//------------------------------// // The Spring Court - The Fairest of the Fae // Story: Codex Equestria: The Changeling Courts // by Red Qilin //------------------------------// The Spring Court – The Fairest of the Fae “Gentle is the warmth of the sun in Spring. Splendid are the ones that came from its Court.” Also called the Rose Court and the Radiant Court, the most well-known of the Four Changeling Courts among the non-Changeling races in current times is the Spring Court, the Court from which Ex-Queen Chrysalis originated from. Together with the Autumn Court, they are regarded in myths and tales of the non-Changeling races to be the more benevolent Seelie Fae (With the prominent exceptions of a very few, such as Chrysalis). Of the Four Changeling Courts, the Spring Court is the most politically unified, and has the most numerous number of Royal Changelings, who effectively rule all the hives/swarms of the Spring Court. All of these Royal Changelings are Changeling Queens, and as with all Royal Changelings, are direct or indirect descendants of their Progenitor parent. The Spring Court could best be described as a decentralized, two-tiered feudal commonwealth/association – all Spring Court changelings are subjects of the Changeling Queens’ courts by law and word, while all Changeling Queens are subjects of their Parent, the Changeling Empress, and her Court by right of blood ties. Although decrees, laws and conventions set by their Parent have for most part keep them in check, preventing any abuse of power and forbid any open conflict between siblings, this is generally not necessary as their Parent’s gentle and careful guidance had ensure most Changeling Queens would not indulge in tyranny or fratricidal conflict. Because of this, in contrast to their Unseelie counterparts of the Summer Court, the Changeling Queens are generally fair and reasonable in their rule over their hives and swarms, even if they all hold onto their power and authority firmly. Under their reign, the common changelings of the Spring Court are generally far more content and comfortable in life compared with the other Courts. Despite this, like all sapient beings, Changeling Queens are not perfect beings, and several had fallen from grace over time, the most recent and infamous of which being Chrysalis, following her attempts to conquer Equestria and conspiracy to overthrow the Spring Court. She was not the first, and it would be unlikely she would be the last. And while the worst excesses had been neutered, rivalries and tensions are still present among the ranks of the Queens, occasionally flaring into bitter disagreements and clashes of personalities over various matters. With outright war is forbidden and considered undesirable since the time of the Thirteenth-Spawns, inter-sibling conflict had changed form: Changeling Queens are masters of politics, constantly seeking to advance their interests and beliefs, using the same skills of guile and manipulation characteristic of Changelingkind to out-do each other and earn their Mother’s favour. Many Changeling Queens had gathered together into factions, called Conclaves, over common interests and beliefs, working together to out-manoeuvre their rivals. These rivalries and political manoeuvring are often most noticeable during the Grand Councils that the Changeling Empress can call, whereupon the Queens are free to debate and express their opinions over matters put forth in the Council, whereupon they could try to influence their Mother’s final decision. These civil conflicts can be petty and inconvenient, but blood being spilled and terrible damage being wrought to the Court from this inter-sibling strife is virtually unheard of. One thing is certain, however; whenever the Spring Court is threatened with a crisis, or is presented with an opportunity that would benefit them as a whole, most Changeling Queens are willing to put aside their differences for their Court and their Parent, as do their subjects. Because of this, the Spring Court is a powerful force to be reckoned with, rivalled only by their dark counterparts in the Summer Court. In terms of relationship with non-Changeling races, the Spring Court is currently the most open and welcoming the Four Seasonal Courts, in part because of the generally cordial relationship between the Changeling Empress with other immortals and divinities of the world, such as Princesses of Equestria, and in part because for much of their history they had pursued a policy of Symbiosis, whereupon they seek peaceful co-existence with the other non-Changeling races, avoiding conflict whenever possible, and even provide secret guidance (Though some would accuse as under-hoofed manipulation) the politics and culture of non-changeling societies to maximize peace, tolerance, and unity among its individuals, both to increase harvestable yields of positive emotions, and to ensure they would not become hostile threats. This ironically makes the Spring Court Changelings among the greatest agents of stability, order and harmony in the world, against the common perceptions of shapeshifters as instigators of conflict. Despite this, prejudices and hostility from non-Changeling races towards the Changelings – not entirely unwarranted, as the other Courts had shown – as well as the Spring Courts’ own critical, unimpressed perceptions