//------------------------------// // Enter Princess Luna // Story: Twilight's NEW Friends // by BelleofdaBall //------------------------------// Princess Luna smiled as the moon slowly drifted across the sky, guided by her magic. This had always been her favorite time of the day, when the sun had made its way below the western horizon and she had placed her beloved moon in its place in the bejeweled sky. Tonight had been a bit off though. She'd noticed that when it was time for the sun to begin its setting, it had remained stagnant. It wasn't like her older sister Celestia to forget to move the sun; usually Celly was VERY diligent with her solar duties. Though today WAS the wedding of their beloved niece Cadence and Captain Shining Armor. Luna figured with all the planning Celly had made and the ceremony going on, she'd simply let the sun slip her mind. Not that Luna really minded. Solar magic wasn't too different from lunar magic, after all. She'd just guided the sun to its nightly resting place in the heavens a few minutes behind schedule, and then brought out the moon and a single bright star. The ponies often credited Luna with also bringing forth the many glittering stars as well as the moon; not so. She only had control of the first star of the night; the others always followed their older sister in line of their own volition. Luna beamed proudly as she flew across the night sky from the spot on the mountains where she always did her nocturnal work and back to the Canterlot castle. However, she immediately noticed something off when she got closer. The great hall where the wedding was scheduled to take place was in shambles, bits of stone rubble littering the courtyard below. A large patch of the courtyard's grass had also been burned, the dead black a striking contrast against the lively green of the rest of the lawn. Truly, something terrible had gone on in her absence. But what, exactly? The dark blue alicorn then noticed a familiar lavender unicorn standing on the undamaged ledge of the hall, talking with a bipedal rat in black clothing and a bipedal cat in red clothing. She flew over to them and landed ten feet away from Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle, what happened here?" Twilight immediately stopped talking with her rodent and feline companions and turned to face the night princess. However, the look in the young unicorn's eyes was not one of admiration or joy, as she was so used to seeing in her sister's pupil's eyes. No, this look was one of contempt, of cruelty; of VICTORY. "Princess Luna. Good evening." Luna was a bit thrown by the tone in Twilight's voice. "Um...good evening." She looked again to the rat and cat beside Twilight, grinning wickedly. "I ask again; what happened here?" "What happened, dear Luna, is that justice has been served against those who have wronged us," Twilight explained. "Justice? Wronged us?" Luna was confused. "What do you mean?" Twilight smirked and pointed a hoof into the hall. "See for yourself." Luna looked into the hall and immediately felt her stomach drop. Standing in the middle of the undamaged part of the hall was the petrified visage of her sister. Surrounding the statue-fied princess of the sun were six cages, arranged in a circle, each containing one of Twilight's Ponyville friends and her older brother Shining Armor, all looking heartbroken and defeated. Applejack had taken her hat off and held it against her chest solemnly, Pinkie Pie's normally curly magenta mane and tail were deflated and straight, Fluttershy was lying on her stomach quietly crying, Rarity had fainted and Rainbow Dash was curled up in a panicked ball. Next to the cages were three hyenas, a tiger and a python, each dressed in gold Canterlot guard armor. Luna looked at Celestia's statue form, her eyes welling up. "Sister...who has done this?" "The League of Extraordinary Misfits," Twilight answered, walking triumphantly into the hall. The Ponyville ponies and Shining watched their former friend and sister with sorrow in their eyes. "They have made Celestia pay for what she did to me; and to you." "Done to me?" Luna turned to the unicorn, a mix of anger and sadness on her face. "What do you mean? Celestia did nothing to me!" "Oh really?" Twilight gave the alicorn an arched eyebrow. "What about the fact that she banished you to the moon for a thousand years? That doesn't warrant some punishment?" "I did that to myself!" Luna argued. "I let my envy and anger corrupt me! I let the Tantabus take control of me and turn me into Nightmare Moon! Celestia only banished me to protect Equestria! The fault was solely on me!" "Poor, sweet, naïve Luna," Twilight cooed. "Letting your misguided love for that she-demon Celestia cloud your mind. I was once like you; I let her "wisdom" and "kindness" blind me to the fool I was for trusting a word that came out of her mouth. But now that I've made new friends, my eyes are opened for the first time in my life! I see Celestia for the tyrant she was! And I have liberated Equestria from her." Luna looked shocked at the young unicorn as she spoke. This could not be the same Twilight Sparkle who had helped free her from Nightmare Moon's grasp months prior. And yet, she could tell it was indeed Twilight. Something had changed inside of her; someone had corrupted her heart against her mentor and friends, but it was still Twilight. "Join me, Princess Luna," Twilight held a hoof out to the alicorn. "You and I are both outcasts, misfits in this pony world. With the League of Extraordinary Misfits, we can make Equestria ten times a better place than it ever was with Celestia in charge. Nopony will ever be cast out for thinking differently, for wanting to help in their own way. Join us, and let your true nature be free." Luna looked at her petrified sister, then at the caged ponies surrounding the statue. She frowned and faced Twilight again. "I will not. This IS my true nature, Twilight Sparkle, and I know that THIS is not YOURS. You are a kind, gifted, smart young unicorn, and this League has brainwashed you for their own nefarious purposes. Even if it means my own death, I will not support their wicked causes." Twilight shook her head, clicking her tongue. "You disappoint me, Luna. I thought you'd be able to free yourself from Celestia's influence now that she's gone, but I see you won't let go." "Turn her into a statue, Twilight," the cat urged the unicorn. "Ooh, yes," the rat agreed, borderline giddy from the idea. "She'd make a lovely statue, acting as centerpiece next to her sister here." "No, friends, I cannot," Twilight sighed. "Equestria needs at least ONE alicorn alive to raise the sun and moon. She will live, but in the dungeons, only to be brought out at daybreak and nightfall to do her job." She nodded to the nearby hyenas. "Away with her." "You got it, boss," the sole female hyena agreed. She and her male packmates chained Luna in magic-resistant chains around her legs and neck, rendering the alicorn powerless, and led her out of the hall towards the dungeons. "And what will you do with thesssse traitorssss, Twilight?" the python hissed pleasantly, smirking at the caged sextet. Twilight grinned. "Oh don't worry, Kaa. I have plans for them."