//------------------------------// // The Filly Nightmare // Story: The Story Of Celestia and Luna(first draft) // by TehUltimmareFreakRobot //------------------------------// The king and queen started the sisters’ training to be the rulers Equestria deserved. It was hard work, and making sure Celestia did not burn the castle down or trying to make Luna NOT send the moon flying into the sun’s deathly atmosphere was tiring. The latter happening a lot more often. Another change was that the princesses’ growth had slowed greatly. “I don’t wanna be small forever!” Luna bawled one day.  Celestia hugged her sister with her right wing. “Don’t worry! I think someday we will be tall. Maybe even taller than our parents!” “You think?” the alicorn sniffed, putting on a pouty face. “Mhm!” Celestia hummed. Such interactions were common, but the years passed, the king and queen grew older, and this alarmed the royal sisters. Surely their beloved parents would stick around for so many years?  As a distraction, Tempest and Faust introduced Chrysalis and Discord, a new queen and the newly made god of chaos, to the immortal sisters. “I’m Chrysalis!” The changing looked much more beautiful than she would thousands of years later. “Nice to meet you!” Luna nodded. ‘It’s nice to meet you too! Who’s the odd fella?” Discord hovered around, booping her nose. “Discord. Master of chaos.” He cheekily grinned. “Hi, Discord!” Luna gave him a high hoove. “I hope we can be good friends! Right, sister?” Celestia raised an eyebrow at them, but nodded. “I think so, yeah.” Chrysalis jumped up and down. “We should play truth or dare since our parents aren’t around! Discord’s mom is out with my dad and your parents, so we should be good!” Luna’s face light up. “Truth or dare sounds fun!” Discord continued to grin, and played with his paws. “Just to warn you, I’m an expert at these sorts of things. Mainly because I can bring them to reality.” Chrysalis jumped even more: Even better! The four youngsters gathered around in a giggling circle as they dared and truthed each other into doing silly things.  One turn, Chrysalis dared Luna to threaten the safety of the castle, and Discord offered to help.  “You sure this will work?” the blue alicorn turned a weary eye at her two new friends. Chrysalis nodded with a burst of energy. “Yep, Discord is an expert on doing this! You’ll be fine!” “Just stay still…” Discord warned, snapping his fingers. A puff of smoke surrounded the blue filly. Luna turned into what can only be described as a demon, her fangs sharpened, cutie mark much more dark. She started laughing so insanely it scared the other children.  “S-scary…” Chrysalis quivered in fear. Celestia gulped. “Lu-Luna, are you ok? Are you still th-there?” Luna sneered. “I am no longer Luna, only Nightmare Moon! I will make it eternal night.. FOREVER!” her voice caused the room to crack under power. She flew out with an evil crackle.   “DISCORD DO SOMETHING!”  a sobbing Chrysalis screamed as the fily demon started destroying the castle.  Discord sat down while drinking some chocolate milk. “Huh? Already? It just began though…” A deafening crash followed by screams snapped him to reality. Nightmare Moon had entered the room via window and was now attacking the other immortals. Chrysalis ran out wailing for her father. Celestia tried to form a shield. “Luna, come on! Snap out of it!” Nightmare Moon slapped her, drawing blood. “I am not Luna!” she snarled like a rabid animal. “I am Nightmare Moon!” Celestia whimpered, staring at her with tears in her eyes. “No! I know my sister is in there somewhere!” Suddenly, Nightmare Moon collapsed, and the armor fell away and dissolved to reveal a shocked Luna. “ . . . . I think it worked TOO well . . . . “ Celestia ran over to hug her sister, crying a little. “What have I done?” Luna wailed, looking at Discord from her sister’s shoulder. Even he was crying from fear. “It’s not your fault! We just messed around too much…” Celestia consoled. Suddenly some figures entered the room. Chrysalis looked sullen and guilty. Luna gasped. It was her parents, Discodense, the former god of chaos and Chrysalis’s father, Crystalweed. They were FUCKED. “Oh no.” Celestia and Discord said in unison. “I can't believe what I just heard!” Faust yelled. “My own daughter, volunteering to threaten Equestria?!” Discodense stared at them in disbelief. “DO YOU ALL NOT KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS!?” She yelled, almost shaking the room. A pitiful squeak escaped Luna’s lips and she fell to the floor hiding her head.  