Twilight's NEW Friends

by BelleofdaBall

Wedding Interrupted

The sun rose on a beautiful Canterlot morning. It was a big day for all ponies of the noble city; elite and common, young and old, mare and stallion.

The wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the beautiful Princess of Love, and Shining Armor, the handsome Captain of the Royal Guard.

Schools all across Equestria closed in celebration of the royal wedding, and businesses shut down for the day so the ponies not in attendance could have parties of their own. For surely all of Equestria would have a grand holiday; feasts with cake and cider and everyone in their best spirits.

Yes, today would be a perfect day indeed.

Princess Celestia beamed as she watched everypony gather in the grand hall, ready to watch her beloved niece's wedding. Shining Armor stood proudly at the altar, waiting eagerly for his bride. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had walked up the aisle as Cadence's bridesmaids, and Spike stood at his place holding the wedding rings. She was glad she could arrange such a wonderful day for Cadence.

There was only one thing missing to make it perfect.

Well, one pony.

Celestia had advised everypony to give Twilight a few minutes to gather herself after the outburst at the rehearsal. She was sure some time to reflect would be exactly what her well-meaning but somewhat unbalanced student needed to realize what she had done and they could then talk like sensible ponies.

However, when she went back into the hall to talk to Twilight, the unicorn was gone. She'd had the guards all search for her, but reports had turned up negative for the Canterlot castle. Celestia and the others had been worried for Twilight leaving while still so hysterical, but figured she had gone back to Ponyville to be by herself and reflect. A decision that was probably for the best, given how much Twilight clearly disproved of her brother's wedding in the first place.

Did it suck that Twilight wasn't there? Yes; Celestia always loved having her student at functions like these. But if this is what was needed to happen, then so be it.

Just then, the horns sounded, alerting everypony that the bride was in position to walk down the aisle. Cadence walked up to the altar as the congregation watched her in awe. Celestia smiled as her niece stood next to her groom, ready to commit to each other.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the blessed union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor," the princess of the sun began. "If anypony should have any reason these two should not be wed, speak now, or forever hold your peace."

SLAM! The hall doors opened, letting in a cold wind that whipped through. Ponies held onto one another to protect themselves from being blown away. The various candles around the hall were blown out, and hats were blown about the room. "What in tarnation?" Applejack asked as she had to hold onto her signature cowboy hat to keep it from flying away.

As the wind subsided, a familiar lavender pony walked down the aisle, calm and collected, an unreadable smile on her face. "I have a perfectly good reason why these two should not be wed."

"Ya just don't give up, do ya, Twi?" Applejack sighed as her other friends shook their heads and rolled their eyes.

"Silence, hick!" Twilight barked, her horn lighting up with her magenta aura. As she did, Applejack's mouth was literally zipped shut, freaking her and the others out.

"Twilight Sparkle, what is the meaning of this?" Celestia demanded.

"I'll tell you what the meaning of this is," Twilight replied coldly. "I'm here to make you all pay for what you did to me!"

"Did to YOU?" Shining asked incredulously. "What about what YOU did to Cadence?"

"You mean THIS?" Twilight's horn lit up again, but this time she used her magic to envelope Cadence. The bride struggled against the unicorn's aura, but she couldn't break free. "Somepony help!"

"Twilight, put her down this instant!" Celestia ordered.

Twilight didn't seem to hear her teacher's words, and if she did, she didn't care. She began to levitate Cadence into the air as the alicorn kicked her legs and flailed her wings in a vain attempt to get away from the young unicorn. "Help me! This pony has lost it!"

"Twilie, don't make me hurt you!" Shining warned his little sister, starting to light up his own horn to combat her magic. However, his threat didn't seem to faze her at all. In fact, it only seemed to fuel her rage.

Just then, as everypony watched in horror, Twilight's magic aura began to darken until it was very nearly black. As it did, Cadence began to gag as if she were being squeezed around the throat. Twilight smiled wickedly as she heard her victim wheeze and choke as her windpipe was crushed, blood beginning to seep into her lungs, until finally the alicorn stopped struggling. Once that happened, Twilight's aura ceased, the limp body of her victim falling to the floor.

"No!" Shining cried out, running to his bride's body, trying to stir her awake. But nothing he did was helping.

The princess of love was dead.

"Twilight, are you loco in the coco?" Pinkie Pie yelled out.

"Oh relax, this THING isn't even the REAL Cadence," Twilight rebuffed. "Watch." To everypony's amazement, the corpse began to change. Pink fur became black chitin. A luxurious tricolored coiffure became thinned out and cyan. The dead alicorn princess was now a dead Changeling queen.

"Queen Chrysalis!" Celestia gasped as she recognized the ancient foe lying on the floor.

"You know who she was?" Shining asked.

"She and her Changeling horde attempted to overtake Equestria not long after Discord's first imprisonment," Celestia explained. "My sister and I were able to blast the whole hive back to the wastelands. We thought they'd never be able to return."

"Yeah, just like you were so sure Discord would never be released from stone, huh?" Twilight asked dryly.

"Do not think just because this was not Cadence doesn't mean you're not on thin ice, Twilight Sparkle," Celestia warned her student.

"Oh suck it, Sun-Ass," Twilight replied angrily. "I'm not afraid of you anymore! I'm done being your brainwashed little stooge!"

"Brainwashed?" Celestia was taken aback. She couldn't believe Twilight would accuse her of such a cruel act.

"Twilie, I know you're pretty upset about what I said back at the rehearsal, but..." Shining attempted to talk to his sister, but he was cut off by a hoof to the face.

"Zip it, Shitty Armor," Twilight insulted him. "I can't believe I ever looked up to such a pathetic wuss like you!" Shining was too shocked by the hit and the name to respond.

Applejack finally was able to unzip her mouth. "Twilight, what in blazes has gotten into ya, girl?"

"The truth, Apple-JERK, is what has gotten into me," Twilight responded. "The truth is that none of you have ever given a flying fart about me! You only pretended to be my friends to get ahead in your careers!"

"Now, that is simply not true!" Rarity argued.

"Yes, we ARE your friends, and we love you," Fluttershy agreed meekly.

"Well, I'm afraid you girls have been replaced." She whistled. "Come on in, guys!"

Just then, the hall began to shake and rumble. Ponies screamed and panicked as they watched bizarre creatures pop up from various spots. A fully-clothed bipedal rat crawled out of a sewer vent in the castle washroom. A cat in red clothes shredded his way out of the castle laundry. A purple tentacled monster bubbled up from the castle fountain and crawled up the window, plopping onto the altar. Three slobbering hyenas dug their way up through the palace garden. A giant python slithered down a column. A tiger leapt through the window, scaring Fluttershy into a faint. A green woman appeared in a green flame. A purple woman appeared from a mist.

"Who are they?" Spike asked as the various creatures gathered around Twilight.

Twilight smirked. "These are my NEW friends."