The Ever-Shifting Tides Of Life

by DougtheLoremaster

Chapter 9- The Scars That Never Fade

Thirteen years have passed since that summer, Rarity and Sweetie Belle had been scouring the journals of Twilight; hoping to find a way to cure the neurotoxin created by Sombra. Rainbow was sparring less now; in her early fifties, she simply didn’t move as fast as she used to. Scootaloo was now a fully grown mare and proud mate of Sweetie Belle, carried her mother’s sword with pride. The scars on her back and legs; battle scars she touted with honor. Every day she would practice her swordsmanship in front of her mother. Today was no different. That is, until Sweetie Belle’s scream of excitement pierced the air…
Scootaloo had been lost in her focus as she swung the blade, only to stop it a hair’s-breadth from slicing the approaching Sweetie Belle’s horn off. Sweetie Belle stopped and stood there simply staring at Scootaloo with a raised eyebrow until the Pegasus lowered her blade. “Sorry, Belle.”
Grinning, Sweetie Belle laughed. “It’s alright sweetie! Your control has gotten so much better.”
Lovingly nuzzling Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle grinned as the Pegasus blushed and ruffled her wings in embarrassment. “Anyway, we finally found what was missing from the serum. We just need to go get it…”
Her voice fell and the tone shifted. “In the Royal Canterlot Greenhouse on the second basement floor.-
Scootaloo froze. She can’t be serious. Canterlot...Then that means…
“-In Canterlot Castle.”
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle turned to face Rainbow Dash, the look on her face truly terrifying. Canterlot Castle. The site where Rainbow Dash and Rarity witnessed two of the most powerful ponies to ever set hoof in Equestria, slaughtered thirty-five years ago. “What could you possibly want in that Alicorn-forsaken castle?”
“The Gem Hydrangea”
Sweetie Belle smiled and explained to Rainbow Dash what she meant. “It’s a flower, originally it grew in the Everfree Swamp, with blood-red petals. Sadly though it’s, means of growth, caused the Princesses to hide it from the public and so it was stowed away in the second basement floor of the Castle in the Royal Greenhouse.”
“Means of growth?”
“Erm...Well, the plant’s petals are blood-red, because they, well, the plants are carnivorous. They need to eat the flesh of...Well...Let’s just say the dungeons were never completely full.”
Scootaloo looked aghast. “You are saying they grew pony-eating flowers in the castle? Surely no princess would be so evil.”
Rainbow seemed lost in thought as Sweetie Belle shook her head. “A necessary evil. Those flowers have a unique cellular structure.”
“What could possibly justify-”
“All medicine in Equestria is based on the healing and purifying properties of that plant.”
Scootaloo scuffed at the ground. “But the loss of life. Wouldn’t that-”
Sweetie Belle laughed. “Oh no, Scoots, I guess I didn’t explain it very well. Each individual plant eats only once in the twenty years it is alive. The plant only eats to bloom and it only opens it’s blooms once. The petals don’t wilt for the entirety of its life; sustained by the victim’s body.”
“How did you learn about this...flower?”
Rainbow seemed more alert now. Sweetie Belle didn’t notice as she explained. “A journal found in Twilight’s cabin. It was written using biochem symbols but it tells of how she was on a special squad of ponies assigned to Princess Celestia and Luna, to construct and gain insight into the medical potential of that flower. Apparently there were six ponies involved-”
Rainbow crooked an eyebrow. “Did it list the names of these six?”
Shaking her head, Sweetie Belle spoke wistfully. “No sadly. Just that it contained two Earthponies; Pegasi, and Unicorns; including Twilight. It did however describe three of them: A cupcake lover, a real ‘down home’ farm pony and an animal lover. Oh and that the other unicorn; ‘Diamond Heart’ and a strange pegasus referred to as ‘Stormcloud’ were in charge of criminal executions to grow the flower.”
Rainbow Dash seemed unimpressed. Well. Sweetie Belle thought to herself. To be honest she probably heard worse daily. Still it’s a bit chilling. “What did your mom think about this information?”
“I haven’t told her yet.”
“Do yourself a favor and don’t mention anything but needing the flower.”
“Why do you say that?”
Rainbow’s eyes seemed almost hooded as she whispered. “We prefer our skeletons stay buried. Anyway, let Rar know...It won’t be an easy mission. Scootaloo let’s work on some supplies.”


A few hours later, the four arrived on the road just outside Canterlot’s ruins, braced for a fight; armed to the teeth. Strangely enough though, there were no Arisen to greet them. In fact, it appeared as though the town had been empty for decades. Empty shops, with rotted floorboards and decaying wares still on the shelf, greeted the travelers. Rainbow Dash and Rarity shared a look. Sweetie Belle felt a cold shiver go down her spine. “Spooky.”
