//------------------------------// // Reopening Of Rejoice // Story: Twilight’s Backstage Pass // by Lonely Fanboy48 //------------------------------// The Rainbooms headed back to Rarity’s RV to have their lunch. After succeeding their mission of reopening the Starswirl Festival, they all take a break from the stress they went through from The Dazzlings hijacking. Applejack makes french toast for her friends with syrup while her brother Big Mac helps. During their lunch break, they saw tens of vehicles driving in the parking lot after their search of Supernova’s puppy had gone to waste. They’re happy they’re back, but also felt bad they’ve been lied to. “I can’t believe Adagio fooled almost half of the people to find Thunder Guts.” Applejack looking at the vehicles. “At least they’re getting refunds for their gas bill.” Rainbow replied. “All of The Dazzlings paychecks they lost will make up everyone’s problems.” “Not to mention, churros are back on sale!” Pinkie cheered with a bag of churros in her hand. The Twilights are sitting together while Starlight and Sunset are sitting at the other side of the picnic table. “So, were you two up last night?” Sunset asked. “Yes. I notice Starlight wasn’t sleeping with us so I saw her outside.” Human Twilight said while eating her french toast. “The thing is, I wanted to apologize for dragging you to The Dazzlings stage.” Starlight being ashamed. “I just wanted to surprise you.” Twilight didn’t forget about that but she wasn’t mad at Starlight. “It’s fine, you didn’t know what you we’re doing.” The Princess Of Friendship smiled. “After what I’ve seen lately, I’m sure you won’t make the same mistake again.” Starlight felt a little better and the fact Human Twilight was right about her counterpart. They continue to eat their food as more people enter the re-opening Festival. Out of all the Rainbooms, Fluttershy had something in mind. She and her friends know that their princess friend is heading back to Equestria once they return. She stands up from her stoll, made her way to Princess Twilight for a question. “Twilight?” Fluttershy spoked which made Princess Twilight turned around. “I was wondering…” “Yes?” Twilight wondered. “When you go back to Equestria, even when you’re not busy and hanging out with us...how are we going to deal with the fact that others will see you and...other you.” Fluttershy blushed as she pointed at Human Twilight. The Rainbooms completely forgot all about that before thinking about bringing the Princess Of Friendship to the Starswirl Festival. Even Human Twilight didn’t consider that when she has nothing to do before arriving. However Princess Twilight wasn’t afraid like she was back at the cruise. “Actually Fluttershy, even if I did come across people who we’re on the cruise, there were people who didn’t mind seeing the presence of me and other me out in the open.” “That is true darling.” Rarity said. “But what if a stranger sees you coming out from the portal. He or she might have reported it to the government.” “Ohhh...I guess that makes sense.” Sunset didn’t even thought about that when she messaged Twilight days ago. But as far as she’s concerned, they’re were so many magical situations from Everfree Forest to a deserted island in the ocean, she knows anyone isn’t too crazy about what happens next. Meanwhile, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna have returned when they got the message. They saw the Rainbooms and Princess Twilight hanging out together which is the right time for them to have that talk. “So!” Celestia called the Rainbooms attention. “All of you yet again fixed another situation like before right?” “Not to mention bringing justice to The Dazzlings.” Luna added as she sits by Starlight while Celestia sits by the Princess Of Friendship. “Yes, it was a risky task but at least we didn’t get banned.” Sunset rolled her eyes smiling. “Let me guess, you want a talk on the hills, don’t you?” Princess Twilight looking at the principal. “We can have a talk here, I don’t mind.” Celestia giggled. “And don’t worry about Canterlot High, you’re off the hook for being absent princess.” “So, you do know my friend is a princess in Equestria?” Starlight blinked. “Actually, she knew what was happening when...you know what with Sunset Shimmer.” Rainbow explained. “That’s besides the point.” Celestia getting back on topic. “I’m still going to be principal for the next few years and it’s only a matter of time all of you are becoming seniors.” “Why are you asking us that?” Princess Twilight wondered. The principal gave Twilight a sweet and respectful look, thanks to her good mood. “I may not be an expert on princesses, but I do know that your not going to have a lot of free time for yourself. So I was wondering, maybe this year or next year, can you be a student in Canterlot High for one whole day?” The Rainbooms stunted in silence while the Princess Of Friendship’s eyes turned wide. “You seriously want her to do that?” Human Twilight asked. “Why?” “Because she was not only the reason Sunset Shimmer changed, but also changed Canterlot High’s society thanks to friendship. And from what I heard, you were on the beach last year. Making so many friends while giving them lessons. Dean Cadence, the principal of Crystal Prep told me everything that happened between you and the Shadowbolts. And it really makes me depressed you never got the chance to be a student for one day. It was rare to think someone like you, who does extraordinary things to make my students come together for friendship. As long as you make a deal with me, you can wait until you’re ready,” Princess Twilight found the offer from Celestia hard to decide but she does make a point. She hardly talked to anyone when she came to Canterlot High twice before she was away for so long. She remembered the cafeteria and the gym since they were the places she went to the most and she had nice memories. While it is a good idea to think about, she’s still having an issue resolving that. “Celestia, I would love to accept your offer, but there’s one problem.” Twilight replied. “We were just talking about the possibilities...of getting reported to the government.” This gave Celestia and Luna confused looks. “I thought about that.” Rarity being truthful. “And I live in Equestria so I don’t think other people will accept me for being a twin sister of other me. I could try, but I don’t think it will work out.” Celestia and Luna felt disappointed their offer won’t happen but Sunset came up with an idea. “Wait a second. I know this is crazy but...why can’t you go on stage before PostCrush performs?” “What!? You mean…” “Yes. It’s hard to convince everyone but you were with us during our plan. AND you and Twilight were on stage thirty minutes ago. It will be best to give everyone a speech about you and this whole Equestria situation. If they’re going to tell people of how bad The Dazzlings are, they will do the same thing to you. Only difference is, they respect you and that’s also friendship.” The biggest option made Twilight paranoid of the risk of being more exposed however it’s the only thing she can do. With only seven hours left, she has to pick the right choice for her friends and others. “I'll...tell PostCrush about that, but I’m not sure if it’s going to work.” Twilight begin concerned. Human Twilight actually agreed with her friend’s advice. “Don’t worry, if this doesn’t work, we’ll still have your back.” She smiled. “We will be there too. I’m sure everything will turn out alright.” Celestia closed her eyes while smiling. The Rainbooms finished their lunch as they head back to the Starswirl Festival. With the mindset that Twilight is dealing with right now, it’s going to take a long time for her to make her decision tonight.