of non-Changelings had led to considerable distrust and reservations towards any idea of closer relationships with the non-Changeling races, such as the Ponies, beyond the current status quo. Among their subjects, opinions are equally mixed and uncertain. Because of this, the recent decision by the Changeling Empress to let the Masquerade fall in the light of Thorax’s ascension had been controversial, with as many Queens and common Changelings opposing the decision as there are those who supported it, while many had yet to take sides. Only time will tell how this would develop, and whether or not this is merely a prelude to a greater political crisis that could split the Spring Court. Notable Individuals of the Spring Court Empress Rosedust/Blackrose Titania Avalon "A mother loves her children. She doesn't have to love what they do." Empress Blackrose, also known as Empress Rosedust, is the 'Mother of All Changelings'. This is not a hyperbole, as every known Changeling Queen is either her daughter or a descendant of one of her daughter. Nor is it an exaggeration in the metaphorical since of the term: Rosedust is the Mother Deity of the Changelings, and thus the stronger than any Queen. Especially given certain...modifications she has undergone. For reasons few know, Blackrose harbours a deep, long grudge on Discord for an act of his that only the two of them and Blackrose's First-Spawns remember. While at present she has put this grudge on hold due to the Chaos Spirit's reformation (though still is NOT happy to be in his presence at any time), but is perfectly willing to carry out her revenge plan, and had the Mane Six not defeated him, a war between the two would've been inevitable. Said revenge plan involved thousands of years of bio-alteration, magical study, and various other methods with the intention of making herself a 'Discord killer'. While how well she succeeded is unknown, Discord is uneasy around her implying he doesn't want to find out. This also means that her current form is, while what she originally looked like, a disguise hiding the form created with this purpose in mind. Despite her frightening appearance and deeply held grudge on Discord, the Empress is ultimately described as a ‘softy’ at her core. She encourages various forms of symbiosis in her subjects, rather than Chrysalis' glutinous parasitism, as well as personally and sincerely cares about and likes ponies (she has hinted there may be a deeper reason for that). She had also made no attempt to rescue her daughter Chrysalis from any of the fates she has gotten herself into, feeling that she's made her bed and should lay in it – and in the light of recent events, Blackrose had finally ordered her daughter’s banishment. On the other hand, she is, in the Queens’ own words, a 'hugger' and has an affection for not only her children, but all things adorable and cute. Blackrose is also one of the few beings Chrysalis has no delusions about facing, as her Mother knows her too well and has too great a power edge. Blackrose is also quite the fan of music of all sorts and an avid gardener. Her royal palace has extensive, massive, and meticulously maintained gardens that she has created over her many thousands of years of life. Politically, Blackrose is the ruler of all Changeling Queens, and head of the Spring Court, one of the two main groups of Changeling Hives. While her daughters are generally in charge of their own hives and how they're run, Blackrose's influence and authority takes precedence over theirs if need be, and when she calls, they generally all listen if possible. She also has her own kingdom of Avalon from which she rules, which is generally unknown to the outside world for obvious reasons, but welcoming to those who find it and have no ill intentions. Puck Avalon "You're all welcome in Mother's house, but break the rules and you're gonna have a bad time." Puck may look like a Changeling Drone, but those who would mistake him for one are making a big mistake. While he's not a Royal Changeling, he is Blackrose's First-Spawn son and a demi-god. Despite being exceedingly mischievous and loving to play pranks of all sorts, he's also one of the most experienced Changelings alive due to his long life in his mother's court. In addition to his amplified changeling abilities, he's capable of a variety of hexes and curses due to learning a great deal about potion making and a number of artefacts he's in possession of. One memorable occasion where one of Chrysalis's spies tried to infiltrate Avalon, Puck found them before his mother and left the infiltrator cursed to have a donkey head for the rest of the day. Puck still refuses to explain whether the hex actually transformed their head into that of a donkey's or he shorted out their transformation to make it appear thus. During meetings between the Courts, he has been known to replace the two side's weapons with candy or other things to prevent any issues. Despite his mischievous nature, Puck is exceedingly loyal to his mother, to the point he's one of the few willing to contradict her consistently if she's making poor decisions (true loyalty is not simply mindless obedience after all). This combined with his considerable power and experience is why he is the Head of Staff in Avalon and trusted with many things Blackrose won't even trust her daughters with. He's