//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 - The Heat is Up - Part 1 // Story: Wherever the Light Shines // by MLPSolarDash1907 //------------------------------// Year 13 – Day 90 The cloudy sky began to get darker. She didn’t have much time to reunite with her gang. How much she longed to see them again. She ensured the hood kept her head covered, her weighty hooves moving along the jagged road. The streets were ghost silent and the tin-cans houses of the slums were pitch black. Despite the toughest of times, she will ensure that they will survive. Everything was a mess. The gang’s assault on the North was only partially successful, but not without consequences, traitors, and the rat. The rat… Mystic thought, her mind sizzling with hate, remembering the despicable mare that fed information to the Northerners and Army, betraying their gang for her own benefit, good thing Cierra saw through her before things got really bad. Even though she was dead, the city was full of soldiers and looking for Mystic and the remains of the Liberators. They found whatever Hong was looking for but even that was a battle of itself until it was finally destroyed by a friendly comrade and his plans were foiled. No need for band-aid solutions. Only permanent ones, she thought with a slight choke. Cold breath escaped her nostrils and escaped into a mist. Her heart slightly ached to see her comrades. It’s been a few days since she’d seen them. “Remember to find me at the western part of the slums,” Cierra’s voice echoed, “I’ll be at the crossroads.” The crossroads. It almost felt as if she were being taken back to where she’d woken up. But this is a different part from there. But being in the slums always reminded her of that. It was as if it were a long time ago. She clutched her satchel close and made sure the machete she always watched over like a hawk was secure. Suddenly she heard some clattering. She paused. Her sharp eyes gazed around at her surroundings. Nothing other than a beaten bench and buildings barely held together by sheets of metal and wooden beams. The unicorn gently continued forward. She almost pulled out her machete as she adjusted her cloak and threw her hood on. Her eyes took one more scan before continuing. Danger is close, she thought. Suddenly, she heard hooves clattering around her. A group of five ponies surrounded her. Their leader, a large brown earth pony approached her. “Gotcha!” the leader cried, holding up a large knife. Danger is immediate, she thought. But it felt like a chore. The unicorn stood stoic and unimpressed by his gesture as his minions pulled out their own. She caught a glimpse of one holding a magical spear. “Now, little filly,” the leader went on. Mystic gazed at him with a deadpan look,. “Be a good girl and hand over every--” “I’m not doing crap!” Mystic shouted. She ducked and kicked his hooves out from under him that knocked him to the ground. One of his henchponies charged but Mystic grabbed his hoof and chucked him at another. The one with the magical spear fired but she put up a shield and deflected it. More magic came from the spear. Mystic jumped, dodged the bolt of magic and landed on his back. The spear tumbled into the alley nearby. She levitated it to her and swung it around at the surrounding ponies. A couple of them cried out in pain. They fell to the ground. A snort escaped her nostrils. Mystic gazed at the spear and nonchalantly tossed it aside. A shout came from close by. She slightly turned and delivered a spin-kick. POW! “Oomph!” The weakling immediately fell. Settling onto her hooves, small exhales escaped from her nostrils as she watched her opponents weakly attempt to pull themselves up. Pathetic. They never stood a chance. She heard a rustle behind her.— Without turning around, the mare lifted her left forehoof and punched somepony directly behind her. “Agh!” he cried. He landed with a thud. Mystic glanced at him and watched as he scrambled away. “Come on!” he cried to the others. He ran past Mystic and his minions. They followed him and left the area. “Hmph,” Mystic grunted. “Weak.” Normally, she would’ve gotten a little excitement out of a small fight. But it was a nuisance. Time wasted. She won’t get it back. Mystic continued on her way at a brisker pace to meet her sisters. It began to snow. Mystic reached the crossroads and looked up at the flickering lanterns along the street. She sighed. Anticipation built up within her. She brushed her cheek and ran a hoof down her face. Her right ear twitched. Some slight uneasiness and tension built up within her. The unicorn inwardly