Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 63: In the Night (21+, last warning)

"Some people want nothing to do with family and despise children, others want them but dont know what do with them after having them; some can not have them to start with and others still want them but will not adopt in order to start a family. A few however, no matter the odds and despite having everything stacked against them will try anyway, even if it kills them."

Verik opened the door and slid inside the creche sideways just in case one of the foals tried to bolt out the door much like a pet that had been kept inside for too long and closed the door quickly behind him. The other three caretakers were sitting in the hut with a handful of foals but the large hut was mostly deserted, looking them over Verik stared for a brief moment at the dusty pink foal sitting in the corner before staring at Sefu and gesturing at the mostly empty environs. Instead of an answer Sefu and Awe just glared up at him before the stallion motioned to have a seat.

"Why you gone so long? He come back on own and-"

"He charged into the wall of Nuru's hut and knocked himself senseless for a minute, Nuru of course wanted a word and after sending him back she wanted to talk to me for a bit about other matters."

"What matters?"

"Matters between Nuru and myself to which I am bound not to speak." Verik stared blankly at Sefu while keeping the rest quietly to himself. "Well that is at least partially true, just not telling the whole truth..."

"Hm." Sefu did not take his eyes of Verik for several long minutes.

Gesturing around the hut Verik nodded at Sefu. "So where are they? Did you tie them to the posts outside to prevent them from running away?"

"No." Awe's expression was deeply unamused. "Workers not have enough stone to haul and take time to gather more, haul and now move from salt quarry which farther away. Take more time than old dumping ground so Tendaji tell those family with foals to send one home so not sit around and block way for haulers and workers."

"Didnt see anyone on my way back... Must not be very many then."

"Many but they go home not to river, that path much used in evening but not day."

"Right, so this lot are those who are?"

Sefu laid down and closed his eyes as he spoke. "Maybe parents want some alone time but some caretaker not come for others yet. Most gone though, these all that left."

"Not many." Verik looked over the handful of foals compared to the normal throng before deciding to lay down himself and stare at the ceiling. "Guess that makes things very easy for the rest of the day."

"Very easy. So he run into Nuru hut?"

"Face first and hard, jumped him coming around a corner and missed grabbing him. Slippery little eel, he bolted hard left without looking and I think he hit hard enough to wake the dead."

"Not think he run again for much time."

"Because of failing twice or because Nuru threatened him and cuffed his ears?"


A long silence prevailed as Asha stared down at Verik before her ears shot upright with an expression of someone who just remembered something, standing and moving out of his sight he could hear something scrapping before a small bowl of mush was offered.

"You gone during lunch, foals eat before going home but you not here so save some."

"Thank you. So how long are we staying here today? Until the usual time or only until the rest are collected?"

"Not know... Awe?"

Awe shrugged. "Not leave untill someone come for them. Maybe sooner today though..."

As time wore on it became apparent that it would be the usual time though as no one came for the last of the foals until several more hours had passed, and then one by one they were taken away until only Sefu's clutch remained. When it was time to go few formalities were given as weapons were retrieved and the sparse belongings piled up or stashed away, Awe secured the door behind everyone not that it mattered. There was nothing to steal here that would amount to more than a few tarnished copper coins and the door could only be barred from the inside but all the same Awe made certain to bar the lower part before finally closing the top section.

Going their separate ways Asha and Verik broke off from the other group and headed back home together, as they walked she stared at him. He looked bothered by something, more so than usual and the corner of his mouth held a small frown while his brows were somewhat furrowed. Asha quirked her head and poked the side of his mouth making him jerk a little and giving her a better view of his troubled face.

"What wrong? You not look like this in long time now."

"Just Nuru is all."

"Nuru always make others have your face but..."

"She slapped me, three times."

Asha laughed for a moment despite his glare before forcing herself to stop. "What you do? Not easy make Nuru slap someone, very, very hard. You insult her?" Her face became serious. "Please say you not insult Nuru, not want to have to leave village for long time for safety."

"No, we just talked about matters you are familiar with and she had some "lessons" to teach me about power and not forgetting what it can do."

"But why she slap you?"

"That was part of the lesson, also I did kind of goad her into the first one but the last two were no fault of mine. Nuru wanted to make certain her lesson was burned into my mind and that I would not forget what its like to... Be powerless, and also to never forget that little detail should I ever find myself lording over someone else's fate."

"Nuru not give lesson unless she think it matter."

"Hm. She ever slap someone else?"

