//------------------------------// // Bumpy Beginnings // Story: A New Start // by Black Hailstorm //------------------------------// "You'd think a city full of so many inhabitants would have found a way to adapt a park for the ones that actually want a bit of quiet now and then." Furnace Raiser chuckled at his companion's remark all while scratching the back of his head as he eyed his next move on the chessboard. They had grabbed coffee, ate some donuts, and now were sitting in the shade of a large tree- playing a old pass time: a game of chess, all while they waited for his niece and brother-in-law to catch the next train over. In the span of an hour or so between idle chatter Furnace had found he really had gotten rusty at this thing. Especially since the last time he'd taught Cozy how to play she seemed to just get better every time she lost before he couldn't beat her at all. In the span of what he presumed to be an hour, at least judging by the clock stand sitting in the center of the park; one of four of its faces showing the time they'd spent on this single match Furnace had lost both his rooks, a bishop, four pawns, as well as a knight and had only gotten one rook, one knight, and two pawns for all the trouble. Pierce was doing far better than he expected. Then again, he was dealing with a thestral that was way out of his league. "Still not used to Manehattan's ways are ya Pierce? Funny, I'd have thought a bloke like you would be used to things here given our bunking times." "How you can be so calm about the screech of a passing train I feel I will always have a reason to envy" the thestral sighed. "Having sensitive ears blows," which only earned him laughter from his friend. Smiling just a little Pierce lifted a wing and pinching one chess piece between his central knuckle and claw he lifted the folded wing up and tapped his knight on E3. Strategically, it provided few advantages but it kept his knight safe. Placing his knight in a path that gave him direct access for Furnace's bishop while also moving it out of its line of pass. "Dang it." Furnace frowned. Huffing the stallion blew up, causing strands of his boysenberry mane to jostle on the cool air, an old habit Pierce had noticed his old friend hadn't quite given up on since their teen years. "Was hoping you wouldn't notice that." His horn glowing a brilliant orange, Furnace moved his bishop elsewhere, leaving his pawn perfectly exposed for the taking. Chuckling as he moved a pawn up, just a few more paces closer to the end of the board, Pierce smiled and said "Don't forget I have to be astute if I want to stay alive given my job you know." The comment while seemingly innocuous, reminded Furnace of just what his little spark plug would be going into and just how much his old friend had changed going into this line of business. "Right," He shifted on the stump cushioned seat that filled many park tables. "...It's good to hear from you again old friend." "You too Furnace." Pierce smiled. "It's been a long time." "Almost 25 years." And that was the end of idle chit chat for awhile. The two lapsed into companionable silence as they continued their little game in the public park. The sound of hundreds upon hundreds of beings moving on about their daily business all around them. Shouts from wagoncab operators yelling at other wagoncab operators or for Manehattanites, hotwheels. The distant sound of someone shouting something to someone else could be heard easily now and again. On top of that there was music from a street performer that played between the passing sea of bodies or the shouts of a travelling company, dishing out fliers for their latest set up and upcoming show. Manehattan was a busy place, one of Equestria's most popular polis for its historical economic advantages in show business and fashion. Furnace couldn't help but find it somewhat amusing his old, freshcolt companion from their First Categorial days had forgotten just how busy and how loud the city could be, especially depending on the district one resided in. But then again... The tiffany blue unicorn looked up at his friend, stealing a glance at the thestral as he rubbed the stubble of his lower chin, acting like he was pondering his next move. ...then again, it had been years since he'd last seen Pierce Streak. Over two decades in fact now that he thought about. Between the spots of light that shined through the roof of branches and leaves thanks to a clear and sunny sky Furnace could see the signs. One or two stitches hidden in that coat of cobalt blue that could easily be black. Looking back to the board Furnace Raiser frowned. Pierce Streak lived a life that could be called into danger at any time at any point. Facing things he