The Ever-Shifting Tides Of Life

by DougtheLoremaster

Chapter 13- The Eldest Royal Sister

The stairway seemed to be longer than before. Perhaps it was the tense atmosphere as Scootaloo and the two Arisen Alicorns slowly made their way down it’s winding passage. Or perhaps it was the fact that Luna had brandished her scythe once more to rest against Scootaloo’s neck; looking for any excuse to decapitate the Pegasus that had humiliated her. Scootaloo wasn’t sure, but she knew she had to do whatever it took, to toe the line and survive the trip down.
Sweetie Belle’s words surfaced in her mind as the dim torchlight illuminated the deathly silent stone well. The hard part begins once you get them to the stairwell. After that there will be no going back and no way to prevent an attack. Trust your instincts and lead them to us.
Luna silently fumed as the three made their way down the stairs. Her eyes were trained on the imposter that had the nerve to enter her sister’s throne room; waiting for just any moment to justify striking down the Pegasus. Her razor-sharp scythe was placed flush against Scootaloo’s throat. Any reluctance or display of deception would result in Luna gleefully removing her head from her torso.
Celestia was silent as she took point, on the way down. Her hoofsteps were regal though each and every step she took echoed within the stairwell. Her fury was evident as the stone stairs cracked each time she lowered her hoof to make her way down the stairs. Scootaloo watched her as the Arisen’s form shook before her. She knew at any moment the Alicorn could turn and end her life should the mood strike her. However, surprisingly the Arisen seemed to be deliberately forcing herself to contain her rage. Why, though?
It didn’t make any sense. If her rage was such that even she couldn’t control it when fighting, why would this undead form of the once proud Royal Sister be trying to keep herself in check? What can she be thinking? Why is it she is seeming so reluctant to destroy me?
The same question was running through Celestia’s own mind. Her body was decrepit and decayed to where the bones protecting her heart shown clear as day amidst the remaining flesh of her hide. By all sense of the word, her body was dead. Even the Arisen were unable to think aside instincts; Sweetie Belle had been right. However, Sweetie Belle had been wrong about one thing; Celestia and Luna were still conscious.
The Alicorn’s life force may have been extinguished, but her consciousness was eternally tied to her form. Immortal and undying, the Alicorn’s will would forever inhabit the walking corpse of her body.
She was still in there; her thoughts twisted by her own corruption. Many years of doubt, grief and fear had distorted her warm and inviting nature, molding it into hatred for all things. Alive, dead, good or bad; it mattered not to her. The magic within her raged like an inferno; the light of the sun bestowed upon her now replaced with the flames of Tartarus. The world was hers to burn.
Or at least that normally would be how she felt, if not for Scootaloo’s words awakening a memory from long ago, from deep inside her. As she slowly made her way down the stairwell, Celestia found herself trapped unwillingly within her own memories.


