//------------------------------// // The Endless Night Part 1 // Story: The Story Of Celestia and Luna(first draft) // by TehUltimmareFreakRobot //------------------------------// Luna kept her word and courted a fine stallion named Rising Moon 6 months after the Fall. He was handsome and dotting, and Luna instantly fell in love. “You come around much?” Luna asked Rising seductively as she slowly mixed her wine, making sure not to drink too much for the sake of her reputation. “You seem like a fine colt to come from the Royal House of the Stars.” “Occasionally.” Rising replied, smoothly. His eyes were half lidded as he spoke, mixing his wine as well. Luna smirked. “Maybe you should come more often. What is your name?” She dared to inch closer, gaining the attention of some passerby and Celestia. “Rising Moon.” He took a sip from his wine, winking at her. “ A fine name for a fine stallion of your likes.” Luna was now right next to her suitor, their pelts touching.  “Everypony already knows my name, but it would be rude not to introduce myself! I am Princess Luna.” As everypony gasped, one of Rising’s friends dashed up to him and whispered frantically and with anger into his ear. “What are you doing?! You can’t just seduce a princess!” The colt hissed, tugging his flirtatious friend’s ear. “She clearly shows an interest.” Rising said to his friend, rolling his eyes. As the stallion spluttered trying to refute that, Luna also rolled her eyes at the sight. Celestia wandered up towards Luna with a slightly panicked look. “Luna, what are you doing?” She asked. Those anxieties still refused to leave…  “Honestly Tia, he seems like the one. We clearly like each other and he is also physically attractive…” A deep blush coated Luna's dark blue muzzle as she dared to hold Rising’s hoof. A sad puppy face twisted on Luna’s face and she made her lips tremble as she ogled Celestia. Taking a deep breath, Celestia nodded and smiled. “Of course, my apologies. I’m still a little on edge about these things.” She rubbed her hoof a little, then raised it towards Rising’s direction. “Thank you Tia. Now shoo!” Luna waved her sister and the other stallion away before purring at Rising. “Where were we again…?” Luna cooed, rubbing her muzzle on Rising’s. Celestia laughed a little and walked off, happy to see her sister...well, be happy. Rising turned his attention to Luna, and proceeded to do the same with her; lowly humming. The two quickly became a couple, and 7 months later they married. Almost two years after the Fall Of The Crystal Empire, Rising was the first to suggest trying to for a foal. “A foal?” Luna blinked, shyly snuggled into her husband’s side. Her tail was wrapped around his and their faces were pressed together. “I just...think it’d be wonderful if we could raise children together.” Rising explained, nuzzling her neck. “You’d be a great mother.” “That sounds nice.” Luna giggled. “You’d be an amazing father.” Rising smiled warmly, nuzzling further. “Tell me when you’re ready for this, if you want to.” “Of course, my dear.” Luna pressed her face into Rising’s neck and sighed contently. After getting ready, they tried and like Faust and Tempest before them, it worked first attempt. Now they had to tell their loved ones and the country that a new princess was going to be born. “How are we going to tell them!?” Luna fretted, her mane and fur a frizzy mess. She was pacing in the gardens, thinking of the worst ways this would go down. Rising was sitting near her on a bench in a thinking position. “Hmm… we could just simply tell them we will be parents soon.” He suggested. “B-but will they approve?!” Luna wailed, thunking her hooves. “What if they don’t like us having yet another princess?!” The alicorn thumped to the grass and covered her face, seemingly already accepted defeat. Rising’s eyes glinted with concern, and he walked over to his wife to hug her. “I’m sure they will be excited. Such an occasion rarely happens, doesn’t it?” He asked. “Your sister definitely will, she’s changed her viewpoint on us being a couple for the better.” “T-that’s true…” Luna mumbled, hugging back. “We should tell her first.” She pulled away from the hug and went looking for her sister. Agreeing with her, Rising followed in search. They went around asking, but Celestia was extremely busy with a meeting in the Solar Court and could not be interrupted. Luna threw a fit because of this. “Luna, darling, let’s be patient-” “Patient?! This is me telling my SISTER that I am having her niece, and you expect me to WAIT?!” Luna let out a snarl that was more like a wolf then a pony and twisted her face so hard a vein could be seen throbbing. “You’ve waited for her once. And many times before.” He put his hoof on her shoulder. “I’m sure you can handle this.” Luna let out a breath of air through her nose and calmed down. “Sorry, dearie.” She looked embarrassed.  “You’re alright.” Rising gave a reassuring smile. “Hey, we can use this time to practice.” “NO!” Luna’s face flared alight. “I don’t practice for anything! I am a princess, I know how to handle these kinds of matters!” The guard opened the door to the Solar Court. “Announcing, Princess Luna and Prince Rising Moon!” He shouted. Luna gulped, clearly the outburst from before was just bravado. Celestia waved at them. “Hello, you two lovebirds. Have anything to say?” She asked, curiously. Luna shuffled around, blushing deeply and crossing her hind legs.  “Uhm, big sister…. You… aregoingtobeanaunt!” The court was silent, nopony having caught the last part. “Uh… care saying that slower?” Celestia’s adviser chuckled.  Luna took a deep breath and let a smile overcome her embarrassment. “I am having a foal!” she squealed.” The white mare gasped and sat there, silent, mouth agape. “Congrats!” The adviser ran up to the two royals and bowed. “We eagerly await the foal’s birth.”  “Isn’t it great, Tia?” Luna asked, walking up to the throne to grin at her sister. “I am having Rising Moon’s foal!” Celestia had never screamed so happily before in ages. Luna hugged Celestia in fear at the scream, then in happiness as she nuzzled her sister’s neck. “Mother and Father are probably so happy right now, aren’t they?” The Moon Princess whispered. Nuzzling back, Celestia cheered. “Oh, they definitely are!” The whole of Equestria eagerly awaited the birth of Luna’s foal, but history tends to repeat itself, as it did one clear night when Luna collapsed in front of the Palace, begging for somepony, anypony, to help her. “L-Luna?” Celestia hurried towards her, worry in her eyes as she recalled the last time this happened… “Help me, Tia…!” Luna begged. “I..I…” Contractions were wreaking her body. “I-it’s too early for this to be happening!” “I know, I know…” Celestia quietly muttered, gently but quickly putting Luna on her back, rushing towards the healers. A scream of agony filled the air as tiny drops of blood seeped out onto Celestia’s fur from the pony on her back. “Tia…. Tia…!” “I’m trying to get you th-there as fast as I c-can!” Celestia frantically got out, zooming in the hallways. Soon enough, the two sisters were with the healers, who thankfully had more knowledge than when Faust gave birth to Luna. They put spells on her to ease the princess’ pain to the point where it wouldn’t make her faint, made her push and ordered the newly arrived Rising and Celestia to not crowd too close to their loved one.  “I THOUGHT TIA TOOK AFTER OUR BUCKING MOTHER, NOT ME!” Luna swore as it was nearly over. Rising partially looked at what was happening. Half due to concern for his wife, half because foal birth was hard to watch. Celestia cringed in worry. “Come on… Come on… YES!” The eldest healer cheered as it was FINALLY over. He snatched the newborn foal and passed it over to his workers. “Quickly, clean it up and start it’s breathing!” Luna gasped in concern. “Is it alive?” she whimpered. Celestia and Rising’s ears flipped down, both hoping the baby was okay. Finally, a glorious cry filled the air. The healer’s grin grew wider and wider. “SHE’S just fine, everypony!”  Luna gasped in relief and slowly snached the foal into her front legs, cradling it. “Hello, little one, didn’t you give me a scare?” Rising hurried a little over towards the bed, smiling sweetly at his newborn foal. “She’s here…” Luna held up the foal. “Look, she has a mix of your gray fur and my blue, Rising. And she has my mother and Tia’s white fur at the base of her legs.” “A perfect blend…” Rising remarked. “Tia, come over here!” Luna called. “Your niece wants to meet you!” Celestia wasted no time getting over there, looking closely at her niece with a gentle smile. “Hello there, little one.” “Her name is Moondust.” Luna closed her eyes. “Yeah, Moondust…”  Moondust was a loving filly at first, eager to spend whatever time she had with her mother, even if said mare was grumpy or sleeping. One time, Luna was curled up on the carpet at the Castle of the Two Sisters, zzing away. Nopony could blame her; raising a filly AND ruling a country was tiring.  “What are you doing, little princess?” A guard asked as he saw Moondust stare at Luna. “Mama’s sleeping on the carpet!” Moondust giggled, pointing at her sleepy mother. “Why don’t you wake her up?” The guard snickered, handing her an airhorn. “You don’t need to use your magic for this, just stomp on the soft part and it shall wake up your mother no problem!” It was Soft Lotion, of course. “Okay!” Moondust squeaked, taking the airhorn and trotted over to Luna. She aimed her hoof directly at what she presumed was the soft spot, and stomped on it. Probably a little too hard. A loud, sharp noise filled the air, and Luna screamed bloody murder and flew up like a demon. “I SHALL FLAY YOUR GUTS, SOM-” She frowned, realizing she was woken up, and tried in vain to keep a scowl as she stared at her daughter at her hooves. Moondust’s pupils shrunk as she looked at her mom in fear.  “Oh, my little daughter! What compelled you to do that? Surely you saw that your mother needed her sleep?” Luna growled as she layed back down and pulled Moondust into her grasp. Getting out of her shock, Moondust attempted to shrug and giggled. “Cause Soft Lotion told me!” Luna glared at the guard, who gulped and ran away. She then looked down at the bundle snuggled into her chest.  “Well, don’t listen to him, he’s a bit of a prankster, dearest. Are you getting along with your Aunt Celestia?” Luna made a mental note to talk to her sister about teaching her guards more resistant and discipline. “Mmmmhm! She’s the best!” Moondust’s tail wagged a little. “Do you want to hear some stories from when she and I were little filles?” Luna smiled. Her daughter was perfect. “Yes!” She squeaked in response. “So, your aunt was a rather big prankster back then…” As it turns out, Moondust would follow in Celestia’s footsteps, only she had an attitude to count. As she was slowly reaching her teenaged filly years, she turned into what could be called a skateboard punk. “Moondust, what is it?” Luna grumbled as she went through paperwork. “I thought I told you to bug your father about trivial matters.” “He’s busy.” Moondust snorted, rolling her eyes. The sound of papers being slammed down filled Luna’s ears. “Then what do you want, dear? I have a lot of work to do.”  The alicorn felt like the amount of ponies who had important matters were only increasing by the day. Celestia was faring no better; Luna hardly ever saw her once every two weeks at this point. “I wanna hangout with my friends tonight.” Moondust swirled her hoof around the table. “Can I?” Her eyes shimmered a little under the hopes that would help. Luna perked up. “Why of course!” This could help a lot. Her daughter had been terribly bored lately and this could help get her the needed fresh air. “Just come home as soon as you’re done.”  Grinning, she quickly exited the room. “Thanks mom!” “You’re welcome, dear.” Luna smiled to herself. Her daughter will have fun tonight for sure! --------