"Hmm... Slap Zuberi once, not know why but now he mind words more. Not see, hear about though. Many years ago."

"Slapped him in public hm? Well I dont think there were any physical onlookers during our little civilized discussion."

"You gone long time though, must been very serious."

"I guess time flies when voodoo grandma wants to have a "word" with you."

"You okay though after running? Not best runner-"

"Not tired despite it, guess all that running around is paying off."

The sun was dipping low as their usual evening routines slowly came to a close, dinner had yet to go into the fire pit as something had come up and watching Asha return he watched her closely. Being surrounded by foals had made him think once more about having a family and after just a few days it was nearly impossible to get it out of his head, and even Altayih's evening visits were not enough to force the thoughts into full submission. Having to chase the troubling colt was no deterrence either, he was trouble by nature but meant no harm by it compared to other non fur covered ones he had seen somewhere else. In fact he could not remember seeing a single one of the foals show any signs nor heard of anything similar, they were just entirely different and were far more what he thought children would be like. Wild, eager and full of energy while devoid of any malice.

Eyes refocusing on Asha a smile worked across his face, he couldnt help it anymore as just seeing her had a calming effect that washed away his troubles. Thoughts drifting along lazily an old thought emerged and looking towards the door for a moment he turned back as familiar feelings began working their way up again. Taking a deep breath he sat upright as Asha just finished stuffing the firepit with twigs and other bits of firewood, it was either now or forget it because once that fire started the hut had a tendency to warm up quickly. A fact that did not bother her but was quite the annoyance to him.

Asha sat looking down at the fire pit humming quietly to herself as she finished putting the last few twigs in place, it was an art she had learned from her mother. Bundle them too tightly and it would burn up rapidly, but scatter the twigs too much the opposite would happen resulting in a long waiting period for the embers to form which were needed to cook with. Open flame was fine but having to cook the incredibly dry meal was taking longer as the grain was now drier than usual.

Moving the jar over and picking up her flints and other starter material Asha rubbed it in her palms quickly to loosen it and then fluffed it a little while failing to pick up on the sounds of Verik behind her as he moved in. Flint in hand she went to make the first strike but her aim and grip faltered badly resulting in the stone missing its mark entirely, and ears standing straight up with eyes locked straight forward she froze for a moment as hands were placed on her sides and began gently working their way forward and down.

"What he doing? Need to make fire for-"

Slowly she could feel herself being pulled back into his grasp as the hands wrapped around her waist, gently moving her away from the firepit. Opening her mouth to speak nothing came out for a moment in surprise that he was actually making a move on her.

"He never..." The hands finished pulling her in and worked down to her hips and gently squeezed. "Heheee. So much trouble in past and now you- Hmmm..." Asha let out a small happy hum while leaning back into his chest, the stroking of her flanks stopped and made her ears lay flat in annoyance. "Why you stop?"

"You wont be needing these." She felt him take the flints from her hands and watched as he tossed them towards the firepit, hands returning to run down her stomach she could feel his head lean into her neck. "I recall you were too tired and crying last time but you do not seem all that tired and I most certainly am not. We got to sleep for several hours extra in the hut today since there were no foals to watch. Now, last time we tried you started things, now its my turn."

Rotating in his grasp Asha turned to face him and wrapped her legs around his side pulling them in close as his arms wrapped around her back before trailing downwards, her own trying to pull them even closer. Leaning in their lips met in a long tender and loving kiss as their arms continued to move, her legs trying to force him ever closer. Pulling away for a moment and staring into each others eyes her face changed to worry as she stared at Verik.

"What wrong?"

"Getting worried again for some reason."

"You not worried last time."

"Good point."

Leaning forward again they kissed more deeply as Asha began to grind herself against him slowly bringing out a change of breathing, a myriad of sounds and a growing bulge. Pulling away from Asha's lips he began to work himself backwards onto the mat and off the dusty floor before leaning back and pulling her down with him. Asha laid on top of him with a growing smile on her face as he leaned up and kissed her neck while caressing Asha from the top of her back down to her flanks before his hands finally came to rest on her hips.

"You keep clothes on this very hard."

"Well coming from someone who goes naked all the time, or nearest to it... Not that I am complaining." Verik smiled at her. "Getting to see your beautiful body without having to ask is a blessing from the heavens."

Asha smiled down at him before giving him a small kiss and sitting upright on him scooted back a bit. "Strip."

