The Ever-Shifting Tides Of Life

by DougtheLoremaster

Chapter 10- The Hunter's Greatest Honor

The musky odor of decay and rot assaulted the nostrils of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle; both doing their best not to retch, as they stepped through the doorway. The pristine beauty of the outside of the castle was wiped from their minds as the dim and grungy interior of the desecrated gatehouse graced their eyes.
Bones were scattered about, mold and dust coated the walls and floors. Most noticeable however, was how empty it was. There was no sound, not even the chirp of a cricket. The walls were cracked from heavy impact. Much of the hewn stone had dark crimson streaked across the face; as though some creature or perhaps creatures had been smashing against them until they bled. The only light filtered in through the hole where the doors had stood.
Rarity and Rainbow simply trotted forward, seemingly unaffected by the surroundings. A skull gave a sickening crunch as Rarity calmly stepped down on it, shattering it to pieces and causing Scootaloo to flinch. The sound echoed down the empty hall. Rarity listened; a slight scuffing of hooves could be heard. The light scuffling had grown steadily louder. They are coming for us. Looking at Sweetie Belle as they approached the stairs down to the basement, Rarity spoke softly and almost regretfully. “Be careful down there, stay alert. Get the flower and get-”
Sweetie Belle gave her mom a hug, as she saw a tear slide down her mother’s face. “Don’t worry mom we won’t be long.”
Rainbow chimed in. “We’ll buy you as much time as possible. And Scootaloo-”
Ruffling her wings, Scootaloo responded nervously. “Yeah, mom?”
Raising her hoof Rainbow smiled. “Take care of her.”
Scootaloo saw the look in her eyes and understood. Her mom was going hunting one more time. Giving her mom a hoof bump with tears welling in her eyes and smiling said. “Will do-”
Rainbow smiled as her daughter gave the time honored Pegasus luck blessing. “Fly straight and slay fast, mom.”
Responding in kind, the fire in her mom’s eyes blazed. “It’s in my blood.”
Rarity had her knife out and stood at the ready. She too seemed to have a renewed vigor. “Let’s go Stormy. Let’s give them blood and vinegar.”
Rainbow laughed with a chilling excitement in her voice as she drew her sword; her joints cracking as she did so. Even though it hurt, she bore it proudly as she spread her wings and tensed her legs. “Tis death on the wind!”
Springing forth, she tore through the air as she bolted down the hallway; her blade clenched in her maw. Her eyes burned with an intense fire. Her pain immeasurable and still, she didn’t care. “You won’t stop us.”
Slicing and slashing through what was the former royal guards, Rainbow’s hide was ripped open and still she pushed forward. “Mom is waiting!”


Scootaloo was quietly thinking about the spark in her mom’s eyes as she and Sweetie Belle descended the stairs; the sounds of combat echoing down from above. She seemed so happy; happiest I’ve seen her in a long time. Lost in thought, Scootaloo failed to notice that Sweetie Belle had stopped on the stairwell; bumping lightly into her. “Unf, Sweetie what giv-”
Looking up, Scootaloo suddenly knew why. There on the stairway in front of them stood an eerily similar-looking pony to Twilight. It was a mare, with lilac fur rather than lavender. On her mauled flank was a cutiemark resembling a fallen star. Her eyes were acidic green and her body was missing chunks of flesh in the thigh, back and left forehoof. A long scar ran from her eye to the top of her muzzle; a sign of having been sliced open. The undead mare made no movement towards them, standing there and staring. Scootaloo whispered. “It’s an Arisen but why isn’t it attacking?”


