(Hour Long Movie) Murder on Hearths Warming

by DakariKingMykan

Act 1: Mysterious Murder


Once Rarity was all settled in and could get to work on her line of Hearths Warming wear, she couldn’t thank enough.

“You’ve been a dear help to me, Spikey Wikey.” And she pecked him sweetly on the cheek making him blush and nearly swoon.

“Are you sure I can’t help you with anything else?” he asked.

“Oh, no, I can manage this quite fine. Thank you.”

With nothing left to really be done, Spike headed outside to get on his way back to Twilight.

As he left the yard, he looked across the street and noticed Lip Smear standing at a house a few ways down from Rarity’s shop.

She was knocking at the door, but there was no answer.

He also noticed that big box of stuff that Shifty the mover had mistakenly given to Rarity’s a while ago just sitting outside by the door, right where Lip was standing.

When Lip didn’t get any answer, Spike saw her levitate a small key out of her saddle-bag, which unlocked the door to the house and she just waltzed right in, taking the box of stuff with her.

Spike shrugged it off, and he went on his way.

By day’s end and the sun began to set, the streets were all lit up with lights on strings from the lampposts and all over ponies homes.

Twilight, Starlight and Spike were all walking together, heading back to the Castle of Friendship, with large sacks of bits they had collected from their charity.

“We really outdid ourselves this time.” said Starlight.

“I’ll say you have.” agreed Spike as he struggled to keep his lift while carrying a smaller, but heavy sack of coins, and he was really getting tired from all the lifting he had done with Rarity that day. So tired, that he collapsed in the snow, and Twilight levitated him onto her back and his sack of gold as well.

“I think you did well too, Spike. It’s nice to see so many helping others for the holidays around here.”

Just then, Applejack came along, hauling a big load of apples in her wagon.

“Happy Hearths Warming, y’all.” she called to her friends, and she tossed them each an apple.

“I thought apples couldn’t grow in the winter?” asked Starlight.

Applejack chuckled, “Well not naturally in the outdoors, but we got a special technique to keep our stock good to last us until growing season.”

She explained how she and her family had built a special underground grove, where they planted special apple trees from specially imported seeds from Canterlot. These seeds didn’t require any sunlight and could get by with artificial lighting from ordinary light bulbs, but they still needed watering and care.

These trees could grow and sprout apples just as well as ordinary trees.

“That sounds… kind of neat.” said Twilight “Almost like a magical breakthrough.”

Spike ate his apple rather quickly, “Mmm… tastes great. Almost like a regular apple.”

Applejack smirked at him.

Suddenly, there was a scream heard from down the street.

Rarity poked her head out her front door, recognizing the voice. “That’s Lip Smear’s voice!”

Lip then poked her head out of the house calling for help! “Murder!!” she shouted “There’s been a murder!!”

The others all gasped and dashed over to the house, and ran inside.

Applejack shivered, “Why is it so cold in here?” she wondered, but that wasn’t important now.

Everyone found Lip in tears and trembling in horror.

“In there!” she cried pointing into the next room “He’s on the floor! He’s dead!”

Twilight dashed into the next room, and gasped in horror at what she saw…!

A light blue Pegasi with a short navy blue mane, and a cutiemark of a calculator, lying dead on the floor, surrounded by a puddle of his blood from a big butcher knife stabbed into his side, and next to him laid a pair of thick framed glasses, and its lenses were shattered, and his wings, they looked clipped of a few primary flight feathers.

Next to him, a small table was tipped over table, with important looking papers all around.

Rarity could not believe her eyes and simply fainted.

Spike just stood where he was gawking with wide eyes and soft, stressful breathing. This was so incredible frightening.

Applejack quickly comforted him.

Just looking at the body was enough to tell everyone that this pony had been murdered.

“We better get the police.” said Starlight “There could be a killer on the loose!”

Twilight agreed, and let her run off, while she helped Lip Smear sit down trying to comfort the terrified pony.

“Numeral!” she sobbed.

“Did you know him?”

“Yes, I… I did… but I…” Lip just couldn’t finish. She was overly devastated.

Soon the police had arrived and examined the body.

Everyone was told to remain in the room for questioning by the captain.

“And you’re all saying you just came in here and found him like this?” he asked.

“It’s true...” said Twilight “We were all outside when we heard Lip Smear scream, and we rushed over when she called out murder.”

