Knights of Ice and Crystal

by Leila Drake

Chapter 22: Test Run

When Dinner was over, everyone went back to their places: Jonathan to his own home, Twilight and her guests back to the castle. Darren excused himself as soon as they left the restaurant - he needed to take care of something before going to bed.

Once he was sure that Twilight and the Whites were out of earshot, Darren went in the exact opposite direction. He strolled through the now quiet streets of town, watching a few remaining ponies walk home and a pegasus stallion light the street lanterns with a long candle. Ponyville had electricity - but not yet in every street.

Darren felt calmer than he had been for a long time. Having to hide his past deeds had always hung over him like a shadow. Now that he had gotten the chance to explain himself things would hopefully be different. The White family saw him in a new light. Funny enough, breaking down in front of them had been much less shameful than what the confession had been about. As their conversation over dinner had progressed, Darren had watched them, especially Eclipse, and observed with relief that they were still friendly and respectful - even more so than before. White, who had always been somewhat reserved towards Darren, was now downright cordial. Twilight and Jonathan exchanged a lot of jokes and by dessert everyone was relaxed and happy. Darren suspected that the cider had also helped him to unwind.

He still wanted to implement the safeguard as planned.

Darren followed the paved road until the cobblestones were replaced by a dirt road. He passed the last house and found himself on the edge of a surprisingly dark forest. A narrow path forked away from the main road and led to a little cottage with a green roof. Was it covered by grass? It seemed like it.

Now he was at a sufficient distance from town. He did not want any of the ponies to see what followed next.

Twilight had explained to him how to do it. Darren took a deep breath and called into the quiet evening.


He had not even closed his mouth again when the wind picked up. The fresh grass on the edge of the road swayed in the sudden gust. Dry leaves, maybe a remainder from the recent "Winter Wrap Up", tumbled past Darren. He looked around, waiting for his friend to appear.

There she was. A little blue wisp of light soundlessly popped up next to him and quickly expanded until the glowing, translucent ghost of a pretty pegasus mare floated before Darren. She had the same long mane and tail as always. They flowed in an invisible breeze just like the hair of Princess Luna. When she saw that Darren was alone and calmly standing there, she visibly relaxed.

"Darren! Hi! This is a surprise." Her happy voice echoed inside of his mind. Darren knew that ponies could not see her except on Hallow's Eve which was called Nightmare Night in Equestria. To an outsider, it probably looked as if he was talking to thin air. "Are you okay?" She floated a little closer, frowning at him. "Is anypony in trouble?"

Darren shook his head.

"Not as such," he said. "But if you have the time I'd like to ask a favour."

"I'm dead. How busy do you think I am?" Levinia grinned. "Go ahead, how can I help you?" She put her head on her folded forelegs, leaning forward as if an invisible table was supporting her weight.

"There's this little colt," said Darren, "his name's Eclipse. He's got special magical powers. I need someone to look after him and call me when he loses control over them."

"You sound different than before," Levinia observed.

"Yes, well, that's what I sound like when I'm not trying to talk like..." Darren searched for words.

"Somepony who doesn't come from anywhere? A snob? A death knight?" suggested Levinia, smirking.

"You get the idea. I've grown rather fond of the boy. And his parents agreed that Jonathan and I teach him how to control his magic." He rubbed his chin. "I should probably mention that I'm living in the Crystal Empire."

Levinia made a somersault backwards, flapping her wings in excitement. She spread her forelegs.

"I'll do it!" she exclaimed. "I've been looking after a lot of ponies while you were gone. You know, mostly in the city. I push them out of the way when they overlook a carriage, I support old ponies when they cross the street, stuff like that. But it's a little sad that nopony can see me. Sometimes they say, 'Oh, I must have had a guardian angel looking after me.' That's nice but they never know it's me. Not begging for attention, mind you. But being invisible can really suck sometimes." She lowered her voice as if she could be overheard. "I'm just glad that I can visit Mara Dust."

Darren raised a brow.

"Ah, you don't know her. She's a really nice pony in Ponyville, the only pony I know who can see spirits. We're friends," Levinia stated proudly. "And she helps when I want to visit my daughter, too. Sorry, I'm rambling! How are you doing? I haven't heard from you since we both left Azeroth."

"I only arrived a few weeks ago," Darren explained. "Something went wrong with the portal."

"Oh." Levinia gave him a sympathetic look. "Where did you exit the portal?"

"Crystal Empire."

"Aha, I get it. That's how you met Eclipse, huh?"

He nodded.

"Well, I'll be happy to help! Distance doesn't matter to me, you see. I found out that I can jump basically anywhere just by thinking! I call it the Ghost Step." She snickered. "I was in Manehattan when you called me. Oh, it's so good to talk to a friendly face! How old is Eclipse?" Levinia immediately switched the topic again.