Working his shirt off was easy but Asha was trying to help by working the belt on his pants, a task that was difficult for a moment before she figured it out quickly and undid it. Removing his pants she looked at him with a small frown before climbing off when he began sitting upright. Scooting his pants and underwear off he froze when Asha slid in behind him and did to him what he had been doing, only her hands moved in and not out to the hips forcing a catch in his breath as her hands moved over his stiffening appendage.

"You are not making this easy."



Yanking the last of his cloths off he quickly undid the foot wraps he had been wearing, his socks having long turned to rags. Reaching behind and grasping for Asha he struggled for a brief moment to slide her around his side which caused them to both collapse on the mat with him on top pinning her down. Leaning down gently onto her he smiled into her emerald eyes before sitting up and putting his hands on the snake leather belt she wore.

"Your turn."

Before she could speak he put his hands inside the belt loop and gently drew it down and off her hips but did not yank it off, still tracing his hands down her flanks and legs he look his time, fingers gently carressing her fur. Verik listening to the happy humm Asha made as he slowed a little before removing the belt entirely, she sat up almost immediately and grabbed it from him and standing put it on one of the large storage jars.

"That really is important to you, isnt it."

"Yes, you give big, big gift and never forget." Asha slid down beside him and they wrapped their arms around each other but her eyes moved towards the doorway for a moment.

"Ah, thats whats bothering us..."

"He always come this time of night. Every. Night."

"Well if he comes tonight he dies."

Asha turned back and smiled. "No waiting then."

"No, no more waiting."

Verik moved his head down to her neck and kissed again while his hands gently caressed and groped her flanks. Moving down his movements faltered more and more until she looked down, it was clear to her he was debating and solving it for him she leaned up and pulled him in.

"You no worry." She pulled his head into her breasts smothering him. "Not upset, happy."

Asha could feel his frozen form loosen quickly and felt him kiss her chest while a few muffled words of thanks worked their way out before she felt his mouth pull an inky black nipple in, giving it a gentle suck and lick. His head lingered for a moment as a hand moved to support her back and then leaning forward Verik held her to prevent Asha from falling backwards as he began easing her down until she was laying on the mat while his face gave a single last kiss to her soft stomach fur. Looking up and locking eyes they stared only briefly, each could see how nervous the other was slowly becoming, Asha knew in great, unwanted detail how things worked thanks to Sibi but after seeing that one brief instant of hesitation when their eyes met as if he were asking for permission she reached up.

Leaning up a little she reached out and took him by the shoulder and pulled him down closer before locking lips heavily and feeling Verik loosen up with tongues intertwining she leaned back again. Slowly he moved between her legs and as she slowly folding them around his waist he moved forward until their breathing halted as their bodies slowly met.

Breathing hitched Verik reached down and grasping his member for a moment and lining himself up he moved his hips forward as Asha's legs prevented him from going back. Closing his eyes for a moment as the alien sensation filled his senses with an unbelievably warm, wet and grasping pleasure his only instinct was to keep going slowly and steadily. He could hear Asha letting out a long moan or was that him? Their low moans of pleasure mixed in the hut as he slid forward one inch at a time, her legs wrapping around him more tightly with every moment that passed.

Neither realized the other could neither go forward and be pulled in any deeper nor pull back, they just stayed frozen with their eyes shut and trying to regain control of their breathing while the intense wave of pleasure burned through their bodies like wildfire.

Opening his eyes slowly and looking down at their awkward position Verik realized he was quite uncomfortably hunched over and on his knees with one hand supporting himself and the other her somewhat, while Asha was leaning back with an arched back and legs locked around his waist while both of her arms were rigid and supporting some of the weight. Easing himself down and over her he placed his head against her bosom for a moment and looked up again.

"I cant move, your legs are strangling my hips."

Asha eased her vice like grip and welcomed his kiss as he slowly and gently began moving his hips back and forth in awkward little thrusts. Putting her arms around him and pulling him in closer she began moving with him causing his gentle thrusting to become longer as their hips worked back and forth slowly. As they kept up the slow pace a rythm formed and as the kissing became more serious and fervent Asha released him from her legs, one leg suddenly pushed on his side and using her arm she began rolling him over. Not fighting back Verik rolled over and now with Asha on top he laid back and stared up as she mounted him and locked her legs to his side.

Gripping Asha's flanks as she began gently gyrating her hips Verik let out a moan which made her smile and as she picked up the pace his grip tightened on her. Lifting herself up a little and easing down Asha watched as his head leaned back.