Crystalweed shook his head. “I can’t believe my own daughter would ask such a crass thing, but to think the future co ruler of Equestria would do said thing.. It’s heartbreaking.” Celestia looked down in shame. “We’re very sorry.” Faust sighed. “This simply will not do, my little ponies. Each of you will have to write a 50 page essay on what you learned today, and 70 hours of community service, do you understand?” Luna sniffled. “Ok.”  Chrysalis only hung her head. Discord rubbed away his tears, then rolled his eyes. Celestia nodded.  Faust let out a groan. “Now, before you all get started, my husband would like a word with all of you.. ALONE.”  Luna uncovered her face and her eyes widened in sheer horror. Chrysalis could only scream. Discord gulped, while Celestia wrapped her wing around her scared sister. Over 2,000 years later, and that day was still a sore subject in the 4 immortal’s minds. Just thinking about it sent shivers down their spines. Despite the Nightmare Moon fiasco, the 4 immortal beings in Equestria went on more adventures, bonding closer and closer with each one. But the parents got older still. This did not go unnoticed by the 4 immortals. One day, Chrysalis stumbled upon the prone body of Faust, and her attempts to wake up the queen were futile. She started screaming and crying, the howls heard by everyone in the castle, including King Tempest and his daughters. Celestia and Tempest ran towards the sound, and their pupils shrunk upon seeing Faust’s body. Luna had already walked in Faust’s last dream and was crying her sorrows in her bed. Chrysalis let out a pitiful sob. “She won’t wake up!” the young queen bawled. “She won’t wake up!” Celestia nudged her mother, hoping for a sound or a movement. But there was nothing. “N-no…” Tempest walked beside his daughter, and began to mourn with her. The two cried in each other’s grasps. “I’m sorry!” Chrysalis whimpered. She looked traumatized, the poor thing. Tempest sniffled. “I-it’s not your fault. T-this was inevitable.” The queen blinked before pressing against her friend. ‘C-celestia, are you o-ook..?” All Celestia could do was sob in response, too distraught to say anything. The kingdom mourned for their beloved queen, and the funeral lasted all day. Luna was still holed up in her room, refusing to come out. During the night, Celestia quietly opened her sister’s room, noticing she hasn’t been out ever since her mother’s death. “Luna?” Luna sobbed and curled tighter on the bed, trying to hide away from the voice.  “G-go away…” Celestia continued to walk towards her carefully, and laid next to her. Gently, she rubbed her with her wing. “It’s going to be ok…” “No it’s not! Father will soon join Mother and we will have lost them again!” The Princess of the Night jerked away from the wing. The eldest sister frowned and lowered her ears. “I know…” Luna let out a sob. “A-and what if Discord and Chrysalis go away from us? I can’t handle that! They are my friends!” “They won’t! I’m sure they won’t.” Celestia reassured. They were meant to be close friends, they would live long together, right? As the royal sisters started ruling Equestria, tragedy struck once again, time had claimed another immortal’s birth giver, this time, it was Discodense. Chrysalis was once again the bearer of the sad news. She hung her head. “D-discodense has joined the afterever…” Discord simply sat there, quietly. He knew this was bound to happen, but not so soon. Celestia hugged him with her wings. “We will mourn her loss forever,” Luna sniffed, then regained her composure.  “A funeral will be held tomorrow.” ------- As the funeral went on, Discord continued to be silent. He didn’t even express much emotion either, usually listening to the speeches and looking at his claw.  Chrysalis looked at her bff in sad concern. “You are going to be ok, right?” Discord slowly nodded at her. “Yes. This was going to happen sooner or later.” The queen hung her head. “Father is barely hanging in there… I guess this is the price for being immortal, huh?” she mumbled. Celestia looked away from the conversation. “I know my father isn’t going to last long as well…” She whispered. Luna’s face twisted. “We must stay strong. We have each other, and our parents will be safe in the everafter, watching us.” Celestia held her sister’s hoof. “I know, and I will.” Chrysalis fearfully nodded. “I will too!” she squeaked. Discord looked at his claw once more, and clenched it. “Me too.” Or, at least, that was the promise. As centuries passed, Discord became more and more lost and hungry, and power tore at his mind. The royal sisters and Chrysalis took no notice at first, used to their friend’s rather strange quirks. He WAS the god of chaos That all changed when Discord declared war on Equestria.