"Something around eight years," Darren guessed.

Levinia's eyes narrowed. "Do his parents know what you're asking of me?"

"No. And I'd like to keep it that way, at least for a while. I just had a serious talk with them and we need to keep building some trust before I can break the news there's a ghost looking out for their kid."

"Ugh, fine. But only if you promise me you'll tell them in, let's say, ten days?" Levinia insisted.

"Very well, I promise."

Levinia slowly floated closer.

"I have a question," she said, suddenly looking shy.

"What is it?"

"Since I'm invisible to others... I know you're not the cozy type, being a death knight and all... but if it's okay... can I hug you?"

Darren snorted and wordlessly spread his arms. Levinia beamed and rushed towards him.

The hug felt weird, like holding something between wind and a cold dry pillow. Levinia did not breathe - she did not need to, obviously, and of course she did not have a heartbeat. The embrace did not last long; she pressed her hooves against his back, then she let go and floated backwards.

"Thanks," she muttered. "That felt good. I'm sorry if it was awkward for you."

Darren shook his head.

"It was fine," he assured her. "I don't mind."

"Okay, good," Levinia sighed happily. "So, how should we do it, me looking out for Eclipse?"

"He's most likely already in bed," Darren mused. "The easiest will be if I describe him to you. Join us in the Castle of Friendship tomorrow and you'll see him. He's a grey pegasus, with a black mane, no Cutie Mark, blue eyes. Not a Crystal Pony but a regular one."

"Alright. Sounds like a plan! Well, see you tomorrow, then! Bye!" Levinia grinned, gave Darren a friendly wave and disappeared into a breeze. One second later, he stood alone on the edge of a forest. No - a little blue light danced next to him, bobbing up and down. It swiftly rose into the sky and faded away.

The next morning came suddenly and without warning. Darren found himself all tangled up with his blanket, shivering from the cold sweat on his back and face. Vivid images of his latest nightmare still occupying his mind, he stalked to the small water basin in the corner of the room. The cold water from the faucet was like a shock that drove the memories away, replacing them with clearer thoughts. He dried himself with the fluffy towel provided by - supposedly - the castle staff and put his shirt and vest on. His hair was a mess, too. After combing it, he tied it into a tight bun instead of his usual ponytail.

When he put his second boot on, Darren heard children's voices from the corridor. The Whites were up.

"Oy! Get up, Shard." Sombra groaned at the curt command from his guard/stalker/parole officer and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Already?" he muttered. He felt as if he had only fallen asleep an hour ago or so.

"Dude, it's nine in the morning. We gotta get moving." Abs was already wide awake, in his thick cloak and with the glaive on his back, and looking at him. "Move your flank."

"Whatever." Sombra rolled off the bed rather than standing up properly. Somehow, he managed to put his hooves under his barrel and ran a hoof through his mane. He squinted his eyes; the faint light that shone through the window was already too much.

"Tartarus, you look like a mess. You alright?"

"Hardly slept," Sombra mumbled. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to forget the voices that had constantly disturbed his sleep. They had woven through his dreams, tinting everything in the colour of anguish and mistrust.


A hesitant nod.

To Sombra's surprise, Abs frowned. Genuine concern showed on his face as he eyed Sombra with a tilted head.

"Figures, considering who you are," said Abs, unlocking the door. "Come on, let's go. Maybe we can find that garden again."

When Darren left his room the Whites had already gone downstairs. He followed the distant chatter and laughs down two stairwells and along a hallway. The refectory was a circular room just like the library and the throne room. Golden chandeliers and generous windows lit the large round table from above. Twilight, Spike, Starlight and the White family were busy putting bowls and cups onto the table. The smell of fresh warm bread made Darren's mouth water.

"Ready?" asked Abs in a whisper.

"Ready," replied Sombra.

Abs opened the creaky wooden door and slowly peeked around it. His ears were straight up as he squinted his eyes.

"Nothing. It's quiet." He slipped through the door and cantered to the next fruit-bearing bush. "Apples, yeah!" He picked several of the delicious fruit and stuffed them into a bag he had improvised out of his cloak.

Sombra used his magic to gather his own amount of apples and they both hurried back to the door, hoping their theft would remain undetected.

You're trapped, laughed the malicious voice in Sombra's head.

They froze and exchanged terrified looks when the ground shook again.

"Shit," said Abs. He pointed at the door, almost dropping his breakfast-to-be.

This time, the rumbling and splashing was much closer than yesterday. They had no time to run as the earth before them parted and rocks emerged from the gap. Flying around each other in a wild frenzy, they quickly assembled into a huge creature. The elemental had two bulky arms and a broad chest consisting entirely of rocks and stones. Its fiery eyes were fixed on Sombra who, in shock, had dropped the apples he had gathered.

