Wherever the Light Shines

by MLPSolarDash1907

Chapter 8 - A New Development

Year 13 – Day 31

Mystic gazed around at the small cave that she and the Liberators have settled in. It seemed somewhat claustrophobic and felt as if the walls were closing in. With a deep exhale of frustration, the orange unicorn looked at the tents below her. They were small, large, and medium, all clumped together with barely any walking space between them.

Mystic heard some hoofsteps behind her, and they came to a stop a few feet away.

“Has everypony finally settled in?” she asked.

“After a long time of disputing and resolving the space they all need, yes,” replied the pony, whose voice was a stallion.

“Good. Any problems with the ponies we’d recently taken in?”

“A few, but Cierra managed to convince them to follow her to our common goal.”

Of course, she did, Mystic thought with a slight smirk.

“And Cierra wants to speak with you about an important matter in about half an hour,” the pony finished.

“All right,” replied Mystic, taking a step towards the camp. “Tell her I’ll be there.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

A small sense of satisfaction crept into Mystic’s chest. When she reached the camp, she had to shimmy a bit between some tent stilts. She got past and saw that some ponies had looked up at her with a nervous look in their eyes. Mystic continued on.

As she walked, she saw that some ponies were tense and angry in their various tents. In a tent close by, Mystic recognized a few Liberators in the original gang who seemed shaky and on edge. No matter where she looked, the unicorn didn’t see the warm, welcoming atmosphere she’d remembered.

We’ve got to defeat the government, she thought with a frown. I don’t know how much longer we can pull through like this.

She did have confidence in Cierra, but being a pony, she couldn’t help but worry.

Then she felt somepony pull on her satchel.

“Hey!” she cried, pulling her satchel away and turning to face a glaring unicorn.

“What is with me stays with me!” she scolded.

The unicorn didn’t reply. He slinked back into the shadows of his tent. Mystic moved away, checking her satchel to ensure nothing was lost.

She lightly froze at the sight of a couple of glowing syringes.

Mystic immediately closed the satchel and continued on her way.

As she turned a corner, she felt as if her head were struck by a blunt object.

“Oh no!” she grunted, almost collapsing onto her knees.

Sweat poured down her forehead.

She clutched the base of her horn.

“Not again,” she mumbled. I have to keep this under control!

Her legs quivered as she tried to stand up straight.

Her nervous eyes looked around the surrounding tents.

Her heart began throbbing, and her breathing quickened.

Pain killers, she thought. Pain killers.

With a slight surge of adrenaline, Mystic made her way to her tent.

She spotted her red tent in the distance. It was larger than most of the tents in the camp.

Another pulse of pain came to her head. The unicorn inwardly cursed but pushed herself onward. As she continued, her migraine subsided.

She paused when she heard some voices.

“--I’m telling you, she’s just not the same anymore,” said a small voice. Mystic immediately determined it was Sunshine.

“I understand,” replied a second voice. Meng. “Mystic is tangled up with everything going on.”

“I would love my friend back, but...”

“You don’t need to say anymore, Sunshine,” said Meng. “The Liberators have to be hardened to fight. I’m sure deep down she knows of her behavior.”

Mystic shook her head and stepped away. She furrowed her brows and facehoofed.

I need to stay strong, she thought.

A frown broke out on her face. A small twinge of guilt pecked at her heart, but she was quick to harden her heart.

In her tent, Mystic opened a medical box to find the pain killers. She lightly cringed at a sudden pulse of pain in her cranium. She can’t help but wonder if they’ll get worse.

“Mystic?” a voice called.

The unicorn stopped looking and stood up, facing the exit.

“Yes, Meng?” she called, rubbing her forehead.

“I need to speak with you. May I enter?”

Mystic held back a sigh. “Fine.”

A pair of black hooves pulled the flap of the tent back, and Meng stepped in with a soft look.

“First, how is everypony settling in?”

Mystic shrugged. “Okay, I suppose. This place isn’t exactly comfortable.”

“I know,” said Meng, lightly rubbing her foreleg.

“What did you want to speak about?”

“Straight to the point as always, Mystic,” said Meng. She took a couple of steps closer. “It’s about Sunshine.”

Mystic ran a hoof down her face. “I kind of thought so.”

“So, you do know?” Meng asked, tilting her head.

Mystic shrugged. “I have a feeling you want to tell me, anyway.”

Meng nodded. “Yes.” She placed a hoof on Mystic’s shoulder. “You haven’t been keeping the promises you’d made to her when you first joined our gang.”

