Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 62: Words of Wisdom

"Even if you know the lesson, repeat so you not forget hm?"

"Three days." Verik mumbled quietly while staring across the sparse expanse of ground that they called their playground while blinking slowly at the far corner, the masses sat there in huddled seclusion whispering to each other while Sefu sat beside him staring off into space. "It has been three days and we get chucked outside to watch them while they play, only now they all huddle in the corner whispering. If they go inside with Asha and Awe they scream their heads off from pent up energy and climb the walls like striped monkeys, but no. Here, here they sit and huddle in a little striped herd staring at me as if I am going to suddenly jump up, run at them and pluck one from the striped masses for dinner. Three days and they have not figured it out yet."

Sefu stretched his legs a little and leaned back against the wall of the hut where his own growing cluster of foals slept in the shade either beside or leaned up against him. Their number had increased exponentially now that the mothers knew Verik would not attempt to snatch them away even with Sefu present, not that he seemed to mind to much. He let out a small yawn and closed his eyes as one of his daughters laid her head against his side and drifted off again.

"Better this way, very quiet. Quiet means no trouble and no trouble mean things easier. Why you worry anyway? Not get "experience" that Asha talk about?"

"No." Verik gave him a blank stare. "Asha is none to happy with the situation, I guess she thought they would be more welcoming but so far the only ones who do not run screaming are yours and that one with the pink fur."

"Give it time."

"Wait till they warm up to me? Lets see... We have had two escape attempts in three days, Asha chased the one down, Awe the second. I would hardly call that quiet and judging by the past three days it is more likely they will collect their spoons and start digging a tunnel when we are not looking."

"Good exercise."

"Which? The fence jumpers or the tunneling?"


"Ah. So long as they dont hurt themselves and we collect the errant herd members all is well then."



Sefu sneezed a little as a fly lit on his muzzle before one eye rotated over to Verik who was sitting hunched forward staring back at the distant herd of foals, roaming his eye back and forth between the two dueling parties he closed his eyes and quietly shook his head.

"Altayih have much trouble with training."

"He has visited every single night to speak with me about it and the list is rather lengthy but he is getting the hang of it. First it was me trying to teach them and now they are trying to do the same, mistakes are expected but they will manage once they get a feel for it. Are you worried?"

"Not worried, Jelani not worried. Jelani find it funny to watch them though."

"Yes, I heard what happened when Altayih did to much too soon and the volunteers wound up tripping over each other and it nearly started a fight."

"With Shahid and Altayih."

"Well Altayih is a quick and smooth talker but I think Shahid's threats and Jelani's refusal to back up the other party is what restored order. Any of the volunteers quit yet?"

"No, Jelani say they not happy but listening and very slowly learning. That is good, training take time but they already trained so make things easier."

"Trained yes but quite differently, thankfully your own training involved a great deal of making certain everyone listens and follows their orders, that alone has made things go smoother but the instructions given are what confounds them."

Sefu shrugged slightly before making a small huff of air. "Takes time."


"What?" Sefu looked at Verik briefly before eyeing the herd down.

"Whats funny?"

"Reminds me of you four when first train selves in your ways."

"How is that funny? Wait, you were spying on us to back then?"

"Yes. You have no experience, only ideas, many, many ideas. Try and fail so badly but keep trying, now Altayih and rest trying like you, failing... But not so badly. Learned from you but still funny."

"I do not see how that is funny."

"Funny because when you fail it cause funny chaos. You say left they go right, you say one they do different or start arguing over why."

"That is not funny."

"Funny to those watching."

"Your sense of humor is rather twisted if watching others fail at things that might save their lives is funny."

"You not learn to laugh, you go insane."

Sefu's tone was dead serious and his one staring eyeball left no doubt to the truth in his words and rocking his head slightly in annoyance Verik had to admit that from a third party perspective, it probably was quite entertaining watching them blunder their way through things. Watching a large group try and go in two different directions at the same time was probably greatly amusing, but to someone like Sefu who was used to giving an order and having it obeyed the concept of an argument breaking out over why someone should stand in a line while walking in step was probably hilarious.

"Well I hope Fareed does not take interest."

"Now you worry about Fareed? Why?"

"If he catches wind of the training-"

"He not care."

"Okay, why?"

"Why you think only forty volunteer?"

"Because only forty-" Verik stopped and Sefu nodded.

"Forty mean Fareed not care, that number so few he not care. That nothing more than village guards training and for only two weeks... Spy report and it brushed off as village guard training to what you say... Brush up on skills? Not worth attention."