could only imagine were just as bad if not worse than what he dealt with in his own profession, and the overprotective uncle in him didn't want to see his little spark plug thrown into that lifestyle. If she had ever gotten her mark, he'd have thought it would have been in politics. His little spark plug was so gifted in guiding a conversation, something he'd had to be careful with when talking to her as she got older. Cozy Glow was a natural social butterfly, just like her mother. There was no magic involved when talking to her, no compulsion that pushed things into her favor. Cozy was just good at reading others. In retrospect, perhaps it had been obvious what she'd end up doing. They'd all just been too blind to see it or the direction it would take her. Then again, he thought, she'd call me out without hesitation. Cozy Glow did what she wanted, and she would clearly point out to him that he would be lying to himself if he said what his own profession involved, didn't involve danger. Not with him and others in his unit fighting the fires of danger to save lives and spare homes. Not when Manehattan's finest firefighters and members of the Royal Guard had risked their lives to try and subdue a 20 foot tall demon with six legs, four arms, five eyes, and the terrible gift to breathe fire, stomping and laughing as she rampaged across the 12th and 14th Districts, stalling for Princess Celestia to get there. Shaking his head Furnace shook away those thoughts. The dead would not be coming back, and he had no reason to get himself in a sour mood when in the presence of good company. "Hey," he looked up and found Pierce staring at him with grape purple eyes. "...Let's get back to the game...okay?" Blinking away the blurries, Furnace took a trembling breathe and smiled slightly. Horn glowing, Furnace took the rook his friend had been inching towards his queen's direction. Watched as Pierce set his pawn on his side of the board and then swapped his queen for the pawn, putting him dangerously close to the king defended by a another bishop and one king-pawn. Some time passed, turns were taken then after a pause and another move, "...You know she's a real strong filly." Pierce commented, eyes never leaving the pieces in front of them. "Baby doll while derogative of her peers in school to give her such a name given your family's history with dwarf ponies, she sure gave them Tartarus for the label." Pierce nudged a bishop with his hoof, smiling in a similar manner to his friend as Furnace nudged his knight. "Temper like that is something we'll watch out for but she'll need to learn how to stomp it down on her own at some point. Her affinity to magic was a surprise though. Even Princess Twilight was curious when we reported the events leading up to her mark." "You never did explain that y'know?" Furnace frowned as he moved a piece, sacrificing another pawn. "What's so different about her Mark from somepony else that isn't a unicorn and gets a Mark relating to magic. I get you Pierce, but I still don't get how you're any different from somepony outside the unicorn tribe in a similar situation." "Marks as we know it are what ties us to the Great Harmony the royal sisters once maintained, right?" "Your point? Why you gettin all philosophical on me here P, just get to the point we don't have all day to talk, y'know." "My point is her mark isn't about her interest in magic, it's more than that. Just like our marks don't define us, a mark is more than your interests or what you're gokd at. It's the definition of what you excel at." He knew where this was going. "Like Troubleshoes?" Pierce grinned, "like Troubleshoes." Furnace just shook his head. "How a mac gets a mark for bad luck I'll never understand. Least he's on our side." "You have no idea how good that actually is. Seriously, if it weren't for him Sombra would have won. And who knows, perhaps the knight-lord may have also." The thestral laughed. Shaking his head Furnace made his move. "So what are you saying here?" "I'm saying that the difference between a pegasus who has a mark depicting something abstract in relation to magic is easier to notice when compared to an Earther whose mark depicts something clearly representing magic like beakers dealing in chemistry. It's not uncommon these days for a tribe to get something usually found in another tribe and Harmony is all about balance. Unicorns that control the weather exist in Canterlot, however few they are. Earth ponies that have some strange connection to magic exist, if rare; Lady Pinkamena is a perfect example and her mark is so abstract it's easy to see why she's still an anomally. And pegasi that are stronger in ways their mark shouldn't cover exist as well. Cozy Glow