“I’m ashamed of it,” replied Mystic. “But... that will not get me kicked out, will it?”

“Of course not.” Meng’s look slightly hardened. “You just need to realize that this filly is upset.”

“I know, I just...”

“I get it, Mystic,” Meng’s look softened again., “but please try to work things out. Just take the first few baby steps.”

Mystic paused and closed her eyes. She thought for a moment before opening them again.

“Sunshine is a wonderful filly, but I just have little time for childish games anymore,” said Mystic.

Meng shook her head. “They’re not childish. They’re ways to help you brighten your days.”

Mystic looked away.

“I’m telling you, Mystic,” Meng continued softly, “that filly loves you. Don’t throw her away for something like gang codes.”

Mystic sighed, unsure how to respond.

“Just try to set things right,” Meng encouraged. “As for me, I need to go help some of the others settle in.”

As Meng walked off, Mystic sat down on the cave floor. She began rubbing her temples, thinking about what she’d heard.

The unicorn slowly walked through the aisle between the tents. The cave floor beneath her hooves felt damp.

“I’m not trying to throw Sunshine aside,” she told herself. “Doesn’t she know I have responsibilities?”

She briefly thought when she’d begun talking to herself, but quickly brushed it aside.

“I don’t have much time for anything else,” she reasoned.

The unicorn glanced at her satchel. Memories flashed before her eyes as another jolt of pain pulsed through her head.

Mystic grunted and gritted her teeth to fight it off. When it cleared, she remembered an argument she and Sunshine had just before they’d transferred.

“These are wrongs you cannot right, Mystic!” Sunshine’s voice echoed. “You, Cierra, and this group you’re in are wanted ponies! There’s no way you can hope to save the city at this point!”

“Cierra was right! You’ve grown doubtful! Soft!”

Mystic could practically see the horror in the filly’s eyes, the astonishment at her saying something like that.

“Sunshine, I’m...”

“Save it, Mystic. I don’t want to talk right now... I just want to be alone for now...”

“I’m sorry,” Mystic whispered aloud, just as she did back then.

The unicorn allowed herself to slump and just reflect.

She remembered trying to find Sunshine and make amends, but she wasn’t able to until they’d gotten everypony moved.

“What if I lash out at Sunshine even worse than that?” Mystic asked herself. “I felt as if I weren’t myself.”

Then she heard some ponies clamoring a few tents over. The unicorn groaned, stood up and began trotting over.

She saw several earth ponies arguing among themselves.

“I’m telling you! This cave is awful!” one of them complained.

“I just feel like I should be rolling around in victory instead of in the dumps!” complained another.

“With all of you!” a pegasus added, stepping out of her tent.

“Save it!” a unicorn approached. “We should never have agreed to--”

“Enough!” Mystic shouted.

They all stopped arguing and glared at her.

“Not more than twenty-four hours here, and all of you are acting like you’re fixing to rebel!” Mystic bellowed.

“Cierra’s leadership has failed us!” the first earth pony complained.

“Yeah!” came two others.

They all shouted their complaints. Mystic snarled, lit up her horn and wrapped magical ropes around each of their forelegs. She slammed them to the ground.

“You mister!” Mystic snapped at the first pony. “How dare you speak against the leader you’ve been loyal to for ten years!” She turned to the others. “All of you don’t know the big picture as she does, and she needs you to work together! No fighting! Understood?!”

Everypony but the first one nodded in agreement with wide, fearful eyes.

“Good,” Mystic continued. She knelt towards the first pony. “Because if I hear you talk about Cierra like that again... you and I are going to have a true problem.”

The earth pony sighed begrudgingly in defeat. “Yes, ma’am...” Mystic saw the hatred in his eyes directed at her.

Mystic lit her horn and took the ropes off them.

“Go make sure that everypony has food and water,” she said. “And work together!”

“Yes, ma’am!” they said as they got up.

Mystic let out a huff and stomped away.

“What is with everypony?” she asked herself., “This... this isn’t the Liberators I remember...”

Mystic rubbed her aching head again., “Our ponies aren’t willing to follow Cierra either...”

Suddenly, she perked up and almost slapped herself.

“Dang it!” she cried. “She asked me to attend a meeting!”

She broke out into a trot, catching a glimpse of the back of the cave. She knew Cierra would be in that area. The unicorn focused on the road ahead of her, turned a corner...

… and screeched to a stop.

She nearly told the pony to move until she saw it was Sunshine.

“Oh my gosh!” Sunshine cried. “I’m sorry!”

