My Way or Role Play

by PonyPixel

May the Quest Begin

Fluttershy was getting ready for the day. As she walked out of the bathroom, she saw a puddle of chocolate milk spreading on the floor. She looked over to the couch to see Discord lying on it. There was a cotton candy cloud over him that was covering him in chocolate milk. “Discord,” Fluttershy gasped, “You’re making a mess.”

The draconequus turned to look over to the pony. “Evening, Fluttershy,” he said. “I’m sorry about this.” He snapped his fingers, which made all milk and cloud vanished.

“What’s wrong? You love chocolate milk.”

“I’ve just been thinking about a couple of things. I’ve done some stupid things.”

“What are you talking about.”

Discord let out a long sigh. “You remember that time I sent you and your friends on a wild goose chase?”

“Oh... That’s what you’re talking about.” The mare sat next to her hodgepodge friend. “Why did you do it?”

“I don’t know. I was bored one day and thought ‘Hey! Why don’t I pull a little prank on Fluttershy and her friends’?” He let out an exaggerated chuckle before he regained his frown. “Then one thing led to another and I’m pretty much banned from the school.”

“Discord, you apologized to us later.”

“I did. But that didn’t stop from bringing a centaur, a former queen of a love sucking species, and filly with a silver tongue who then stole my magic and tried to take over Equestria.” He groaned as he brought his lion claw and talon to his face.

“I’ve had a few slip-ups too. I know how you feel.”

“So you also did something that nearly destroyed the world.” The mare rubbed the back of her head as she didn’t know how to respond to this. “Thought not.”

“Look, Discord, you can’t keep wallowing in your pity. How about you do something to help make up for your mistake.”

“Like what?”

“Like... Take an interest in their interests. I’ll help you after I’m finished at school.” The two shared a hug and the mare left.

After she was gone, the draconequus thought for a moment about what his friend said. “...Okay. I’ll take a look.” With a snap of his finger, Discord vanished in a flash.

He teleported to the School of Friendship while keeping himself invisible so he didn’t spook any of the new students. He slipped into the mess hall, where he found a group of six creatures. This consisted of a yak with bows in her braids, a blue griffon, a blue and red changeling, a pink hippogriff a pearl shard around her neck, an orange dragoness with purple spines, and a green colt with three sea turtles for a cutie mark.

“Okay,” Smolder said, “What do you guys have for tonight?”

“Sandbar and I found a couple of games,” Silverstream said.

“What friends have?” Yona asked.

“Let’s see,” Sandbar said trying to remember the games he and the hippogriff bought. “We’ve got Bit Rush, Snack Attack, and Power Ponies.”

“I thought they were just a series of comics,” Ocellus said.

“They also have a board game. It’s either that or we could try Ogres and Oubliettes.”

“I don’t know,” Gallus said, “You know how long that game last?”

“That’s true.”

“I’m willing to give Power Ponies and chance,” Ocellus admitted.

“Wished we had time to play Ogres and Oubliettes,” Silverstream sighed.

“Maybe tomorrow.” As the six continued with their breakfast, Discord teleported back to his dimension.

“They play Ogres and Oubliettes?” he questioned. “I wonder how long they’ve been playing.” He thought for a moment until he had an idea. He removed his horns from the base of them he poured out two clones of himself, both wearing construction gear. “Okay, boys, here’s the plan.” He snapped his finger making a set of blueprints appear. “Now, I think we should have them start in a village.”

“How about we have a statue of a Garbuncle and Mcbiggen?” one of the clones asked.

“Perfect. I like the way you think. Hmm, maybe we have a breezie.” The three kept making their plan for a certain group tomorrow.

After school, the young six walked outside and into town. “So, what’s up for today?” Silverstream asked.

“No clue,” Ocellus admitted.

“Welp, I’m prepared for a day of boredom until night time,” Gallus said.

As the six walked around, Yona looked around for something to do until she bumped into a cart. This surprised the unicorn stallion that was hooking himself up to it.

"Oops, sorry," the yak apologized.