also generally friendly and good-natured to those he has no reason to be otherwise towards, if still very willing to prank them whenever the opportunity presents itself. Most Changelings of all Courts are aware of Puck and few will make a move in his presence for these reasons. Queen Cicada Avalon "You try spending seventeen years resting. You'll want to stretch your legs when you get out too." It's rather easy to disregard Cicada and her hive as 'lazy' due to their nature, but those who would call them such have clearly never seen them during their 'active' phase. The Cicada hive have has taken a very different path of gaining love than their kin: namely the 'slow and steady' method. They spend 17 years under ground in their hive, feeding off the ambient love of the world above gradually. During this time, they do very little and are quite 'low energy' (which is where their reputation for being lazy comes from). However, on the 17th year, they put all that built up energy to good use and emerge for one reason: to PARTY! The hive's parties are generally held in isolated locations and known to be some of the loudest and wildest parties ever thrown. One way to know the hive is about to emerge is party supply stores being bought out in mass. Queen Cicada herself can best be described as a sleeping bear. She's very low energy and spends much of her time sleeping, but if her hive is disturbed, she WILL rise in it's defense, and very hard. During her active periods, she's quite fun loving and makes the most of the short period of time by doing as much as she can. This has resulted in her picking up quite the number of sports over the years. This also means she is one of the most PATIENT Changeling Queens, as her hive's long waiting periods would require. This makes her an expert of playing the 'long game' when required, and if one has managed to make her keep a grudge, she WILL wait for however long she needs to strike back. Cicada and her hive specialize in sound magic, which they can use in various ways to defend themselves. Cicada herself has mastered the ability to let loose a powerful sonic scream if need be. They also keep several subterranean animals as both pets, beasts of burden, and guard dogs for their hive. But mostly, this Queen and her hive just want to relax for 17 years and have fun. Queen Pentatomidae Avalon "I'm a queen, I don't have to take a bath if I don't want to." Queen Pentatomidae and her hive don't like baths. They REALLY don't like baths. So they rarely take them. A large part of this is because their hive makes their home in a swamp, so bathing isn't exactly the most productive use of their time given how many it'd take them on a daily basis, and being covered in vegetation and mud provides excellent camouflage in their chosen environment. Another reason is Changelings don't really have to worry about washing their hooves before eating given a diet of love normally doesn't caring much risk of carrying germs. But the reason that trumps all else is both simple, and rather petty: When she was a child, Pentatomidae hated bath times and told her Mother when she was a queen, she wouldn't make her hive take baths. Her mother honestly thought she was kidding. She wasn't. Because of this, the Changeling Empress affectionately called her daughter her "Stinkbug" (Which Pentatomidae doesn't mind). As a result of their Queens’ habit, Pentatomidae’s hive generally only perform any kind of bathing when they molt (and then only due to avoiding infections). The most obvious drawback to this is every member of this is every member of the hive smells absolutely horrible. This ranges from some members who smell like rotten vegetation to Queen Pentatomidae herself, who makes Cave Trolls smell like roses. The collective odour of the entire hive has been known to cause an unprepared pony to pass out. However, Pentatomidae is quick to point out to deriders that it is actually surprisingly effective in combat. After all, it's rather hard to fight when you're busy holding your nose and trying not to throw up. As for Pentatomidae herself, she very much doesn't ‘give a darn’ about what others think about her, and generally find other's reactions funny rather than be insulted. Ironically, she can be a bit refined and lady like otherwise, if inheriting a bit of her big brother Puck's mischievous streak. This does not mean she's uncaring, however, she's genuinely nice and quick to help out others. In fact this plays into her kind's unique method of feeding: The hive use their shape-shifting and natural camouflage to aid others who are in their swamp, either to get through safely or guide others who have become lost back to safety, or other small ways. This has garnered them a reputation among the surrounding towns as being benevolent swamp spirits or a guardian deity who are generally celebrated and beloved, especially by those that have been helped by them. And from that love is where the hive draws sustenance. The hive doesn't actively lie to cultivate this image, but they don't disprove it either. After all, it isn't exactly a lie, as Pentatomidae is the daughter of a goddess after all. As for other abilities, the hive as a whole is well versed in potions and alchemy. This ultimately stems from Pantatomidae's parent, who was a Zebra medicine man (looking closely and one can see