Mystic stepped back and cleared her throat. “It’s okay.”

Both ponies paused. Mystic felt a little awkward as she rubbed the back of her neck. She slightly gazed away from Sunshine and gently rubbed her forehead. In the corner of her eye, she saw Sunshine tilt her head curiously.

“So... uhm... how’re you doing?” Sunshine asked.

Mystic noted the slight nervousness in her tone. She rubbed her temple again to ease the pain., “Stressed.”

“Stressed?” Sunshine repeated. “Are you okay?”

Mystic cracked a smirk. “Always concerned, aren’t you?” She meant it as a little joke.

But Sunshine didn’t find it humorous. “Yes.”

“Can you walk and talk? I kind of need to be somewhere,” replied Mystic.


Mystic began walking again and heard the filly’s smaller hoofsteps behind her.

“Look,” said Mystic, “I’m sorry about our argument... I didn’t mean what I said.”

“I’ve already forgiven you,” replied Sunshine.

Mystic couldn’t help but feel some pride and regret towards the filly.

“Thank you,” replied Mystic.

“I know you’re just trying to help. But I worry about what could happen to you and your friends.”


“Yeah... sisters...” Sunshine murmured.

Mystic took a left turn and weaved around a couple of ponies.

“Did you get settled in?” Mystic asked.

Sunshine caught up with her. “Yes, I did.”


“Are you doing okay?” Sunshine asked.

“Huh?” Mystic looked back at her.

Sunshine pointed to the satchel. Mystic’s eyes flew wide open, the mare ignoring another pulse of pain in her cranium.

“Yes,” Mystic assured her. A lie. “Thank you again for alerting Meng.”

Mystic nodded. She wanted to change the subject.

“Hey, Sunshine,” replied Mystic, coming to a stop. “For what it’s worth...” She reached out to the filly and brought her in for a hug.

Mystic almost gasped. The hug didn’t feel as warm as their other hugs. She felt Sunshine hug her back, whose hug felt warmer than the one she’d given her. The filly pulled back and smiled. Mystic could tell it was mostly forced.

“Anyway,” said Mystic, “I... do still want to be friends. I’ll try to make it up to you.”

Sunshine didn’t reply. Mystic sighed.

I hate it when she gives the silent treatment, she thought.

“I need to ask you something,” Sunshine finally said.

Or, she was thinking of what she wanted to say, she thought, slightly relieved.

Mystic smiled. “Sure, Sunshine.”

Sunshine brought Mystic in and whispered, “And you’re sure your headaches and nightmares have gone away?”

Mystic’s eyes flew wide open as she felt the question pierce her heart. “Sunshine...” she harshly whispered, “you know I don’t want to talk about those!”

“I am scared about you, Mystic! Both physically and mentally! Don’t dig yourself in too deep before it’s too late!” Sunshine pleaded.

“I won’t! I’ve got it under control! You and Meng assured me of that!” A slight lie. But she hoped it was true.

“I don’t want you to do something foolish!”

“I...” Mystic couldn’t bring herself to speak anymore. The unicorn stood up. “I gotta go.”

“We’re far from finishing this conversation!” Sunshine called, her tone full of concern.

Mystic gulped as she reached the back of the cave. She spotted Cierra’s yellow and red tent. It was nearly six feet tall, secured by thick wooden stilts at its corners.

The unicorn cleared her throat, straightened herself up, and pushed past the tent’s flap.

She saw the tent didn’t have much in it, just a bed, a table, and a couple of chairs. A far cry from her leader’s old home.

“Ah, Mystic!” Cierra stepped from behind a curtain with a recently dried mane. “You’re early!”

“Maybe by two minutes,” replied Mystic, putting on her more professional attitude. She felt another pulse of pain shoot through her head and up to her horn. The unicorn clenched her jaw and stood at attention.

“Well, might as well tell you what’s going on,” said Cierra.

“Indeed,” said Mystic as she watched her leader head to the back of the tent.

“Come on,” said Cierra, opening the back entrance to the tent, “I need to get out of this musty tent. Let’s take a walk.”

“Very well.” Mystic joined her side and both ponies went outside.

Cierra led her to the rim of the cave so they’d stay out of everypony’s way.

“Hey, Cierra,” said Mystic, “I’ve been meaning to ask you about something.”

“Yes?” Cierra looked at her.

“What happened with the last few missions?”

She noticed Cierra’s eyes slightly widen before she composed herself. “We missed you. That’s what happened.”

“I just can’t keep thinking some stuff could’ve been avoided. And...” she motioned to the camp, “Here we are.”

