We are all pretty stressed out, but we were all taught to keep a steady mind and keep your head straight forward in situations like this. We need to face the facts Princess; we need to move the dead Princess Celestia outside before the damage could be felt.” Luna thought hard about the decision. She did not want to leave her sister’s side, but if she did not, they would all die. She finally came to a conclusion,” Okay, we will bury her outside. If I am lucky enough, her shield that she cast shortly before death should still be working for the next twelve hours. You four will bring her outside while I prepare the grave hole. And please – do take good care of her body for me.” “Sure thing Princess. We will not cause any more damage to Princess Celestia’s body.” The four Royal Guard Ponies put their golden helmets back on and carefully lifted Celestia’s body onto their backs and slowly started their trek towards the cave entrance. Princess Luna was way ahead of them, for she was at the cave entrance; just like she predicted, the blue orb was still there, giving off a faint blue glow. Around her, she saw the true devestation of the bombs. The lush landscape that was once Equestria was now a barren landscape. Large craters where the bombs had felt were dotted everywhere. Smoldering ruins of previous cities and villages was also shown in full view of her. The ground also had a peculiar brownish-orange tone to it, most likely due to the radiated dust particles. This combination made the land look like a slice of cheese, surprisingly. Looking around, she found a spot big enough to lay Princess Celestia’s body. Concentrating all her energy on that small patch of earth, the dirt soon lifted up in a perfect square slab. Carefully lying down nearby, the other Royal Guard Ponies arrived with Princess Celestia carried on all their backs. Luna took over from there, ever so carefully, she levitated Princess Celestia’s body into the grave hole. Ever so gently, her horn glowed once more and the mound of dirt covered Celestia. Luna gave one more look at her beautiful face and gave off a tear before compacting the dirt down upon her. “Thank you, sirs, for helping here. I would like to req-request a little privacy for some time, thank you…” She asked them all “We understand, Princess Luna.” They all walked back into the cave very slowly, heads down mumbling something that sounded like prayer. Luna got down on all fours and put her face on top of the mound of dirt displaced by Celestia’s body. A single tear flowed down her eye and fell upon the grave. “Twis dan Celestia por Luna encastra reveren… sisters Celestia and Luna, bonded by love…I will always love, dearest sister, always…even in the darkest of time. Please don’t forget about me though, for I will try to remember you for as long as I can…” Princess Luna once again put her face into her arms and cried a river of tears that soaked the ground like rain water,” Forever shall we be bonded by love…hopefully forever…”   Author’s Notes Dialogue has never been my strong point. Sorry. I do intend to make a spin-off series based on other Fallout/1950’s-esque songs And to clear up any questions, only the flashbacks italicized to represent the flashbacks. I am only saying this due to someone saying that I italicized too much. PLUS, I know the drama got a little...sappy...near the end, but I will try to mix the sadness up with other stuff in later stories. Part II coming Soon... Current Author's Notes That was certainly a trip, wasn't it? I don't think it's good, especially in comparison with Kkat's story that came out later the year I originally posted mine, but all things considered, I don't think it's all that bad either. It's one of the few stories I can go back and read without cringing heavily (ahem...ChrysalisMasterofMe...ahem). And before anyone starts going to the comments with spelling mistakes or gramatically incorrect sentences, no. I am going to leave this story as is for archival reasons. I hope you enjoyed reading my short story and I hope you leave a comment and a rating and have a nice da- -ah! Fooled you, I got an extra special treat for anyone who bothered to read this far! I actually began work on a SECOND chapter to this story around the same time I finished, but I never completed it and thus it never went out publically. According to the Google Doc data, the document was last edited on June 1st, 2011. For those not aware, that date is very important in Brony history as it was the first long wait we had to endure after Season 1 ended waiting for Season 2 to premiere. That hiatus between seasons must have hit me hard and I didn't feel that drive to write anymore and just put the story down to never pick up again. And then Kkat released his awesome story later that year and the rest is history. So sit back and relax as you read the unseen, unfinished, and unreleased Chapter 2 of "Blue Moon" that I will never get around to finishing! Blue Moon (Chapter II) Last edit was on June 1, 2011 “DING-DING-DING-DING-“ Luna’s small clock started ring its bells loudly. A cold sweat was pouring down all over her body and soaked into the stained furniture. That dream…no, more like a nightmare…kept on reoccurring regularly. The memory was now totally engraved into her skull and was now a permanent edition of her structure. There was no more hiding from it. Slowly getting up, Princess Luna shut off the alarm fixed up her small, filthy mattress so that it was straight again. It wasn’t much, but it seemed to work just fine for the moment. Stepping aside, Princess Luna went over to the fridge again to grab something so that her growling stomach would finally cease. There was barely anything left for her to even nibble on. Luna needed food desperately, but she knew that the radiation and raiders that lay outside in the cold and desolate wasteland were just about ready to pounce anypony, whether they are royalty or not. She was in no fit state for traveling long distances and surviving the elements anyways.          