stripes on the Queen's shell), and she herself is a master of it. Among other uses, she naturally likes making stink bombs, both for the reason state for their smell being effective in combat, and to prank her siblings at times. She's also skilled at healing potions, which is often used to help those wandering through their swamp who have gotten poisoned, ill, or injured. They also memorized the layout of their swamp and can navigate it blindfolded, which is naturally a very useful ability given their primary means of feeding. Queen Supia Avalon “It's quite hard to find royal quarters when one IS the size of a castle." Born from a union between Empress Blackrose with Shogun Uma Akuno of Yattsumoshima (Aka Neigh-Pon) during the mid-Heiwa Period, the Ninety-Fifth Spawn Era Queen Supia heads the largest of the eight great Changeling Hives in the Eight Great Islands, and is the most well-known among them all. Queen Supia is unusual compare to most of her other siblings in two regards: First, her physical appearance resembles a cross between a normal Changeling Queen with that of the local giant hornet species, up to and including possessing pincers at her mouth, antennas adorning her head, pitch-black eyes, and a hornet’s tail section. Second: she is also skyscraper-sized. Legends record that Shogun Akuno possessed a strange, if obsessive fascination for the various giant monsters, better known as ‘kaijus’, which occasionally appear and terrorize the Eight Great Islands through-out its history. Desiring power, he wished to have such power and strength be imbued into his heir, and so made a deal with a powerful Daiyokai to achieve so. Both he and said Daiyokai were unaware that his wife was none other than the Changeling Empress in disguise, during one of her sojourns from her Court and companies with mortals, nor did Empress Blackrose for her part knew of the ritual that would transform her child until much later. Supia was born shortly after Empress Blackrose left the shogun under unknown circumstances, and had raised her personally until adolescence, whereupon Supia started growing uncontrollably, an awkward process that ultimately reached Kaiju-size by adulthood. Among her many achievements, the first of which is assisting in the eventual overthrow of her increasingly cruel and tyrannical shogun father (By eating him), she had defended her hive and Yattsumoshima from various kaijus and yokai over the centuries under various guises of benevolent kaijus and guardian spirits. She also eventually became one the first Changelings to break her masquerade, as her sheer size makes hiding her existence unsustainable in the long run, although the non-changeling populace of the island kingdom had merely mistaken her as just an unusual daiyokai or Kaiju (with minions) until fairly recently. Queen Supia is described as kind, fair and even enthusiastic individual, and is easily one of the most beloved Queens among even non-changelings - at least around the Islands of the Dawning Sun. That said, she is said to possess a predatory side and her sheer size and power makes her someone not to be angered or trifled with. She possesses grudging respect towards the eastern Diamond Dogs of the Dollogae Kingdom, for an incident whereupon she and her hive participated in outward conquests centuries ago, only to be routinely bested by a certain Diamond Dog admiral and his fleet of Turtle Ships, rumours suggesting that they even once succeeded in landing a salvo upon her backside. Queen Supia has two daughters, both said to be titanic beauties like her, one of which is currently a leading legal expert in the Spring Court, self-advertised as the literal 'biggest lawyer on the planet!'. Supia is also a member of the League of Royal Giants, a club of giant royalties from across the world. Queen Ganglia Avalon “There are little greater good then knowledge, and little greater evil then ignorance.” Of all the daughters of Blackrose, few are as intelligent or as introspective as Seventh-Eighth Spawn Changeling Queen Ganglia of Hive Chiron, and in a society which prices cunning and wits greater than physical might, this places her among one of the most capable Changeling Queens of her generation. Born in the Taurus Peninsula during its golden age of civilization, her father was a philosopher-king who ruled one of the few pony city-states that prospered during that time. Raised among his court, at a young age she was already noted for her remarkable intelligence, and with her father’s loving indulgence in intellectual pursuits, this was soon complemented with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She debated on various subjects with philosophers in academies across the Peninsula; she experienced the art of politics and governance from courtiers and visiting royalties; under tutelage from the priests of Ilios and Thelgossa she mastered sorcerous arts; she read and wrote literature with the greatest poets and stage-wrights; and learnt sciences and mathematics from astronomers and inventors of antiquity alike. But it was at the field of mind-reading, and later psychology and neurosciences, did Ganglia find her true calling, such is her fascination the centre of all thought and knowledge. During the five-centuries long ‘Great War Against Chaos’, when her Mother allied herself with the celestial alliance of