Cierra sighed. “Some ponies just got unfortunate, and I might’ve made a couple of mistakes that indirectly led to this.” She looked Mystic in the eye., “But believe me, everything I do, I try to do for everypony here.”

Mystic noticed Cierra’s pace had slightly quickened and the edge of her mouth twitched.

Nerves, maybe? Mystic thought. “I’m sorry, Cierra,” she spoke, “I guess I’m just a little on edge. Maybe the atmosphere’s rubbing off on me.”

“I know, I heard about what’s been going on,” replied Cierra. “But that brings me to the point I wanted to speak about.”

Mystic suddenly felt a large jolt of pain near her horn. She grunted, but Cierra didn’t seem to take notice.

“I’m thinking about us heading up north to take our fight there,” Cierra spoke.

“What?” Mystic asked, eyes widening.

“Yep. I’ve sent Song and Juan with a scouting party to give us the best path up there. Quick, and invisible.”

Another jolt of pain. Mystic felt sweat beginning to run down her face.

“Is that so?” her tone was firm, but inside she was shaking.

Her heart raced as she felt the walls closing in.

“Yes,” said Cierra. Mystic felt light-headed.

“The Northerners have been rumored to supply Hong and his army with what they need to push us back. If we’re right, we’ll be able to get up there, take a stand, and fight Hong back.”

Mystic nodded vigorously. “Sounds delightful.”

“Are you okay?” Cierra asked, stopping in her tracks.

“Uh, yeah!” Mystic hastily said, her tone high.

Cierra raised an eyebrow. Mystic grinned, showing off her teeth. Her leader just stood there. “Anyway,” Cierra said, unmoving, “I have plans, Mystic. You just need to trust me.”

“Of course!” Mystic nodded as she felt a surge of magic within her horn.

Cierra narrowed her eyes at Mystic, causing the unicorn’s heart to skip a beat.

I can’t fool her! I can’t fool her! Mystic thought, scared. And her breathing quickened a bit.

“Let’s continue,” Cierra began walking forward.

Mystic let out a small sigh of relief and followed. Calm yourself, calm yourself, she thought. Her legs wobbled slightly, and she felt as if something was building in her horn.

The unicorn glanced at her bag, almost opening it.

She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself.

“So, the rumors are true, Mystic,” Cierra said again and Mystic refocused on her, “Hong has been seeking out what we’ve feared.”

“What?” Mystic gulped.

“That’s another reason why we need to go up North.” Cierra turned to Mystic with a grave expression on her face, Mystic paused in her walk, her heart thudding, staring into Cierra’s eyes.

“Hong is indeed in search of that dark magic that’s said to give him immense power.”

“But that’s just a myth!” Mystic protested.

“Not anymore. Hong is actively having his soldiers search for it. It could be dark magic, it could be an artifact that has no concept of good or evil, regardless of what it is, it would mean he has hold of Imperial City.”

“And the end of the Liberators…” Mystic gulped. She stared into Cierra’s eyes for three heartbeats and shuddered.

“True,” Cierra nodded, “We’ll be leaving in a few days to gather everypony up and move.”

Mystic nodded in understanding, so the two of them began walking again.

She heard Cierra talking again, but her words passed by her ears in a blur. Her stomach knotted as she forced her legs to keep moving. She glanced at the camp nervously. It was somewhat close, but out of the way.

Then she caught a glimpse of a familiar yellow filly.

Mystic went ice cold, her nerves threatening to explode.

She practiced her breathing technique again and focused again back on Cierra.

“So, what do you think?” Cierra’s words came through.

Mystic mentally slapped herself for not listening to her.

“I guess... it’s doable?” she weakly said.

Rats, Mystic! she thought as Cierra raised an eyebrow.

“Mystic, have you lost faith in me?” she asked.

“N-No!” Mystic stammered, “I’m just...” She groaned. “Dah, I’m just nervous, I guess!”

Cierra nodded with an understanding look. “You’re a pony, Mystic. Nopony can’t ever be nervous, but you can’t let fear stop you from acting.”

“Y-Yeah, you told me every day,” Mystic slightly teased.

Cierra’s smirk grew. “The more you hear something, the more important it is.”

Mystic nodded vigorously. Magic surged within her horn.

“Okay, Mystic,” said Cierra, “do you need some air?” She stopped in front of her with slightly narrowed eyes.

Mystic’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest. “Yes!” she said, almost too loudly.

“Okay,” said Cierra with a suspicious tone. She began moving again with Mystic behind her.