With not much of a choice left, she grabbed some more of the fuzzy cave moss; eating it ever so slowly so that every bite counted. She barely had any appetite for the last few years or so. Luna did not know what was happening to her, but she was growing weaker and weaker, so she gave herself a bigger helping of moss to help compensate with the decrease in energy. Every day and night seemed to drag on longer when Luna’s will to live grew smaller and smaller.          After finishing her meal, Princess Luna went over to a nearby cracked mirror to check herself out before returning to her sun rising shift; her coat was dirty, her mane was frizzled, and her horn defiantly needed a slight trim; in other words, same as usual. Using a nearby comb, she tried to straighten her hair into its normal position, but all those years of trudging through dirt and grime without taking a shower has taken its toll, for the hair barely even changed after much combing. Finally giving in with a sign, Luna stepped away from the mirror.          Walking down the cave’s passageway, Luna was back outside. A blast of cool air came across her body. It felt very comforting compared to the hot and stale air inside the cave. Her lungs filled with refreshing oxygen that seemed to rejuvenate her body for the time being. The moon was still up in its highest position and the stars twinkled far above. The only thing breaking the tranquility were a few dust clouds that rolled across the land like silent cat feet, knowing that they were seen but kept on stealthy moving silently.          Closing her eyes once again, Luna began her usual work. Concentrating all her power upon the moon, her horn glowed a bright blue hue and a magical hum was starting to hang around in the air. As if starting up a rusty piece of equipment, the moon gave a slight jolt forward and proceeded on its scheduled route. After a couple of hours, the moon was just about to duck behind the mountainous horizon and the sun was about to pave its way into the day. The sky started to redden and the stars started to diminish. After about one more hour, the majestic moon crept behind the horizon to rest and the sun’s glory came out, casting long, black shadows across the land. A few surviving birds could be heart tweeting somewhere in the background. Complete tranquility was felt upon the land, for now, everypony was at ease, until…          BANG! BANG-BANG!   “Gunshots!” Luna squealed. She dove behind a rock to protect herself from any incoming fire, for she did not have any more protection on her; Luna’s last bullet-proof vest she scavenged was shattered from so much incoming fire and she ran out of ammo for her only protection; a small modified, sawed off double barrel shotgun.   RATA-TAT-RATA-TAT!   “What the…?” Princess Luna questioned, for that was the distinct sound of a machine gun returning fire. Slowly peaking her head above the rock, she looked down upon the grand yet lifeless valley. Down there, she saw another devastating picture of the ongoing war. Down in the valley, a caravan was passing by with their mutated bovine pack animals carrying their merchandise. It was a wagon train of about six earth ponies and two brahmin. They appear to have been ambushed by a group of three raiders. Although the trading caravan had more in numbers, the raiders had more in firepower. The puny caravan traders were just armed with light armor and were up against machine gun wielding raiders. Much fire was tossed back and forth between the two groups, killing off one of the bovines. Using the dead brahmin as a meat shield, one of the raiders snuck behind the trader’s defense lines and quickly back stabbed one of the members with ease, quickly killing of one of the six. The traders were now in complete paranoia. Quickly turning around, they saw the death of one of their team mates. In a small frenzy of rapid fire, one of them had been wounded in a small friendly fire incident. The bovines quickly started to run away in fear, retreating in all directions. With no more cover and barely any ammo left, and with hardly any team left to fight with, the traders dropped their weapons and raised their hands in defeat. The sounds of the cheering raiders were heard. One of them went after the running livestock while the other two stayed behind the tie up the prisoners. After about fifteen minutes of chasing, one of the raiders finally subdued both cows and brought them back to the group. “Scavenge their packs for any valuables!” The leader of the trio said. Looking through the trader’s packs, they found about 384 bits, some useful scraps of metal, and what looked to be the schematics of what appeared to be a Cola-Mine. “Take them to the