deities and immortals opposing Discord, she was among the Queens who aided in the war effort, her mind-magic instrumental in rooting out cells of hidden chaos-aligned cultists and traitors from among the non-changeling races, secretly engineering their destruction before they could plunge realms into anarchy and corruption. As part of the grudging gratitude for the Spring Courts’ secret assistance, the Orosian Pantheon allowed her to re-establish her hive, Hive Chiron, in the Taurus Peninsula, having been banished earlier when her heritage revealed itself. Under Ganglia’s enlightened rule, today Hive Chiron is the Spring Court’s centre of research and learning, with many Changelings, both Royal- and Common-spawned, attending its academies there for higher education on all fields. It is also famous as the Grand-Coven of the ‘Mind-Witches’, a caste of Changeling mages created originally by Queen Ganglia, with covens that could now be found in many other hives, specializing in mind-magic: both to cure alignments of the mind, as well as retrieving memory and information from enemies for spying and infiltration purposes. It is said that given enough time and effort, no mental defences or locks other than those created by the gods cannot be bypassed or broken by the skills of a mind-witch, the greatest of which being Queen Ganglia herself. There had been unsubstantiated rumours that Queen Ganglia was personally in charge of one such ‘memory-retrieval’ operation in Canterlot, the purpose of which remained unclear. What was currently confirmed was that Queen Ganglia is among the Royal Changelings involved in a joint-Court program that is being arranged to study King Thorax’s ascension and breaking of the ‘racial curse’ among him and his hive. Queen Zoraptera Avalon / Dr./Saint Angel Wing "I'll be watching over you." Even among the Spring Court, Zoraptera is a benevolent sort. Her father was a legendary doctor known for having a perfect record, and Blackrose was on very good terms with him for saving some of her children despite knowing their true nature. As a result, from birth Zoraptera was taught life was sacred and raised to be preserve and protect it. Due to her raising, Zoraptera became an expert doctor and healer, but took her father's lessons further upon learning her true nature and becoming a true Queen, allowing her to apply Changeling biotech in ways few others can. Not settling for this, Zoraptera constantly strives to advance and progress her medical abilities every day. Zoraptera's knowledge of chemistry rivals King Metrinii of the Summer Court, due to her own father's knowledge of medicine, but applies it in the opposite direction: to create medicines, vitamins, and boosters of all sorts, with additional knowledge in the field of healing magic and potion making. Many doubt there exists a disease, injury, or poison that Zoraptera can't find a way to heal if given enough time, and being ageless she has all the time in the world. This has lead to a bit of a 'inter-court rivalry' between her and Metrinii. Namely, he keeps trying to make a chemical weapon she can't counter and she keeps trying to create a counter for every chemical weapon he creates. Her ultimate goal is to create some form of universal cure, a 'panacea' for any disease, but at present she's come close but not completely managed it. Zoraptera is part of a Spring Court Conclave, in alliance with Genglia and Pentatomidae, the former for her knowledge of the mind and the latter for her knowledge of alchemy, both of which aid in joint projects of mental health and medicine. In terms of combat, Zoraptera is a 'stone wall'. Her combat ability is average, if not slightly subpar, but her big advantage is her enhancements. She bioaltered herself to have an enhanced immune system and healing ability, primarily to make herself able to create antibodies and antivenoms directly from herself. This has the side effect of giving her an insane healing factor, allowing her to rapidly regenerate from wounds that would kill most anyone else and immunity to most known illnesses and poisons. This procedure is extremely risky and she's too fearful for potentially killing any other subjects to further perfect it at the time being, and this immunity has taken her hundreds of years to cultivate. She does have similar power booster potions and medicines to Metrinii, though they function very differently in HOW they work. In terms of personality, Zoraptera is kind, loving, and values life above all else. Her 'stone wall' nature fits her rather well, as Zoraptera is very pacifistic by nature and hates violence, though will defend herself and her subjects if she needs to. She has also been known to aid those who decidedly don't deserve it, which can also be a weakness, as it might backfire. But she doesn't care, as to her all life is precious and to kill or allow someone to die is something she cannot bare. Zoraptera's hive is unique in that the upper levels are completely open to the public and provide free healing to any who come, with entrances only accessible to her and her subjects. She is known throughout the area as Dr. Angel Wing, her pony guise, and well beloved. In fact her 'ancestor' (IE, herself in centuries ago) was canonized as a saint. This is her and her hive's source of food and sustenance. Her hive share her knowledge of medicine