"Oh, no it's okay," the stallion replied. "I'll just get out of your way." He hurried off with his cart in tow. However, he pulled away so fast that one of packages fell out of the cart.

"Uh oh," Sandbar said. He picked up the parcel and ran to see if he could catch up with the stallion. "Sir, hold on. You dropped... Something." The second the colt rounded the corner, the stallion and his cart were gone.

"That's weird," Silverstream commented.

"Maybe we get this package to the post office," Ocellus suggest.

"I wonder what's in it," Gallus said.


"Hey, I can't be the only one."

"It's true," Silverstream admitted bashfully. "It has to be small."

"It's pretty light too," Sandbar added. "Shame we can't look inside of it." They were about to walk off when they could see a white glow coming from the seems of the package.

"Ooh, its lights."

"Silver, I don't think a normal light can give off a glow that bright," Smolder responded.

Sandbar dropped the box as it started getting hot. Once it hit the ground, all of its sides opened up to reveal a scroll.

"What scroll doing in box?" questioned Yona. "Letter would work just fine."

"That scroll shouldn't fit inside that box," Gallus observed. "Look at it."

Ocellus did and could see it was wider than the box's base. "He's right," she confirmed.

"Welp, if we know what it is, might as well figure out what it says," Smolder said. She picked up the space-defining scroll and opened it up.

You and five others have been accepted to go on a quest to find the Discovery.


"That's all it says?" Silverstream questioned.

It was until the letters started glowing. The dragoness let go in surprise, but the scroll didn't fall. She and her friends backed away in shock, not fulling understanding what was going on.

"Yona suggests friends run," the yak said.

"Good idea," Ocellus agreed.

Just as they turned around a beam of light crossed their path. They were about to fly away, but then a dome formed around them. It then began to glow a formed a bright flash.

When the flash died down the saw weren't in really in Ponyville anymore. Instead, they in a village of older looking houses that mostly made of logs and fields of green. In the center of this village was a stature a dragon wizard wielding a staff and a unicorn holding sword.

"What is this place?" Silverstream questioned.

"I don't know," Ocellus replied scared. "I want to know how that scroll brought us here."

"It could've brought us to another dimension," Gallus pondered.

"Then how we get back?" The changeling was shaking her griffon friend violently, desperate for answers.

"Calm down," said a soft voice. The creatures looked around to see where the voice came from. "Down here." Looking down, the group saw a breezie. She had pink fur and a long blonde mane and emerald green eyes.

"Breezie tell where Yona and friends are?"

“You’re in Turmar. This village was filled with different creatures that once lived in harmony. However, a treasure that’s only known as the Discovery.”

“Why do they call it that?” Smolder asked.

“No one has truly discovered it. Some say it’s a whole cave filled to the bring with gold and gems. Some say it’s the true source of magic. No creature knows what it is. Whoever goes out to find the Discovery never came back.”

“If no creature knows what it looks likes,” Gallus said, “You think it could be something that could take us to different dimensions?”

“Could be.”

“Then where do find.”

“Gallus, are you serious?” Ocellus questioned.

“Do we have a magic mirror that can take us home?”

“Not really.”

“Than what other option do we have here?”

“He’s got a point,” Sandbar said. “Still, we don’t know what’s out there.”

“Your friend is right,” the breezie said. “There are several monsters that you’ve never seen before. You won’t stand a chance without the proper gear.”

“Where are we suppose to get our gear?” Smolder asked.

“Follow me.” The breezie flew through a window of one of the buildings. The students opened the door and saw several weapons were hanging on the walls.

“This stuff looks brand new,” Ocellus commented.

“And familiar,” Sandbar added.

“Yeah,” Gallus agreed. He walked over the bow and quiver full of arrows. “So, I just put this on?”

“Yes,” the breezie replied. Gallus shrugged and picked up the bow. The quiver then just jumped onto his back as a green cloak materialized on his body. Bandage appeared around his talons and leather armor appeared around his chest.

“Okay, what just happened?” the griffon questioned.

“It seems the bow and quiver are attached to you.” Gallus looked at the breezie with a low brow.