snarled, hating herself for getting worked up. She took in a deep breath. “Hello again, Cierra,” she said. “How did you know it was me?” asked a voice. Brushing off her uneasiness, Mystic turned and faced her robed mentor. “You can’t sneak up on me anymore, remember?” she said. Cierra lightly chuckled. “That I can’t. I’ve taught you too much.” She and Mystic embraced for a second. The older mare motioned for Mystic to follow. Mystic removed her hood, catching a glimpse of the grey pants and shirt she wore to hide her scars. “What about the others?” she asked. “They’re okay,” replied Cierra. “But some have been taken captive by the government.” Mystic facehoofed., “Oh, brother.” “We know where they’re being held. But first, we need to deal with another obstacle in our way.” “What?” “Kang.” Mystic froze. Cierra took notice, she stopped and turned around. “Kang?” Mystic wondered. “Didn’t we get on good terms with him?” Cierra scoffed. “Those good terms were then. But now a traitor has used them for his advantage.” “What’re you talking about?” Cierra shook her head. “Keep moving. Walk and talk.” She began walking again. Mystic caught up with her. “Kang’s helped us on various missions. Why would he be a traitor?” “With all the chaos going around, it seems as if his minions were not targeted, and some that were got out unharmed.” “And?” “And his little fillyfriend, the demon, managed to slip out multiple times while the government figured out every little move in the chaos before and during the trip up north.” “Can you please stop being cryptic, Cierra? That traitorous mare is gone along with Kang’s fillyfriend” “What I’m saying is that we’ve got a plan to deal with things in our way.” She looked at Mystic, giving her a look not to speak about the first mare mentioned, “Now, please be with me. I had to deal with getting everypony settled by myself after everything that happened!” Mystic nodded. “Of course. I just... I don’t want to do anything to draw more attention to us.” “We won’t, Mystic. I’ve got plans,” Cierra assured her. That’s kind of what I’m afraid of, Mystic thought, but shook her head and focused on getting reunited. The two ponies reached a wide street. Mystic lightly cringed and hoped they wouldn’t be seen. As they trotted across, Mystic’s gaze landed on what was left of the Wall. There were a couple of massive holes from top to bottom that gave a clear view of the suburbs on the other side. Mystic cringed, recalling the report of magical explosives surging through the stone. “Cierra...” said Mystic, looking at her. “Not now, Mystic,” replied Cierra. “We’re close.” “Are you doing okay?” Cierra sighed and formed a light glare at her, “Of course I am. I’m as strong and capable as I’ve ever been!” She slapped Mystic’s back. “I will not rest until we get where we need to be!” Images came to Mystic’s mind, as she recalled the events while they were up north. It wasn’t like her to lose herself up there, she thought. Not just once. Multiple times. “Look, enough talk,” said Cierra, a tired breath escaping her throat “We’re nearly there.” Mystic saw that they’d exited the suburbs and were now heading to the woods where what was left of their camp was said to be. ... The snow began to cover the ground. Mystic trailed behind Cierra and gazed at the cold, wet trees that surrounded them. Their branches were gnarled and seemed as if they were reaching out for her. They lightly swayed in the wind as Mystic shivered from the damp snow building on her back. They walked along the trail for a few minutes. Mystic could tell it was made by ponies traveling through it. Mystic saw they came upon some thicker trees. When they passed them, she saw that there were a bunch of ponies underneath tarps held up by measly sticks. Some were roped onto trees and threatened to collapse. Her throat formed a lump as her breath slightly quaked. This is it? she thought. “Before you ask anything,” Cierra spoke up,. “Yes, this is it. And yes, Sunshine is fine.” Mystic sighed. “Of course, Cierra.” “But she was tired from her journey here. She and the younger ponies are sleeping in a warm tent.” “Okay.” “Hey, they’re here!” came Song’s voice. She, Juan, and a herd of about forty Liberators emerged from the shadows. Mystic saw that they were a mix of mares and stallions. Some were unicorns and pegasi. “Is this the toughest of the gang?” Cierra asked. “Yes. And all of them volunteered,” replied Song. “Excellent.” She cleared her throat. “Listen to me, all of you!” Cierra cried, gaining the ponies in their shelters' attention. “We had grown in numbers. But... we had the