slavers! We should be getting a nice load of shiny new bits from them! Any leftovers…dispose of them…” The raiders then forced the bovines and traders somewhere to the west, where the Slaver Camp was located. All of the remaining traders quivered in fear as they proceeded to their unknown fate that lay just across the horizon. The dead and wounded were left there, out in the open. Soon, a swarm of buzzards came swooping down and started to peck at the corpses, both dead and alive. The terrified and painful screams of one could be heard as his flesh was picked clean to the bone. Pretty soon, those screams died down and all that was heard were the squabbling of the birds. Princess Luna knew that these small brawls between the caravan traders and raiders were a common and constant threat out in the wastes, but she had never seen one of them so up close before, because normally, they usually happened farther out in the valley where there was no chance of getting help or being looked upon. Luna looked down upon the scene of destruction as a tear formed in her eye. The dead and mangled corpses of the trader ponies were being shredded into little tiny pieces. Soon enough, nothing was left besides the torn clothing and the meat cleaned straight off the bone. Luna looked away from the scene; slowly walking back inside again. She knew she had a job to do; raising the sun for the land; but the scene was just so grisly, it put Luna off. It was so grotesque that she felt like throwing up then and there. Walking – no, more like stumbling – back into the cool cave, Luna proceeded to rest her head on a nearby pillow. As she rested, her eyelids shut tight; eyelashes intertwining with each other; making a tight knit. As she started dozing off to dream land, she began to ponder in her mind. The words echoed off the hallow walls inside her skull. “I am the one who arranges the block of life, raising and lowering the sun, making a slow progression towards the rebirth of life in Equestria…and what do I get in return? Death, destruction, and full on anarchy, that’s what!” Images of slavers, raiders, and the sick and dying out there in the wastes flashed before Luna’s mind, sending a chill of fright down her spine. “What’s the point of it all? I work my aching heart out just trying to survive, so now I have to add on taking care of the other ponies that don’t even care for me!? I sacrifice my life for them, and they sacrifice each other just for themselves…” Maybe she was dreaming or hallucinating, either way; Luna’s comforting cave seemed to literally dissolve around her, giving way to a cold and desolate black void. Suddenly realizing that there was nothing around her, she quickly got up to observe her surroundings a bit more…nothing but that never ending darkness… Luna awoke with a start, quickly getting up. The air was cold and dead, for not a single breeze, or even the faintest whisper of the wind could be felt. It sent many chills down her body, freezing every inch of her body, down to the very bone marrow. The sound was very still, almost to the point that a pin needle drop would sound like a bomb that just fallen out of the sky. Everything was too unnatural, and it gave Luna a deep, dark, cold feeling sink to the pit of her stomach… Out of the darkness, a black cloud materialized. It gracefully flipped and turned towards Luna, soon gently making contact with her skin. The cloud felt like the worst thing that had ever graced upon your skin, for the feeling like was a mix of sadness, grief, and terror. Words could not describe the feeling Luna felt, for the cloud proceeded to twist and turn through her wings, around her horn, and under her body, sending that feeling everywhere. Princess Luna’s heart was beating hard, for she had felt this feeling before. It was a feeling she had not felt in a long, long time. She knew what was coming about. “Okay Nightmare, what do you want!?” She cried out as the cloud proceeded to glide under some private parts, getting the terrible feeling to new heights. Giggling sinisterly, the dark cloud left Luna’s body and landed in front of her eyes. With a small *poof*, the smoke crashed into the ground and a taller cloud formed, which materialized into Nightmare, who stood menacingly, yet cunningly sympathetic. “Why, dear Princess Luna! We haven't seen each other in quite some time, I must say. You look very different, you know…” Her voice slithered out in a whisper. The words constricted Luna around the brain. She knew these words were toxic…more like vile scum…and should be ignored like a plague, but she was very moved by the words too. They were the only true calming words her ears had heard in such a long time, and felt like an ice pack on a hot burn; comforting and much needed. Princess Luna was smarter than that however. Turning her head away, she let her ears down so that the words were deafened a bit,” Hello, Nightmare. It has been a long time, hasn’t it? What brings you back to me?” Nightmare just shook her head and chuckled,” Why, isn’t it very simple? You asked for me…well, your soul that is…” Luna was a bit taken back,” Me? Want you back? Why would I want that! I never asked for you back!” “No, you don’t understand, dear Luna! You see, your mind never asked for me to come back, but your soul did. That is because your heart, your soul, was taking in too much grief and