//------------------------------// // Waking // Story: Backwards: A Not so Element of Kindness // by chewyrainbow //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash woke with a dizzy head, her vision was blurred. Luckily the bleeding in her wing stopped, though she didn't feel like that was an improvement. Having blood to stop pouring out of your body won't change the fact your trapped, your friend has gone insane, your normal friends will die, and when they are all dead, you will die yourself. She looked up to notice a blurry figure laying a little ways off from her, she squinted to notice it was Rarity! "Rarity! Oh Rarity I'm so glad to see y-" then the thought hit her, if Rarity's here, then Fluttershy must really mean to kill us all! The white unicorn's head rose. "Huh? Rainbow Dash! What has happened? Fluttershy invited me over, then she hit me really hard..and now I'm here, what is going on?" The blue Pegasus paused, she didn't want to answer that, how do you tell your friend she is about to be murdered? "Well...Fluttersh-" Rainbow started, but the door flung open. Standing there was the crazed yellow pony whose face was covered in dried blood, Rainbow assumed it was Applejack's from last night. "Fluttershy see animals have awoken! now more fun!" she twitched and laughed. "Fluttershy dear! Your mane! It really needs some work, what is going on though? why are we in here?" "Why does animal talk to me as if i were friend? Fluttershy hates animals!" just then she slashed the knife that was in her hoof across Rarity's face, the blood shot across the room, and the knife she had used on the other ponies, now had new blood. Rainbow Dash looked in the opposite direction to the wall it still smelled of death in the house, and Rainbow didn't even need to ask why, hanging on the wall she noticed was Pinkie Pie and Applejack, their bodies limp and dried blood crusted to their faces, coats, and around the wound that killed them, the scream of her other friend who was being sent to her death was to much for Rainbow to bear, she would cover her ears, but still yet, she was bound up with strong rope. Rarity's gasp for air was cut short when she saw a glimpse of Fluttershy clasping her hooves around her neck. The unicorn shot a ball of energy from her horn, it hit Fluttershy in the head, and knocked her off, but the mad yellow pony was back to her hooves and was charging for her again, when the unicorn shot at her, the Pegasus flew into the air, and landed on Rarity's back. The white pony's knees buckled and she feel down, her horn pointed away so she couldn't shoot at Fluttershy again. Her mad gaze swept over her, and she ran her hooves toward the white unicorn's neck, gripping it with a force that could not be matched with any of the white pony's mad thrashing to free herself, until slowly her kicking became weaker, until she could no longer fight anymore. The blue pony didn't mean to open her eyes, she wanted them to stay shut, but they opened again to watch Rarity's eyes roll upwards in her head, they were only round white discs, glazed with tears that seemed to seep into the wood floor. The yellow Pegasus pony's grins grew larger, and she began to sing again, "Rest well, sleep well you will never wake again..." the song seemed to echo in Rainbow's mind just like night before, she tried to push the sight of her friends bloody bodies laying limp underneath Fluttershy's hooves, but sometimes, things happen and you can't always forget them, but this was impossible to forget, she didn't even think she would live long enough to have a chance to forget anyways... The pain was too much to bear, she had now lost 3 of her friends, only Twilight Sparkle and herself were left, but Twilight had stronger magic, couldn't she do something about it? "Only you and your other animal friend left! but don't worry, I will wait a few days until then, so the pain of this all happening can seep into your sad animal mind!" The mad pony slammed the door shut and locked it, Rainbow Dash began to cry, but a few minutes later she heard the door open again, and the Pegasus came back. Rainbow's eyes widened. It donned on the blue pony what she was doing when Fluttershy grabbed Rarity by the horn. The pony was hanging up her trophy just like she did with Pinkie and AJ while she was asleep. Fluttershy held up one of Rarity's hooves and nailed it to the wall. Rainbow Dash clamped her eyes shut, she heard the nails go in four times, one for each hoof, she didn't want to see it, but she heard it, and she couldn't stop that from happening. The yellow pony laughed after she seemed to have finished, since Rainbow hadn't heard the hammer in a while. She heard the clopping of hooves as Fluttershy left for the door, and of course, she locked it. Rainbow waited a while, and then opened her eyes again to look in a different direction, she had to get away, there was a window, but how could she get to it if she was tied up? The cyan mare yelled, hoping some one would hear her, though she knew that would never happened. Fluttershy lived away from anyone's house, she lived next to the Everfree forest! But there had to be some way she could escape, right?