The missing Rainbow..

by Arial_Dreemmurr

The invitation!

It was time for another meeting and Rainbow Dash happly hopped in with a big smile and a paper in her wing. She sat on her seat and Apple Jack noticed how happy she was.

"What are you so happy for? Did something great happen? And what's that paper you got there?" She asked pointing at the paper in her wing.

"Here! See it for yourself!" Rainbow Dash said with a smile and gave her the paper. It was a letter to her.

-Dear Rainbow Dash.
We would like to invite you to our Rainbow festival to preform your famous rainboom to everypony there. It's tomorrow so you better get
ready. We also got you tickets for the hotel. See you there!
-Mare of Rainbow Town.

Apple Jack read the letter and looked pretty suprised. "Wow! Invited to a whole festival just for a rainboom? You must be pretty popular there."

"Yea. They said there was a whole fan club that couldn't wait to see me! I'm so exited to go there and meet them!!" She said excited.

"I can see that. You're like Pinkie Pie on christmas!" Apple Jack joked but Rainbow Dash didn't say anything against it.

"It's just so awesome! But there's only one ticket for me so you guys can't come to see all this awesome, But don't worry!
Once I get back I'll tell all about it!"

"I don't mind. You're the one they invited. I'll let you have this one." Rainbow Dash got a smile and got the letter back from Apple Jack. "Thx AJ! This is going to be so much fun!"

After everyone was there Rainbow Dash showed everyone the letter and started flying all around the room because she was so exited. Everyone was happy for her and after they had it about some more things the meeting was over.

Next day.

Rainbow Dash got her stuff and went to the station. When she got there her friends were also there.

"Dashie!" Pinkie Pie happly hopped to Rainbow Dash and hugged her.

Rainbow Dash saw the others there too and got a smile. "Oh hi! I should have known you guys would be here."

"We just wanted to say good bye before you left. It's going to atleast be a few days out there." Twilight said while walking to her. The others followed.

"It's going to be great! I wish you all could come too.." Rainbow Dash said with a disapointed tone.

"Nah. We're fine here. This is your trip." Apple Jack reassured her.

"But you're going to tell us all about it when you come back right!!" Pinkie Pie asked while hopping up and down.

"Of course!" Rainbow Dash responded smiling again.

"I can already imagine how beautifull that place is. It's called rainbow town so it has to look great." Rarity said already daydreaming about it.

Fluttershy followed with her own daydream. "And maybe there are even rainbow animals! Just imagine how cute they would be!"

Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes and smiled. "I'll tell you guys all about it when I return."

They heard a loud ring and a train to Rainbow Town appeared. It was very colourfull and the smoke were as white as clouds. Everyone looked amazed at it. A pony came out and looked at Rainbow Dash.

"Oh hello there. You must be Rainbow Dash. I'm jasper." He introduced himself and did a little bow. "I was asked to help you get to Rainbow Town savely. Need any help with your bags? I can carry them in if you want." He offered while pointing at her bags.

"Thx but I can handle that myself. Thx for asking tho." Rainbow Dash replied.

Apple Jack just looked amazed seeing all that. "Wow. A pony just for helping you. They must really like you there to have done this."

Rainbow Dash just shrugged it off "I guess so."

"Are you coming? We don't want to be late." Jasper said already standing next to the train door.

"Oh yea of course! Just a sec!" Rainbow Dash quickly replied. They did a group hug and Rainbow Dash got in. After that the train left and everyone continued their day.