toughest of times. We lost a lot of good brothers and sisters..." Cierra slightly sulked. Mystic's ears drooped as she remembered the ones lost. "But we managed to find a new place to hide! There isn’t any way they’re going to find us here in these woods!” Cierra continued She looked over at a couple of unicorns lying in their tent. “You two! I need you to make sure everypony’s accounted for! We’ll also need to find some food!” She turned back to the others. “The rest of us, we’ll head out and confront Kang. Now, all of you, please stay together. Get yourselves warm. Stay with me!” Cierra finished. “All right, let’s move out!” Song announced to the herd behind her. Everypony cheered before Cierra began leading them. Despite some nervousness and tiredness from her journey, Mystic followed and swore she felt her horn ache again. Mystic got behind a fallen log as Cierra joined her side. She gazed down towards the edge of the woods that was about one hundred yards from the western suburbs. She felt a surge of dark magic within her horn again. “Don’t use it unless you have to,” she told herself with a grunt. “All right,” said Cierra. “Some of our troops will head forward before we go. Once we’re in, we’ll be catching them off guard.” “Got it,” replied Mystic. Cierra looked to her right and signaled a few ponies to move forward. She turned left and did the same. They waited until they’d entered the woods. Cierra signaled everypony to move forward, all of them remained crouched. Mystic levitated her machete out and held it at the ready. The snow began to fall a little faster as the black trees got ever closer. Soon they entered the woods and Mystic heard one of her allies hit an enemy before their body slumped to the ground. Cierra gently went ahead of Mystic as she signaled the ponies around her to split up. She motioned for Mystic to continue following her forward as the woods got thicker. As they continued, Mystic wondered if they truly should be focusing on Kang. Her concerns only grew since the events up North. An orange glow began illuminating from behind the trees. They’re close. Mystic heard some of her allies delivering blows to their enemies and their bodies hitting the ground. She saw a couple of ponies sitting on a log. They were gazing into the woods. Cierra kept moving. When they got about twenty yards away, a couple of throwing knives hit them in the neck, causing them to slump over. “That should do it for us,” Cierra whispered. Soon, wagons filled with supplies could be seen along the edges of the camp. Mystic felt enviousness rise within her chest as she took in the sight. Sturdy tents were close from what Mystic could tell that the area was rather large. “Kang must’ve gotten a lot more luck than we did,” she murmured. “Oh, his luck’s about to change,” Cierra asserted. “Intruders!” somepony from within the camp shouted. Mystic and Cierra froze. Instead of heading towards them, some henchponies bolted to the right. Mystic saw that some of their allies charged onto the battlefield. “Dang it!” she cried as Cierra groaned. “There goes the element of surprise!” Cierra shouted. She stood up straight and charged with Mystic right behind her. “It’s on, everypony!” Mystic shouted at the top of her lungs. As fire bottles were thrown at the tents, Mystic made a beeline towards a couple of her enemies. She kicked one down and gave the other an uppercut punch. “Kang! We’re here for you!” she heard Cierra cry. Mystic noticed that the rest of the herd had joined them and had scattered across the campground. The unicorn shot a beam of magic at a large wagon, destroying its wheels and causing it to fall on top of two enemies. Mystic galloped further into the camp. It was large and tents were lined up. All of the occupants came out with their swords, cleavers, and spears at the ready. The unicorn barreled straight into three enemies, lit her horn and then jumped into the air. She did a backflip before firing upside down at enemies close to a burning tent. Mystic landed firmly on the hooves and spotted a small wagon. She got an idea. The unicorn leaped into the wagon, charged her magic and gave it momentum. Mystic held out her machete as the wagon charged through the campground. She sliced into ponies left and right. Beams of magic escaped from her horn, protecting her allies from getting hurt. With another push, Mystic spotted five ponies coming right at her. She grinned deviously. She formed a magical rope and magically allowed it to wrap its way around their forelegs. They landed in a heap. BAM! A burly earth pony crashed into the wagon, sending