Lip Smear needed a hankie, and she kept one in her purse which she had brought with her, and she pulled it out to dab her eyes, out fell a light blue feather.

“What’s that?” asked Spike.

The others, including the captain saw the feather, and saw that it was identical to Numeral’s feathers, but this feather had a spot of blood on it!

The Captain didn’t like the looks of this one bit.

“Can you explain how this ended up in your purse?”

Lip was confused, “No, I don’t how it got there. I packed my purse this morning, it wasn’t there.”

“Do you have a witness who can vouch for you?”

“Yes, my colt-friend.”

As the captain continued to interrogate her, Spike didn’t think it was fair that he was just throwing all those questions at her when she was so upset.

“Can’t you do something, Twilight?” he asked.

Twilight shook her head. “I can’t, this is for the police to decide, not us.”

“Well, I don’t see why we have to be here.” said Applejack “We had nothing to do with all this.”

Rarity, who had recovered from her faint, had been looking all around the room, and noting the clues so far, as well as listening to what the cops were saying as they examined the body.

“We can’t find any hoofmarks on the knife.”

“Some-pony must’ve levitated it and then stabbed him while he wasn’t looking.”

Rarity found that to be quite odd.

Another cop had come from the bedroom with a bag full of clipped feathers from Numeral’s wing, which he had found scattered all over the room, but not one of them was drenched in blood.

The house was also starting to warm up a bit too.

“The window was open a crack.” the cop said “That cold air was blowing in here like a hurricane draft.”

Rarity gasped softly.

“Hey!” cried another cop “I found something else!”

He held up a pair of tweezers clutching what appeared to be a thread of blonde hair, which he found right by the knife in the victims’ side, and the only two ponies with blonde manes in the room were Applejack and Lip, and since Applejack had only just come into the house a while back, thereby disproving her, that left only Lip as labeled.

The police all gawked at her with deep concern.

“Wait! You don’t think that I did this do you?” Lip asked.

Even Twilight and friends were shocked to hear of this, but there was nothing they could do.

“Well,” said the captain “We can’t really prove it officially, but this hair and that feather from your purse, I’m afraid we can’t let you leave until we’ve examined more.”

Lip felt sick to her stomach.

Spike then remembered, “I saw you… I saw you with a key to this place, and you just waltzed right in carrying the box that was outside.”

This only incriminated Lip even more as a suspect.

The captain then asked her, “How did you have a key to this residence?”

Lip confessed, “Numeral is my ex-colt friend.”

Everyone gasped including Rarity.

“You dated with him.”

“Yes.” replied Lip “We broke up just last week, I found his stuff in the box outside the door.”

“Wait…” said Rarity “This stuff that was dropped by was his stuff?”

Lip nodded tearfully, “I sent for Shifty’s moving service to send it here, and when I found it was still outside I decided to come in, and I just found Numeral dead.”

The captain and his men didn’t find this too convincing, and with no witnesses to confirm this since no one had seen her inside the premises, it was looking really bad for her.

“I didn’t do it!” cried Lip “Why would I kill him? Why would any-pony want to kill him?”

“That’s what we’re trying to find out.” replied the captain “Until we do, and with all that we’ve found, I’m afraid we’re going to hold you under close arrested.”

She was told to sit down and one of the cops kept a sharp eye on her.

Starlight thought she looked so miserable, and wanted to go over and at least comfort her.

“Sorry, no talking to the suspect.” said the cop.

Rarity’s inner voice began to speak in narration as things seemed to go black and white around her.

“This was starting to look more and more confusing by the minute. It was reminding me of that novel I read of Shadow Spade and the mysterious murder at midnight.

If this case was going to be cracked, I knew there needed some serious sleuthing around here.

I only wished that I had my fedora and my trench coat with me.”

She looked around in the bedroom and just her luck, there was a trench coat hanging on a rack, which obviously belonged to Numeral, and atop the rack was a fedora hat which also obviously belonged to him.

“Well, better than nothing I suppose.” she said to herself, and she donned the clothes.

Spike came into the room and saw her. “Rarity, what are you doing?”

Rarity, fully clothed, tipped the hat atop her head, “…I’m on the case. That’s what I’m doing. “Detective Rarity and the Murder of Hearths Warming”

Spike blinked in shock, “Um… okay then.”