had excellent grades in her magical theory courses and is above the standard average in her testing. You know there's not a lot of us unique types out there these days. Not like in the early period of the Diarchy after the Sisters took control. "From what I've seen, she's a young mare that will be just fine when she finishes her training and enters the field. She'll level out nicely, you know that right?" Pierce's voice was quiet, soft for only the two of them to hear. Furnace smiled lightly as he watched his king get taken. "Of course P." The thestral smiled at his old nickname. "My little spark plug's a lot tougher than her looks would have you think and we're all damn proud of her for it." Furnace sniffed, coughed, then with a hack spat a good distance out for the loogie to land on the grass some ways away. "T.P. still peeved at you?" Pierce chuckled in amusement after a moment of silence. "He means well. Just worried for his daughter. It's your sister I'm afraid of..." He paused. Grinned. "Checkmate." "Bah!" Furnace threw his hooves up at the announcement then downed his cold coffee in one go. "I don't blame you. She can be terrifying when she finally gets angry and not the scolding parent kind." He scowled at the bitter cold wind that passed as he finished his beverage and chucked the cup into a disposal bin not far away. "And for the record I let you win." Furnace managed the serious face to match that tone but then it faded into a merry grin riddled with chuckles. Horn glowing he began to rearrange the pieces for another game. "Heh, you keep telling yourself that ya lug. So," Pierce glanced at the clock post behind Furnace. "What time are they supposed to be getting to the station." "4:20, why?" Furnace asked, using his magic to grab the two empty donut cases they had devoured. "It's 4:09 Raiz." Pierce said rising. "Your sister doesn't like no-shows or late appointments. So...run?" Gathering the items in his magic as he rose, placing all the pieces in the box he'd brought, and stretching a little the tiffany blue unicorn squinted at the clock with a eye and weighed his options. He nodded, seemingly coming to a decision after a moment then looking at his friend said: "Run." Manehattan was a city virtually connected by its rails. Trains were not everywhere but they were popular for those in need of a place to go between the subdivisions of Manehattan and its social caste. Plus in a overcrowded city of varying cultures, species, and ethnics, it was a lot easier to simply take a ride out on the rails than fighting others in public for a hotwheel and a driver willing not to take the first passenger waiting on the sidewalk or the one driver that had sworn fealty to a customer for extra pay for waiting an extra half hour. (Providing the new customer couldn't out pay the last). The trains went under, over, or through different districts. Some went between bridges that were between buildings or separated district A from district B. The park Pierce and Furnace fled from to catch the 4:20 Rigby Train, was in fact, ten minutes distance away by hoof, probably less depending on the flier, barely even noticeable if the unicorn had the pow to do a jump of such a distance. The two rushed from their game in the park and crossed the busy street in a hurry. Pierce flew over the crowd while Furnace teleported to his side. The next eight minutes were spent running to the other side of the city block, going straight several blocks and taking a left on the path to the nearby station where in the distance a train was already leaving-- "Oooo, so close," Furnace winced. Standing side by side with a unicorn of maroon coat and a mane of varying yellows, Cozy Glow frowned at her mother as the mare carried several little duffle bags in her magic, waiting for somepony behind them to pass. The two were whispering in hushed tones but it was clear that whatever was being said, Cozy didn't like it. That frown switched to a glower when she followed her mother's gaze at the abrupt stop. Staring down at him and his friend as they approached the slope, where exiting the station's building, was a Earth pony stallion. A large one but not terribly so. He walked steadily with a minor limp, his charcoal coat bringing a contrast to his light blue mane and indigo eyes. "You were supposed to meet us at the docking station Raiser!" The mare said, sounding very displeased as she glanced over at her husband. "You know Torch shouldn't be taking on heavy loads after his accident." "Now hold on Merry, it's not even 4:18 yet, it's--" "4:23." Torch Path said as he walked up the aisle with the trolley he had hitched on trailing behind him. Looking down at the smaller, wiry stallion as he glanced at his wife who