"Not so fast, young master," the earth elemental rumbled. Small stones danced on the ground as it moved uncomfortably close to him. Next to the creature, a fountain sprouted from the ground. It turned into a wave that also had arms and something distantly resembling the idea of a face.

"You mussst try the bananas," the water creature said. It sounded like a waterfall - if waterfalls could talk.

Sombra and Abs simply stared at the otherwordly creatures.

"Wh-who are you?" Sombra dares to ask.

"The keepers of the garden."

"We tend the treesss..."

"Grow the fruit..."

"Serve the Shadow," they said in unison.

"Er," said Sombra. "What shadow?"

"The Order," said the water elemental. "The Knights of Ice and Cryssstal."

Abs dropped his fruit.

"Dayum," he whispered fearfully, all of his previous swagger evaporated.

"Do you always eat that much?" Peridot asked Darren as he took his tenth slice of bread along with a new refill of cereals.

Nodding, he downed the remainder of his coffee. Now that the kid mentioned it he realized he was the last one eating. Slightly embarrassed, Darren cleared his throat.

"It's not a problem," said Starlight jovially. "We've always got enough for unexpected guests. So, you are going to the lake today?"

"Yes," said Twilight. "We're going to meet up with a few friends." She smiled. "You can join us if you like."

Starlight waved it off. "Trixie and I are planning to spend the day together. You guys have fun." She stood up and carried her plate as well as some honey jars into the adjacent kitchen. "See ya!"

Spike also rose from his seat. "I'm gonna meet with a friend, too," he said. The little dragon gathered his dishes and followed Starlight into the kitchen, muttering something under his breath about dice and potions.

"I guess that just leaves us," said Twilight to Feather. "I already packed the picnic baskets and," she grinned and cast a spell which made three baskets, a large parasol and an inflated beach ball appear before her, "a few other things."

Next to her left ear, a blue wisp sprung into existence without anyone but Darren noticing. She floated over to Eclipse and circled him his head if asking Darren a question.

Darren gave her a tiny nod and refilled his coffee for the last time.

"Thanks for the offer," said Abs with surprising politeness, "but we need to go." He bowed, quickly gathered the dropped apples and shoved Sombra through the door, leaving two dumbfounded elementals behind.

"Uhhh... what was that?" demanded Sombra, taking the apples into his magic so Abs could canter faster.

Coward! You always run!

"The Knights of Ice and Crystal," said Abs, "are bad news. Castle must be theirs. But they've been gone for centuries - even way before your reign of terror."

Sombra felt heat rushing to his neck.

"I don't know much. Most of the info is classified," Abs went on. "The Knights were some dark order established to protect the Empire from outside threats. They disappeared without a trace. This place... looks like it's been frozen in time when the last knight left. Maybe it was an all-out attack. They were banished. But not here, obviously. Maybe somewhere out in the Frozen Wastelands. Can I have an apple?"

Sombra wordlessly gave Abs one apple, eating another one himself.

"I think we should ged the tartarush out of here," Abs munched. "This place is creeping me out, plus I don't wanna spend the rest of my life in a gigantic fortress with only a villain and two elementals as company. I do have a family, you know."

"Former villain," muttered Sombra, slightly aggravated. "But you're right. Let's go back to the Empire where you can keep watching me going to the shelter for food."

He was glad the ever-present voice did not comment on that.

Ponyville's lake was not much more than a glorified pond. Darren noticed that the water was especially clear, though. While Twilight and Feather spread the picnic blankets on a grassy hill, White took the beach ball and challenged his children to a game in the water. Levinia floated lazily in mid-air next to Darren, this time in her original pegasus form. It was perfect weather once again, to Darren's bewilderment, until he remembered that pegasi could influence wind currents and cloud patterns.

"Aw, this looks like so much fun," sighed Levinia. "I wish I could join them. I loved to play ball with my muffin. Uh, with Ditzy, my daughter."

Darren nodded absent-mindedly. He turned around when he heard muffled footsteps approaching from behind. Levinia gasped and quickly faded away to turn completely invisible.

"This carpet is heavy," Jonathan complained mockingly. "But when you test it I wanna get a ride, too." He grinned and dropped the carpet to the grass with a grunt. Since there was a slight decline, the cloth immediately unrolled until it lay flat before Darren.

"Granted," said Darren. "How does it work?"

Before Jonathan could answer, a leaf green pony with a short blue mane and tail ran towards them.