Scootaloo stared into a dusty window, where a dish of exceedingly moldy something could be seen on a table layered by dust. “Y-Yeah, no kidding-”
Searching her brain for a change of topic, Scootaloo continued. “Hey why don’t you tell me more about this flower, for instance, how did it get its name?”
Slowly walking past empty, broken houses, Sweetie Belle gladly explained. “The seeds resemble sharp purple crystals and they grow into massive rock-like trees littered with blood red flowers.”
“Rock-like trees? Sounds weird.”
Sweetie Belle gestured with her hoof in excitement. “It is! Apparently the trees resemble giant amethyst growths that branch out. The trunks are so hard they might as well be actual rock!”
Scootaloo shook her head, trying to picture it. “That’s wild.”
Shaking her head Sweetie Belle continued in earnest. “That’s nothing! According to Twilight’s writings, that pales in comparison to how it eats. Thick tendril like briars snake out and grab the victim pulling them in and locking them tight against the trunk; as if hugging them.”
“Well that sounds adorab-”
“The creature is then absorbed into the trunk, leaving no trace behind over the course of seconds.”
“I take it back, that sounds horrifying.”
“Here’s the real shocker, though; it chooses what it eats!”
Scootaloo stopped and looked at Sweetie Belle, convinced she hadn’t heard that right. “It what?”
Sweetie Belle giggled at the sight of her mate’s face. “It chooses. Twilight has detailed scenarios in which victims were simply left untouched. Apparently the consensus between the six is only those with a tainted soul, actually criminal with no remorse, would be devoured by it. They even thought that-”
Sweetie Belle froze as a massive shadow fell upon the group of four; the castle towered over them. Rarity spoke softly as she turned to watch tears well up in Rainbow’s eyes. “We’re here, girls.”
Wiping a hoof across her eyes, Rainbow ran a hoof down the center of the iron gates that made the front entrance. She felt the smoothness of a weld beneath them. Still here. Rarity’s eyes widened as she heard them. It started as a whisper. “Let us out!”
It rose slowly in volume until the screams echoed in her ears. “LET US OUT!”
Suddenly she found herself thirty-five years ago.


Rarity strapped on her medical knife as Rainbow came into the room looking frustrated. “Hey Mrs. Prissy, Luna wants you.”
Rarity froze. What could the Lunar Princess possibly want with a blank-flanked teenager? “What?”
Rainbow Dash flopped onto her mattress waving a wing. “I said Mrs. Nighttime herself wants you.”
“But why?”
“No clue. Wake me when it’s go time.”
Ugh, Rolling her eyes in disgust at Rainbow’s laziness, Rarity started down the hallway towards the chambers of Princess Luna; her mind going wild with conspiracy theories. Why does she want me? Did I do something wrong? Does she want me to heal someone? What if the plant died? Oh sweet Luna, what if… Raising her hoof to knock on the door she heard a solemn voice on the other side address her. “Come in, daughter of Spitfire.”
As Rarity slowly crossed the threshold into the room behind the giant ornate silver doors, the tone grew strangely lighter. “Relax young one, thou art not in mine sights.”
Seeing the confused look on Rarity’s face, Luna laughed. “Sorry, force of habit. You are not in trouble, little one. I am in need of your services.”
“My services? Your majesty there must be some mistake.”
“Are you not Rarity, daughter of Commander Spitfire, Captain of the Bonesaws of Squad C?”
Rarity stood at attention. “Ma’am yes ma’am”
Luna smiled. “Then I have not made such a mistake. I need your help, you see, I’ve encountered an enemy I cannot defeat.”
Rarity could scarcely believe it. Princess Luna was legendary for the terror she bestowed on the battlefield in the past. Her weapon of choice was a massive scythe, conjured and constructed of her own magic; with which she would cut wide swathes of the enemy ranks with a single swipe. Princess Luna, the Reaper herself, wants my help?
It was then that Rarity noticed the abnormal amount of sweat upon the Alicorn’s brow. Blinking, Rarity realized Luna had been shaking and her eyes were less their usual moonglow and more a sickly acidic green. Voicing her concerns out loud, Rarity spoke in a concerned voice. “Princess Luna, are you sick?”
“Yes, I am.”
