//------------------------------// // Dawnstar // Story: Twilight and the Jewel of Life // by King Ice //------------------------------// Twilight sat beside the window as the train started moving. Her friends sat on the seats around her while she opened the first book among the ones she bought. She read rapidly, really fast, but there still was nothing talking about the Jewel of Life or the darkness that came to wreck the world. They had the possibility to find the Jewel with the information, and the book Celestia already gave them; however, it was another matter for these shadows. No matter how long she looked for it; she couldn’t find any information on these darknesses. Even the ponies from the past didn’t know anything about it. What it was and why it was doing this, was unknown to her and would likely remain as it was. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been in Appleloosa!” Applejack claimed as she took a bite of her sandwich. “Too bad there is no festival or something, though; it would have been cool to come during a County Fair!” Rainbow Dash retorted while she looked outside the window. “At least they have great cider,” “No worries, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie interjected as she hugged her rainbow-maned friend with one of her legs. “I’ll throw you a huge party if you want some fun!” She smiled before pulling confettis out of nowhere. “Braeburn will have cider ready just for you, Dash,” Applejack added while the blue pegasus licked its lips. While the three of them were talking about cider and parties; Fluttershy and Rarity approached Twilight as she was reading, sweet coming down her forehead due to her stress and nervousness. “I was wondering: What in Appleloosa could help us find that Jewel, Twilight?” Rarity asked, curious. Appleloosa was a small town after all, and it didn’t seem to have much importance in Equestria’s history compared to other towns and cities. To learn it could be a clue to find one of the most powerful items in the world was quite surprising. As Twilight opened her mouth to answer, Fluttershy interrupted. “Maybe Princess Luna knows,” She said quietly as she glanced at the Princess of the Moon. “Unfortunately, I don’t know a lot about it either. I only read a few pages of the book my sister found; she… stayed in her room and studied it for days to learn anything she could,” Luna explained in disappointment. “Fortunately, I read it a few times already,” Twilight started after clearing her throat. “According to it; the unicorn who used The Jewel of Life was born in Appleloosa. Her name was Dawnstar,” Twilight explained as she traveled through the pages of the book. “She was very experienced in magic, so maybe we can find a pony who knows her name or a remote relative,” She added hesitantly. That unicorn died a million of years ago, so finding a relative or a member of her family would be nigh impossible. It was exceedingly rare for a family to have its blood heritage preserved for so long. “Wait, didn’t you say there was a team of unicorns that teamed up to develop the Jewel?” Applejack joined in the discussion. “Yeah, for all we know we can find ponies that recall something about them!” Rainbow Dash added, thinking it’d be way faster than seeking a particular unicorn, gone years ago. “I would have like to, but their names aren’t even mentioned. I guess they weren’t really significant,” Twilight answered while looking inside the book to make sure she wasn’t wrong. “However, you shouldn’t worry; we have a place we could seek clues, that’s a great start. Not only on Dawnstar, but also on the magic used in The Jewel of Life. Depending on its magic signature, I could potentially track it down by scanning Equestria and finding all traces of its essence,” She explained while her friends blinked a few times; Princess Luna being the only one who comprehended what she suggested. “This is an excellent idea, Twilight,” Luna complimented; she didn’t even think of tracking its magic. This may be the most convenient way to find it! However, they still had to at least discover what magic was used. “Much appreciated, Princess Luna,” Twilight blushed as she scratched the back of her neck. While Twilight and her friends were discussing about their mission; a purple earth pony brought his journal down, a few seats behind them. He stared in secret at the seven unaware ponies; carefully listening to their conversation. He clearly remembered what his friend had ordered him to do. One hour ago “This is so exciting! It’s been a long time since I went on a trip!” Star said excitedly while clapping his hooves. “There is one problem though, Silver,” Stingy started as Silver Mane turned around to look at him. “Those mysterious shadows are destroying all of Equestria, and The Jewel is needed to get rid of them! Maybe we should wait until they find the Jewel, then use it to save the lands; we’ll strike when they’re distracted and steal it!” Silver huffed in annoyance. “We can’t let them get their hooves on it; if they do, they’ll become invincible,” He argued as he paced back and forth. “When I’ll possess it; I’ll combine its power with my amulet and become a God! The darkness would never get past me, so we have nothing to worry about. For now, we focus on following Princess Twilight and Princess Luna; they will lead us to the Jewel,” Silver Mane explained in arrogance. “I understand,” Stingy nodded. “What should we do?” “You will spy on them; follow them on the train by turning into a pony,” Silver started with a smile. “Meanwhile, I will teleport Star and I in Appleloosa, so we can prepare some kind of strategy to ‘welcome’ them,” Silver answered, clearly intending to manipulate them all. “A-Are you sure? Mom always told me we should never mess with Princesses…” Star muttered hesitantly. “Have no fear; you’re safe as long as you’re with me,” Silver Mane reassured him while the amulet in his saddlebag glowed with a dark aura. “Well… if you say so!” Star replied as he smiled in confidence. “I still don’t know what we could do, though. Are we going to ask for their help?” He asked innocently. Silver Mane rolled his eyes while Stingy facehoofed in annoyance and defeat. “Listen, they possess more information than us on the Jewel’s possible location, that very much is clear. If we merely follow them, they’ll lead us to