“Sister! Are you alright? I heard you screaming.”
Princess Luna stood in the doorway of her sister’s bedroom, on her back sat a young unicorn; laughing from the sudden gallop. Celestia lay in her bed and upon seeing them, smiled; her fears from her dream were quelled in a heartbeat. For the last thousand years, her sister and her had ruled side by side. “I just-”
The tiny unicorn began to cry and whine. Luna gently nuzzled her and returned her gaze to her sister; her voice was warm and caring, almost motherly. “Oh my, someone is hungry. Sorry sis, Cadence needs her bottle, let’s discuss this tomorrow at breakfast.”
Celestia nodded; the sight of the unicorn bringing her great joy. The pride of the two sisters; Cadence, the unicorn foal was the heir to the Crystal Empire. Her mother, Amore tragically sacrificed herself to prevent Sombra from taking over and used her own blood to seal the necromancer away. The sisters of Amore; Celestia and Luna had adopted the little one to honor her memory. Celestia just gave a soft chuckle as she laid her head back down on her pillow. “That will be fine, Luna. Better hurry, she sounds rather hungry.”
The solar mare slowly closed her eyes as her sister took the crying bundle of joy away to give her a midnight bottle; a faint smile upon her lips. The discussion could wait until sunrise. It wasn’t long before Celestia’s eyes opened, and she slowly rose from her bed. Taking a few moments to stand by the windowsill her horn glowed a golden sheen and the sun rose up as the moon went down. Humming quietly to herself she made her way to Luna’s bedroom. Walking over to the baby crib, Celestia gingerly scooped her up and placed a hoof to her lips. “Shhh, don’t wake up Aunt Luna. She had a long night, Sweetie.”
A few hours later, Celestia exited the kitchen carrying a tray of two stacks of pancakes and one bottle of warm milk, as Luna staggered into the dining room. Cadence giggled and reached for her Aunt Luna as she approached the table; causing Luna to smile. “Hey there, moonglow, ready for breakfast?”
Sitting down at the table Luna graciously accepted the tray of pancakes with a laugh. “Indeed sister.”
As she leaned over to tickle the chin of Cadence, Luna asked Celestia about the night before. “By the way Tia, what happened last night?”
Celestia froze as she raised a steaming bite of warm pancake to her muzzle. “Luna I saw it.”
“Saw what?”
Celestia’s eyes widened in fear as the images of Sombra rising again filled her mind. “Our kingdom’s destruction. A war. A war we won’t be able to weather. One you and I won’t be able to stop.”
Lowering her hoof, Luna’s expression was deadpan; her sister was well known for her foresight. “Tell me sister, what did you see?”
“Many events; including Cloudsdale falling from the sky, set aflame. Ponyville attacked by a horde of undead creatures. Many ponies I do not know falling victim on a battlefield. So many nations annihilated…”
Her voice broke, her expression appeared quite shaken. Luna felt a shiver as she bade her sister finish her sentence. “Annihilated by who Tia?”
Locking eyes with her sister, Celestia spoke in a broken voice; as though the very soul of the Princess had left her body. “By us, Luna.”
The look of absolute terror flashing across Luna’s face for just a moment was recognized by Celestia as her sister blurted out. “Sister surely not! You know that I would never-I- mean-”
While it was true Luna had nearly executed her older sister a thousand years ago, Celestia had quelled the rebellion with her that same night. As her sister was being consumed by her psychosis following Celestia’s seemingly enforced isolation of her, Celestia had not only admitted to ignoring her sister. She had also taken her rage full-force.
That night, as her sister attacked, Celestia broke through her veil of anger and worked out a plan for her to receive her due respect. After all she had said, neither she nor Luna had conquered Equestria alone; both had worked hoof in hoof to take the throne from Discord. From that day forward the two had worked in harmony to rule and manage Equestria. Celestia nodded. “I know Luna.”
Looking down Celestia continued. “This isn’t just you. No, I saw myself as well. Infected by a mysterious plague, you and I go on a rampage.”
“A plague, but Tia, Alicorns don’t get sick.”
Shaking her head, Celestia explained; her tone conveyed defeat. “I know. This plague centers around the necromantic magic of Sombra; it amplifies the victims pain and suffering, anger and fears. I do not know what events will transpire to cause this, but it will happen.”
“Sombra? But Amore’s sacrifice-”
Luna froze as Celestia glared at her. Amore had been the elder sister of the two; treasured by both and admired by all. Sombra’s attack on the Crystal Empire had ended with Celestia and Luna captured. Seeing no way out, their sister used her own blood to draw a seal; the Seal of Love, saving her sisters at the cost of her own life. Her death had struck the sisters hard; Luna wasn’t fully old enough to understand at the time, but Celestia was devastated. It was best not to mention it.
Besides, Celestia wasn’t one to speak unless she was absolutely certain about something. Instead, Luna asked a different question. “How long do we have?”
“I don’t know. Months, years, decades, maybe even centuries.”
Luna paused for a moment. “What should we do?”
“We need to visit the tree.”


Celestia felt the faintest shadow of a smile play across her marred face. That stupid tree our sister planted. As she slowly walked down the immense spiral staircase, she mused over long lost memories, as they resurfaced in her mind. We went to visit it; deep in the Everfree where our sister along with six champions planted it countless centuries ago. The air around Celestia grew warm as she remembered that moment.
Scootaloo walked in step behind Celestia and noticed a significant change in the Arisen’s stature. The steps no longer broke with each step she took and the air felt warm; not like that of her inferno, but like a mother’s hug. Staring in disbelief as the comforting warmth surrounded her, Scootaloo could help but wonder. Is this what the sun felt like when mom was growing up? No, it’s something more; something intimate. What is this? It almost feels like a lover’s embrace?
Behind Scootaloo, Luna’s concentration wavered and her scythe trembled. It can’t be. There’s no way! The warmth wasn’t coming from Celestia, but was growing stronger as the trio made their way down the stairs. They were mere steps from entering the second basement and now Celestia could feel it clearly. I see, just like she promised. So be it. Stepping down the stairs into the second basement, Celestia’s eye twinkled, and a genuine smile covered her muzzle; as she beheld before the shining smile of the Arisen known as Starlight. “Long time no see...Amore.”