"Maybe the tactics being employed will turn some heads."

"Still not care, tribe's sometime fight and this appear normal to whoever reads report. If train fifty they maybe want to know more. Train hundred? They send scout to check and take close look at what Wete doing but not for forty, also have three "mercenaries" doing training with one Wete to help. That sound even more normal, make it look like Wete plan to win next battle in raid against other tribe."

"Why would you raid another tribe?"


"So if the crop failed you would what... Go find the next nearest tribe who had enough food and then just kick their asses and pack off everything?"

"Not everything, just take enough food so Wete live."

"But they will die."


"The other tribes around here must love you."

"Why they love us?"

"Sarcasm, it means they hate you and want to see you drop dead."

"Why? They try to raid us sometimes to, sneak in and steal from granary at night."

"So its not so much a formal battle but a band of thieves in the night."

"Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sometimes chief want it back and send warriors to take back what stolen, then we fight."

"Then you do your little dances, chanting and grand standing in a field, insult each other for a while and maybe a few stab each other and then go home."


"I take it the "sometimes" is when one tribe decides they can not afford to lose no matter what and attack."

Sefu nodded. "Then big battle and many die, but many die mean they not need food so not starve."

"Thats rather... Grim."

"Is life."

"You know I am not offering my knowledge of tactics so you can go to the next tribe over, the whatever they are called to the south..."

"Miwani tribe. Other tribe closer."

"Closer? Where?"

Sefu pointed off in three directions. "Three others nearby, one more far north though but know you already meet them..."

"At the salt mine, yes. But I would not make the offer unless it was to help defend Wete, that was the deal I made with Tendaji."

"Tendaji honor deal with you but never say not learn and use against other tribes."

"That is not helping things."

"Help Wete, help greatly."


The zebra moved his head over and looked blankly at Verik. "You have better way if we starve? Crop fail, many die. You have solution? Have magic food that appear?"

Verik ground his teeth slightly before pointing down the hill. "The irrigation canal is one, it will bring more food and help prevent a crop failure."

"Not stop blight or locust. Wete do what Wete need to do, survive. What you teach also help protect Wete when other tribe come to steal, when other tribe learn Wete have much food they will want. Come to steal, but if Tendaji let them steal then more come to steal because Wete is weak. Take until all die, now Wete able to not just hunt but kill and other tribes afraid of Wete."

"I would make a comment about Fareed taking notice but somehow I think he would enjoy that because all the tribes would be trying to kill off the one crab that made it to the top of bucket, and so long as the other crabs trapped below drag the other down with them he sits on his throne."

"Yes and Wete not change that so Wete-"

"Do what you have to do in order to survive your neighbors and Fareed. How often do these little inter-tribal wars take place?"

Sefu hummed. "Been two year since Wete get into fight but we start it, they dont want to drive us away. Before than... Maybe three years, steal from Atwiba tribe to west, too many mouths to feed so we attack and steal much grain."

"So the last two times was from the sudden influx of refugees pouring in. Has Miwani ever raided Wete?"

"Few times over much time, yes. Bigger than Wete so we not able to raid back till now."

"Just to be clear here... Every two years or so the tribes run around the savannah beating the unholy crap out of each other over pots of wheat and corn?"

"Or three, but when locust come once in great while then raids become more deadly. Many, many die then."

"How many tribes have been wiped out by this infighting?"

"Many tribe come and go, fall apart and join other tribe. Then new tribe come and take over old land and start again because old tribe too big. Like Wete, but you change that before split."

"Saved you from becoming your own enemies... Huh." Verik looked at the foals. "How many of them are here because their tribe lost and scattered due to starvation?"

"Some, most here because raiders and bandits take over village. Make them work for them or sold. Other tribes to west of Wete take some I think but there too many so they come here to river thinking safer and more food because much water."

"Only they were quite wrong and now have nowhere else to go."

Sefu nodded. "Fareed own river, watch tribe here more closely because it easy compare to others on plains. Ships come and go to watch, but watch them far from river mean runners to carry message and tribes watch for runners."

"Unless they send the messages out when the tax man comes around."

For a moment Sefu opened his mouth to say something before closing it again and Verik knew it was not because he had not thought of that before, but that someone else had guessed the same. Silence ensued as they heard Asha and Awe begin quietly shouting at someone inside for a moment followed by a brief chase and scuffle, they listened for a few minutes more while looking up at the small and highly placed window. Beside them the door suddenly opened and a foal was shoved outside without a word while the door slammed shut behind them quickly, they both turned their gaze down to stare at the young foal as he stood and then skittered across the yard to join the mob.

