//------------------------------// // My Door Closes // Story: House of Doors // by Devela //------------------------------// I quickly grabbed a towel from the bathroom before walking into the kitchen. The damage was extensive, she somehow managed to go through two tubs of chocolate and one of vanilla. Her muzzle was currently halfway into a vat of strawberry when I arrived. A hand gripped my heart as I walked over and started wiping off her fur and took the tub away. The whine and eyes she gave me broke my heart as I set it aside to instead scratch behind her ears.  "Trixie why did you come through my Ponyville door?" I wiped a bit of crust and banana cream from atop her horn.  "T-T-T... I couldn't go through my doooor!" She started whining and wailing as tears seemed to spring out of her eyes and jump up into the air before arching down to land on my floor. Pony physics were weird and always managed to surprise me.  "Sssh Trixie, it will be ok." I pulled the mare into a hug as her tears seemed to arch over me as to not soak my shirt. I ran a hand along her mane as she slowly calmed down. Her wailing turning into sobbing, then finally toning it all the way down to sniffles and normal tears.  I leaned back and wiped her eyes before smiling as I rubbed my chin. "What say you and I go see Moondancer. She forgot her stack of new books again. I'm sure she'd love to see you again."  Trixie leaned into me as she wrapped her hooves around my arm and hid her head away. I remember how she'd do the same thing as a filly when she was bullied. So this situation wasn't the first time I'd comforted her.  "So do you wanna go see Moony?" I asked again with a gentle nudge of my arm.  The only response was a little nod of her head and a soft whine. "Uh huh." It was like something was knocking at my heart's door, it answered only for it to get shot for letting something like this happen.  "Do you want me to carry you or can you walk?" I could guess the answer but I didn't want to be rude or weird. She sat on her haunches and looked up at me with giant pouty eyes before holding her hooves in the air.  I smiled before scooping her up in my arms, holding her haunches and rested a hand on her back. It seemed I going to burp her like one would a baby. The position wasn't a new one to me, let alone with Trixie. Many a pony had gotten drunk off the salt in the food I served. I always found it funny. Though they weighed a lot less than what you'd think so I never got tired of it. Softly I walked down the hall before arriving at a door with a soft glow. A bag of books resting beside it before it lifted up in a light teal glow. I grabbed the handle before twisting it.  It emerged into a library, well one would think it was one if not for sweaters, socks, and various books scattered across the floor and desk. A smile crossed my lips as I noticed Moondancer fast asleep. I set Trixie on the bed as she tried to hide her giggles as I stood over Moondancer.  I took a deep breath before letting it out in a liud bellow. "Moondancer Lancell!"  She jumped up to the ceiling, somehow clinging onto it upside down with her hooves as she screamed from the shout. Trixie and I busted out in loud peals of laughter. It took Moondancer a moment before she glared at the two off us. She quickly launched herself from the cieling with a mighty warcry at me. "Aaaaagh!"  I sidestepped her easily, but winced as I heard the squeak then thud of her first hitting another pony. Then smacking a wall behind said pony with her pasaanger. Slowly I turned around to see a pile of hooves, hair, and fabric as the pair were now conjured twins by sweater.  I snorted with laughter as they sat up, each one glaring at the other before turning their gaze on me. I let put a manly warcry as blast from their horns started firing towards me. In no way, shape, or form did I let out a girlish scream as I rushed out the door. No, I took it all like a man with grunts and caual walking. Seriously it was the manly version.  The two began giggling soon afterwards as I left them tp theor devices. It warmed my heart knowing the two got along so well. After I left the Moondancer'a home behind I walked towards a random door. It swing open easily as I thought of what to do next.  I walked right into my kitchen, looking around for a moment before deciding to grab a bottle of pop from the fridge. The crack of its seal breaking filled the empty room as I realized how to get back at those ponyville jerks. It brought an evil smile to my lips as I set thw bottle on the counter.  I easily walked to my front door before taking a deep breath then letting it go. I eyed the door before slowly switching the dial. After a moment of trepidation I pulled it inwards before stepping through, like always I left the dopr hanging wide open.  The scene before me was the aame as when I'd closed it on them before. A mob of poniea holding pies and torches stood outaide my snall fence, not a single smile or happy look among them. Althpugh the oddest bit was Lyra was hogtied and propped against my fence with an inhibutor ring.  "So anyone wanna explain why I found you pieing a mare on my lawn?" I stood with my arms crossed, waiting for a stupid answer.  They didn't disappoint as the queen of brain power gerself stepped forward. "Yes, she claimed she was your daughter. Which due to your appearance in Ponyville no less then a month after my arrival. By default makes her a liar, she also claimed that she knew you since being a filly, and the fact you aren't a horrible pony. Of course thpse all being lies the town deduced she was under some sort of mind control so we proceeded to use anti changling cream pies. Although it seems your powers are strong then even a changlings."  My brain had a bit of a 404.exe moment before rebooting as I started laughing and gawffing like a hyena. Who I had several of them as friends across the seas. Nice dogs, just stereotyped horribly. I heled my stomach as I almost fell to the grpund, using the doorframe to keep myself upright. The mob seemed a bit confused as they saw me laughing. Even Twilight seemd to loss some of her bravado as she watched me.  Finally I calmed down, still wheezing a bit as I stood up and wiped the tear from my eye. "Oh now that was funny. I can see why ponies are great comedians." I stepped forward as I stood above the mob, looking down at them before slowly hardening my eyes into a glare. "To counter your points. My house travels through time so I actually did know Trixie since she was little, and even dated her mom for a bit. Heck I even tried making a herd with a few mares but we all agreed after the kids they had grew up we'd try again. Just need to go find em and start it. So those are the first two lies you covered. Also I'm not a pony so I can't be a good or horrible pony. So you claiming I am a horrible pony is just being speciest." The crowd seemed a little mulled by this news but Princess of Friendship Sparkle wasn't having it. She slammed a hoof down as the other pointed towards me. "Ah ha! I knew you were evil. Time travel is illegal and banned in Equstria! This just proves my theory of you being a monster all along right!" She started to do her little dance whenever she got something right. That kind of riled me up with how smug she was acting. I raised up my hand, pressing my thumb to the middle finger before letting it slide off with a loud snap. There was a crack of thunder as my door slammed shut. Now I'd shut my door to see what I was before and it scared me the first time. I even got letters from Celestia and Luna offering their undying surrender if I so chose to turn evil. Chrysalis even had appeared groveling before me to spare her. I needed to shoo her away with a broom before she left. Now most would think, 'He's an overpowered god or something.' They'd be wrong for I jow stood only three feet tall, bushy white beard had grown on my face, while a red hat with white fur trim appeared on my head.  The crowd watched in horror are I strode forward, eyes licked on Twilight before easily grabbing her by the tail. She found herself sitting down with me standing before her. "Twilight Sparkle. You've done it now, you now face not a gnelf, not a gnoblin, but a gah gnome!" Color seemed to fade from her as she turned white as a sheet at the sight of me in my jeans, suspenders, and a flannel shirt.