Either she knows and is keeping quiet, or I’ve gotten that good, Mystic thought, trying to comfort herself. She reached for her pulsing horn again. “I hope it’s the first one.”

“What was that, Mystic?” Cierra asked.

Shoot! Did I say that out loud?! Mystic thought.

“Just thinking about a strategy Meng and I talked about earlier!” she replied. “I hope we can go with the first option.”

Cierra didn’t reply. Mystic glimpsed at her satchel again. But her pain was subsiding.

“Things are working out, Mystic,” Cierra spoke, “We have more allies, and I am confident enough that we can deal with the Northerners and whatever Hong is looking for up there.”

If we don’t kill each other first, Mystic thought.

“I know you’re itching for a challenge, aren’t you?”

“You bet,” Mystic nodded.

“We’ve got a few things to take care of before Song and Juan get back. We’re getting there, my sister.” She turned and smiled at her. “We are! I am very proud of you, Mystic. Very proud.”

The pain has nearly subsided and Mystic felt normal again. She relaxed and smiled at Cierra.

“Let’s get started and...” She suddenly felt as if her temple was stabbed with a red-hot blade.

Mystic let out a small scream and collapsed to her knees.

She heard Cierra gasp lightly.

Oh no! Mystic thought. The magic within her threatened to spill out.

Her horn felt like it was burning.

She shut her eyes.

“Mystic?” Cierra spoke. “Are you...”

Mystic painfully opened her eyes to see the scared eyes of her fellow sisters nearby.

“Just stay back!” Mystic cried. “I don’t... Ugh!”

She held her head with both her hooves.

The unicorn spotted the exit to the cave.

“I gotta get out of here!” she cried, standing up and galloping off.

She heard Cierra call out for her.

She didn’t dare look back.

Her head throbbed, and she swore she saw red smoke out of the corner of her eye.

“I thought I had this under control! I should have!” she cried.

Panic built up within her chest as she glanced down at her satchel.

“No! No! No! No!”

She heard hoofsteps behind her and felt as if a great surge of power was about to escape her horn.

“Mystic!” she heard Sunshine shout.

“No!” Mystic cried.

The unicorn tripped and fell flat on her stomach.

She shook violently and nearly vomited.

The world felt as if it would end.


Mystic felt something eject from her horn. She immediately looked up as a beam of red magic headed towards the exit of the cave. The beam shot out of the cave and hit a tree.

It exploded into chunks of wood, bark, and branches. Some of it even came back into the cave.

Mystic heard gasps all around her.

The unicorn meeped and covered her head.

The pain was gone.

The silence was deafening.


Mystic curled into a fetal position, trying to make herself as small as possible.

She didn’t dare look back at the witnesses.

I didn’t have it under control! she thought as she hyperventilated. It’s all over for me!

The silence dragged on.

It seemed every second was an hour.

Tears had begun to roll down her cheeks as she bit the bottom of her lip.

Then she felt a hoof on her shoulder.

She jumped.

“Mystic...” said Cierra, “sit up.”

The unicorn shook her head vigorously.

Instead of scolding her, she felt gentle hooves sit her up. She tensed up as she felt Cierra wrap her forelegs around her in an almost motherly embrace.

It was warm, she’d never felt this from the purple pony.

“Why?” Mystic asked as Cierra wiped her cheeks.

“You need your sisters,” Cierra whispered.

I don’t think they’ll want me anymore... Mystic thought. Beads of sweat poured down her face as Cierra waited for an answer. “I...” Mystic saw concerned Sunshine standing close by. Mystic looked up at Cierra again.

“Mystic...” said Cierra, “tell me how you know such a spell.”

“I... I...”

Oh, how do I say it?! Mystic thought desperately. I need to say something! Her heart throbbed as she felt the eyes of the gang on her. “I-I’ve been studying dark magic for a while!” Mystic blurted out.

Everypony gasped in response while Cierra and Sunshine’s eyes widened.

Despite her trepidation, Mystic continued to speak, “I-I didn’t want to alarm anypony because I’d been doing it before I joined the Liberators.” She inwardly cringed at the lie.

“During your time with the General?” a Liberator asked.

“Yes!” Mystic quickly answered. “I secretly infiltrated the forbidden section of the library and I found some spells that could help me defend myself or even escape from his clutches!”

She glanced at an astonished Sunshine and continued, “I memorized and wrote them down in case I needed them! Believe me, I know dark magic is extreme, but I was desperate! Can you blame me?”