Mystic flying off. Mystic, on instinct, allowed herself to roll before she managed to get to her hooves. Before she could do anything, Juan, with her shield, charged from the left, knocking him into a burning tent. Mystic winced at his agonizing screams as he caught fire. “You still need saving?” Juan asked. “I totally had that!” replied Mystic. “I know!” Juan smirked and galloped off. With a brief eye roll, Mystic followed her. She saw that the campground continued to extend. But on the very edge, she could make out the outline of a larger tent. The unicorn immediately turned around and sliced an enemy’s throat with her machete. She winced at the blood splattering onto her face. With a hoof, she wiped it off. “Attack!” she heard somepony yell. BOOM! Mystic immediately ducked to the ground. She whirled to see a group of about twenty ponies with three cannons inside a small fort. BOOM! “Scatter!” Cierra ordered. Mystic immediately hid behind some rocks. She heard somepony get right beside her. Mystic tensed and lifted her machete. “Don’t attack me!” cried Song. Mystic grunted. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” “Intense action, Mystic! Little time for talk!” Mystic looked to see Cierra ahead of her and behind some boxes and sacks. Several ponies joined her side. BOOM! A cannon fired at them. “Cierra?!” Mystic cried as dust flew into the air. “Song! Mystic! Go take out that stronghold!” Cierra ordered. Relieved, Mystic let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in. “Yes, boss!” cried Song. Mystic saw Cierra and the ponies with her beginning to circle around the stronghold before they disappeared behind some trees. “Let’s go!” said Song as she took off. Mystic nodded and bolted to her side. “Take this!” she heard Song shout. Mystic looked over to the stronghold and a thrown fire bottle went careening towards them— Only for a rock fired from a slingshot to shatter it. “Move! Move!” Mystic ordered. “Do you have a plan?!” Song cried. “I’ve almost got one!” Liar! Mystic scolded herself. Mystic saw that more rocks were being fired from the slingshots. She ducked underneath one and fired upon another, shattering it. “Let’s get to those dirt mounds!” said Song. Mystic saw the dirt mounds to the stronghold’s left and they looked thick. Immediately, she and Song bolted over and ducked behind them. More rocks sailed above them as shouts of ponies emerged from the fort. “I’ve got something!” Mystic announced. Soon, the rocks quit flying. Mystic could only hear the fighting in the distance. She smirked. “All right!” said Mystic, “Song let’s get out there and take them out!” “Right!” The two ponies confidently leaped out of their hiding place-- Only to freeze when they saw a cannon pointing at them. “Okay!” Mystic cried. They both jumped back behind the dirt mounds. BOOM! They shielded themselves as branches rained down. Mystic briefly glanced to see that the trees behind them had been destroyed. “Do you suppose you can use your special spells or whatever that stuff you know?” Song desperately asked. “It takes me time to charge it up and we’re a little pinned right now!” Mystic reasoned as she tried to think of a plan. “Well, do something! I got nothing!” “Really not the time to pressure me, Song!” Mystic’s mind continued to run on how to get out of there. The rocks continued to fly. Then, to her right, about fifteen yards away Mystic saw a large tree still intact. She looked up and saw it was very tall. Perfect, she thought. “Song!” she shouted, “Cover me!” “Okay!” Mystic got to her hooves and crouched along the mounds of dirt. “Hey! Over here!” she heard Song scream. Mystic glanced back to see her standing up, “Fresh meat over here!” A second cannon fired. It narrowly missed Song. Darn it Song! Mystic thought as the blue pony bolted in the opposite direction. Without any time to lose, Mystic slid along the ground. She intended to use her regular magic but saw the tree was thicker than what she’d expected. Oh, no! she thought. “Where’s the unicorn?!” she heard somepony shout. Mystic cursed herself again., “Why do I always have to use this?” She channeled her magic and focused on her anger. Her horn ached as her red magic sparked from it. “Get that blue pony!” “No, you don’t!” Mystic shouted as she shot to her hooves. Her enemies turned to face her. “I’ve got you where I want you! And I say to you...” she turned to the tree and shot her dark magic at its trunk. “Timber!” Mystic shouted as she bolted away. She ducked behind another mound of dirt and watched as the behemoth tree leaned. Ponies cried out in horror. Most of