the Jewel eventually; however, they are strong together. Too strong. This is why I’ll find a way to split them,” Silver started explaining as he walked around his friends. “They’ll come to Appleloosa, and a few of them will get a clue to the Jewel's location while the rest will follow a lead to a trap of my doing,” he continued before walking to Star Brain. “Star and I will get rid of the ones going the wrong way while you follow the ones on the right one,” He instructed to stingy before pulling a red amulet out of his saddlebag. “When you learn about the location of the Jewel, use this amulet to call us, and we’ll join you right away,” Stingy nodded as he put the amulet around his neck, feeling his leader’s magic flowing through his body. He shivered at the cold and dark feeling of dread and anger. Silver’s wrath was something to be afraid of; he already learned it several years ago during this fateful day. “The train is departing soon, join them quick, Stingy,” Silver told to the changeling before turning his head towards Star. “Grab unto me. I’ll teleport us. And… remember, don’t puke this time,” The unicorn warned the feather brain. Star Brain clapped his hooves in excitation before wrapping his front legs around Silver’s neck. Stingy made a salute before the unicorn and the pegasus disappeared in a flash of light. The changeling turned into a new form, then stepped out of the house. Now Stingy smirked as he spied on the seven mares, registering the new pieces of information he gained. Silver Mane would be interested to discover what he heard concerning their quest. He could only wonder what Silver had planned to get them away from each other. Moreover, he had very little time to plan anything since they had to follow them in such a hurry. It didn’t help that they were to face two princesses and Equestria’s heroes. Naturally, it didn’t change the fact Stingy completely believed in Silver Mane, so if he said he could take them on; he was telling the truth. Although he may have needed the alicorn amulet. Stingy drooled as he thought about the amulet and the power it released continuously. When Silver showed it to him, it was as if it was calling for a master to wear and control it. He wouldn’t dare try to use it, though. Firstly because it was Silver’s, and secondly, he knew he’d be corrupted and drowned in the dark magic inside. It couldn’t be controlled that easily, unfortunately. He guessed Silver must had a strong will to be able to hold the amulet without giving in to the call of this rare item. Suddenly, he felt the train started slowing down, coming to a halt a few seconds later. Stingy dropped his journal as the mane 6 and Luna went out; he followed several feet behind. Twilight looked around, admiring the small and beautiful town. Appleloosa wasn’t big and didn’t receive many tourists, even though it had a magnificent view. Most ponies living here were earth ponies; mostly because earth ponies founded it. It was the main reason the matter of Dawnstar was bugging her since she read about it. The three races hated each other before, so why would a unicorn live in a town full of earth ponies? She’d found out eventually. She would have to if she wanted to know more about Dawnstar and The Jewel of Life. As soon as Applejack set foot on Appleloosa’s ground, an orange earth pony wearing a cowboy hat came out of nowhere, shouting her name in excitation and happiness. “Applejack! I’m so happy to see you!” He said in delight as he hugged her. “I’m happy too, but how did you know I was coming, Braeburn?” Applejack asked her cousin as she raised an eyebrow. “Come on, you know I always had this small feeling notifying me you’re close whenever you’re here,” Braeburn joked while chuckling before looking at the rest of her friends. He quickly bowed down when he saw two princesses. “It looks like your friends are here too! It’s an honor to see you, your Highnesses,” He said in respect as Luna motioned for him to stand up. “You don’t need to bow, Braeburn. We’re gathering some information,” Twilight said as the earth pony stood up, thanking Twilight and Luna with a nod. “Information? I don’t know what kind of useful information could be found here,” Braeburn answered as he rubbed his chin. “I’m sure Applejack will explain it to you,” Twilight replied before turning to her friends. “Luna and I will go see the mayor and ask him a few questions. Every inhabitant may know something, so you’ll have to ask around everywhere,” Twilight explained as her friends nodded in agreement. “Don’t worry, Twilight! When it’s about meeting new ponies, I’m the best!” Pinkie shouted while jumping up and down. Meanwhile, Fluttershy hid her face behind her mane. “You can count on us, Twi!” Rainbow Dash added before flying to the nearest pony. While they were talking and splitting up, Stingy hid his glowing amulet in his saddlebag. The item Silver gave him was useful for communication. Thanks to it, he could contact his comrades anytime, just like he did now. It seemed he could help them with their plan. He turned into a brown earth pony and waited for the heroes of Equestria to scatter. When they did, he walked to his target: Rarity. He didn’t openly talk or bump into her, though. He simply walked past her, knowing perfectly what was about to come next. “Excuse me, sir!” He heard Rarity’s voice, then smirked. “Yes? What do you want?” He asked innocently. “I’m deeply sorry to bother you, but do you know something about a certain Dawnstar?” The unicorn asked hopefully. Stingy raised an eyebrow, genuinely not knowing who it was. She must have something to do with the Jewel, that was for sure. “I’m sorry, but that doesn’t ring any bell. I’m busy anyway; I have to get a gorgeous dress for my wife. They opened a new boutique here,” He replied, slowly turning away. Rarity’s face brightened at the word ‘dress’. “Did you say dress and boutique?” She asked in delight. Stingy smirked in victory, successfully alluring her into his trap. “Indeed, I have,” “Please, tell me where it is!” “Of course, you just have to walk forward until you see the saloon; it’ll be on its right,” Stingy answered while pointing in the direction of the boutique. “Thank you!” The white unicorn replied as she ran where he pointed at. “You’re welcome,” He retorted in a whisper as he watched her go. The trap was slowly closing in.