“So, we automatically get some clothing if we pick our weapon?” Ocellus questioned.

Smolder looked over a set of iron gauntlets that looked perfect for her claws. When she placed them on, a red bandana wrapped around her forehead. She also got some loose white britches and a loose red shirt.

“I see you’ve chosen the monk,” the breezie commented. She looked over to the four remaining creatures. “What do you want?”

Sandbar looked around at the different weapons until he saw a sword and a shield. Once he picked them up, a sheath appeared on his side. Also, a set of silver armor appeared on his body. It looked to have more protection than the guards at Canterlot castle.

“Huh. This doesn’t feel very heavy.”

“Cool,” Silverstream commented. “I’m next.” She saw two daggers and picked them up. A black hooded robe appeared on her body with some gray boots on her hooves and matching gloves on her talons. Around her waist, a belt appeared with places to hold her new daggers which were covered up by a black cape as a dark gray scarf covered her beak.

Yona looked to see a duel bladed ax. Once she picked it, up a barbuta helmet appeared on her head, which had holes for her horns. A wooly tunic appeared around Yona’s torso as well as some blue face paint around her eyes.

Lastly, Ocellus picked up a wooden staff. A red witch’s hat with a golden band around the base materialized on her head. A matching dress appeared on her body as a necklace with what looked to be a large pearl hanging on it appeared around her neck.

“A thief, a barbarian, and a mage,” the breezie said. “All good choices.”

“Man, this feels amazing,” Silverstream said. She was jumping with excitement at this point.

"I feel like we're going to need just armor and weapons," Sandbar said.

"Of course," the breezie said. She led the newly armored team into a different shack where there was a whole of bottles filled with various colors.

"What are these?" Yona asked.

"Potions. They can help regain health, stamina, and remove effects like poison, blindness, and other various effects."

"I like to know what those effects are," Gallus said.

"Who cares," Smolder said. "Let's just grab the all." The monk picked up a set of them but she struggled to hold onto all of them. She ended up dropping them, with a couple of them shattering.

"Is there anything we can use to carry these?" Ocellus asked. The breezie pointed to a sack that had a light shining on it from the window. The changeling picked it up and placed one of the potions inside. To her surprise, the bag looked empty when it was closed up, but when she opened it, the potions were inside.

"I don't think we should question that," Smolder said.

"Right," Gallus agreed. "I think we've everything we need now."

"What about a map?" Sandbar asked. Like magic, a map appeared in his hoof. He opened up and could see the village they were in and at the top was large cave that looked like a bear's mouth. "Okay, now we're all set."

"You want me to come with you?" the breezie asked.

"I think it might be dangerous," Ocellus said. "You probably should stay here."

"Yeah, we could squash you if we wanted to," Smolder added. She was promptly given glares from her friends. "By accident."

"Let's just get going," Gallus said. "We're not going to find our way home if we just stand here." The six walked outside and headed down the path out of the village.

"Good luck," called the breezie. She waved goodbye as the six creatures were out of sight.

Sandbar looked at the map and looked to see where they were at. "Okay," he said, "It looks like we'll come to a river."

Silverstream flew into the air and looked into the distance. "I don't see any water nearby," she commented.

"You sure you're not holding that thing upside down?" Smolder asked.

The colt showed his friends the map. "We just left this village," he said pointing it out. "Up here is where the river should be."

"Maybe the map is messing with us," Gallus suggested. "You know that would make too much sense." Sandbar handed the map to Ocellus, hoping she could understand what was missing.

While making their way, Yona could hear some clicking. She looked around to see where it came from. "We're coming up to a forest," Ocellus said. The forest had a lot of tree that tall and thin.

"Could friends go around?" Yona asked. "Or over?"

"I don't think we're going to be able to do that," Smolder said. "Besides, I actually wanna see what's in there." The dragoness started walking into the woods with Gallus and Silverstream following behind.

“She has a point,” Sandbar admitted. He followed his friends with Ocellus by his side. After taking a gulp, Yona slowly followed behind full of fear.