carried several bags in her own aura. He glanced at Cozy who refused to look in either of her parent's direction before looking at his brother-in-law. "It's good to see you Furnace." The stallion's stern expression gave way to a warm smile, at least till his eyes glanced over to Pierce and then some of the warmth seemed to leave his face. "Pierce, always nice to see you." "Likewise." Pierce neutrally said, a small smile of his own present that seemed to somehow betray the one Torch was giving him. "Oh stop that!" Merry swatted her husband's flank lightly with a rolled up magazine she'd been carrying. Several bags dropped from her aura in response to that action. "Be nice hun, I thought you were old friends!" "We are. Still are. At least when it's not involved with taking my daughter." "Correction, she's being brought on board of her own free will. No taking involved." Furnace carefully informed, earning him the stink eye from the earth pony that quite literally towered over him and everyone else in their group. "I can speak" she stomped, "for myself now daddy!" Cozy said through grit teeth, hints of her accent seeping in with her anger. "I'm not dat tiny cutesy ootsy foal anymore dat used to have fun spreading gossip about Clear Skies an' her stupid little entourage of whores--" "Cozy!" Furnace deciding he had dodged a bullet let his niece talk while he went to grab bags in his magic as Pierce stayed behind to watch the interaction. "--who thought they could one up me by making me look bad on my thirteenth birthday, in public, covered in cake at school! The legal adult age is 15 in case you've forgotten, and last I checked I'm well over that age limit. 17, remember?" "Cozy!" Merry snapped, her voice firm, swatting her daughter's flanks lightly also in warning in a way that unlike her husband actually managed to make her daughter wince for just the briefest of seconds. "Manners! Don't talk to your father that way!" Wings twitching the Pegasus hid a scowl behind her curls before she sighed, giving up with a pout. "Fine. I'm sorry." Merry harrumphed with all the skill of a true Canterlotive and tossed her flowing yellow mane out of her eyes. "You know you don't say that when you don't mean it. Look, your making a scene in front of Pierce here and how do you think that reflects on you even if you've passed your tests?" Pouting the slightly larger filly went silent, choosing to watch some of the passers that were also exiting from the train into the public grounds from the sloped catwalk behind them. Some she noticed had begun glancing a lot more in her mother's direction and this small detail couldn't help but make Cozy feel a hint of annoyance at the way her mother's recognition seemed to follow them everywhere. Sighing and moving a volatile strand of yellow and marigold out of her glowing green eyes, Merry Note pushed her mane back with her magic and then with a glancing frown at Cozy, looked at Pierce with a warm friendly smile. "Agent Pierce Streak. I'm happy to see you're doing well, I hope?" "Always in good company Mrs Light. Even better now that we're all together" The thestral smiled, a feat that she noticed made one or two ponies pacing pickup just a little more. "Excellent!" Merry Note smiled brightly then turned to her husband who had lost some of the load that was on his trolley cart. "Are we ready to go?" A round of nods, save for Cozy who did it last, and Merry beamed as she led the way. "So, what hotel are we staying in?" "Oh it's just a hotwheel away. Shouldn't take us too long for us to get there by wagon. About, I'd say, fifteen minutes or so. Little longer if you feel like hoofing it." "Well Spring weather is coming in. But if it's alright with you I'd like to avoid the remaining chill. Oh," Merry paused as they reached the exits and glanced behind her with a look of concern. "Have you eaten? We had a early brunch before leaving some two hours ago. We could stop by somewhere, eat in before heading to the hotel?" "I could eat." Furnace said absentmindedly as he observed the gear inside one bag. Wing blades, stilletos and an assortment of blades glinted off the light in their cases in one bag while a variety of polishing equipment and material were in another for weapon maintenance. "How did you get all this through security? You've got so much metal in here I'm surprised your stuff wasn't confiscated." "Security clearance," both father and daughter said together before glancing at each other. Zipping the first bag up Furnace took another and look inside another. "Are these shard charges?" "Yup" Cozy smiled just a tad, hoof going up to ring of metal acting as a sort of collar and necklace for the gem in the center that rested on her upper breast. "Been