//------------------------------// // Chapter 12- Schrodinger's Pony // Story: The Ever-Shifting Tides Of Life // by DougtheLoremaster //------------------------------// The Sisters sat, stolid; unmoving in the darkness. The chamber reeked of carrion and decay; the walls smeared with a rusted, murky red. The bones of Rainbow and Rarity lay before the throne; stripped of all flesh; the sisters sporting glistening and gleaming hides. Neither had a need to sleep, breathe or eat. Both sat there, muzzles pointed down, silent. Suddenly, Celestia’s horn lit up, as Luna’s eyes glowed a sickly green. “A pony approaches, sister.” “I see that.” Luna turned as if looking at her. “Did you summon them?” Celestia shook her head. “I didn’t.” Luna smiled, her fangs dripping with saliva in anticipation. Her eyes beheld the figure coming down the hallway with earnest. “How interesting.” “Indeed. I wonder what brings them here. I can hear the heartbeat. It’s definitely not one of ours.” Luna’s horn glowed, manifesting her scythe and laid it behind her with a wicked grin. “Mind if I have some fun?” Celestia placed her hooves beneath her muzzle as if in thought, her rotted form glistening from her earlier meal. Finally, she leaned back in her throne. “Always playing with your food aren’t you? Alright then, I do enjoy watching your tortures. Have your fun; I need the amusement, our last guests-” Looking disdainfully at the remains of Rainbow Dash, as though it disgusted her, Celestia continued. “Weren’t very entertaining. I’ll leave this to you, Luna. Make them scream.” Her horn stopped glowing, as Luna grinned and spoke teasingly. “Careful sister, one would almost think you enjoy my methods more than my results.” A rare smile crossed Celestia’s muzzle; her teeth showing through the holes in her snout, as her one eye twinkled. Her voice was soft as she spoke. “That’s because I do.” *** The figure walked down the hallway, it’s hide ripped and marred with slashes. One of the eyes had been gouged and one wing was missing. The hoofsteps were staggered as one of the hindlegs was sliced open; revealing the tender muscle within. Its fur was a dark rusty color in some areas and a light orange in others. The feathers on the one remaining wing were tweaked and disorderly. As the door to the throne room slowly opened with a groan, Luna’s eyes lit up as she raised her head; her exposed lower jaw slowly forming a wicked grin. The sight amused her. Whoever this pony is, they really made an effort to resemble one of ours. If it wasn’t for that wretched heartbeat, they might have been able to fool us. Now the question my sister wants answered; Why. Within an instant, as her sister’s horn glowed, the figure stopped and Luna made her move. Like lightning, Luna had magically grabbed her scythe and rocketed towards the mysterious figure as they stopped in sync with Celestia’s magic.The eyes of the strange figure widened in disbelief at the speed of the alicorn, before narrowing once more. Luna had stopped her swing midway to rest the sharpened blade against its throat. Smiling inwardly, the imposter Arisen remembered the details of the plan. *** Hours ago, Sweetie Belle stood, holding her medical knife with a comforting smile towards Scootaloo. “Hold still Love; this might hurt.” “ARrrGH!” Sweetie Belle drew her blade across the base of Scootaloo’s wing; severing the muscle tissue. Scootaloo remained still as her alchemical wing crashed to the floor. Doing her best to bear the pain, Scootaloo responded through gritted teeth. “Do...Wh-WHAT..YOU HAVE TO!” Sweetie Belle’s soft voice echoed in the small room as she explained her plan to the impassive form of Starlight. “We need an Arisen. So, thanks to my studies in anatomy-” Scootaloo bit her lip to avoid screeching as Sweetie Belle drew her keen edge swiftly across her hide, slicing it open, though only just. “We are gonna make one.” Flinching as a trickle of blood was pressed upon with rags until it stopped, Scootaloo winced; her hind leg now slit open. Sweetie Belle gave her a gentle kiss. “Doing alright love?” Starlight’s eyes flashed a sliver of amethyst. “Why not use an illusion?” Sweetie Belle halted with her knife inches from Scootaloo’s left eye. “Because they can sense magic and would view it as an instant deception. Scootaloo, take a deep breath.” Doing as she was bade, Scootaloo closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt a strange sensation and tried to open her eyes only to find one was...gone. She began to panic. Sweetie Belle gave her another gentle kiss and whispered softly. “It’s alright, I’ll return it later.” Seeing her eye on nearby rock in a magical container, Scootaloo slowed her breathing once more. Her mate’s soothing words reached her and filled her brain. “Trust me. I promise it’ll be alright.” Starlight’s voice was filled with curiosity as