She hung her head in shame and covered her face. “I feared if I told you that I wouldn’t be able to be a part of this group anymore... not after bonding with so many ponies and fighting back. I...” she choked up, “I didn’t want to feel like an outcast again...”

She heard murmurs amongst the crowd as she wiped her tears away.

“Please...” she whispered. “Don’t think of me any less because of what I’d been studying and tried to control...”

The old feeling of being left out in the cold returned.

Surely this meant the end of her run and ponies seeing her as a monster.

A day that she hoped would never approach.

She thought about her friendships and how they’re likely ruined because of this revelation. The unicorn hugged herself to comfort her.

After what felt like hours, Cierra placed a hoof under Mystic’s chin to make her look up. The nervous mare locked eyes with her.

“Mystic,” said Cierra, “I won’t think any less of you.” Mystic’s eyes widened as she felt a burden lift off her shoulders. “I just wish you’d told me sooner, so we could discuss options.”

“Options?” Mystic asked, confused.

“More on that later. But for now, I need to think about how we can work together to handle this.” Cierra smiled. “You’re still a part of the group, my sister.”

Mystic’s heart swelled as she felt grateful tears come to her eyes.

“Thank you,” Mystic whispered. She sat up and lightly gasped when Cierra gave her a full-fledged hug.

Mystic returned it as she treasured this exceedingly rare moment. She didn’t focus on the crowd behind her.

However, she opened her eyes to see that Sunshine had a disappointed glare on her face.

“We need to talk,” said Sunshine.

Like a switch that had been flipped, Mystic instantly felt cold and gulped.

Year 13 – Day 40

Stay calm, Mystic. Stay calm.

The unicorn had her eyes shut.

The new magic swirled in her horn. She took in several deep breaths and focused.

She lightly grunted as she charged her horn. It felt heavy. A little painful. But full of power.

Mystic opened her eyes to see three boxes surrounded with a red aura. She levitated them and made them spin around one another for a few seconds before she turned them right side up to make them look like they were circling like a Ferris wheel.

Come on. Come on, Mystic thought as she turned around.

Her gaze met a pool of water. Her horn glowed brighter as a red aura glowed around it. Then, the water levitated upwards into a sphere.

Mystic grunted as she let the boxes and the water sphere orbit around her.

I’ve almost got it! She strained as she felt as if she were being weighed down by the magic.

She pushed past the pain. No! I will not let this stuff beat me! Not after several days of training!

She slightly turned to see about twenty cannonballs. The unicorn growled at the accursed objects. With a loud grunt, she focused her magic on them. Her horned glowed brighter than before, the enclosure of the tent turning a bright red.

One by one, the cannonballs levitated into the air, and Mystic let them orbit around her.

Just a few more, she grunted. Her neck ached. Her knees knocked against one another.

She let out a small scream. Then, she levitated the final three cannonballs.

Sweat poured down her scalp and onto her face as she straightened herself. She looked up to see that she had completed the exercise.

Yes! She thought excitedly as a smile broke out onto her face. I did it!

With a loud huff, she tossed the items she had into the pool. They landed with a splash. The water covered the cannonballs and boxes as Mystic sat down.

The headaches didn’t stay this time. Despite her body feeling weak and a little sore, Mystic felt good.

She entered Cierra’s tent and held her head high.

“Ah!” Cierra yelped.

Mystic paused when she saw Cierra sitting in a chair with the black book she had retrieved.

“Mystic, get out!”

“Sorry!” Mystic immediately retreated outside.

After a few minutes of waiting, she heard the tent flap open.

“Enter,” said Cierra.

Mystic turned around and entered, not looking her in the eye.

“I’m sorry, okay?” Mystic started. “A-And--”

“We’ll never speak of that again, okay?” Cierra cut in. “I'm still trying to figure everything out in that book.”

“Right!” Mystic agreed.

Cierra cleared her throat.

“Have you been able to get your magic under control?” Cierra asked.

Mystic nodded. “Yes. I’ve been doing the exercises you told me to do.”

“Excellent,” replied Cierra.

A slight thought came to Mystic as she sat down on a chair, wondering how Cierra knew how to deal with this situation.

“I had some slight pain, but I’ve been able to mostly get past it,” Mystic explained. “But...” She sighed.

“But what?” Cierra sat down across from her.

“I’m wondering how much I must use them...”

“Has Sunshine been talking to you recently?”

“A little bit, but not recently,” she said.

“I see.” Cierra leaned forward and put her hooves together.