practicing how to use them. Specially since I'm still trying to work on control and all." Furnace whistled. Looking through the shard gems in cases, packed tightly together he took a peak at what else his niece had as he took up a few more bags in his magic. "Even got spellscript here. I didn't think you would go into runecraft but I guess that makes sense...hm..." rummaging around as he looked and putting things back together Furnace took his time looking through what would be going with his niece. After all, he was the only unicorn in the family that had the most knowledge on theory. "Should have called me when you guys were buyin this stuff" he muttered as he pulled, looked, and packed. Torch couldn't help but watch his brother-in-law with some minor concern while Cozy mildly perked up at the attention her gear was affectionately getting. Tearing his eyes away from Furnace's snooping Torch smiled, the scar over his lip and up his cheek somehow making his smile almost morbid, like a sneer. "I could eat also." "Pierce?" Merry checked, ignoring her husband and brother for the sake of common decency. "Food would be appreciated Mrs Light, thank you." Pierce smiled warmly. "Perfect." Merry Note beamed, leading the others out the station as they followed closely behind. "I know the perfect place." "Please don't let it be another Neighponese restaurant like last time" Cozy muttered. "It is!" Merry snarked. "Uuuuuuugh!" slumping her wings and whole body as Cozy took agonizingly slow steps forward. Deciding if she had to eat trash she might as well delay the inevitable. Giggling the maroon mare smiled impishly while rolling her eyes. "Just kidding!" She singed, voice catching ears, some eyes taking double takes as the mare trotted by and they all headed for the glass door exits. "It's a Saddle Arabian diner. I think you'll like it." This statement seemed to perk Cozy up. At least to the point where she was no longer dragging herself behind the group. The Tasty Treat was a rather large restaurant. Large at least in terms of the other places one could get a bite to eat, given the different species that tended to mix in Central Manehattan territory. The ride had been absolutely boring and Cozy Glow wanted nothing more than for it to be over and done with. Upset and annoyed at the earlier event of causing a scene, the teen sighed a calming breath and tried to relax as they approached the restaurant that honestly had her appreciating foreign foods in Equestria, as long as it wasn't some odd variant of said food butchered in Equestrian style. If she was going to eat exotic she would prefer it wasn't demolished by Equestrian food critic 'high standards'. "It has been a while since we've been here, hasn't it Torch?" "Mmmhm" the earther replied as he sat down to rest for a moment. "Moons since our last date what with work and your performances and little gumdrop over there." "Daddy!" Cozy whined with a pout. "Ah hush you," Torch jokingly prodded his young. "How is the singing gig going by the way? I've heard good things what with you taking to jazz, pop and classical genres very well. A little surprised you took a career in that direction what with...well..." Merry smiled sadly. "Yes, papa probably would be happy he won in the end." "I'm sorry I--" "Quite alright dear." Merry smiled disarmingly at Pierce while Cozy leaned forward, intrigued by the mention of her departed grandfather whose name was rarely sung. "Shall we go in?" Merry asked, easily switching topics. "I've seen such lovely reviews since I came here last." Disappointed, the pegasus said nothing at the sudden drop of the topic. Moving away from her husband's side, the light maroon red mare took only but a step before lifting a hoof to help her husband rise. "Thanks babe." "Anytime hun" Merry purred as she brought herself right by her husband's side to give him support. Even if Torch was a full two heads taller than his wife, despite being slightly above average for an earth pony, she supported him with ease. Cozy tried not to roll her eyes, but it was hard not to when your parents got all gushy like prepubescent teens around each other. Sometimes it really was embarrassing to be out with them. Following the others in the short filly walked beside her father, ever wary of his movement as she glanced around at the decorations beckoning customers to the glass doors and inside the warm establishment. Away from the chill of the ending winter season, where warm food and good drinks awaited. "Welcome to dah Tasty Treat!" a sleek mare with a white coat smiled brightly as she pushed a strand of aquamarine hair out of her eyes. "Can I show you to a seat?" Giggling Merry covered her husband with a gentle pat to his side, easing