she approached the two; eyes aglow. “I don’t understand, what is the purpose of this? Surely they will know she is still alive.” Nodding, Sweetie Belle responded. “True they won’t be fooled in the least. Then again we aren’t trying to convince them she is a true Arisen.” “Then what is the point?” Sweetie Belle grinned. “Schrodinger’s Pony.” Starlight looked amused. “You can’t be serious.” The unicorn, delicately continued her surgical alteration of Scootaloo as she responded in an absolute tone. “Oh, but I am. I watched what they did, but it’s like mom always said: It isn’t what you can see, it’s what you can’t that matters.” Scootaloo thought about these words as the pain radiated across her torso. It provided an ample distraction from the agony her mate was causing. Schrodinger's Pony. An ancient concept of philosophy; from a more archaic age. Long ago, a brilliant Pony named Schrodinger locked a box in which he placed a magical toy pony. She shivered and was wrenched out of her thoughts, shivering as the cool, clammy touch of mud graced her flank. Desperately, Scootaloo tried to regain her train of thought. The toy had been brought to life by an animation spell. Next to the pony, he placed a vial of corrosive acid; the top uncapped. “Scootaloo?” After eight hours the sounds of distress from the box stopped, and Schrodinger wanted to open it and see if the pony had been corroded. “Hey Scootaloo?” He wanted to but he didn’t; for as long as the box remained closed, it was both alive and it was corroded. He knew once that box was opened, the answer would be absolute. What does this have to do with the Princesses, though? “Answer me darn you!’ “ArrrrGH!” Scootaloo screamed as Sweetie Belle shook her from her thoughts with a sharp smack to her flank. “I asked can you move your limbs still?” “Oh sorry Sweetie, let me try.” Scootaloo took a deep breath and attempted to move her wounded leg. Surprisingly, the leg moved freely despite being lacerated. “W-what? How is it-” Sweetie Belle grinned. “I know your body inside and out, love-” Scootaloo shivered as Sweetie Belle slow dragged her hoof over the now scarred flank of the pegasus. “Your every nerve, muscle fiber as well as arteries and veins. Where you are sensitive-” The one-winged Pegasus profusely blushed letting out an unintentional moan. “And where you aren’t. Do you really think I would cripple you in such a way; to where you couldn’t function?” “It’s not that it’s just-” Sweetie Belle gave a sharp smack to Scootaloo’s flank. “When this is over, you and I are going to work on these trust issues of yours my little Pegasus.” Standing off to the side, Starlight had been observing passively. Now she spoke up, her eyes glowing once more. “You seem to have great faith in this plan of yours. To state so boldly there would be a later, what has you so confident?” Turning to her, while tickling Scootaloo’s chin playfully, Sweetie Belle nodded. “I am confident; while watching those scenes of the Arisen, I noticed a severe lack of rash impulse.” “Lack of impulse? Why should that matter?” Sweetie Belle stared at Starlight as she explained; her eyes twinkling. “Doesn’t it seem strange that the Arisen; mindless, rage and fear controlled creatures, are working together as one?” “Well they are being controlled by Celestia and Luna, after all.” “Yes, but the princesses refuse to act immediately when confronted by an unknown.” The crystalline tree behind Starlight flashed and glowed rapidly as Starlight nodded. “No, I agree. I don’t understand either.” “The princess are Arisen themselves, even driven by instincts they would be unable to command an army unless those instincts were more than a simple command and conquer. In other words, Celestia and Luna possess the innate desire to adapt and overcome.” “How does that-” “See for yourself, replay the Ponyville takeover, from the Princesses' sides.” Starlight’s horn began glowing as the tree pulsed with color. The scene appeared showing the Arisen Celestia and Luna on their throne observing the fight with their magic. As the residents fought back, Celestia and Luna would bark, growl and snarl at each other, before turning back to the battle. As these strange conversations took place, the Arisen in combat would create torches to burn dwellings. Carrying timber to use as weapons to block and retaliate against those wielding farm implements. “I don’t believe it… You noticed this just from the movement of the Arisen?” Shaking her head, the unicorn explained. “No, Celestia and Luna in combat, when they were alive, showed very clear behavior patterns. Celestia would consider the options, while Luna would use her analysis to ravage the battlefield. I just noticed the Arisen in combat each time would use similar patterns, and once you mentioned Celestia and Luna still controlled them it made me realize their one