Corners of the Earth

by raven618

Chapter 4: Investigations

“Would it be possible for you to show us these fish?” Twilight asked.

“I should be able to.” Water Wheel said, standing up, “A few of them keep flopping up on the riverbank. If you all will follow me.” The group stood up and walked outside.

The river was about three yards wide, with grey stones covered in plant-life lining each bank. The massive wooden wheel turned endlessly next to them.

“Here’s one.” Water Wheel said, picking something up off the rocks. “What do you make of this?”

[Investigation check: Twilight 21, Lyra 19, Moondancer Nat 1, Pinkie 13]

“That’s a fish?” Moondancer asked. The fish was virtually flat, like someone had taken a fish and squeezed their hands together with the fish in between. Size wise it was rather small, fitting perfectly into the adult human’s hand. Its fins were long and delicate. Most striking was the color, a bright blue with yellow fins and stripes lining the body.

“Yes, that is a fish.” Twilight said, “But it belongs on a coral reef.”

“Coral reef?” Silver Spoon asked.

“It’s a place in the ocean where fish like this live.” Lyra explained, “This fish shouldn’t even be able to breath in a river, much less swim the length of the Long River into the middle of Deradia.” She turned to Water Wheel, “Did the rest of the fish look like this?”

“Not just like that. They’re all different colors and shapes. But they are all similar to this, ocean fish.”

Twilight decided to address their second concern. “Does you family have any strong magic users in it, Mr. Wheel?”

“My family? No, my father and grandfathers were all simple men.”

“What about your wife’s family?”

“Not to my knowledge. But Gilded, my wife’s sister, has mentioned that they are descendants of one of the old noble houses. So there might be some magic there.”

[Twilight performs a history check: 14]

Prior to the Unification, the Humans were governed by eight noble houses, most of which were rumored to have sorcery in their blood lines. However, those rumors were never confirmed, and the houses were disbanded hundreds of years ago, meaning any magic from that time would be little more than a remnant.

Twilight bent down so she was eye level with the silver haired girl. “Silver, can you tell us what it was that you tasted when you fell in the river?”

“It was weird. It was like someone lit a match in my mouth, but it wasn’t hot or burning. It tasted, vast. Like so much had been fit into a space that was so small.” She looked at the young Half-Elf, “I can’t really explain it.”

“You’re sure it was magic you were tasting?” she asked.

“I’ve been in the river before, it never tasted like that. And I know it was magic! I don’t know how I know, but I do know!”

Water Wheel stepped forwards, “Is there something wrong?”

“I don’t know.” Twilight said, standing up. “I’ve never heard of someone describing magic as a taste before. But I don’t have any reason to doubt her word.”

“So, what do we do now?” Moondancer asked.