With a calm demeanor and an almost playful growl towards Starlight, the nightmarish form of Celestia came through the doorway. Sweetie Belle watched wide-eyed as the Arisen walked mere inches in front of her, sending shivers down her spine.Celestia only looked at her for only a moment, before turning back to Starlight and growling gently.
In that one moment, Sweetie Belle felt it. What is this? Sweetie Belle began to sweat, her breathing felt heavy, and she fought the urge to flee. I- How did Scootaloo withstand this? Hate radiated from the walking corpse. Pure hate, as though Tartarus itself had manifested before her. She was terrified. It was overpowering, she had to run. I have to get away; I have to-
That’s when she felt it, seeping into her very soul; anger. Sweetie Belle’s blood began to boil as thoughts of murder, self-loathing and absolute hate for all things welled up in her mind. She felt herself drifting away; caught in the maelstrom of swirling darkness through the recesses of her very core.
Just when she felt herself about to give in, a new sensation filled her; one of compassion, love and understanding. Soothingly, she found herself encompassed within a sweet blissful sensation; chasing the darkness from all recesses of her soul. It was almost like a hug from… Mom, is that you? No, it was a bit different, though it truly felt as warm if not warmer than a mother’s comforting embrace. She blinked and noticed Starlight shooting her a sidelong glance as she faced Celestia. It was then she heard the voice of Starlight. “You’ve fallen so far, Celly. Have I been gone so long that the Princesses would forget their purpose?”
Celestia’s angry bark only served to confuse Sweetie Belle even more. What is she saying, what does Starlight mean? To her Celestia’s words were just angry growling. She couldn’t begin to fathom what was happening, what Starlight was referring to. However, while Sweetie Belle was lost, her partner listened with great interest. As she stood there, blood trickling down her neck from the scythe’s edge, Scootaloo understood it all; Starlight’s translation spell still active.


Scootaloo stood there as she felt the blade dig into her flesh, and as the blood began to slowly trickle from the stinging wound, she ignored it. Instead, her focus was on Celestia and Starlight; the whispers of the translation spell still resonating in her ears. “Hello...Amore.”
“You’ve fallen so far, Celly. Have I been gone so long that the Princesses would forget their purpose?”
Celestia angrily growled back. “How dare you?”
Starlight’s smile never faded, but her form began to glow; the gashes in her flesh becoming whole. Her cuts faded away, her eyes took on an amethyst hue and her body grew. Scootaloo heard her partner gasp in shock as the unicorn that had been known as Starlight became an Alicorn; standing as tall as Celestia herself with a shooting star cutiemark, and that same unwavering smile. Her voice changed and carried an air of wisdom to it. “Sweet Celly and Little Lulu. My sisters why have you strayed?”
Scootaloo wasn’t sure why the new Alicorn spoke in the same growls as Celestia and Luna, nor why she could still understand it. Then she noticed a secretive wink towards her from the one Celestia called Amore. She wants me to know, but why?
Amore spoke in a measured voice; the words were one of giving a lecture, but the tone showed her sadness. “Little sisters have you forgotten all that I taught you? About our duty to the citizens of this world?”
Celestia snapped angrily at her elder sister. “Who are you to judge us? You went and sacrificed yourself for a seal that didn’t even keep!”
Amore’s wings flared open; an impressive array of lilac and pink feathers. She replied with an absolute authority that even caused Celestia to flinch. “I did what my position as Princess of Love required of me. I gave my life so my daughter, and my sisters would see another day. Or have you forgotten how your alabaster flank got captured by Sombra?”
Celestia paused and looked away, narrowing her eyes. “That’s not-”
Amore’s voice rose, seeming to shake the very stone room the group stood in. “You’ve forgotten what it means to be a Ruler. Our duty is not to ourselves Celly! And it never was. Our job demands we give our all so that our citizens can flourish, even should it mean our very lives!”
“SILENCE! Infected by a plague, that never should have affected you, consumed by rage at a memory that was intentional from the start-”
Celestia’s eye glowed with a fiery rage. “No! Don’t you dare talk about her like that! She never wanted to-”
Amore looked down on her sisters as her eyes narrowed. “You mean my daughter? The one YOU raised and the one that sacrificed herself? Are you so blind? She knew it would happen!”
As Luna and Celestia stood trembling, Scootaloo listened to Amore’s explanation. “Cadence knew she had no chance against Sombra! She also knew she could delay his attack and told the guard to evacuate as she did so! She lured him away to save her kingdom you fool! Celestia, you are not a child anymore! You are tens of thousands of years old Celestia! GROW UP AND ACT YOUR AGE!”
Scootaloo winced as she watched Celestia cringe under the harsh words. Amore closed her wingsand raised a hoof at Scootaloo. “And you, little one. Why don’t you tell Celestia the truth? That you are humoring her?”
Celestia growled in anger. “Humoring me? What could a stupid pony do against me?”
Scootaloo answered softly as she stood firm, her tremble gone. “Because, your majesty, I feel no threat from either her or her sister.”
No threat? Every fiber of my being is screaming to run and save myself. How can she be so calm? Sweetie Belle’s mind raced in disbelief as the answer came sooner than she expected. Luna snarled at Scootaloo. “You insolent lower life-form! Show respect!”
It was then that it happened. Luna swung her executioner scythe with full intent to remove the head of her captive. Seconds before it struck, it simply halted in the air and then shattered into fragments. As the fragments of solidified magic vanished, Scootaloo slowly turned to look at Luna and spoke in a soft whisper that seemed to echo in Sweetie Belle’s mind. “You should listen to your sister. I don’t hunt helpless prey.”