"Sibi was right, now..."

Lifting herself up until he almost slipped free she gripped her marehood tightly to keep him inside and then slid down quickly in one swift motion making them both gasp for a moment.

"Maybe too soon..."

Her thoughts changed when his hands began to try and coach her up again and lifting herself with his hands Asha moved up and then slid down again, working back and forth with increasing confidence she began to bounce up and down on him. A tenseness had built up quickly in his muscles and she could feel his hands become more claw like and stiff, his breathing changing again as she continued to move until finally he sat upright and wrapped his arms around her and rolled.

Verik did not move for a moment, he just stayed there locked in position trying to breathe and looking worried that Sibi's advice may have done more than expected she reached up and touched his face.

"You okay? Not-"

Her voice died as he suddenly thrust forward and arms wriggling under her back he almost lifted her off the mat for a moment as his movements picked up forcing a long moan out of her as he continued to rub against something. Verik had hardened so much inside her she was a little worried by the look on his flushed face but it was gone the moment their eyes met, replaced by that of deep care and love. Motions slowing as they gazed into each others eyes he eased Asha down and kissed her again before speeding up.

"Just keep breathing, keep breathing..." Verik continued to thrust with his hips and after breaking off the kiss buried his face in her chest again while gritting his teeth before panting out her name. "Asha..."


"I want-" His words were forced, sluggish and choppy and after another another deep breath he tried again. "I want this to last forever but I dont think I can."

Verik felt a hand carress his head and hold it in place. "It okay, want this to last to but if you not, we never have foals."

"I dont even know if that is possible."

"Try harder. Again and again." Asha's legs suddenly wrapped around his waist again. "Want family with you."

Her legs suddenly tightened as he pulled out again and yanking him in she locked him in place as her insides gripped and caressed him, unable and unwilling to stop what was happening Verik leaned into Asha more and pushed forward trying to sink just a little deeper into Asha's warm, silky folds.

A feral growl escaped him as she felt him release his seed into her body, the later brought a sudden surge of pure elation but the first made her ears pin back a moment her mind screamed that a predator was holding onto her. The thought died instantly as she looked down at him and tried to hold him tighter, hands tracing down his back as Verik remained face down in her bosom with his growl fading. He was different from her, extremely so, but it did not matter, not anymore. She loved him dearly and though his penchant for extreme brutality and violence had been made clear there was no doubt in her mind that he would never harm her. Asha smiled and leaned her head back into the mat again as their bodies slumped down, any trace of worry gone as her ears perked back up.

Verik was hers.

Bodies relaxing Asha smiled at him as Verik looked up. "Growl?"

"I dont know why, just couldnt stop myself. Never done this before or felt this and wouldnt trade it for anthing nor with anyone else. How did you do that thing with your-"

"Not know, maybe like you growling?"

"Maybe, but-" Verik stopped to breathe for a moment. "I dont think I could ever hold back with you doing that."

"Good. Make more foals."

"Have to find out if we can and... Wait, your an... I dont know, an equine? Dont you have heat cycles? Fertility cycles?"

"Mmm... Some do, but not for long time? Still make foal even without so not know?"

"Maybe the lack of food has something to do with it... Dont care right now. Figure that out later."

"Good! Then you have time to help make more foals."

"What?" Verik looked up, the sweat still pouring down his face as Asha beamed back at him.

"Make more foals."

"I know what you said-"

She patted his head. "Not make foals if try just one time, need to again and again. That way certain, yes?"

"Uhh... Asha, I dont think thats how it works."

"Hm, once not enough anyway. Make certain."

He felt her grip on his softening member increase and the gentle movements inside begin again. "Asha... I need to rest, give me a minute to rest, please."

"You resting now."

"No, that- Ergg... Hmmmm. Asha..."

"See? You can make foals again! But maybe this time you lay down and after we switch? You rest then I rest! Keep making foal but we get rest between."

"That is really not how it works, I dont think-"

Verik's words were too muffled and weak to amount to a decent protest as Asha rolled him over and began working her hips again, his member stiffening slowly before the blood came rushing back and once more fully erect she smiled at him and began moving in earnest. Unlike before her movements were far more certain and intense, more urgent and eager to bring about a conclussion but also to his horror they would slow again. Asha was learning fast and knew just when to slow down so he didnt lose his sanity nor erection but was getting better by the minute at building him back up again.

