//------------------------------// // Flashback // Story: The Storm Dragon // by ShowShine //------------------------------// Spike followed Twilight out of the forest, getting led to safety. They walked down a dirt path with stones scattered around. “So what were you doing in the forest all by yourself?” Twilight asked. Spike instantly thought of an excuse. “I was looking for a place to stay. My parents went out one day and never came back. I was alone for days before I decided to leave. I knew they weren’t going to come back so I started looking for them. I’ve been walking for days and I’m so hungry.” Spike lied. Twilight let out a gasp and rubbed his back sympathetically. “I’m so sorry, how about you come over to my place and I’ll get you some food.” Twilight stated. Spike gave a large fake smile. “Thank you.” Spike sat at the kitchen table of the large castle, kicking his legs off of the side of the chair. He watched Twilight cook some food. He watched her every move, how she moved, the way she talked, and any sign of weakness. Twilight turned around, holding a plate with rice and vegetables in her magical grasp. “Here you go.” Twilight said, handing him the plate. “Thank you.” Spike thanked, eating a spoonful of vegetables. He was actually very hungry from walking for most of the day. Twilight sat in across from him, leaning on her hooves. “Do you have anywhere to live?” Twilight asked. Spike shook his head with a mouth full of food. Twilight let out a hum and thought to herself. “Would you like to live here?” Twilight asked. Spike eagerly nodded his head. His plan was slowly falling into place. “I would love that very much!” Spike exclaimed in fake happiness. Twilight chuckled to herself and smiled. Spike quickly finished up his food and picked up his plate. “I can wash this.” Spike stated, walking to the sink. He turned on the water and started to clean the plate. The kitchen door slammed open, revealing a pink pony. She had a poofy dark pink mane. She hopped over to Twilight and hugged her tightly. “Hi Twilight!” She exclaimed I’m a high pitched voice. She looked at Spike and broke out into a wider grin. She hopped over to him and got inches from his face, there noses pressing together. “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie! Are you new? I love to meet new creatures!” Pinkie Pie rambled. Spike took a step back and gave a welcoming smile. “I’m Spike, I just got here not to long ago.” Spike stated. Pinkie Pie let out a loud squeal of excitement. “You’re new so I’m going to throw you party!” Pinkie exclaimed. Spike gave a small smile. “I’ve never been to a party.” Spike stated. Now that wasn’t a lie, it was completely the truth. Pinkie let out a loud over dramatic gasp. “You’ve never been to a party?!” She shouted in disbelief. Spike shook his head. Pinkie let out an even louder gasp and started to stomp her hooves, getting ready to run off. “I’ll set up a party for you right now!” She shouted before zipping out of the room. Spike gave a look of surprise and started to dry his plate. “She’s really nice.” Spike stated. Twilight nodded her head and smiled. “Pinkie Pie loves meeting new ponies, she’ll throw a party for anyone.” Twilight explained. Spike nodded his head, wanting to get more information. “How did you two meet?” Spike asked, putting the plate in a cabinet. “How can I forget? I was still a little filly in magic school.” A small purple filly walked through the streets of Canterlot, her face buried in a large book. She didn’t have a care in the world, enjoying her studies. “Hey you, can I get some help.” A high pitched voice said from above her. She looked up from her book. When she didn’t see anything, she gave a look of confusion. “I’m up here.” The voice said. Twilight looked up to see a pink filly her age in a tree. She gripped on tightly and had a nervous smile on her face. “I’m stuck.” She stated. Twilight tilted her head in confusion. She let her horn glow and wrapped her magic around the earth pony. She slowly put the pony on the ground. “How didn’t you get in a tree?” Twilight asked. The pink pony thought to herself. “Well I saw a balloon and I decided to follow it. It went higher and higher so I climbed that tree to get it.” She explained. Twilight nodded her head. “I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight greeted, putting her hoof out to shake. The pink filly grabbed her hoof and started to shake it wildly. “Hi I’m Pinkie Pie. I’ve been traveling around around Equestria for a few weeks looking for friends.” Pinkie