//------------------------------// // Let’s go! // Story: Bohemian Rhapsody Equestria // by BrakePads //------------------------------// "'CAUSE WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLDD!" The crowds cheered as Freddie Mercury sang his final lines at Yankee Stadium as a part of the 1991 "View of the World Tour" with his band mates, Brain May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon. "Thanks for the ride lovies! Have a splendid time at the Big Apple on Wall Street! Have a good night!" Then the lights went out on stage and the band left the stage for the night. "So Brian, what are you going to do when we get back to London and fuck all our money off?" "Well my new telescope should be coming in within the next couple days when we go back." "So you can peer off into our shared hotel room here in Brooklyn?" "Come on Freddie, it isn't too bad?" Said Roger. "True." 'We need to get to sleep guys, it's midnight." John said with a very tired voice. "Yeah Deaky, lets go!" And Freddie Mercury was out into ever land where his dreams were filled with cities of green grass with pretty woman plus a war of lying soldiers with dragons spending fire onto puppet controlling puppets. Non of this would prepare of what will happen when he wakes up. "Quack! Quack! Quack!" A random duck yelled out without second thought. "Ah shut up random duck! Get away from our window!" Freddie mumbled to himself before rolling over onto Brian May. "Oof! Freddie! Get off!" Brian also mumbled to Freddie to which Freddie rolled to the other side off his bed and onto the floor. "Uhhhh, this is the fifth time this month this has happened." Freddie said while getting himself up but as soon as he touched the floor, he realized it was grass and Freddie opened his eyes, temporarily blinded by sunlight, before looking at the floor to see that, sure enough, it is grass. 'What! Grass?! We weren't on a camping trip! And why is the bed right there?' Freddie got up to see that Brian was still asleep along side Roger and Deacon sleeping on a bed next to Brian's bed and boxes next to Roger's bed that Freddie realized it was their sound equipment and their instrument 'Okay! Something is not right here and why do they look younger?' Freddie realized as he looked at his sleeping band mates he realized they have been "deaged" to their twenties and Freddie also realized he was in his twenties to, minus the fact that his hair looks the same as when they were still in New York. Freddie Mercury quickly realized that they were in a forest and woke up Brian may. "Uh Freddie, roll back again!" "There isn't any time for this! Look around you curly guitar string player!" 'What do... you.... mean?" Brian said as he opened his eyes and realized he was in a forest in the middle of nowhere. "Uhhh, John? Roger?" Brian said while looking around his surroundings. "Uh?" Roger muttered before rubbing his eyes and looked around. "Holy Cow! What happened last night?! Did we have to many drinks to drink?!" "What's going on?" John Deacon said now fully awake and staring to coward. "That is what I am trying to find out, this can't be happening. The physics to do it seem impossible due to the fact that our beds were bolted to the ground." Said Brian. "You look under our beds for stupid screws and bolts?" Freddie asked. "Yes, it gives me a peace of mind the bed won't move." "What?" Roger asked. "Well let's fucking move here and see where the fuck we are in this forest of some sorts." "Well it looks like a local is here Freddie." Deacon said facing towards a purple unicorn with a curios look on its face. "Well it looks like horsie wants to play darlings." "You talk?!" The horse spoke up. "Holy shit! The horse talks!" Roger screamed while tumbling backwards over his bed and thumping to the ground. "Oww... I'm okay!" Roger said while getting up from the fall. "Good and no, I am not a horse, I am a Princess Alicorn and my name is Twilight Sparkle." "What? I thought humans can be princess, not talking horses. The last time a checked, Queen Elizabeth was human." Brian made said to Twilight who was now spreading her wings to prove it. "Who is that and are you a human?" "Yes we are darling." Said Freddie. "Wait? How do you know about us?" Brain questioned. "Oh, well they went extent about several million years ago and we have skeletal remains of them." "Okay the, how did you find us before we even called for help?" Brain further dug in. "Well I don't know if you want to here this but I brought you here on accident due to a magic accident." "So you are a supernatural witch then, interesting." Roger commented. "What is a witch?" Asked Twilight. "Never mind that, do you know where the nearest town is horse? There we can play a music jig if you want us to." Freddie suggested. "What? You are a band?" "Yes, we are the band Queen comprised of me, Freddie Mercury, main vocals and piano, Brian May for Guitar," Brain waved. "Roger Taylor for Drums," Also waved. "and John Deacon for Bass Guitar." John Deacon only waved slightly before putting his hand down. "Oh! I found a band!" Twilight Squealed. "What songs do you play?!" "Rock darling." "Can you sing a part for me?" "Sure" Freddie cleared his throat before singing. "This thing, called love I just can't handle it This thing called love I must get 'round to it, I ain't ready A crazy little thing called love." Freddie finished with Twilight looking up with wide eyes. "Woah, that is impressive! Let me get my friends!" Then Twilight activated her horn and she disappeared in a flash of light. "What in the world just happened to physics?" Brain asked no one in particular. "I think it is a kind of magic." Deacon said to Brian. "Very funny Deaky."