"Damn you to hell Sibi, damn you to hell..." His breath caught again as Asha changed her pace and thrusts. "And bless you for telling her everything you know."

The moon was high and its shining rays coming through their small window when Asha slid back onto Verik and began working her hips again, not satisfied she leaned forward pushing her breasts into his face then began rubbing for a moment before sitting back into his lap again to grind against his softened member. Continuing to heave for air his head leaned up, hair stuck to the mat in sheets and slick with sweat, much like Asha's fur was clinging to her own body. They had both become so slick with sweat the dust on the mats had turned to mud and Asha's fur was now so wet her stripes stood out even more while her mane clung as if for dear life to her body while below a tail swished back and forth between his legs. Verik's face burned red from heat and exhaustion as she looked down at him a moment before making an "oh" sound, and after standing on shaky legs Asha teeterd over to the water jug, he could not move but as he watched Asha move he wondered how it was possible she was still able to stand even if on wobbly legs.

Verik's eyes followed her every step of the way, grateful for the reprieve and as the ever swishing tail brought his eyes to her flanks he could catch a glimpse now and then of just how long they had been at it. Drying rivulets ran down the inside of her legs which shone in the moonlight and he could also swear her marehood was opening and closing slightly as he watched her walk. His seed had been drained again and again by Asha, something he thought was impossible but after living on this world he wondered if something had changed slightly. Or was it not possible and he had simply lost track of time and imagined it? He could no longer tell, the evening had become one hellish blurr of extreme exstacy and nightmarish exhaustion. It was just impossible to satisfy her lust for having foals and when he was too tired to move she would take over and do the rest, but if he did not move enough she would lay her ears down and start shaking him.

It was heaven and hell but he wouldnt trade it for anything while his desire for her had only grown, Asha's dedication to starting a family was both terrifying and heart warming. Watching her dipping out a cup of water and walking back she gave Verik the cup and then she sat back down to continue as Verik struggled to sit up and drink a little before settling on just dumping it on his face with his mouth open.



His breath came out as a pained groan as she continued to rub against him, the exhaustion clear on her face as he stared. "Asha..."

She slowed. "What?"

"I now know what the heart of the runner from Marathon felt like, I need to rest before my lungs or heart burst. Whichever decides to give out first."

"What Marathon?"

"Asha... I have enjoyed our time tonight more than words can describe and my undying love for you has only grown-"

"Then what wrong?"

"I cant feel my legs anymore."

"You too tired then, just lay and rest-"

"Asha! Im dry. Dryer than a desert. There aint nothing down there but two shriveled up and sobbing raisins. All I have left to give you is them and while they are yours you cant have them that way."

"What you mean?"

"Please, lets sleep. We need to sleep, me more than you. I dont know whow you can keep going like this but please, lets go to sleep. If I dont get some sleep and we keep going I am now honestly afraid they will either fall off or get sucked out the next time you grip me. We can not make any more foals tonight."

Asha looked a little dissappointed for a moment but after looking him over in the dim moonlight she suddenly looked worried. "Not mean to-!"

Verik let out a rapsing laugh. "No regrets. None. In one night you have made any second thoughts or regrets I have ever had in all my life dissappear, that is a miracle. You are a miracle. I just need to sleep and so do you, its not like this is the only time we will ever have sex. Right now I am the happiest man to have ever lived."

"Know that but-"

"No buts, we still have plenty of time before we both go back to our usual grinds. I just dont want to be so exhausted from one night that I cant walk or go again later this week."

"Later this week? Why not tomorrow?"

"Give me at least a day to recover and then we will see how many more foals we can make for the rest of our "vacation" alright?"

A happy, tired smile spread across her face as she laid down beside him and leaned in closer and despite the incredible heat they were both giving off neither cared.

"Good." Asha's head suddenly shot up. "Dinner! Still in pot-"

"It was not cooked so its fine. We can have a double meal for breakfast which will be nice for a change."

"Yes but... Meal soak up water and become-"

"Dump some water on it, beat it up with a spoon and cook it."

"Then it lumpy and chewy..."

"Asha, you are such a marvelous cook even lumpy mush will taste good when you make it." Verik paused for a moment. "Tomorrow."

Her smile widened and tugging into Verik closer she slipped her leg over his while an arm worked across his chest pulling them even closer in a possesive hug.

"Love you."

Asha listened to a very tired, half asleep response, turning her head she leaned up and then kissed above his bearded cheek lovingly before leaning back down again and closing her eyes.