A chill raced down Rarity’s spine causing her to shiver slightly. For any other pony she would think nothing of it, but Alicorns were touted for their resilience. Celestia and Luna had never been sick a day in the thousands of years they had ruled side-by-side. What could possibly infect her? Luna’s voice was sad and slightly dissonant as though she was fighting back her emotions. “I’m in pain, the likes of which my joints have never felt. On fire-”
Smashing a hoof down, Luna roared. “ABLAZE IN RAGE!”
Rarity froze in fear, her ears pinned back as she witnessed the sheer might of the Alicorn. Shaking her head rapidly, Luna’s eyes flickered rapidly as she screamed. “NO-No-I won’t!”
Rarity found her voice and called to her. “Princess Luna! Your majesty what’s wrong?”
Luna swung her head to face Rarity an evil look in her eye, moments before turning around and smashing her muzzle against the nearby stone wall. She spoke frantically. “I can hear it! A voice inside my head! Get out. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!”
Again and again she slammed her head against the wall until blood began dripping from her now-fractured muzzle. Rarity watched in horror as Luna went berserk. It was then that she noticed the bloodstains on other areas of the wall. She’s been doing this to cope. The blood was dried, indicating this had been going on a while. “It whispers to me. Tells me to hurt and kill all that I love!”
The sickening crunch made Rarity flinch as she noticed something far more horrifying. What happened to her hoof? Her left hind hoof appeared to be rotting, the flesh barely hanging on, and the bone showing around the knee. It’s not infected, it’s rotten, putrid...dead. What could do this to her?
At that moment agonizing screams were heard echoing down the halls. “Your majesty stop!”
The sound of a massive fireball exploded. The bedroom doors groaned under the impact as the ornate silver buckled and began to glow red with smouldering heat. Rarity stared at the door for a moment as her brain began to process what was going on. I have to get out of here! Luna’s horn glowed a light blue and a massive scythe appeared. Her voice was dripping with malice and slowly rose, echoing in Rarity’s ears, as she raised the scythe. “Now...You will...KNOW A TRUE NIGHTMARE!”
Rarity reacted on instinct, throwing herself to the ground as the scythe whizzed overhead; slicing the silver doors in half. The doors fell outward. Rarity seized the moment to bolt out the opening as a blast of intense heat flew past her ear.
Turning, Rarity found herself face to face not with the majesty of what was Princess Celestia, but with the nightmarish reality of her walking corpse. The princess’s midriff had open spots in the flesh, through which the acidic green and putrid grey of rot could be seen. The face of Celestia had one single glowing green eye and an empty eye socket where her other eye should have been. Her brain could be viewed through the eye socket, inactive; festering...Dead. She’s dead. Sombra!
It finally clicked in Rarity’s mind as she managed to avoid being seared alive by a radiating blast of heat from the Sun Princess’s horn. Arisen. I have to get the others. We have to escape! As she turned to run, she heard the taunting voice calling out cruelly from behind her. “That’s right, run. Fear the sun, FEAR MY WRATH!”
Racing down the stairwell, amidst screams and pleas from the royal guard in the level above as they were massacred by the two former rulers of Equestria, Rarity ran. As fast as her hooves could carry her, she ran, straight down to the basement dormitories where Rarity and Rainbow called home. “RAINBOW!”
The scream tore itself from her throat as she crashed through the entrance. “IT’S GO TIME! HURRY UP WE GOTTA GET GOING!”
“Ugh… My head… Stop yelling! Sheesh drama queen. I’m going I’m-”
Rarity shot her a look, and Rainbow felt the blood drain from her face. “Now Rainbow. We have to go. Now!”
“What’s going-”
Rarity rushed around packing her and Rainbow’s things. “Princesses. Lost to us. Arisen. Let’s go!”
Rainbow froze. “Mom?”
Rarity felt as though she had been shot. She had forgotten. Two years ago, shortly after Cloudsdale fell, a bedraggled Pegasus named Rainbow Dash had collapsed on the front steps of the castle. Her wounds indicated she had been in some kind of fight. Rips in her shoulders and a broken hoof; both of which Rarity had been tasked to tend, had been prevalent on the poor Pegasus. Princess Celestia must have seen a kindred spirit in the hunter, and proudly announced her adoption of Rainbow Dash as her daughter.
The solar princess had been doting and loving on Rainbow. Rarity saw the tears in her comrade’s eyes. I need to do something. Remembering their time in the tent during a mission. I hate doing this. “I’m sorry Rainbow. I have no choice.”
The Pegasus had already began to frantically call out to Celestia; ignoring the blood-curdling screams of Luna’s victims nearby. The air was becoming uncomfortably hot, Rarity’s fur began to singe from the heat; indicating the solar Alicorn was approaching. “Mom, you have to stop! This isn’t you. MOM!”