weakness-” Sweetie Belle hugged Scootaloo tightly as she grinned. “In order to adapt a certain nature must be prevalent; curiosity. They analyze every aspect before attempting anything. That’s our key to beating them; their own curiosity.” Sweetie continued with a happy tone. “The question why. The ultimate paradox. Before it is answered it either is or isn’t but both can be true because its answer isn’t known. We are going to force them to question Scootaloo’s presence. Once that happens however-” Grabbing the Pegasus’s head and turning it to face her, Sweetie stared into her lover’s eyes. “Hunter I need you to listen to me and do exactly as I say.” With Scootaloo paying unwavering attention, Sweetie Belle explained exactly what she wanted from both her and Starlight. *** Luna is going to attack you. Her patterns are one of action. If when you walk in, you see Celestia sitting back in her throne, hold still; do not move even a muscle. Do not tremble, do not breathe heavily. Scootaloo stood still the instant she saw Celestia sitting there, observing her. Freezing in place as Luna flew forward, Scootaloo continued breathing normally. Trust me, they will know you are still alive. Do not show resistance. Do not draw your blade; it is a test. Luna has a habit of analyzing her foes while teasing them physically. Like a cat with a mouse, she will toy with you before striking a fatal blow. The first strike will be a feint. The blade of the Arisen Alicorn bit into her neck, causing a trickle of blood. Still, Scootaloo remained motionless, maintaining her breath and heartbeat. The words of Sweetie Belle resonating in her mind: Ignore your instincts to fight back and instead think of me. Think of how you love the look on my face and me when you make me smile. Luna scanned the imposter Arisen, searching for any sign of fear. A slight tremor, a slight rise in heartbeat; anything. Instead, she found no sign of panic or fear. Puzzled, she put her rotted face close to Scootaloo’s own scarred muzzle. “You’ve not drawn your blade, young one. Are you not afraid, pony?” What Scootaloo heard were a series of growls to which meant nothing to her. However, she wasn’t alone. Starlight stood in the basement, eyes aglow and seeing and listening through Scootaloo’s own. Her horn aglow with the spell she was casting, Starlight translated the strange language to Ponish. “She is asking why you haven’t drawn your blade. She wants to know if you are afraid of her. Also, she is calling you Pony; no doubt to denote how she knows you are not Arisen.” Sweetie Belle stood beside her and replied. “Tell Scootaloo to say the following…” I will make her proud. Scootaloo paused listening, as a small smile played on her lips before replying to Luna in Ponish; blood trickling down her neck. “Why would I be afraid of you, Princess Luna?” The smirking face of Luna contorted into a terrifyingly deformed snarl. Within the blink of an eye, she drew back and brought the scythe slicing through the air. This time however, it was met with the steel of Scootaloo’s own blade; preventing it from slicing her head from her body. The blow had been thrown with murderous intent and the force of it causing Scootaloo to slide back three feet as the blow connected with her own sword. She will grow enraged. Luna hated being mocked, and her own pride would easily overcome her when in combat against Sombra. Draw your sword the second she glares at you. Otherwise, you will die. At that moment Celestia should take notice. Sitting on her throne, Celestia spoke in a nearly amused tone. It sounded like an almost barking laughter to Scootaloo who listened as Starlight translated it. “How fascinating. You blocked that one; meant to remove your head from that pathetic body. You however, did not block her first strike. Explain, now.” Her command is absolute. Celestia’s nature is to be in control. Do not resist or lie. She will prevent Luna from continuing if you do as she wants. If she says sit, sit. If she tells you to jump, do it. And whatever you do, do not stand solid as you did against Luna. Luna obeys her sister; Celestia pulls the strings. “I have not yet finished with this one Celestia!” Luna had drawn back her scythe to strike once more as she shouted angrily in the language of the Arisen. Celestia’s smile faded as within the span of a blink, Scootaloo watched Luna rise off the ground and slam with a sickening crunch into the stone wall. Celestia let loose a terrifying roar and snapped at her sister. “Know your place Luna; I am talking. Now shut up and sit there, like a good girl!” Scootaloo trembled, as Luna immediately scrambled to sit on her haunches. Celestia smiled and stared down at Scootaloo with her single, soulless eye. “Now then, answer me, pony.” Immediately Scootaloo explained exactly what she had been asked. “Your majesty, I felt no reason to