“The map says this place is called the Spare Spruce Forest,” Ocellus said showing her friend the name.

“Why is it call that?” the paladin questioned. There was some clicking heard in the background. This frightened Yona, and she hugged her boyfriend for comfort.

“What was noise?” the barbarian asked.

“My guess,” Gallus replied, “We’re about to have company.” The griffon pulled an arrow out and readied his bow. Smolder and Silverstream got into a ready stance. Sandbar held his sword and Yona shivered as she held her ax. Ocellus, she didn’t know any spells aside from shapeshifting.

Out of the shadows, they could see something that looked like a group of ponies. “Hey, it’s not so bad,” Silverstream commented. “Excuse me, do you...” She paused when the figures walked closer and they turned out to be skeletons.

“Yeah, they’re not normal,” Gallus said. He fired an arrow at one, which caused it to file to pieces. The rest of the skeletons charge at the group as a fight broke out.

The griffon kept firing as the dragon started punching. Sandbar’s sword clashed with the skeletons’ weapons as Yona’s ax did the same. Ocellus kept trying to avoid conflict as she didn’t know what else to do. Silverstream decided to try to snatch something from the boney monsters.

She tried to grab a sword from one of them but ended up taking its head off. “Whoops,” the hippogriff gulped.

As Ocellus started making a run for cover, one of the skeletons decided to throw one of its arms at her. The detached arm knocked the changeling to the ground, much to the shock of the dragoness. “Ocellus!” Smolder cried. The monk ran over to help protect her friend.

“Smolder, I have no idea what to do,” Ocellus explained.

“Okay, you know how dragons breathe fire.”

“Of course.”

“Just imagine that coming from your horn. Or hooves. Or the staff... Just try thinking about it.” One of the boney beasts tried taking Smolder by surprise, but the monk punched it into pieces.

The changeling looked to see a group of skeletons surrounding Sandbar and Yona. The yak was desperately swinging her ax, and the paladin was blocking most of the attacks with his shield. “Get down!” Ocellus cried. Waving her staff, the changeling shot out a blast of... Ice. It froze a third of the surrounding skeletons, and they vanished. Not shattered, vanished.

In fact, this was happening to all of the skeletons that got hit. Once one fell to the ground after an attack, it vanished into thin air. “This is getting boring,” Gallus panted. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Yona listen to Gallus!” Yona shouted. She made a beeline to catch up to the archer. The others decided to do the same but there was one thing left in their way. A bugbear.

“Ah, give us a break,” Ocellus groaned. The bugbear roared as Smolder charged towards it. She tried throwing a few punches, but the bear just smacked her away.

“Okay, that... Actually hurt,” the dragoness commented.

“You too?” Silverstream asked.

“Uh oh,” Sandbar realized. He blocked the bugbear’s claw with his shield. “We need to get out of here fast!”

“On it,” Gallus and Silverstream replied. They flew up to the treetops. Gallus circled the bugbear as he fired some arrows. Silverstream, meanwhile, swooped down multiple times to strike at the beast.

Ocellus began waving her staff around. “Please work,” she begged. She tried using ice, yet instead, a blaze of fire shot out. Sandbar slashed his sword as the bear fusion monster and saw held his blade back just in time to block an attack with his sword. Ocellus’s flames hit his sword, which was engulfed in them.

“What the...?” the colt examined. He heard a crack as he saw his shield was starting to break. Realizing that he had to finish this fast, he swung his sword at the bugbear. A slash of fire hit the bear and some trees, causing the monster to disappear in a cloud of dust and the trees fell over.

Once it was gone, the six walked over to each other to exam the events that just transpired. “How did you do that?” Silverstream asked.

“I don’t know. It just happened.”

“I was aiming at the bugbear,” Ocellus stated.

“I think you might need a book or something to help you,” Gallus said. “Let’s just get out of here.” The six walked through the forest hoping the get out of the forest. Yona could hear some scratching and looked back and thought she saw yellow eyes. Not wanting to stay any longer, she ran off as fast as she could.