them bolted out of the fort as a few scuttled to aim the third cannon at it. KER-CRASH! The tree collapsed on top of the fort, crushing it and the few ponies in it. Branches scattered and a portion of the campsite was destroyed. Mystic heard fighting still going on in the distance. Song reunited with her with a proud look. “Woo! You did it!” she cried. “You got what you wanted with the ‘special’ magic!” replied Mystic as she galloped off to help the others. A second later, she heard Song behind her. Now closer to the end of the campsite, Mystic saw the remainder of Kang’s henchponies trying to fight off her allies. But they weren’t doing too well. Some were falling back to the larger tent. Then, Mystic saw Cierra fighting her way towards the tent. A small sense of relief washed over the unicorn again. “Song! Juan! With me!” Mystic ordered. She glanced to see that they’d joined her. Mystic bolted to join Cierra, but suddenly she was tackled by an enemy. “Mystic!” Song cried. The stallion began punching Mystic in the face. Fed up, Mystic charged her dark magic and fired. He went flying off into the distance. She stood up and joined Cierra’s side. “Tough getting here?” she asked Cierra. “What do you think?!” Cierra grunted as she stabbed both of her blades into a pony. “Kang’s a coward!” Juan rushed forward. “Kang is mine!” Cierra barked. Mystic turned to her right and saw several Liberators pinned by several earth ponies. With a growl, she levitated several sacks of rice and chucked them right at them. They were knocked off their hooves. Mystic turned back to the tent. It was less than thirty yards away. “Almost there!” Cierra cried, killing another enemy. “Cierra! Cierra!” cried a voice. The purple pony in question snarled and faced a pony walking to them with a hoof held high. In his grasp was a white flag. Mystic recognized the green earth pony with a yellow mane and a pinkish streak in it. He stopped with a smile. “Can’t we all just calm down here and talk this out?” he suggested. “No more suggestions, Kang!” Cierra barked. “Tell your henchponies to back off!” “Oh, please, dear Cierra.” Kang lowered his lids at her. “Call off your ponies first, and we’ll discuss this over a nice cup of tea.” Mystic heard Cierra growl as she held her machete close. “Fine.” Cierra held up a hoof, signaling everypony to stand down. Mystic put her machete away and observed them. She swore she saw a glint in Cierra’s eye. “Now,” said Kang with a charming smile, “let’s all head in and...” “Let’s discuss it out here,” Cierra spoke. Kang’s smile didn’t waver. “Very well.” He took a breath in. “Why are you attacking my hideout?” “We want answers, Kang,” replied Cierra. “We want to know why there’s been so much stuff going wrong on carefully laid out missions.” Kang chuckled. “Oh, Cierra. Are you in trouble again?” “We both are if you don’t talk.” “Well, you were always the feisty one.” Cierra growled. “And during our trips up North, we always had things planned out, but somehow, someway, they always figured out what we were up to. And your little fillyfriend seemed to get away scot-free.” Kang laughed. “Oh, are you jealous?” “Just cut the slack, Kang, and answer Cierra!” Song demanded. Mystic inwardly agreed, but mostly to get this over with. “Now, now, Cierra,” Kang held up a hoof, “I assure you, whatever you’re thinking, you’re just coming up with excuses and accusations.” “Then deny that you were involved with them!” Cierra bellowed. Kang blinked a few times before he gave his signature smile again. “What is there to deny?” Cierra growled and Mystic clenched her teeth. “Quit with your games, Kang!” Juan scolded. “You can’t talk Cierra over anymore!” Kang sighed, “No, maybe not. But I want to assure you, this is all a big mistake.” He held up the flag again. “It looks as if you need to take a load off,” Kang said smoothly. “Why don’t you come up here and let ol’ Kang help you out?” Cierra didn’t reply. Mystic glanced at her hardened look. What does she have planned? Then, Cierra softened her look and let out a deep sigh. “Oh, my,” she said. “What have things come to?” “Exactly.,” Kang’s smile grew. “I-I’ve just been so stressed and trying to make a difference.,” Cierra put her blades away. Mystic watched in anticipation. “Come on, sweetie pie,” Kang took his first steps towards her. “Let’s just put all of this behind us and move on.” Cierra nodded and gently reached out to Kang. Almost longingly. He reached out for her... In a blink of an eye, Cierra punched Kang in the face, grabbed from behind his neck and shoved him to the ground, knocking him out. Mystic’s