block the first one because I sensed no murderous intent.” Looking over at Luna, Scootaloo continued. “It was more like a filly playing with a new toy.” Turning back to Celestia, she finished her thoughts. “The second time, I felt the anger behind her strike.” As Celestia stood there staring at her in silence, the next few minutes were of agonizing anxiety for the young Pegasus. Unless she commands it, say nothing and do nothing. She is going to consider every aspect of your words. Just lower your gaze to the ground and show her, she is in control. Lowering her eyes to the ground, Scootaloo heard a strange grating sound; an almost choking raspy sound. Starlight explained. “She is laughing.” No matter what do not be taken in if she should seem friendly. The instant she determines you are easily dominated, she will kill you. Celestia’s horn glowed brightly. If her horn glows, she will be casting a spell to force your unconditional enslavement to her will. If she succeeds, you will die. Scootaloo readied herself as she felt a presence attempt to steal her will. Sweetie Belle is counting on me! Smiling, Scootaloo spoke up.“I will do as you say-” The air around them grew cold as her single eye radiated her hatred. “However, I will do so of my own desire, your majesty.” The Arisen Alicorn’s horn stopped glowing as she seemed to stare straight through Scootaloo. Finally, she grinned; her mouth full of red stained teeth. Her eye no longer shining with rage. Turning her back to the trembling Pegasus, Celestia started to walk back to her throne. “I like this one. Come mare, follow. Now.” As Scootaloo started after her, Celestia paused for a moment to give some advice. “If you aren’t planning to attack me, I suggest sheathing that blade before I turn back around, little one.” Continuing on towards her throne, Celestia finished her statement. “Lest you face my wrath and all the Tartarus it will wrought.” Scootaloo shivered as she felt the chill from Starlight’s translations. Quickly she placed her sword back in its scabbard on her back. Continuing forward, she arrived before the throne as Celestia sat back upon it. Celestia sat on her throne, turning to look at Luna. “Get over here, NOW!” Pointing to the undead Nightmare’s throne, Celestia barked at her. “Sit, stay!” Celestia is a narcissist in her current state. She is better than all; those who fail to listen, perish. Scootaloo watched as Luna rushed to do as she was bade. Luna’s obedience to Celestia is infallible. Celestia will only allow you to live if you entertain her; her sister is no exception. Turning her disfigured muzzle to Scootaloo, Celestia’s voice lost all warmth. “You seem to understand whom you are addressing. Why have you appeared before my sister and I?” Scootaloo listened as Sweetie Belle’s answers were conveyed to her via Starlight. Speak with fear, otherwise you may die. Celestia refuses to see others as equals, make sure your voice has a respectful tone as well as a slight tremor. Display a certain uneasiness. Making sure her voice sounded slightly shaken, Scootaloo lowered her eyes to the floor in a submissive motion. “Your majesty, I was sent by the tree.” Sitting in her throne, Luna scoffed. “A tree sent you?” The orange Pegasus flinched as she heard the loud grating, choking sound of what could only be Luna’s laughter. Looking up at the Nightmare, Scootaloo began to explain. “The tree is-” Amid the derisive laughter, Celestia held up a hoof towards Scootaloo, as her eye narrowed. Scootaloo saw the gesture and immediately halted her words. If she indicates an action, do it. Don’t tempt fate, her rage was such that she refused to use anything other than shields in combat; as when she did attack, it destroyed friend and foe alike with no survivors. Celestia turned and began to softly hiss and growl, which grew louder and louder still. Her snarling and barking grew to fearsome volume as Luna visibly sat shaking in her throne. Scootaloo couldn’t help but shake as well; the very air seemed to explode in unbearable heat, singeing her fur. Arrrgh! It took everything she had not to cry out in pain. In her ear she heard Starlight speak in a visibly shaken voice. “You don’t want me to translate that.” Beside Starlight, Sweetie Belle felt her hide under her fur, prickle with goosebumps. Hang in there love, I believe in you! Scootaloo continued shaking as the heat raced under her fur; her very blood felt like it was beginning to boil. It was becoming unbearable and just when she felt like she would lose consciousness, it stopped. Celestia calmly now sat staring at her quaking form as she growled at her. Starlight quickly explained her words and so the conversation began once more; Celestia’s one eye glaring down from on high at her. “She says to continue your explanation and that she assures there will be no more interruptions.” Scootaloo