Sitting in front of two massive ornate gold and silver doors, Rarity and Rainbow had pulled out their flasks and were chatting. Behind them the dismembered remains of what were once proud Royal Guards, now just Arisen, lay. Ripping the fabric from a nearby standard, Rainbow took great care in using the royal insignia to wipe the entrails from Rarity’s and her blades; immediately pulling out a small stone to hone the edges afterwards. “My aching back! That was some welcome party, wasn’t it? How are you holding up Rar?”
Rarity took a shaky sip of her flask, nearly spilling it on herself. “I-I’m faring well, though, I’ll b-be honest; I don’t think w-we can win this next one Dah-ling.”
Rainbow paused in sharpening her blade. There could be no mistaking it; their age was rapidly catching up to them. Looking into her reflection in her blade, she noticed her mane was frayed and slightly overgrown; The colors dull and greying with the passage of time. Scars almost covered half of her face; from burns to cuts. She had been through a lot. And to tell the truth, she was tired. The agonizing pain when she moved, the fatigue and chill that she felt more and more. It wouldn’t be long until it was time for her to take the final journey. She smiled and replied gently to her partner. “Of course not Rar. We don’t stand a chance. Then again, we were always told we never did. That didn’t stop us from doing the impossible then, and it won’t stop us now.”
Rarity’s hoof trembled as she struggled to grasp her medic knife. Giving a shaky laugh, she nodded. “It’s strange i-isn’t it? How our life has turned out? Heroes, villians, life and death; we’ve d-done fairly well for ourselves.”
Rainbow grinned, her smile missing four of her teeth. “We raised two of the best kids any parent would die to have. Together we overthrew Sombra. We even lived in peace for a good decade...But-”
Groaning, Rarity struggled to her hooves; adding her two cents. “That life isn’t for us, Stormy. We were born two seasons too late to live out our days in peace.”
Failing to align the cap to her flask, Rainbow let it fall to the ground; she wouldn’t be needing it after today. Grunting she slowly rose to her hooves, her blade clenched firmly in her weary maw. Taking it in her hooves, she gave a chilling laugh. “Two old fuddy duddies playing hero on the battlefield, that’s us. Raised in combat, born in conflict; that’s us. Still-”
She took Rarity’s trembling hoof and kissed it before continuing. “I can think of no place I’d rather be than with you, in this fight.”
Rarity chuckled with a renewed vigor in her eyes. “Well then. Maybe it’s time you introduce me formally to your mom, eh, Stormy?”
Hoof in hoof, the two surviving veterans of the War for Equestria, slowly pushed the giant doors apart. Stepping through the ancient doorway they saw the Arisen forms of Celestia and Luna; sitting on their respective thrones in silence. Rainbow Dash winked roguishly at Rarity before calling out in a loud voice. “Mom, sorry for dropping in unannounced but this is Rarity; my fiance!”
The rotted Alicorn did not seem amused as her horn glowed and the massive, rusty castle doors slammed shut behind the two. Rainbow’s eyes ignited with a spark as Rarity called out. “H-hey Stormy, l-looks like t-the girls want to congratulate us.”
In front of Rainbow three familiar forms, twisted and corrupted stood; Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. They slowly advanced on Rainbow and Rarity as the latter shakily drew their blades. Rainbow smiled as Rarity attempted a joke. “Hey g-girls, l-long time no-no see.”
The two stood back to back on two hooves, trembling, as the Arisen charged towards them; snarling and gnashing their blood-smeared teeth.


The Arisen stood there, silently watching them. Scootaloo whispered to Sweetie Belle. “That’s an Arisen right? Why hasn’t that thing attacked us yet?”
The undead mare in front of them blinked, startling Sweetie and Scootaloo as she opened her muzzle and began to speak perfect Ponish. “This thing has a name, you know.”
The voice was indignant and hurt. Sweetie Belle blinked. An Arisen, talking? “What in the-”
“My name is Starlight; or rather it was, I’m what’s left of the Royal Advisor to the former princesses of Canterlot.”
“Was…” Scootaloo blurted out. “So are you dead then?”
Starlight appeared to think for a moment before responding. “I suppose that is one way to see it, though-”
Turning around to trot down the stairs, her words echoed up to them as she descended. “The dead don’t usually talk. Follow me. I can guess why you are here.”
“Wait a minute! The dead may not talk but neither do Arisen! Just what the heck are you?”
There was silence for a solid minute as the two stood there listening for a response. The words that reached their ears, turned their blood to ice. Spoken with an innocent sadness, Starlight responded. “I’m nothing. Neither alive nor dead, torn to pieces and put back together; brought back only to convey the will of the tree.”
“The will of the- Hold on a moment!”
Rushing down the spiraling stairwell Sweetie Belle reached out and took hold of the seemingly sentient Arisen. As her hooves made contact, she gasped. Her hooves stopped inches from Starlights ribcage. What is this? The air. It’s solid, it feels like- Skin. There was nothing there and yet she was sure the feeling was that of living skin. Starlight turned at her touch and spoke in an almost amused voice. “Satisfied, yet?”
Quickly, out of embarrassment Sweetie Belle pulled back her hooves. “I-I’m sorry, it’s just- I am so confused. Will of the tree? What does that even mean?”
Starlight paused again. Why does she keep doing that? Her answer came soon after this thought occured. “I exist. And yes, I am Starlight. The same Starlight that advised the sisters. My senses of touch, taste and unfortunately-”
Gesturing a hoof at herself, Starlight concluded. “Smell, are all functioning. My thought are my own, but my ability to do anything, is given to the tree that revived me; binding my soul to my own corpse.”
“Are you referring to the Gem Hydrangea? No, that can’t be right, a plant can’t-”
Scootaloo had finally caught up and stood behind Sweetie Belle as Starlight stamped a hoof. “It’s not a plant.”
Scootaloo chimed in. “but you just called it a tree!”
“I did but-”
Sweetie Belle had a sudden revelation. “It’s sentient isn’t it?”
Starlight smiled; her teeth showing through the gaping hole in the side of her muzzle. “Yes. It is. And it is waiting. Please follow me.”
As far as Sweetie Belle could tell, this Arisen form of Starlight was warm and comforting, not cold and vicious; no danger emanated from the mare. With a nod of her head towards Scootaloo, the two followed behind her. The staircase wound down into the depths where the second floor of the Canterlot basement awaited.