Rarity took a deep breath. Her voice flooded the entire castle causing even the newly Arisen-Alicorns paused. It couldn’t be helped. “STORMY CRESCENDO GRAB YOUR SWORD AND GET YOUR FLANK IN GEAR!”
The effect was instantaneous; Rainbow quickly grabbed her sword, strapping it across her chest, as the tears fell down her face. This sucks. Rarity’s thoughts raced, as she and Rainbow made a dash for the massive front doors. That’s when Rainbow cried out. “What about the oth-”
Rainbow’s words died in her throat as the hellish screams of her friends echoed up the stairwell to the basement. Her ears pinned back in sorrow as Rarity whispered. “Rainbow, I- I don’t think helping them is an option anymore.”
Rainbow stood frozen staring, heartbroken at the undead Celestia; who was now raining fire down upon all on the first floor from the banister, laughing insanely. “RUN YOU FOOLS, ENTERTAIN ME SOME MORE!”
Rainbow’s blood ran cold as she stood there, unable to move. As Celestia trained her unseeing eye to lock with those of Rainbow Dash, she gave pause. Her horn aglow and ready to incinerate her adopted daughter, Celestia simply stopped. Perhaps it was a trick of the fiery blaze raging all around them, but Rainbow was sure she saw that lifeless eye glow brightly if only for a mere instant. The head of the Princess turned and the blast instead was fired at an empty stairwell.
As the stairwell exploded in flames, the light shined in Rainbow’s eyes as once more she turned and ran towards the screaming form of Rarity; Celestia had taken control. She didn’t know how but the spirit of the real Celestia had prevented her Arisen corpse from obliterating her adopted and beloved daughter giving Rainbow the chance to escape. Turning to Rarity she called out “Let’s go.”
Rarity meanwhile had been staring at the stairs where three familiar faces, now distorted and disfigured, had trotted out from the basement. Fluttershy, her eyes both gone and her lower jaw missing, hovered facing the hornless unicorn. Beside her, missing an ear stood what had been sweet, innocent Pinkie Pie; her middle had been gouged open and a chunk of her thigh was missing. Applejack, well what was left of her, stood there with a large slice in her neck; her hat still on her head though her snout had been ripped off.
They stood there, Arisen, facing her strangely though the three made no movement towards her. Behind them stood Princess Luna. A snarl on her muzzle, but standing still, just watching. A tear slowly rolled down her cheek, before she turned to eviscerate a guard running by the stairs with her conjured scythe. “FEAR THE NIGHT, PEASANTS!”
Rarity’s voice was loud, hurt, and angry. “C’mon Rainbow!”
As Rainbow and Rarity turned and ran through the door, they heard a familiar sound. Bursting through just before the doors slammed shut behind them, the two witnessed Twilight Sparkle, Lead Engineer of the Unicorn Squadron, horn aglow. The tears streaming down her face were nothing compared to the pain in her normally shining eyes.
It was no secret how much Celestia had meant to Twilight. In fact, the two had been openly proud of each other, taking pride in being by each other's side. To see her standing there horn glowing as she held the doors shut against the fierce sounds of pounding on them, Rarity could practically hear her heart breaking. “LET US OUT! LET US DEVOUR YOU!”
Twilight shook her head. Her tone was low and hopeless. “No, Celestia I’m...I’M SORRY-”
Her voice echoed throughout the kingdom and even the birds fell silent. With her eyes screwed shut, Twilight fired a beam of superheated magic. The door, struck with this beam, began to glow with intense heat. A bead of welding appeared as the two sides fused together. Encased in an anti-magic seal and welded shut, the door groaned against the force of the alicorns but held tight. Rainbow listened to her last words to her princess. “I can’t let you hurt anyone else, but I promise I will find a cure. And I will return to you.”


The visions of the past flashed by in an instant, and Rarity and Rainbow glanced at each other in silent agreement. Turning to their children, Rainbow smiled brokenly as Rarity told them. “Girls, when we get inside, we want you to head down to the basement immediately.”
Sweetie Belle looked confused. The plan had been to go together. Why would they want to split up? “What about you and Rainbow, mom?”
Rarity smiled sorrowfully, her voice carrying her sadness. “We have some old friends and family to take care of.”
Sweetie Belle was about to argue when Rarity shouted. “Stormy! Break it down!”
Rainbow may have been past her prime, but as Scootaloo watched, her mom’s powerful blows tore the door off its hinges; the seal gone since Twilight’s demise. As the doors fell inward and slammed onto the ground, Rarity flipped her mane with a shake of her head. “Let’s go."