stated. Twilight smiled. “Well I can be your friend.” She stated. Pinkie let out a loud gasp and hugged Twilight tightly. “We’ll he best friends for ever and ever and ever and ever!” Pinkie shouted, making a few ponies look at them. This was a start of a wonderful friendship. “And that’s how we met. We’ve been friends for years. She helps me out around the castle and always calms me down when I get too stressed.” Twilight finished. Spike smiled at the sweet story. “Pinkie Pie is easily distracted, very important.” Spike thought to himself. “Do you have any more close friends?” Spike asked. It was very important to know if there were anymore potential threats. “I have a few more friends. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity. They’ve helped me go through thick and thin. We’ve saved Equestria countless times together.” Twilight stated. Spike nodded his head, taking a mental note of that. Before anyone could say something else, Pinkie Pie opened the door. “The parties ready! All the guest are on there way! Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Spike gave a confusion. “You left like twenty minutes ago, how are you done?” Spike asked. Pinkie Pie chuckled. “That’s my little secret.” She said with a wink. She grabbed Spikes hand and started to hop out of the kitchen. “Let’s go, the party is gonna start any second.” Pinkie said, leading him out of the kitchen. Twilight smiled and followed close behind. Today was going to be fun. Spike stood in a large in the castle as a party was going on. There were streamers and balloons all over the room. There were tables set up with food. Ponies were scattered around the room talking and dancing to the music. Spike stood close to the wall, holding a cup. He stared at his reflection in the punch, questioning his life choices. “So you’re the new dude in town?” A raspy voice asked. Spike looked up to see a mare with a rainbow mane flying above him. He assumed that was Rainbow Dash from her appearance. “Yeah, my name is Spike. You must be Rainbow Dash.” Spike said with a greeting smile. Rainbow Dash cockily posed. “The one and only.” She stated. Spike mentally took notes on her, analyzing how she moved. “You look so cool.” Spike marveled. Rainbow Dash smirked and posed. “I am pretty awesome.” She stated. A few more ponies walked over to him. They group consisted of a white unicorn with a purple mane, a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and an orange earth pony with blonde hair. “Howdy Spike, I’m Applejack.” Applejack said with a friendly smile. The yellow pegasus hugged Spike tightly. “Oh I’ve never seen a baby dragon before!” She said in a soft voice. Spike closed his eyes, feeling nice and warm. It was the first time in a while since he head been hugged. He hugged her back, dropping her cup of punch. Fluttershy jumped at the sound of the cup hitting the floor and hugged Spike tighter. The punch splashed on the ground, a few drops getting on the white unicorn. “My perfect white coat!” She exclaimed. Spike wiggled out of the yellow mares arms, who he assumed to be Fluttershy. He picked up a napkin and handed it to the white mare. “Sorry about that, here you go.” Spike apologized, handing her the napkins. She wiped the punch off of herself and flicked her mane. “It’s perfectly fine darling, I know it was an accident.” She said. “My name is Rarity by the way.” Rarity greeted. Spike smiled and looked around at everyone. Everything was going according to plan. Spike sat on the edge of his bed in his new room. He had a the magical journal laying on his lap and he held a pen, getting ready to write. ”Dear Tempest, I found Princess Twilight Sparkle and she invited me into her castle. By herself she would be easy to beat but she’s not alone. She has a close group of friends who have helped her save Equestria multiple times. Fluttershy is weak and easily frightened, she’ll be easy to take down. Rarity is a fashion designer Pinkie Pie is unexpected. She can pull things out of thin air and has a high magic power for an earth pony. She gets distracted very easily. Rainbow Dash is very fast but she’s also very cocky. You can get on her good side by complimenting her enough. Applejack is stronger than the average earth pony. I haven’t found any weaknesses for her. Twilight Sparkle seems strong but without her friends she’s defenseless.” Spike wrote down. He closed the book and let out a sigh. He laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Spike stomach churned and he let out a small whine. “Am I doing the right thing?”