"So you keep a constant look out for runners then?"

"Yes, but always suspect tax stallion the one who receive messages and bring instructions. Jelani think so to but no way to check. Stop tithe from being taken to check they attack."

Verik remained quiet and simply nodded. "Well, that wont stop me from finding out when the time comes."

Watching the group of foals Sefu slowly narrowed his eyes. "That one is same who jump fence." Sefu looked up at the window and called Awe's name out. "What he do?"

Awe peaked out the small hole and looked down. "Digging with spoon under mat, making small hole under wall."

By the time Verik and Sefu looked back towards the foal they could only see his legs going over the side of the fence, the giant simply looked down a moment before they both silently took stock of who would give chase but as Sefu was covered in his foals Verik just raised a hand and headed for the door. Rushing inside and going straight for the other door, the three foals who had remained inside let out startled yelps as he ran for the exit while leaving Asha's question of what had happened floating in the air before it dawned on her, but by then he was already out the other door and running. Rounding the hut and scanning as he ran Verik stopped briefly and looked at the dirt and small hoof prints before giving chase after the small tracks, rounding a few more bends the prints went inside a larger hut and not caring who was inside he threw the door made of sticks open and looked inside.

A startled yelp and rustle filled the air as the foal bolted for a window and after jumping onto a large pot started to climb out. Verik ran after him and just caught the end of his hoof but his fingers slipped as the foal slid out and hit the ground running leaving him behind to grope at the open air and curse. Running out of the hut only now with the foal clearly in sight, Verik ran harder to close to gap but was having trouble, the equines were much faster on the hoof than he was but with the ground so dusty and dry there was nowhere to hide. Everything would leave a trail and with almost everyone in the fields or working on the construction projects it meant his smaller hoof prints stood out considerably. Already well ahead of him and weaving through the huts Verik slowed his pace a moment and thought over which way the foal was generally going before cutting the distance and making a direct line for where he hoped the escapee would appear next.

The path seemed a little familiar as he ran along and after a few minutes of running he caught a slight glimpse of the foal farther off and going in the direction he had assumed and began running harder to reach the ambush point before the foal could pass by. Sliding to a halt in the dust Verik waited, sweat pouring and breathing hard from the sudden, maximum exertion while listening for the telltale sound of tiny hooves beating on the ground. Hearing them approaching rapidly he made a quick count down and lunged out with a snarl. Below him the foal's eyes bulged out in total panic before making a near impossible turn of direction as his grasping hands scraped the foals head by a fraction. Missing proved to be pointless however, as the foal in his panic turned directly into a decorated hut and slammed into the wall hard before collapsing on his flank to sit there holding his bleeding nose.

"Alright, that's enough. Time to get your striped ass back to the creche. Get up."

A head poked out of the hut and stared at them both before settling on the foal, after Nuru had walked the short distance and checked the foal quickly she stared questioningly at Verik.

"What happen?"

"He jumped the fence again and I chased him down."

"It hit me!" The foal looked up while pointing at Verik but Nuru kept a blank look on her face.

"Kid, if I had hit you we wouldn't be having this conversation right now because I would be carrying your ass back to the creche. If I had my way I would belt you for the trouble your causing. Now just what the hell is wrong with you? Three times you have caused trouble in three days and twice just today! You jumped the fence twice, tunneled once-"

The colt looked up at Verik wide eyed before water formed in his eyes and mouth opening began sobbing, his sobs soon turned in a loud sobbing cry as the foal sat in the dust, nose bleeding only now he was crying his eyes out. Twisting his jaw a little Verik looked at Nuru who had not changed expressions, Verik watched as she patted the foals head a moment before taking him by the shoulder and standing him upright.

"Stop crying, you not little foal anymore. Not cause more trouble now though hm?"

The foal nodded a little while still crying.

"Good, now dry eyes." Nuru cuffed the foals ears before pointing back towards the distant creche. "Go, now. You go straight there! No more trouble from you! No lying!"

"Yes grandma Nuru."

Verik watched the foal hang his head and walk back towards the creche before twitching a little.


"Now you." Nuru stared at him. "Need to keep better eye on foals."

"We do but that one jumps the fence before we have a chance to stop him."

"Four of you for reason."

