Equestria Trek: Where No-one has gone before

by Robert Emerald Fountain


Three days later, time was critical. Everyone got up at 6:00 AM to get ready for launch. Once they had put their suits on, they sealed their helmets and hooked up their air supply which kept them from taking in any germs as they went outside to get to the launch pad. They all got on the elevator and reached the top of the tower in three minutes. After waiting for two hours in the "white room", they were cleared to board the shuttle. As Twilight finished fastening her seatbelt, the hatch was buttoned up and the fuel pumps kicked in.

"We are go for launch.", Twilight announced over her headset to everyone who was watching either on live news or from a viewing platform.

Neighsay began the countdown at Mission Control in Canterlot.

"T-minus 15, 14, 13, 12 11, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, go for main engine start.", he said over loudspeakers.

The engines began spewing unignited thrust beneath the rocket.

"Five, four, three, two, one, IGNITION!!", Neighsay concluded the countdown.

The fuel was ignited by one of the pad workers at the flick of a switch. The crew felt as if someone had placed them on top of a strong massager. They were shaken violently as the rocket roared to life, and the control arms retracted. After two minutes, the clamps opened and the rocket left the pad.

6 minutes after takeoff, Twilight called to her crew.

"Get ready for a jolt.", she said as the first stage cut off.

Everyone was thrown forward as if brakes had abruptly kicked in. Then the second stage ignited and the first stage separated. Everyone was pulled backward in their seats.

"That was some jolt.", Rarity said.

The shuttle separated from the second stage three minutes later, and they were on their way to the space station and their starship.