his tense nerves and locking muscles at the mare's sudden appearance on their entree. "Thank you! We would love that- oh and if it wouldn't be too much to ask could we get a large table, ah, with some distance from the other patrons? I'm celebrating my daughters entrance into her 2nd Categorial program and we'd like a bit of privacy if it's not too much of a bother." "One booth coming right up! This way please. Oh, and may I say I loved your latest album!" Merry beamed, "thank you!" The mare smiled brightly in return and with an extra noticeable pep in her step she led the group down the entry hall into the establishment, under a doorway, decorated in a wreath of flowers. Inside Cozy was assaulted with the scent of spices. Steamed vegetables of all kinds could be hinted at in the air and delicious aromas wafted through the kitchen from behind the large dark brown wooden counter where four separate cashiers were taking orders on the leftmost side of the room, not far from the entrance or the hole with lines that had notes sent to the kitchen staff. At the same time there were other scents and smells. Things she had gotten used to since it had all been a part of her training. The scent of meat was faint but it to lingered in the air, though it was faint, it still made her stomach lurch in a uncomfortable way. But if you lived in Manehattan long enough, you got used to all kinds of smells quickly depending on which district you went. The Tasty Treat was divided into three levels. The ground level or main floor had an array of tables and chairs that sat on polished floorboard ground with patrons and customers chatting away in a vast space in the center of the room, roughly equivalent to a hooball field as waiters of different races swooped in and took their meals or dropped by to take orders before they turned around, disappearing behind a door past the cashier table that read in bold red letters: Employees Only. Some waiters lingered to exchange small chit chat before a co-worker from the rectangular windowless opening that was connected to the kitchen would shout out an order number and one waiter or waitress would excuse themselves and head back to duty. The main floor was made up of rows and columns that consisted of zigzag like format. Almost like tables were randomly tossed in a vague semblance of order and then were divided on their left and right by hardwood sheets of mahogany that had square holes drilled in to its uppermost part. The idea was to provide some privacy, as while the main floor was large, the distance between the randomly arranged serving tables and their hosting sizes required a large space, but not one where one wouldn't feel slightly intruding into another's dining bubble. Each table was thus separated on the side by these heavy moveable wooden sheets that clicked into certain points of the ground. Allowinv for a form of privacy between tables on the sides, while distance was maintained in the front and back. Cozy noticed as they entered the mouth watering room filled with all sorts of chatter and smells, that all the patrons on this level were ponies. Most of a specific tribe while a few tables down, on the northeast or south parts, one could find interracial tables like her group. As they walked down the walkway, she saw a donkey family here, or even odd couple of what looked to be bipedal griffons, feeding each other fruit. It was an interesting thing to note since this was her official first time in the restaurant, not simply something bought and brought to her by her father or uncle. "Wow, really crowded in here this afternoon, isn't it?" Furnace asked. His 's' slurring to sound like 'innit'. "Yeh, it's been like this most of winta actually" their waitress informed. "Do you usually have so many pony patrons come here?" Pierce asked, his nostrils flaring at the familiar smell. "Ah, can smell the fish can't you sir?" the waitress chuckled as Pierce sniffed the air. "No, we get all kind of custamers. Ponies, griffons, hipppgriffs, minotaurs, donkeys, buffalo, even the occasional Diamond dog and on one rare occasion a ape. The owners aren't from Equestria though so after their business kicked off with the support of Ladies Pinkie and Rarity they expanded out a bit with their menu. Come from the eastern terratories. Vinji, if I recall right." "Oh we know" Merry smiled as they circled the room to head towards the stairs. "We--" "WELL IF IT IZN'T OFFISER BIGS!" a light accented voice cut across the room, though if anypony noticed they certainly didn't care as most continued their own loud conversations. Torch turned to the chubby stallion approaching him, followed by a okapi mare who dipped to the stallion's right, flashed a smile at the group