"It is not that simple, they all huddle in a corner staring at me and have kept it up for three solid days."

"Fear you, they only foals. Hear you snarl when catch and that not help! Not help he foolish and run into hut either."

"Well I doubt it will stop-"

"That one always causing problems but not mean harm. Like to run and not be locked in creche but no one able to watch him all time so have to stay."

"He needs slapped."

"Not by you. If you slap him that make things worse, not with him but other Wete. He dig up floor in creche?" Verik nodded. "He in trouble enough."

"Alright, so why haven't his parents tried to make an arrangement then? Dont you keep him around?"

"He scared of hut and not so young anymore. But you, be more careful hm? In enough trouble, you planning make big, big trouble and not need to make things worse!"

"I should not be surprised that you somehow, just magically know what is going on but the only way out of this mess is to how should I say... Throw a barrel of gasoline into the fire? Anyway, it will not involve you so I dont see how it is any of your business because I doubt those wonderful." Verik raised his voice. "Gods and spirits of yours are willing to raise a damn finger to help! Knocking down some trees? Sure, that's easy. But are they willing to go to war Nuru?" Nuru stared at him blankly. "I appreciate their help so far, I really do. A new world and wife I would destroy a planet for... I thank them for that. But whats the point if someone else can just, snatch it away? So yes, I am going to make trouble. I am going to make trouble so gods almighty big that the world burns and we both know that something is coming anyway. So are they going to get off their lazy asses and help with something more earth shaking than a canal?"

The loud sound of a slap filled the air as Nuru glared at Verik, her hand already raised again.

"Do not mock."

"Fine, maybe I deserved that a little but I would just like to know if they have taken a look around lately. Everyone turned their backs on them but unless they stretch out a hand this whole place is going to hell in-"

Another loud smack filled the air. "Not forget you make trouble it find way back here. Maybe it good you plan trouble that bring fire and death, maybe it bad. But you watch tongue, only dead gods where you come from but not here. Here, they listen and watch. Invoke name mean much, never take lightly. You want colt slapped for causing trouble? You have power to just slap, he not." Nuru pointed out across the savannah. "There be many, many with power to take you and make wish for death. Power to just take what want. To them you that foal digging and jumping fence. That one not good at choosing when and where to jump fence but he not put on stake for it, you though. You be put on stake for it if caught."

"I am not going to hold back, that would be suicide." Nuru slapped Verik again only this time so hard he lurched to the side. "Alright, what the hell was that one for?"

"You lift finger towards me then?" Looking her over a moment he shook his head no and Nuru glared. "Why?"

"I have the distinct impression its not that I cant, but more that if I tried Asha would be putting my ashes into one of her little pots seconds after I had. However, I have nothing against you except these incessant slaps of yours."

"Have great power over you, can hit you much as want and nothing you can do to stop it but run away. Remember that, you now have same power over some and if do what plan that power maybe grow or maybe you die at hand of other with more power. If live, not forget what I say and pain of slap. That nothing. Maybe you gain great power, remember what it like to have none."

"Nuru if you are worried I am going to become like them then I can assure you-"

"No. In time most forget, it become easy. Too easy. Must always be reminded so not forget. Next time you plan to "slap" you not forget my slapping you, maybe I remind you again later."

"Noted. And Nuru? You do know it is impossible for me to do anything without revealing the one spy, which I have but also made certain he will not magically drown in the river with rocks tied to his legs." Nuru's eyes narrowed. "However, I will keep my word on the second one. The most important spy of all: Fareed's personal one. Whenever I learn that ones name I shall not share it with Sefu nor Tendaji though I have the feeling they already knew about them, but not who. Also your fears seem somewhat unfounded as Jelani seems to understand their mistake in "dealing" with the last spy."

Nuru glared hellfire at him for a moment in warning before going blank faced once more, turning around slowly the zebra mare shuffled back into her hut to leave Verik outside staring before the sounds of hushed, ethereal whipsering began again only a little more in earnest. Turning to walk back to the creche Verik made his way back slowly because there was no doubt the foal would not make another attempt to flee for at least another few days. Nuru held sway over the family and had quietly asserted it. As he walked Verik glanced back at the hut again before looking up at the blue sky for a moment before settling his eyes on the road once more, Verik let out a slow breath of air.

"There has got to be a way to calm those foals down and keep them from either jumping the fence or huddling together in a furry ball. Maybe Asha has some ideas." As he walked his thoughts drifted ever more towards Asha which took his mind of the stinging sensation on his face.