eyes widened in shock. He had a white flag! she thought, almost shouting it as Cierra held a knife to Kang’s throat. “Everypony!” Cierra snapped. “Make a move and your ringleader’s dead!” Mystic gazed around at Kang’s henchponies with their weapons in hoof. She shot a threatening look in support. A few seconds passed before they begrudgingly stood down. “Mystic,” said Cierra, “Grab Kang.” She turned to the others, “All of you! Round up this traitor’s henchponies!” Mystic levitated Kang’s unconscious form. “All of you!” Cierra shouted at the henchponies. “Either you’re with me, or you’ll be left for the government!” Everypony but Song, Juan and Mystic began rounding up the henchponies. “As for you majors--” Cierra turned to her sisters. “Follow me. We need to have a little chat with our friend.” Mystic placed Kang down on the boardwalk as Cierra stood next to her. The unicorn stepped back as Song and Juan joined her side. Cierra splashed some icy water onto his face. He didn’t move. She slapped him. “Gah!” he grunted, snapping awake. “Huh?” “Finally up, sleeping beauty?” Cierra taunted. “Wh-what?! Cierra?!” Kang saw that they were on the boardwalk. “Wh-what are you doing?!” “If I were you,” Cierra said in a rumbly tone, forming a glare, “I’d watch your mouth carefully.” “B-But I wanted to talk things over!” Kang insisted. “Like you were when you partnered with the government and their allies?” Cierra hissed. “This city is being reformed and you need to join it! You can’t win!” Kang spoke desperately. “You should’ve denied that you were involved with them,” Juan spoke. “So, that was it then.,” Cierra said, eyes narrowing., “If you can’t beat them, then join them?” “I didn’t want any of this to happen between us, sweetie!” “Shut up!” “You’re tearing up the place from Imperial City to up North!” Kang cried. He looked at Mystic, “And with a pony who possesses such evil magic!” “Mystic is more than you ever will be!” Cierra slapped him. Kang barely flinched. “Cierra, let’s just be reasonable about this!” he pleaded. “I can help you!” He looked at the others. “Please see reason! I want to live like all of you!” Mystic raised an eyebrow at his behavior. “You’re weak, Kang.,” Cierra ominously leaned forward., “You’re corrupted, just like them.” “I wanted to live! All of you are fools to continue down this path!” “Can it, Kang!” Song snapped. “You-you are nothing for them! They’re the reason why you’ll meet your end!” Cierra gave him an ominous look. “You have no idea what I’m capable of.” “Foolish pony!” Kang bellowed, “You’re the exact thing regular ponies flee from! They’ll send the dogs to get rid of filth like you!” “Oh,” Cierra dryly chuckled. “You’re right. You’re so right.” Mystic slightly tensed as Cierra reached forward and grabbed the back of Kang’s head. “They're good at smelling filth, aren't they?” Cierra coldly said as she knelt by the water. “Well, filth should be disposed of!” She dunked Kang’s head into the water. Mystic let out a gasp as her colleagues’ eyes widened in shock. Mystic watched, frozen to the boardwalk as Kang writhed and thrashed as Cierra pushed him deeper into the water. “Are your friends the Northerners and the government going to save you now?!” Cierra bellowed with full-on fury. “You repulsive little maggot!” Mystic reached out a hoof, but she couldn’t open her mouth to stop Cierra. “Call them! You call them, now!” Cierra shrieked. Cierra heaved and huffed as she kept his head under the water. Mystic didn’t know what to do other than watch. Soon, Kang stopped thrashing and he went limp. Cierra breathed heavily through her nostrils before she shoved his corpse into the water. “Gosh, Cierra, what part of your philosophy covers drowning a pony in cold blood?” Mystic asked, a surprised look on her face. Cierra faced her with a look that could kill. “The part that covers weakness,” she heaved. “It isn't nice and it's brutal, but it was either us or him!” The purple pony stood up. “I figured it might as well be him.” Still flabbergasted, Mystic looked back at the corpse of Kang as it floated further along the icy depths. Year 13 – Day 91 Mystic sat on the cold wet ground, thinking. Part of her mind couldn’t believe Cierra just drowned Kang. But on the other hoof, he did seem as if he were trouble. But... Suddenly the ground began to shake, causing the unicorn to perk up. She looked up at the trees as they swayed. An earthquake? she thought, alarmed. Almost as soon as it began, it stopped. “Huh...” Mystic mumbled. She looked back at the camp to see that it wasn’t damaged and nopony was hurt. All looked to be