as she passed and headed to the center stage. "Corian!" the off duty officer shouted back as the host got closer. "You walk all this way out here to meet me you big lovable teddy bear?" "You saved ze life of my daughter and our customers at your own risk from that monster when she came barreling down the streets toward our establishment and threatened to eat all those inside. I told you my friend, you are always welcome here." Pulled into a one legged friendly pat on the back, Torch smiled at the restaurant's owner. "Anytime, don't you worry about it. I was just doing my duty anyway. How is she by the way? We haven't been here in a while y'know?" "Oh Saffron is fine. She is doing much better also thank you for asking. She is actually working at the top level tonight! Say hello to her when you can. Mrs. Light!" Coriander smiled, his purple moustache slightly masking his lips. "Always good to zee you to! Oh, who is zis?" "Our daughter. We're celebrating her inauguration into her secondary classes." Mrs. Light replied, smiling at her filly who stood almost a half a head taller than her. "Oh, excellent! Well then, you know what this means?" Furnace grinned. "Free food?" Barking with laughter Coriander Cumin jiggled with all the joy of a stallion who had come a long way to reach success, having heard that one many times before. Then he stopped laughing abruptly and with perfect deadpan regained a calm flat voice: "No." "Awww." Cozy and her uncle cried. "It does mean however," a mic flashed into appearance at the host's mouthm "20% off on specials, half off for meals and non-cider beverages for the rest of the day!" The whole room roared in cheer, and as Coriander waved goodbye to the departing group who had just recalled their thestral had sensitive ears, Coriander laughed and said: "I hope you have a good time!" Seasoned Pinch, the name of their waitress, led the group up the plain white stairs swiftly, smiling apologetically at Pierce who was scowling as they reached the second floor. It was here on this level Cozy became accutely aware of the difference in patrons here. Unlike the ground level the second floor lingered with the scent of fish here and many of the creatures here varied between griffon, hippogriff, or in some cases more of those strange bipedal griffons with the occasional Felinx. It seemed this floor was inclined more towards meat eaters, though the scent she could detect that was somewhat more manageable was the scent of cooking fish. "Sorry" Season said with a empathetic smile in Cozy's direction. "This floor and the third floor lean strictly towards meat eaters. Out of da three this is probably the most lenient one towards herbivores, at least in terms of the senses. It serves both herbivores, hypocarnivores, and mesocarnivores." "We should be fine dear," Merry assured. "Go on, lead the way. This isn't Torch or Furnace's first time in a non-herbivore restaurant and certainly not mine. Cozy, you are alright though?" she asked leaning her head up to get a better look at her girl. "Perfect." "Good. Now let's hurry and get poor Pierce here a place to sit down and relax." Leading the way towards the end of the large hall, booths could be found in horseshoe shapes against the wall. There were waiters who brought food out for customers from the end of the hall where cashier, kitchen, and staff were busy. And just behind them, where the group walked away from the exit in the side of the wall, Cozy checked for the restrooms and saw a big neon sign at the other end give her the answer. Passing between various booths that lined the walls the group were brought to a particular booth that had a window view of Manehattan on the other side. Citizens walking to and fro as the day hit late afternoon. "Well this is nice" Merry smiled as she looked around and slid into a seat, scooting to make way for her husband who followed in suite. The booth had a black cover over white cushions and it, like all it's seats had been adapted for creatures of every size and form. Taking her seat Merry glanced at Pierce with a look of concern. "How are you feeling Pierce? I'm sorry, we should have been more mindful of your ears." "I will be fine Mrs. Light, thank you for the concern. Nothing I'm not used to after all. It was my mistake, should have brought my audio dispensers." "Ohhh poor dear," Merry frowned. "I'll come back in a bit" Season whispered. "I'll see if we have anything that can help also." "No, no." Pierce waved a outstretched hoof to the waitress before she could leave. "I just need a minute or two, that's all." Season nodded, "I'll be back in a few. Y'all take it easy." Feeling a nudge Pierce looked over at Torch who stared at him with a look of understanding. "You