sadness, which is on equal levels of lust and desire, which lured me to you before. Ever so slowly, your sorrow started building up in your heart, nearly overflowing. That grisly seen which you just witnessed was the final tipping point. Your heart could not take it anymore, so it finally opened up. I took that as my chance to act, so I literally pulled your mental state into your soul once again to begin the transformation. Pretty simple really…” Nightmare explained, slipping in and out of cloud form and teasingly fondled with Luna. Princess Luna’s voice was starting to shiver. Every time she huffed, a small mist came out of her mouth and nostrils, marking the start of something worse. Luna was about to back up away from Nightmare when her rear hooves sensed an edge. Almost losing her balance, she regained herself and looked behind her; there was a long, dark void that surrounded them, making a small, solitary island. “Hmhmhm” Nightmare chucked even more,” There is no escape, my dear Princess Luna” Luna opened and spread her wings apart as she prepared for flight. Flapping as hard as she could, her body would not lift off the ground. Heaving and hollering with all her might, her hooves never left contact with the ground. “Na-ah-ah, Luna. I fear your wings will do you no good for you here!” Nightmare taunted her more. The worst part of it all was the way Nightmare talked. The expressions her voice carried off was like the Pied Piper’s Pipe; luring her deeper and deeper into trouble. She, however, was not about to give up without a fight. Concentrating all her might, Luna started to conjure up a spell to aid her, but her horn fizzled out and gave off nothing more than a few sparks and a final buzz. “Your magic will do nothing here, either! You are practically now defenseless!” “What is happening to me? Where am I? Why is this going on?” Luna cried out in pain. A tear of fright came thundering down as terrible memories from her Nightmare Moon stage came rushing back. “Please, why don’t you just leave me alone!? Can’t you pick on somepony else!? Why me!? Why me in this dark and cold environment!?” “My Dear Princess Luna…” Nightmare stepped forward and rubber her neck around Princess Luna’s mane. She was disgusted and revolted by the action, but knew that it would be best that she submitted to her demands until a better strategy could be thought up,” This may be a harsh and cruel environment, but it’s the darkness in your heart I crave…” She nuzzled her snout against Luna heart and murred,” For even in this cruel world, you, Luna, have the darkest heart out there…so naturally, my calling called you” “M-me, have the darkest heart in the land? But there are ponies out there that kill, rape, and murder just for pure pleasure out there! What have I done to stain my heart!?” “Luna, my dear, it’s not like that. Your soul is the blackest of the black simply because your heart let it in. I have seen it all. Ever since I was separated and banished from your body after Twilight Sparkle and her little pack of friends used the Elements of Harmony, I was banished back to the land of the darkness, where nightmares and terrors begin and end. I, however, still had the power to watch over ponies ever since. I have kept a close eye on you, Luna. True, you started recovering, with the darkness in your heart slowly seeping back out into the world when you were still with your beloved sister, Celestia. Then I saw the bombs fall, and the foul death of your sister. Ever since then, your heart started letting the darkness back in. Your grief stricken soul collapsed in on itself once again. Same thing happened when you first began your transformation into Nightmare Moon. Anyways, the darkness flowed inward, taking its toll on your body again. You became weaker, more depressed, sometimes on the verge of suicide, yet you retained your sanity. That was the reason I chose you to be mine again, Luna! You are the perfect blend of darkness and sanity! You are a perfect pallet for me to carry out my master plan!” Luna was starting to piece it all together in her head,” So, the only reason you chose me is because I have the right balance of darkness and sanity?” “Exactly!” “Looks like an unfinished plan, doesn’t it?” “Look, I had to cut out minor details to shorten things up. The main fact I want to get straight to, however, is your soul. I can explain the rest once I get my control wrapped around your pretty little brain…” Fear struck Luna’s heart again. She remembered her first encounter with Nightmare, and it was exactly like this. She knew excruciating pain was just up ahead, so she did not go down without a fight, alright! She bucked, kicked, and whinnied in every direction at Nightmare with all her strength. It was no use, for Nightmare had just transformed back into the cloud of smoke and dodged every swipe with ease. Whenever she WAS hit, her hoof just sailed right through with no complications at all. “Time for the real fun to begin…” The cloud of smoke declared in triumph. It quickly rushed up to Luna’s face and encircled it, soon constructing the mouth. With no other way to breath, Luna started hard breaths in and out through the nose. Nightmare took advantage of this, and during an intake of air, rushed into the nostrils. Princess Luna screamed in agony. As Nightmare passed through, her nose felt as if someone had