//------------------------------// // Is this the real life? // Story: Bohemian Rhapsody Equestria // by BrakePads //------------------------------// "Very Funny Deaky." Brain replied to John. "Well darlings, it looks like we can introduce what real music is." "But how Freddie? They have the change they don't have working electricity?" John complained. "Then we should teach them how, we are smart enough to do so." "Sure Roger, sure." Said Brian. "Oh wow! What are all these boxes!" A voice come from the crates that held Queen's musical equipment and the band turned around to see a cyan horse with wings and a rainbow mane looking at the crates with interest. "Hey! Get away from those!" Roger yelled at the pony, running over to it. "Hey! Is that how you treat guest?" "Well no but you didn't ask to touch them!" "Okay calm down Roger and let horsie talk to what she was doing." Freddie intervene. "Hosie? What is that? I am a pony!" The pony exclaimed while hovering over the ground. "Well sorry dear, my name is Freddie Mercury and these are my band mates: Brian May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon and we are the band Queen." "My name is the awesome Rainbow Dash and are you related in anyway to Princess Celestia and Luna?" "Who are those two?" John asked. "Well you are called Queen so you guess are related to the royalty here? Right?" "Oh no, it is merely a name for the band, not anything due with royalty which by the way there is royalty from where we hail from." Brian said to Rainbow Dash. "Anyways, what is in these crates anyway?" "Brian's guitar, Freddie's microphone, Roger's drum and my bass player." "What are those?" "That's good, you will be surprised at what we can do together." Said Freddie. "Uh okay." Then Twilight returned with a happy face on her. “Okay stallions! Follow me! And do you need help with your luggage?” “Sure, we will enjoy it.” Said Brain. "Okay! Off they go!" Twilight said as the lifted all the band's equipment with her magic. "I can really get use to this." Said Freddie as he watched the equipment rise into the air. "No kidding, hey Twilight! D you have electricity here?" Asked Roger. "Uh yes, why?" "Because out instruments need electricity to work." Twilight stopped at that comment. "Why do you need electricity for instruments, should they work by themselves?" Rainbow Dash asked Roger. "Well my drums can but the sound quality won't be very good and Brian's and Deacon's won't work at all. Freddie's microphone won't work as well." Roger Explained. "Huh, okay then." "Okay! Here is home sweet home Ponyville." "Hmmm, reminds me of small villages from our home, England." Brain though aloud. "Is this 'England' where you came from?' "Well yes but we where in our hotel in New York City after a concert right before we woke up here." "Oh, well what do you want to do here since you are stuck here." "Uh I won't mind playing a concert until we can somehow get back if we can." Said Freddie. "Well okay, good for our enthusiasm. I know a pony that you guys may like to talk with." "What is its name?" Asked John. "Vinyl Scratch, better known a DJ-PON3." "Wow, this world is full of horse puns." "What do you mean?" Questioned Rainbow Dash. "Well I have an animal called a horse from where we come from so I am familiar with all the terms that apply with horses and 'Ponyville' pony and ville put together and thinking about it, what is the capital of this land?" "Uh Canterlot." "Yes, that is also a pun since canter is a name for how horses walk." "Wow such a egghead." "Well I have a Bachelors in astrophysics and Roger has a Bachelors in Biology." Explained Brian in a heated up tone. "Oh cool! Can we talk about it later on!" Twilight squealed excitedly. "Eh sure." Brian shrugged. "So everybody, can we move on to the town, it is fucking hot here." "Everybody?" Rainbow asked. "Yes, everybody, as well as someone and others that aren't puns." "Oh! Culture! Let's move on!" And the group moved on to Ponyville which was giving John Deacon giggles from the pun standpoint. "You own horse Deaky? I didn't know." Asked Freddie Mercury. "I do but none of you guys asked me if I had any pets so I never said." "Well then, do you have any pets?" Deacon face flapped himself. "Yes I do have pets, three horses and two German Shepherds at a my home ranch." "German? Do you mean Germane?" Asked Rainbow who was now flying about Deacon. "No, German as in Germany Europe." "What is Europe?" "Rainbow! Can you please stop questioning everypony every five seconds of something you don't know?" "*Sigh* Fine!" Then Rainbow Dash flew off to who knows where. "Physics is now working here today. They should not fly like that at all." Commented Brain May. "Well they have magic." Said Twilight. "Oh, I need to dig into that once I have a chance." The group minus Rainbow Dash made it to Ponyville and got a lot of weird looks from the ponies around them and Freddie was unfornunat to trip over one. "Owww! My head!" "Sorry sir! Are you- *Gasp!* Oh boy! A new creature that just tripped over me! This is very exciting and I should- *Gasp* More creatures of the same type!' The excited Pink pony said without taking a breath. "Calm down Pinkie, yes they are new and I am taking them to Vinyl's house right now." "Really?! Find me when you are done!" Before zipping away from in front of Freddie. "What they fuck was that?" "Pinkie being Pinkie." "What?"