aren't just talkin big for the pretty mares here are ya P?" The thestral grinned. "Nah. Wouldn't dream of trying to woo ponies out of my league." Snickering at the remark as silent as he could Torch Path slid a menu over to his friend. "Here, it'll keep ya focused." "Thanks." The group fell silent as they looked through the menu. Season had passed by one more time and when she did she was followed by a gangly mare, one who bore some minor resemblance to Coriander, the owner of the establishment. "Saffron Masala" Torch beamed at the shocked mare's expression. "I see you healed up nicely from those bruises. I'm glad." Swallowing Saffron blinked away moisture in her eyes and with a trembling smile nodded her appreciation. "It is always a pleasure to the meet the stallion who led his unit to save my life. I can never thank you enough, captain." "Bahhh enough o' that." Torch smiled happily, the scar over his lips and cheek warping it into leering grin. "I'm glad you're okay- expect me to get one of your specials today though." He patted his gut. "Been awhile since I had your cooking." Smiling with a hint of a blush Saffron hid her smile with a small laugh. "I will see what I can do." "Why hello there." The chef turned to look at the young filly addressing her with a polite smile of her own. "Oh, I am sorry. You brought friends captain?" "Most are family actually." Pointing at the one who was more staring at the chef with a polite and friendly smile that stretched a little too wide, Torch introduced his family. "The little gumdrop over there is my daughter: Cozy Glow. Brother-in-law, I believe you've met before" he said pointing to the other side of the table at the tiffany blue unicorn. "He's--" "Mr. Furnace!" Saffron hopped with a smile and shook the hoof of the stallion who had put out more than one accidental fires started by her apprentice cooks. "How are you?" "Perfect now that you're here" the stallion grinned. Rolling her eyes Saffron's smile widened. Just as she was about to say something back-- "Oh!" Cozy piped up, eyes wide. "Have you met Mr. Pierce?" she smiled over at the stallion who glanced the filly's way then looked over at the chef who was now staring back. Cozy noticed she didn't express any sign of fear or concern for her own personal well-being like most other ponies that saw Pierce did. Especially since Princess Luna's return, she come.to notice there were many that found thestrals to be...a bit uncomfortable to be around. Then again, she did cook meat so probably shouldn't think too deep about that. "Pleasure to meet you" Pierce smiled, revealing one or two sharp teeth of some sort of predator. "Oooh a thestral!" Saffron said with twinkling eyes, followed quickly by a apologetic smile. "Haha, sorry. I've only seen a few on papers that are said to have joined Princess Luna's revival of the Night Guard. It's a pleasure to meet one in pony. Especially since there are hardly any around these parts outside of Thestralia." Pierce beamed. "Pleasure is mine," he gently returned the offered hoof with a gentle shake. "Have they put in their orders?" Saffron asked Season. "Not yet, was about to--" "Um, excuse me?" Saffron turned to look at the voice addressing her and then her eyes locked on the mare who had just returned from the rest room. Smiling the maroon unicorn moved around the two as Cozy adjusted her seat to pull back and give her mother way to her father's side. Jaw dropped, Saffron stared at the mare sitting before her. "Heaven Lights?" Merry smiled with a polite nod. "Yes, the one and only. Although Mrs. Light is just fine or" she tittered, "Merry." "We weren't told you would be coming by your agent! Why are you-?" "Officer Torch is her husband," whispered Seasoned in her boss' ear. Eyes widening even more, Saffron blinked and said not a word. "Yes" said mare smiled. "It's good to see you again dear. I didn't think it was necessary to let Soundproof call ahead, especially when I'm on vacation." Licking her lips Saffron only nodded. "Yes, well um, it's a pleasure to see you again. Well" Saffron turned to the group and smiled awkwardly. "I should hurry back, I'll be sure to fill out your orders as soon as I get them." There was a clang and a shout from the cashier's counter. "And drinks are free!" She called as she dashed off. Watching the mare go, Cozy couldn't help but narrow her eyes. "So" Seasoned said, cutting through the slightly awkward departure of her boss. "What can I get everypony?" Eyes glancing back in the waitress' direction Cozy lifted up her menu first and hummed when she noticed no one else was immediately saying what they wanted. "I'll take a ice mango cherry. And...hm..a number 29...extra sauce." It might be a long day after all.