“Is this because I missed your birthday party?”
Rainbow Dash narrowly avoided the snarling maw of Pinkie Pie, as the latter tried to bite her. Laughing, Rainbow turned towards Rarity as she used her sword to slice off Pinkie’s head. “You ever wonder what the future will be like for them?”
The headless corpse of Pinkie fell to the ground, unmoving. Moving quickly Rainbow swiftly separated all the Arisen’s limbs from her torso. A single tear rolled down her cheek, but she ignored it. So long, Pinkie. Set the party up. We’ll be attending soon. I promise.
Rarity grinned as she knocked the hat off Applejack’s head with a deft swipe of her knife. “I never had the guts to tell you this but-ARRGH!”
Fluttershy had snuck up behind Rarity and bit into her leg hard, ripping a massive chunk of flesh from her thigh. Rainbow Dash immediately kicked out and sent her flying into the wall. “T-thank you Darling.”
Turning to face Applejack; with the blood from her thigh dripping down her hind leg, Rarity forced a pained grin. “That hat always looked ridiculous!”
With those words, ignoring her wounds, Rarity quickly sliced across Applejack’s forelegs causing the once proud farm mare to stumble. As she lost her footing, Rainbow plunged her sword into the torso of the Arisen Earthpony, immobilizing her. As Rarity broke her ribcage and deftly cut out her heart, she turned towards Rainbow; her vision going slightly blurry and shivering from the infected wound. Rarity gave a raspy cough responding to the earlier question. “Pro-probably something peaceful a-and civil, St-Stormy.”
Turning her attention to what was once a peaceful animal-lover of a Pegasus, Rainbow laughed. “Y-you and I, we could never live in such a world, but for them-”
The two were covered by lacerations and bite wounds, as Fluttershy fell unmoving to the ground. “I wish nothing more than just that.”
Panting from the pain of their infected wounds, the two turned towards the sound of hoofsteps coming closer; Celestia and Luna. Rainbow grimaced; she was on her last legs. Beside her, Rarity stumbled as the infection from her bites slowly began to creep across her flesh. Despite it all, Rainbow's voice was cheerful as she shivered from a clammy chill spreading through her body. “H-hey mom, c-come to, come to congratulate us too?”
Celestia stayed silent as her horn glowed with a blazing inferno, and Luna summoned forth her scythe. The two advanced as Rainbow’s vision began to dim and she fell to the ground; unable to stand anymore. “Awful nice of y-you.”


“We are curious, how did you come to learn of the tree?”
Starlight gestured between herself and the giant crystalline formation before them at the word ‘we’, Sweetie Belle noticed. The lilac unicorn’s disturbing smile seemed to indicate her contentment with her role as the tree’s voice. It’s so strange. Her very life force is controlled and her actions directed by the tree and yet, she seems so happy. Perhaps mom wasn’t wrong. Maybe there is something to being a “stallion”. “Our moms worked alongside a unicorn known as Twilight-”
As she explained Starlight’s eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of Twilight. “How is she? It’s been so long since I- Oh, oh right, forgive my interruption. Please continue.”
Sweetie Belle observed that as she was interrupting, the massive crystal tree in front of her pulsed with a glowing light. It was talking to her. “Erm- Yes, anyway, her notebooks explained her personal findings and work conserving the mythical Gem Hydrangea also known as the Tree of Harmony.”
Scootaloo looked confused. “Tree of Harmony? What’s that?”
Starlight’s eyes glowed in time with the tree of crystal behind her as the two seemed to relay information to each other. It’s almost like a relationship. “May I? Oh wonderful- The Tree of Harmony is what Pony Mythos would in the past refer to as the World Tree. The tree balances the equation of light and darkness within all living beings. Shadow cannot exist without the light, and the light cannot exist without the casting of shadows.”
“And this...Thing is that tree?”
Sweetie Belle spoke up, her voice in slight awe as she explained. “Remember the six? Well during observation they noticed the tree generated a faint aura of intense magic, after extensive studies they came to a consensus; that the tree was none other than the very Tree of Harmony Sombra had shattered during his rule. The seeds were believed to be the remaining shards from that event. It purifies the evil and darkness to balance it with the light it stems from.”
Scootaloo stepped forward crying out in dismay. “The world is filled with darkness! Why doesn’t the tree fix it then?”
Starlight crooked her head to stare at the tree for a moment as it pulsated. “I see. Alright, I’ll tell them.”
Scootaloo looked at her. “Tell us what?”
Gingerly raising her forehoof, Starlight drew a number in the dust of the floor: 4. “This-”
Starlight pointed at the number. “Is the number of living creatures left in this world. Of those four, the shadow and light within the minds of each are truly balanced. The tree says it cannot intervene except against the living- Oh, wait a moment- I...I see. It seems I was mistaken. There are only two living creatures left in this world.”
“Wait...Two? What about mom and Rainbow?”
Starlight scuffed at the dirt and winced as the tree pulsed with light. “Alright I’ll tell them. I’m afraid you are the only living creatures left in this world. No other lifeforms can be detected.”
Sweetie Belle felt the tears well in her eyes as she snapped at Starlight. “That can’t be you-you’re lying! Mom, Rainbow...Everyone we ever knew...No! No, it can’t be!”