“Dark magic isn’t essentially bad, Mystic,” she explained. “What is bad is how it can be used. I believe it is the pony who uses dark magic, whether good or bad, can use it for their benefit.”


Cierra nodded and placed a hoof on Mystic’s shoulder, “You are a good pony with a very special gift. Sometimes it might be needed to lean toward using such magic. And sometimes leaning towards the darkness to do the greater good.”

Mystic allowed her gaze to meet the floor and furrowed her brows.

“I know, my sister. I know you. Trust me.”

Why do I doubt?! she thought, angry at herself. Cierra knows what’s she’s... Mystic thought of a few incidents in which could’ve been prevented before they moved, and that stupid traitorous mare that somehow weaseled her way into the Liberators and--

“Cierra...” she spoke, cutting off her thoughts. The mare looked up at her. “Do you promise we’ll do our best and not make any more mistakes?”

Mystic saw a little astonishment in Cierra’s eyes. “Of course,” replied the leader, bringing Mystic in for half a hug. “No more mistakes. We’re waking up.”

I hope so, Mystic thought.

“Come on,” said Cierra as she stood up and went to the exit of the tent.

“Where’re we going?” Mystic asked, following her.

“A place to truly test you.”

Both ponies pushed past the bushes and stepped out onto the edge of a lush green valley. Mystic’s eyes slightly widened at the sight.

“What is this place?” she asked.

“A place where nopony will bother us,” replied Cierra.

I guessed that, Mystic thought incredulously.

“Here we are,” said Cierra, coming to a stop.

About fifty yards away was a steep hill with large boulders the size of a house.

“Have I told you about the anger that I dealt with?” Cierra suddenly asked as she stretched.

“Only a few times,” replied Mystic.

“Yes. And I directed my anger at those who deserved it. But before then,” Cierra turned to face Mystic, “I tried to hide from my anger. But my pain only grew and it festered.” She motioned to the boulders. “Until I confronted it and motivated myself to help ponies through the process. Something you will do now.”

Mystic pursed her lips. “I’ll... try...”

“Good. Now, draw one of those boulders halfway to us. Then destroy it.”


Mystic lit her horn and focused on the boulders. She pushed past her regular magic, causing her horn to ache slightly. A red aura surrounded the boulder on the left.

It wiggled and moved slightly. Mystic entirely concentrated on it, but her magic fizzled. She strained and pushed harder but her magic ended up giving out.

Mystic solemnly looked at her fellow sister and shook her head.

“Find your anger,” said Cierra. “Focus on that. Not how big or heavy something is.” She stomped. “I know you’ve got a lot of things that anger you.”

Mystic almost felt the whippings Hong had given her. His voice echoed as her muscles ached. She clenched her jaw and focused back on the boulder.

She used her magic again.

“Now channel your anger and hatred towards those who deserve it.”

The cruel mother who didn’t take her in. The scoundrels that threatened her life.

Mystic’s horn glowed brighter and the boulder shifted.

“Dig deeper!” Cierra ordered.

Mystic’s cheeks flushed as anger burned at her core. The Triple Trio were so friendly to her, only for them to get her arrested, and one of them had--

“Somepony has mistreated you your entire life!!” Cierra cried.

Sparks of red emerged from her horn. The boulder came closer as the aura turned deep red.


Her horn glowed like a red beacon. She remembered the whippings. The bone-crushing work.

“By all of those who deserve to pay for their sins!”

Mystic screamed and began dragging the boulder closer. She focused on the other boulders and began dragging them closer.

Mystic’s body shook, it quaked but she felt as if she were on fire.

“That’s it, Mystic! Use your anger and your hatred!” Cierra cried.

There was so much injustice was caused upon her.

“Against Hong! The cowardly new leader!”

They threw me into that mine! Mystic thought as the boulders got ever closer. Jinjing was such a sow!

“Those soldiers who wouldn’t let you see Sunshine!”

How long it took her to get to her and only to be taken away again.

“They stole your life! They stole what you could have been!”

All of the images of her anger flashed before Mystic’s eyes. The pain. The heartache. With a loud scream and magic pouring from her horn, Mystic forced the boulders even closer. Their weight didn’t matter anymore. All there was in Mystic was pure rage.

The unicorn barely noticed she was still screaming. Smoke came out from the corners of Mystic’s eyes as the boulders got within twenty-five yards.

With one huge charge of magic, she unleashed a huge wave of red upon the boulders.


All of them exploded into pebbles.

Mystic watched as the debris flew everywhere. She let out deep heaves. Her lungs felt as if they would collapse. But she felt wonderful.