felt a sudden chill. The heat was gone as the air grew cold. Staring into that eye caused her joints to ache as a bone-chilling sensation seemed to radiate throughout her. She found it hard to speak; as though her voice had been ripped from her throat before she could reply. Her breath felt heavy, as the Arisen Princess stared into her own eyes; observing, scrutinizing her every move. Am I going to die? She had never once feared her own death; since picking up her mother’s blade, Scootaloo had known it was her against the world. She would die, or she would survive; there was no medium. Now however, she was shaking as she felt it; the icy cold that seemed inevitable. Her thoughts were racing, anxiety gripped her very soul. That’s when she heard it; Sweetie Belle’s advice before hand. If you doubt your survival at any moment, if you feel you are alone, think of me. I am there with you; I won’t abandon you. She may do her worst, but you are not alone. Focus on me, Hunter; my love for you will be your shield. I will be your shield...Your shield...I am your shield. These words echoed throughout Scootaloo's mind. Yes… Scootaloo felt her heartbeat quicken; the air around her grew warmer. Your love… The feeling of a gentle, rolling wave of warmth encompassed her body. Shall shield me from all hate! Scootaloo felt a surge of strength, and as she stared into Celestia’s eye, she no longer felt paralyzed. Opening her muzzle once more she began to explain. “The tree is known as the Tree of Harmony, your majesty. It possesses sentience and keeps the balance between the living, of good and evil.” Celestia’s eye twitched for a moment as though she had been stricken. In the silence that followed, Celestia stared at Scootaloo as Luna watched onward with an eager gleam in her eyes. It was apparent Luna wanted to see her decimate Scootaloo with her hatred. Celestia however, sat there in silence as though contemplating what had been said. When she finally spoke, her words surprised Scootaloo as they were translated by Starlight. “I am not alive. Not as you are, in any case. I am interested in your words, as I can feel no deception in them. I am however curious, if such a being does exist, what purpose would they have for seeking myself or to a lesser extent my sister out?” Scootaloo lowered her head to the ground in a bowing gesture. Her voice seemed to quiver as she responded using Sweetie Belle’s words. “Y-your majesty, I am but a lowly messenger, I would never presume to understand the motives of those stronger than I; such as you...Or the tree.” The single eye of the Arisen widened in disbelief. “You would dare to equate me to this tree, pony?” Before Sweetie Belle could say anything, Scootaloo answered the translated snarls and growls issuing from the throne before her. “Your majesty, I speak with nothing but reverence for your power; the tree’s power is not of this realm. Before it, no creature alive or dead, can hold a candle.” “How dare you do this you worthless- um...I’m not going to translate that.” Luna’s ranting was cut short however, as Celestia turned horn aglow and uttering a series of unintelligible rage. Luna's flesh began to issue forth smoke and the smell of burnt meat reached Scootaloo’s nose. Struggling to prevent herself from retching, Scootaloo noticed the horn stopped glowing as Luna nodded and lowered her head silently in shame. The flames died down as Celestia returned her gaze to Scootaloo; her eyes ablaze in anger. Closing her eyes, Scootaloo waited for her inevitable punishment, but it never came. Slowly, she opened her eyes and stared, uncontrollably shaking in fear, at the Alicorn’s animated corpse. A series of soft growls and one sharp bark greeted her. Starlight’s voice filled her ears. “She says, you think rather highly of this tree of yours, tell me, does it go by any other name than Tree of Harmony?” Scootaloo nodded. “Yes, its proper name in our world is the Gem Hydrangea, your majesty.” The words of the Princess had been civil, but her decaying body sat quivering and shaking before Scootaloo conveying another story. It told of her unbridled rage as she kept her instincts to obliterate the upstart before her in check. She wanted nothing more than to annihilate the Pegasus that dared to assume there was a stronger power than her. However, something seemed to clearly be weighing on her; what if such a being existed? It would avail the twisted, corrupted Princess more to learn more about the situation; not to reduce the Pegasus to ashes on her throne room floor. Her eye quivered in its socket as she appeared to consider this. Her hooves trembled as she repressed her instincts and pointed it at Scootaloo. Her teeth were gritted as she forcibly growled out the words Sweetie Belle had been waiting on: “Take us to this Gem Hydrangea, let us see it’s so-called higher power.”