"Hey, guys!" called Arcus Tangens happily. "Sorry I'm late, I forgot until Maple reminded me you'd be here today." Panting heavily, he stretched out his freckled hoof and bumped it with Jonathan's fist, then with Darren's. "I brought snacks," he declared, pointing at the light blue saddlebags on his back. His gaze fell onto the carpet. "Uh, why is there a carpet on the grass? You run out of picnic blankets? Hi, Twilight."

"You'll see in a moment," said Darren ominously.

"This is great, the gang's finally back together," said Arcus. "The only ones missing are Vol'Shalai and Levinia, of course, but still." He eyed the blue carpet, his ear swiverling around when the bubbling laughter of Peridot and Eclipse carried across the lake, which was good because this way he missed the guilty expression on Darren's face.

Jonathan said, "Sit down and hold the rim, like so." He demonstrated it by sitting on the carpet with his legs folded beneath him like a pandaren monk. Grabbing the blue cloth, Jonathan looked at Darren. "Then you basically think where you wanna go and how fast." The carpet twitched a little, then it lifted itself from the ground and hovered a few inches above the grass.

"Cool!" Arcus grinned. "If I liked flying then I'd want a mount like that. It doesn't even make a mess like a bat or a wyvern."

Jonathan let the carpet set itself down on the grass and stood up.

"Wanna give it a try?" he asked.

So Darren sat on the carpet. He did not like the way Jonathan had sat; in fact, he found it rather uncomfortable. He settled for sitting on his feet instead. Grabbing the rim with both hands, Darren felt slightly ridiculous. This was not the same as riding an undead griffin. Or was it? Maybe it helped to imagine he was telling Bane to start running. Darren took a deep breath, pressed his knees together, and hoped for the best.

The carpet made a sudden jump, almost throwing Darren off. He bent forward, trying to concentrate better, and the carpet steadied itself at the height of Arcus's head.

"Here we go," Darren muttered, deciding to try something else. He tilted his beck bone forward as if commanding a horse to change paces and pressed his knees together a second time. As the carpet began to accelerate it also rose further up. He could only hear Arcus stutter from below, "Wait a second, did you see his eyes?" when his improvised mount already rushed across the lake, over Peridot's head and past a group of nearby trees. It was difficult to steer; Darren decided to modify the rim with two loops as soon as he was home; the edge of the carpet almost slipped from his grip when he urged it to turn around and fly back to Twilight, Jon and Arcus. He managed to decelerate in order to avoid a collision with Twilight and as soon as he let go of the rim, the carpet dropped the remaining distance onto the grass, turning into a limp blue decoration again.

"That was... something," Darren said, only now noticing how hard he was breathing. His heartbeat was racing, too, he could even feel it in his gut and neck. He laughed.

Arcus stared at him.

"Dude, you're - actually - wow..."

"Alive, yes," Darren helpfully provided the missing adjective. He eyed the carpet. "I wish to try again."

"Are you sure about this?" asked Twilight. She and Jonathan had decided to fly with Darren. Arcus, still uncomfortable with flying, planted his rump firmly on the grass and took out a camera he had brought from the office.

"Come on, it's gonna be fun," Jonathan assured her. He put a hand on Darren's shoulder and offered Twilight the other one. Reluctantly, she hooked her foreleg in and sighed. "For your sakes. Okay. I'm ready... I think," she squeaked.

Darren grabbed the rim of the carpet and made it rise. He noticed that the Whites had stopped playing to watch the flight. He took the carpet higher and steered towards the nearby forest, the same one he had seen the evening before.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear," he could head Twilight from behind.

"May I remind you," he shouted over the wind, "that you have wings, Twilight?" She only yelped when Darren took a sharp turn around a tall pine and headed back to the lake again. Behind him, Jonathan laughed excitedly.

"Ha, I'm getting the hang of this -" Darren cheered but as he tried to slow the carpet down he realized that he had underestimated its speed. They rushed past the lake and almost hit Arcus. Darren yanked the rim around, Twilight screamed and used her magic to push the earth pony aside; they descended a little; the carpet was now once again above the lake.

As Jonathan shouted, "No, no, no, higher!" a mysterious force shoved the astounded White out of the way and Darren tried to convince the carpet to slow down further. They almost touched the water, the wind creating ripples on the surface, and Darren suddenly cramped up. He shouted "Stop!" at the carpet - but of course that did not work. His breath accelerated and his hands began shaking so much he found himself unable to steer. Eventually, he simply let go of the rim and his mount dropped onto the lake with a thud.

Confused and disoriented by the unexpected panic attack, Darren blinked away the stars before his eyes. Twilight and Jonathan stumbled away from the carpet and almost slipped into the lake. For some reason, there had not been a splash yet.

"What," said Jonathan.

Twilight gasped, tapping Darren's shoulder and pointed downwards.

"Oh my goodness, Darren, look!"

They were on an ice floe.