A hoof gently touched her shoulder.

“How do you feel?” Cierra asked in a soft tone.

Mystic looked up at her. “Good.”

While that was mostly true, she couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. She felt another surge of magic within her horn as Cierra helped her up.

Mystic levitated a sandwich to her lips as she looked out upon the valley. Her body has mostly recovered but she couldn’t help but be in shock of what sheer power she has within her.

To take her mind off it a bit, Mystic took in the sight of the trees and some white flowers in the distance. But the sky above was still as grey and gloomy as ever. Her eyes longed to see the sun.

“Mystic,” said Cierra.

“Yes?” replied the unicorn, taking another bite.

“I’ll cut right to the chase.” Cierra scooted ahead of Mystic so she could look at her. “I’ve noticed that you’re hesitant. Care to share?”

Mystic finished her sandwich.

“You can read me like an open book,” replied Mystic.

Cierra nodded. “It’s one of my gifts.”

Mystic cleared her throat. “Because of my ‘new magic’ as you call it... when I do use it, I’m just worried civilians would get caught in the crossfire.”

“Look,” Cierra said in an assuring tone, “I promise you that we’ll take whatever we need to help you, my sister.”

Mystic blinked a couple of times and her right foreleg twitched.

“You mentioned you’ve been studying, and we made sure you could get this stuff under control. If it gets complicated, we’ll back off.”

Mystic’s eyes slightly narrowed. Cierra hasn’t mentioned or tried to correct her reason for studying dark magic.

Cierra placed a comforting hoof on Mystic’s shoulder. “You have what you need to help, don’t you?” She motioned to Mystic’s satchel.

“I don’t know if we need my spells,” said Mystic, rubbing her neck.

“Mystic,” Cierra said in a firm tone. “In case you’ve forgotten, things have gotten a lot stricter in security, the Imperial Army is breathing down our necks, and Hong has taken the city under his grasp.”

“Maybe we should’ve had better plans and leads that led up to this...” Mystic muttered.

“I heard that!” Cierra snapped. “We have lofty goals, Mystic.” She cupped the mare’s face, forcing her to look at her. “The fact of the matter is doesn’t matter how the city has gotten as bad as it has for us, this is where we are and we’re going to fix it!”

Mystic’s ears flattened against her skull. She felt Cierra is the best leader she’s ever known... But now she knew that she had doubts.

“I know this is going to be new ground for a lot of us,” Cierra continued, “But remember that I found you. I believe you can do great things. And not to mention getting justice against those who did you wrong!”

Past events flashed through Mystic’s mind, but no matter what they seemed to do, with every job with being in the Liberator’s they weren’t as successful or a failure that drove them from carrying out their plans. The city was practically a war zone.

“I know, Cierra, it’s just... things haven’t been going well for us,” replied Mystic.

“Things are getting tougher, but that’s all the more to keep fighting!” Cierra reasoned.

“Then why did we have to flee from our home base? Why were there events happening that could’ve been prevented?”

“Because of the incompetence of some of our sisters!” Cierra growled. “The traitors!”

“And probably because of her as well! And I just feel like since I came in that--” Mystic clapped her hooves over her mouth, but it was too late. Cierra’s jaw was agape and her eyes were wide.

“C-Cierra, I...”

“Mystic, have you begun to lose faith in me?!” Cierra demanded, practically yelling in her face. “I got you out because of you having the potential of being a new powerful member and a true sister!”

“I’m sorry, Cierra!” Mystic pulled back and sank a bit. “I was just getting worked up!”

“You’re strong, Mystic,” Cierra continued. “You can make everything right. And we’ve been over and over concerning the pony you hate so much joining our group. But the question is, can I count on you to do whatever it takes to get justice?”

Her leader seemed to know how to talk her into things. She was reminded of the whole reason she’d gotten into this group.

“I’ll be with you,” she said. “If things go awry, then we’ll pull back and think of a new strategy.” She began stroking Mystic’s cheek. “Are you in?”

Mystic could practically feel Sunshine’s disapproving stare, but she brushed it off. She knew the filly’s concerns. But Mystic knows she’s a big pony and that she can handle it. She hoped.

As if an old friend from a distant past resurfaced, Mystic felt the dark magic surge within her horn, almost compelling her to grab a syringe to keep it in check.

“Yes,” replied Mystic.

“Good,” said Cierra, her demeanor softening. “We’ll need some time to study and practice before we move forward.” She stood up, “And to stop Hong from reaching whatever powerful thing he needs to wipe us out.”