//------------------------------// // The search. // Story: The missing Rainbow.. // by Arial_Dreemmurr //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie was hopping fast. Apple Jack noticed it. "Hey Pinkie? You ok?" Pinkie Pie just kept hopping keeping a smile. "Of course I am! Why wont I be?" Apple Jack wasn't very convinced tho. "You haven't been yourself ever since all of this started.. I know you're worried, I'm too, Everyone is, But you shouldn't worry so much. I'm sure she's ok.. Hopefully.." She was saying this more to herself than to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie stopped hopping now and just sighed. "I know.. And I keep telling myself everything will be ok.. I'm just.. What if something did happen.. What if it's bad.. What if-" Pinkie Pie got stopped by Apple Jack. "Pinkie! What did I tell ya?" Apple Jack said waiting for a response. "Stop worrying…" "Yea. It will be alright. We just need to stay positive. You can do that right?" Pinkie Pie got a small smile. "Yea.. I'll be positive! Now let's go to the houses! I want Dashie back!" Pinkie Pie started hopping to the next house. Apple Jack followed. ---- They were halfway trough the houses and Fluttershy started to look a bit worried now. More than earlier. Rarity noticed. "Are ok Fluttershy? You look worried.. More than before.." Fluttershy looked down. "It's just that.. We've been trough half of the houses already.. And still nothing.." Rarity tried her best to cheer her up. "You just have to be patient. I'm sure it will get better later." "But what if it doesn't?" Fluttershy asked in response. "The others can have better luck. You don't need to worry. We'll find her." She said trying to keep them both positive. "I'm just scared maybe something happened.. What if she's hurt? Or even worse.." Fluttershy didn't continue and just looked scared at Rarity. "Stop saying those things! Just stay positive. It will be ok." Rarity reassurred her. "If you say so.. I just can't help but worry.." Fluttershy replied. Rarity just smiled at her. "I know. But it will work out. You'll see. I'm worried too. Everyone is. We just need to keep looking." Fluttershy just nodded and they walked to the next house. ---- Twilight went to a club. It was on top of a hill. When you were up there you could see the whole town. The colours looked a bit more grew than when they arrived but she didn't notice and walked into the small house with the club name on it. When she got in it was pretty empty with posters and merch from Rainbow Dash in trashcans. There was one pony getting it in the trashcans. "Uhm hello.. I'm Twilight and I'm looking for my friend Rainbow Dash." He noticed her and responded. "I'm Lance. She's not here. She did put on a amazing show at the festival! But now I'm just trying to get this out so we can move on to something else." "Do you know where she is?" She asked trying to keep a smile. He shuck his head. "Nope. The mare just told us to get her here for the festival. No one heard from her when it was over. But I think it was a great idea to bring her here! The town has been more colourfull than ever!" He had a smile and looked at the town from the hill. Twilight was a bit confussed now. "Uhm ok.. Why are you trowing away all this stuff?" "Well since she came already we need to make the club for something else. It's what we do." He explained like it was something easy to understand. "Alright then.." Twilight didn't feel like asking anymore questions and was planning to check up on the others instead. "Sorry I couldn't help you more with this but I'm sure you'll find her." He said with a smile. "It's ok. I'm going now. Bye Lance." Twilight said goodbye and left the club. She looked at the town from the hill. She now noticed the lack of colour and it getting less every minute. She remembered it and went into the middle of the town again to wait for the others.