//------------------------------// // A superhero I was meant to be. // Story: Sonic Rainboom: Fastest girl alive // by Alvaxerox //------------------------------// The next day... Rainbow Dash woke up and started to workout a little. Then she rushed downstairs and ate some breakfast. Her parents went to work so she has the whole day to relaxing and finding crime. But she noticed that there was a crime spree going around in Sky Hills. Smoke bombs at banks, people being chased by muggers, and a lion ran out from the zoo. "All right! It's hero time!" Rainbow Dash said. Her first stop was the bank. She noticed 2 or 4 robbers getting away. "He he he, with this amount, we can finally get rewarded for the boss lady." The robber said. Just then, they heard a noise coming from outside of the bank. "Sorry boys, but I can't let you go off that bag of loot. That type of treasure belongs in this pirate ship." Rainbow Dash said while trying to make an entrance. She walked out of the bank to show herself. "Now, I like you all to make a withdrawal or I'll show you how it's done." The robbers laugh at Rainbow Dash. "Why are you dress like that?" The robber asked. "Yeah, who are you, Polka-Dot Man's daughter?" The other robber said while laughing. "You going to throw those colors at us like Polka-Dot Man? Ha ha ha ha ha!" The third robber said. "Your pissing me off now." Rainbow Dash said as she used her speed punches the robbers, one by one. The others robbers were shocked that she moved fast. They tried to get out their guns but they were not fast enough. And Rainbow Dash finished them off. "The name is Sonic Rainboom. Don't forget that." Everyone cheered for Rainbow Dash. "Thank you very much everyone, but I'm not done yet. I have other heroic duties to fulfill." She ran to the muggers chasing some innocent women that will snatch their purses. But luckily Rainbow Dash ran in so fast she grabbed the 2 muggers by their heads and ran in a speeding circle and threw them to the police station. "Wow. Your amazing." One of the women said. "All in a day's work." Rainbow Dash said. She lastly ran to where the loose lion was. "Nice kitty." The zookeepers where trying to get the lion back to the zoo but the lion was vicious and stubborn to listen. Rainbow Dash came just in time used her speed to push back the lion. She ran very fast while pushing the lion back into its cage. The lion was trumastized of the speed. And was a little confused, but the lion knew it was back in its cage. The zookeepers thank Rainbow Dash for everything. And some new reporters came to interview Rainbow Dash. "Despite your baggy, campy, costume, you are a superhero?" The reporter asked. "Yes. Yes I am." Rainbow Dash said. "Do you have a name hero?" The reporter asked. "Why yes." Rainbow Dash said. "Cloudsdale and the rest of the world... I am the fastest girl alive. Call me... Sonic Rainboom!" "You heard here first folks. This new superhero will protect Sky Hills and the world, for her name is Sonic Rainboom. We'll be expecting big things from her." Meanwhile... In Canterlot City, Wallflower Blush, also known as the Labyrinth was looking at a jumbo screen. And sees that Rainbow Dash finally became the superhero she wanted to be. "Well I'll be. She wanted to be a superhero. And she got her wish." She said. "Good for her." Meanwhile... In Forrestropolis, Sunset Shimmer sees Rainbow Dash on a big tv as Rainbow Dash was now confirmed as a superhero. "Well, you got your wish Rainbow. Sunset said. Meanwhile... Somewhere in China, Pinkie Pie was watching some TV while she found out Rainbow Dash became a hero. "You did Dashie. You did it." Meanwhile... "Those fools should be back hours ago. Why is it taking them so long." A voice said. Just then he saw the news on TV that some robbers have been taken care of and it was thanks to the new superhero, Sonic Rainboom. "So that's what happened. That meddle some speedster ruined it. Well that's not going to stop me. Washout!" A girl in a black and green suit came into where the voice guy is."Yes Speed Demon?" "You'll be going back home for a mission I choose for you apprentice. This new hero Sonic Rainboom had meddled in my affairs. I need to know more about her. Go there and face her." Speed Demon said. "Sure thing... Boss." Washout said as she left. "I better not have her lose, otherwise I'll have to take my power i transferred to her back." Speed Demon said. "And while Hyperion is freeing Zarda, I'll go and free Nighthawk in the mean time..." To be continued...