Rainbow coughed violently, spitting out blood as the horn of Celestia pierced her torso. Her strength was fading fast as her life-force was fading. Celestia swung her head throwing Rainbow next to the collapsed form of Rarity. Neither could stand, both having just enough energy to raise their blades one last time. “R-Rar?”
Rainbow’s voice was choked and raspy, her breathing labored as her partner responded. “St-Stormy?”
Rarity slowly raised her head to stare at Rainbow Dash. Her voice was forced and heavily weighted as she tried to breathe. Rainbow smiled lovingly. They would not be going home, this time. They had known from the start this would be their last fight. “W-We don’t h-have..have long-”
Celestia’s hoof came crashing down on her hindlegs, shattering them. “URGHHHH...I-don-don’t.. Huff Huff...Wan-want to be Arisen.”
Rarity pulled herself painfully towards Rainbow, in her trembling hooves was the medical knife she cherished. “M-Me neither.”
Now side by side, bodies completely drained of almost all energy. Only their forehooves were moveable and sword and dagger in hoof, they wrapped them around each others neck in a loving embrace. As one the two spoke their last words tenderly to each other. “I love you.”
As those words were spoken the two in perfect unison, drew their blades across the back of each others throats with all the strength they could muster; removing their partner’s head from their body. As their headless corpses hit the dust-covered stone floor, the two survivors in a world of nightmares went on to join the many friends they had lost upon the way.


“No more!”
The shrill scream tore from Sweetie Belle’s throat, who startled Starlight causing her horn to stop glowing. The image of Luna biting into Rarity’s leg, faded from sight. “Your moms fought well, my condolences.”
Starlight’s words were comforting but her tone stayed neutral as she continued. “And now there is you; the last life upon this world.”
Sweetie Belle fell to her knees in anguish, tears streaming down her face as Starlight stared at her; passively. Scootaloo rushed forward to support her mate and glared at Starlight. “What is wrong with you? Why would you show us that?”
Starlight stayed silent for a moment a single tear welling in her eye. “You asked what happened. I was told to show you, so I did. That is all.”
Scootaloo stared at her in disbelief. How can she be so soulless, so heartl-. It was then staring into Starlight’s eyes she saw her pain. She is hurt. Then Scootaloo heard something that finally made everything click. “So long Stormcloud, I guess you finally quenched your thirst for battle.”
Hearing those words made her blood run cold as she had past conversations with her mom fly through her mind:

“Pegasi live to hunt”
“Being a hunter is an honored term to Pegasi”

I’m tired, peace is exhausting.”

“The Pegasi believe the greatest honor is to die in combat…”

To die in combat...Die in combat...Die in combat. Scootaloo’s eyes widened in realization as those words echoed in her mind. She gave a small wry smile, fighting back her own tears, as she gently pat Sweetie Belle on her back. “It’s alright Sweetie, they said goodbye on their own terms.”
Sweetie Belle kept sobbing uncontrollably as Scootaloo stared at Starlight for a moment before asking her. “Did you know our parents?”
Starlight stared, motionless, at the Tree of Harmony; a pleading look in her eyes. After a short pulsing light emitted from the tree, Starlight turned back to them and smiled. “I did. I was assigned to teach them in the ways of combat, survival and conduct in war.”
“But you don’t look a day older than mom!”
Starlight gave a slight chuckle. “Well yes, that would be because I was their age now, when I died. Arisen don’t age Scootaloo; they just rot unless they consume. Thus is their cursed existence.”
“You know my name?”
Nodding Starlight answered once more. “I know both of your names; Scootaloo and-”
Looking at the sobbing unicorn before her as she continued. “Sweetie Belle. The children of Rainbow Dash and Rarity adopted after the fall of Ponyville. Yes, I know who you are. I am also aware of what it took for you to get here. I’ve witnessed your take down of Twilight, as regrettable as it was, and have even observed Sweetie Belle incessantly pouring over the journals to learn of the tree. I knew you would come here, and I have been waiting for you.”