taken a white hot metal rod and stuck it straight in there. It burned hard and terrible pain was felt. Thumping down onto the ground, she beat her hooves on her snout and on the ground…they were fruitless attempts… Nightmare got past the nostrils and started filling up every nook, cranny, and bloodstream inside Luna’s body. Her body started flailing around and a slight dark blue haze started to form around her. Luna then began to levitate off the ground to about ten feet into the air. She kept on rolling and twisting, shaking and crying; everything imaginable to try and make the pain stop. Nothing could dampen it at all. After many agonizing minutes for poor Luna, Nightmare finally saw her target; the heart. It was beating rapidly at this point, and through her eyes, literally saw the darkness leaking out of it. Most of it was comprised of all the sorrow, sadness, and grief. It was an endless buffet at her disposal. No Celestia to ruin it, a defenseless Luna to stop it, and no more Twilight Sparkle or gang to put an end to it. Rushing forward with all her might, Nightmare was just about to make contact with the soul, when suddenly… WHOOSH!   Out of nowhere, a bright beam of light radiated from within the heart and pierced Nightmare’s cloud form in a corner. Screaming in pain, the puff of smoke quickly retreated from the body of Luna and crashed into the ground below. Luna was still left in the air, crying in agony from the pain left over from Nightmare’s quick retreat. The laws of physics soon kicked in as she started to plummet to the ground. Knowing a fall like this would kill her and her wings and horn were useless, she closed her eyes and braced for her incoming death. The air whizzed past her, making Luna’s mane violently flutter. Just as she was about to make the bone shattering contact with the floor, something soft, warm, and comforting caught her. It felt like a cloud, alright, but she knew that the clouds that roamed the wastes nowadays were too radiated and filled with junk to even be considered a cloud. This was a pure cloud she landed in. Opening her eyes, she was met with the familiar white and fluffy shape of the pre-war cloud that had caught her fall. Looking up, what she saw astonished and baffled her. “P-p-pr-pri-prince-princess…” She couldn’t get her words straight for her throat was dry and still seared with pain. A gentle hoof came down and silently quiet Luna down. “Shh-shh-shh, you need your strength, dearest Luna, for although this is all in your head, your aches and pains will still transcend into your physical body…” It was Princess Celestia! Somehow, she was right there, before Luna! She looked very concerned and had a stern look over her face. Her mane was once again, well groomed and waved perfectly in the motionless air. Her coat shined like the morning sun and her cutie mark glowed in triumph. The only thing missing was her tiara. Upon closer inspection, on Princess Celestia’s horn was a dark, silvery-looking substance that was steadily dripping off. Luna then looked over to where Nightmare had just crashed and burned. She was whimpering in pain for there was a deep gash on her right shoulder. Large amounts of this dark silvery liquid was pouring out, spreading all across the floor. This was not blood, however, for Nightmare did not need blood to survive. This thick liquid is comprised of the many terrors, nightmares, sorrow, and grief she receives every time she enters a poor, unfortunate victim. She lived, thrived, and survived off these terrible terrors. “Well, I should have known! Princess Celestia would not have gone down without a fight either!” Nightmare yelled out as she tried to stand on all fours again, only slightly sagging on the shoulder with the wound,” Although I was expecting something with a little more kick, if you know what I mean!” Having her horn touch her wound, Nightmare’s deep gash quickly sealed itself together again. “Oh Nightmare, you know I wouldn’t give up without a fight, even if I am dead!” Celestia stood tall and protective over her smaller sister. The fire of war sparked in her usually calm and collective eyes. “Well, I should have known, but really? You had to use one of the most oldest and   < UNDER CONSTRUCTION > Final Current Author's Notes And just like [Insert number of local freeway with infamously slow construction] the second chapter was never completed. I don't think I even desire to complete the second chapter either as the story does stand well enough on its own with the first chapter. I still think it's an interesting look at a story that had largely been forgotten by this point in addition to a chapter that had never been completed nor released. And with the wide abundance of Fallout: Equestria themed stories out there on FiMFiction, I wanted to throw my old hat back into the ring. Maybe introduce this weird little quirky bit of forgotten Fallout/MLP History to some fresh new eyes who may not have known this weird yet hilarious origin story. Regardless, thank you for taking the time to read this story to the end, it really does mean a lot to know people still have found an interest in reading something of mine this old and forgotten. Have a lovely day and...go read Kkat's story again. That story just needs all the love in the world, seriously. It's still like one of my all-time favorite MLP fanfictions out there.