The Golden DJ

by Crystonian

Chapter 2

The early morning rays of pain pierce my eyes as I open them. I roll over, groaning and letting out a curse. Groping for my glasses on a nearby table, I grab them and slam them on to my face. Instant relief.

Letting out a sigh, I lean up into sitting position. Looking around the hotel room, I remember the day before.

'Huh, so it wasn't a dream. Good.'

I hop out of bed and then walks over to the nearby table to grab my shit. Putting on my armor first and then my coat. I slip on my gloves and then sit down onto the bed to pull on my boots. Grunting as I slip them on.

Quickly making the bed out of habit and respect, I stood up. Taking a final look around. I walked to the door and open it.

I walk out into the hall, and locks the door behind myself. Stuffing the key into my coats pocket, I start walking to the stairs and down them.

I walk out of the stair way and into the bar area. Spotting some of the other guest, not many. I walk over the bar.

"Morn'in" I say.

The barkeep looks up from his newspaper and nods at me.

"Morning. What do you want." He asks in a tired tone.

"Breakfast. I was wondering what you got for omnivores?"

He looks at me blankly and then nods at a menu near by.

I look over to see it. I face palm. Oh I was so blind.

"Thanks..." I say and grabs the menu. I sit down at the bar and takes a look at the list.

"Um...I'll have eggs and a water please."

He nods and then trots to the back. Moments later he comes out with a steaming hot plate of eggs and a glass of water.

"Thank you." I say, paying him.

Picking up the plate and cup, I walk over to a table by the window and takes a seat. looking out the window, I take a drink of water.

'They seemed to have recovered quickly.' I thought, watching a stallion pull a cart towards what I supposed was a market.

I start to eat my breakfast. Slowly eating it as I scan the room of it patrons. Keeping an eye on them. And out the window in case the princesses knew he had escaped.

Minutes later I finish my meal and takes it up the bar.

"Where should I put these sir." I ask.

He looked up surprised.

"Oh, you can just leave them over there." He said, pointing over to a corner of the bar.

"Thanks." I walk over and set the plate and glass down.

"Have a good day." I wave as I walk out of the tavern.

I stood out side the tavern. Quickly stretching, I start walking towards the market. My boots clanking on the stone path. Stopping in the large center, looking at the busy market.

'Wow, they really never stop. Not even after an attack. Impressive.' I thought.

I strolled through the market, getting stairs but whats new, and towards the castle. Stopping, I walk over to a stand. A Red stallion was manning it and was selling apples.

"Hey there. I was wonder if you knew when the princesses usually speak with ponies or others?" I ask, flashing a friendly smile.

The stallion looked up at me in horror.

"Woah, woah! I'm friendly." I say, raising my hands up. "I'm a foreigner you see and I need to speak with the princesses. So do you know. Anything that could help me?"

The stallion seemed to relax a bit, putting on a calmer face, he responded. "I'm sorry for my reaction. Just after yesterday and all..." He trailed off.

"Oh that's fine. The guards yesterday thought the same after words. No sweat." I say quickly, chuckling nervously.

"Ok. But I don't know anything that could help you. Maybe the guards? They would know." He said.

"Ok, thanks. Sorry for bothering you." I said, and waved good bye as I walk towards the castle gates.

I made a beeline towards one of the guards and waved at them. They looked over warily and on edge.

"Hey, I was wondering when people see the princesses. I came yesterday to see them but Discord and all. So could you help me?" I quickly ask.

One of the guards lowers his guard, slightly.

"Oh. You came to see the princesses. I'm sorry but they can't see anypony at the moment." The guard said.

"Ah. Oh well. Is there some place I could wait? Its pretty urgent. But not too urgent at the same time." I reply.

"Urgent?" He said suspiciously. "What is so urgent that you need to see them?"

"Oh. Well its not really for you to know. More of princess level important."

"Really now. All right then. Go inside and take a left, then a right. There's a waiting room there. You can stay there." The guard said.

"Ok! Thank you." I say, slowly jogging in and waving back to him.

'Gods, how bad is security here' I thought as I walked past another set of guards and waved to them in a friendly manner.

I eventually made it to the waiting room. It was a plush corner outside the throne room doors. There was already nobles there. I stroll past the nobles and their stares and made myself to a corner and took a seat.

'Comfy' I thought. I then swiped my hand and pulled up a few panels. I scrolled through them, looking at the camera feeds, videos, and pictures the microscopic drones took over the centuries.

"Hello there chap. Now what are you? May I ask?" said a very British nobleman's voice.

I turn to see a tan pony in a 19th century suit, bi top hat, a golden monocle and a large black mustache. His cutiemark was a top hat, gold monocle, and mustache.

"Hello there sir. I'm an Alternian Troll. Names Mogeme. Whats yours?" I ask, holding out my hand to shake.

"My name is Top. Top Hat. Mr. Mogeme." He said, taking my hand. "Whats that?"

"Oh this," I say, pointing at the holographic panels. "These are holograms. My ancestor invented them."

"Fascinating. What do they do?" He asked, intrigued. He adjusts his monocle.

"Quite a few things in fact. Right now they are showing videos and pictures of an experiment my ancestor started long ago." I quickly explain.

"Experiment? What was it about. May I ask?" Top asked.

"Well Sir Top. It was to see how the world, or at least Equestria would change over a time period. Several centuries to a thousand years."

"I can not be unimpressed. That is truly fascinating. But, how do these holo-grams work.?

"Oh, well you see..." I continued on. Explaining how holograms worked and what they could be used for. At the end of it, Top Hat was truly intrigued.

"...and that's why I am here. To show the princesses all that they have caught."

"Amazing. You, my kind sir, make what I'm here for seem trivial." Top Hat said, chuckling.

"What are you here for Top Hat?" I ask.

"Well. Land territorial dispute." He replied.

"That's actually important. There has been disputes in the past over such a problem that had turned into wars. Or at least family battles." I explained.

"Really?! Well that makes me feel better." Top Hat said.

"How about this. You can go in before me. I believe its a far more important subject than mine." I said.

"Oh but I can't."

"I insist. You do deserve to go first. I can wait."

"Oh thank you."

"No problem my good sir." I said with a smile.

I waited hours as noble after noble went in and came out either grumbling or happy. Finally it was Top Hats turn. I wished him good luck and he left into the throne room.

About half an hour later he came out happy. He waved to me and I waved back. Closing my panels, I walked up to the doors and thought,

'This is going to be interesting'