and act as doctors in her hospital. After the Masquerade was broken...nothing really changed for Zoraptera. She can just be more open about what she could do and she's openly called Saint. Princess Metophis Avalon "Momma, can I sleep in your mane?" Princess Metophis is a relatively new Changeling Royal, being one of Blackrose's latest children. As such she's currently living in Avalon with her mother, and is only about 10 years old. That is one unique fact about her. The other? Her father was a Breezie. According to Blackrose, shape-shifting was involved. This results in Metophis having weaker flying skills than her sisters, but also possessing advanced size changing abilities due to a mix of Breezie's nature size and changeling transformation. She's capable of changing from Breezie size to the expected size for a Changeling Queen. She constantly tells her big sister Supia she hopes she'll be able to grow as big as she is one day, but only time will tell whether that's an ability she may one day develop. At present, she's capable of doing these size changes pretty quickly, and can shapeshift while in her tiny form into a miniture version of whoever she's assuming. As present, the young princess is a sweet little nymph, curious and full of energy. This is problematic when not only is she super adventurous, but able to shrink down to tiny size and get into places Blackrose is decidedly not used to having to keep an eye on a child. Including the holes in her own legs or her mane. She also is prone to climbing on her sisters during meetings and more than once one of them has found her hiding in their mane on the way back to their hives. Except for Pentatomidae, who's too stinky even for the adventurous nymph. Due to his current position, Blackrose has let her visit Thorax quite often to learn from him and his hive, in hopes she might be young enough for to be cured like the Sanctified One. Metophis simply likes playing with the 'pretty changeling with antlers'. She's also quickly becoming friends with the infant Flurry Heart during visits with Cadence. This little one is full of promise, but for now, she's just a playful little nymph that's had many, many misadventures... and nearly given her mother her fair share of heart attacks. Avalon, the Radiant Valley The Spring Court takes its name from the eternal spring season which permeates in the Courts’ nominal capital, Avalon, in addition to their general temperament. Secreted in a hidden valley, Avalon is Empress Blackrose’ own personal hive, and is considered a sacred land by the subjects of the Spring Court. Every year countless thousands of changelings would travel to Avalon as pilgrims through hidden routes, hoping to pay homage to their ‘Mother of All’ in its many shrines and cathedrals, while every now and then, many Changeling Queens would convene with the Changeling Empress over matters that may affect the entirety of the Spring Court, or simply visit their Mother. Little information is available to non-Changeling outsiders regarding Avalon. From what had been deciphered from myths and legends as well as what the changelings themselves are willing to share, it is the greatest Changeling hive in existence, and a veritable oasis of changeling high culture and prosperity. Many of its great artisans and musicians live and mastered their craft in Avalon, often conducting concerts in great antechambers and displaying their art in museums and galleries before their Empress, a supreme honour and privilege among their kind. Common changelings who lived in Avalon generally lived content and secured lives, with little to worry from the hardships normally experienced by other changelings, with easy access to love energy and other foods, as well as all kinds of exotic goods and commodities in its markets, imported from other Spring Court hives across the world. This had led to some resentment and tension between Changelings living in and outside Avalon, with the latter considering the former as 'sheltered', 'spoiled' and 'naive'. The Avalon Hive is also the high-mark of Changeling construction. The home of the Changeling Empress, Avalon Palace, as well as the surrounding temples, mausoleums, halls and government buildings are all stunning architectural wonders rivalling those of shining Canterlot and other capitals of the world, with towers linked long arching bridges, great domes with colourful chitin mosaics underneath suspended over great antechambers, canopies of crystalline glass covered the Empresses’ many greenhouses. Huge parks and hanging gardens filled with verdant vegetation could also be found across the Hive’s cityscapes, with blooming flower beds, draping vines, miniature forests adding greenery and lively colour to the cityscapes of often dull, if practical, obsidian black materials changelings used to construct hives. It is said within the throne-room of Avalon Palace – a beautifully decorated hall huge enough to house even someone as gigantic as Queen Supia with plenty of room to spare – housed a Great Sunstone, one of the last remaining ones, mounted high above the Throne of Roses, said to be a gift by an old friend to the Changeling Empress from a long, long time ago. It is this Great Sunstone which kept the radiant valley in perpetual, life-bearing spring, even in a land as inhospitable as the Changelings’ homelands.