confused, too. She sighed and resumed her thinking. “Mystic?” said a small voice. The unicorn looked to her left to see Sunshine beginning to sit beside her. She wore a pink jacket with white winter pants. Mystic smirked. “I’m glad you’re okay.” “Likewise.” Sunshine cracked a small smile. The older unicorn lightly patted Sunshine’s back before resuming her previous position. “I waited for you last night,” the filly continued. “Huh?” Mystic asked, looking at her again. “I thought you were asleep.” “I waited until after you’d gotten back from last night’s mission.” Mystic’s eyes widened. “What?” “You didn’t check on me?” “Well, I wanted to, but Cierra told me you were asleep, and I started thinking about things and...” she groaned and buried her face in her hooves. “Dah, I feel like an idiot. I’m sorry.” Sunshine sighed. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re back from the North.” Mystic nodded. “Me too.” They both quit talking and just kept sitting there. Mystic resumed her thinking of Cierra and what happened since they’d left. Suddenly, she felt a surge of dark magic within her horn. The unicorn held back a gasp, stuck in a syringe, and injected some of its contents into her side. “Why have you been sitting outside of camp?” Sunshine asked. Mystic shook her head. “Just thinking, Sunshine. A lot to think back on.” “Do you want to talk about it?” Mystic paused. She knew she hadn’t spoken to Sunshine much even before the trip up North. As she did, she recalled something Meng told her. “Promise me you’ll reconnect with Sunshine! Promise me you’ll help out our sisters to not dig themselves into something they can’t get out of!” She ran a hoof along her shoulder and side, feeling the fresh scars underneath her shirt. The unicorn didn’t know exactly how. But she had to start somewhere. “Actually...” she said and looked at Sunshine, “I do.” Mystic noticed relief washing over Sunshine’s face. “I’ve been thinking because...” Mystic began, “because Meng told me that I needed to.” “About what?” Sunshine asked. “About this,” Mystic motioned to the camp behind her, “about our sisters and where it all ends.” “How do you think it will end?” “I’m not sure, Sunshine,” Mystic looked at the ground and traced her hoof along it. “But heading up to the Northerners seemed like a crazy idea even if there was a rumored powerful artifact. But after we’d gotten there, it seemed to make sense and we found and destroyed the artifact. We even helped the villagers with some issues they were facing.” “But what happened?” Mystic shook her head. “A lot. Cierra seemed strong, but even before then, her choices were a little off and some definitely were then.” She looked at Sunshine with a frown. “I wondered if she had gone off the deep end but Song and I managed to convince her to pull back and correct her errors, especially concerning...” Mystic growled, and Sunshine’s eyes widened before placing a comforting hoof on Mystic’s side. “That mare…” Mystic hissed. Sunshine nodded sympathetically and waited for Mystic to continue. “But...” Mystic sighed again. “She just doesn’t seem like the same pony she was when she took us in. With her killing Kang, I just don’t...” “Wait, wait, she killed Kang?” Sunshine’s eyes widened. “Yes,” Mystic affirmed. “I’m just not sure...” Both ponies went quiet. “The mission was partly successful,” Mystic spoke up again. “But not before those charges unleashed a massive amount of magic on the Wall.” “I see...” Mystic rubbed her temples, continuing to think. “Cierra thinks the Wall could be a distraction. Which makes some sense with ponies getting through, but I worry about the criminals that would hurt civilians.” “This sounds like a tough situation,” Sunshine said with a frown. “I’m so sorry, Mystic.” “Cierra was the best pony I’ve known,” Mystic continued. “She did so much for all of us... I’m just worried about her. If she’ll push herself too far and a lot of ponies would get caught in the crossfire.” “I’m worried about her too,” Sunshine said softly. “I’ve respected her for so long...” Mystic nodded in agreement. “What can we do then?” Sunshine asked. “I don’t know, Sunshine.” Mystic lightly tapped the ground. “I guess I keep thinking there might be a way to save the situation and give ponies a chance to not be complete fools.” Sunshine smiled. “Then why don’t you try?” “What?” Mystic asked, slightly surprised. “Why don’t you try and find another way?” “I don’t know how...” “I think you do, my friend.,” Sunshine placed a hoof on Mystic’s shoulder. “You just need to find out what.” Mystic ran a hoof down her face, trying to get the tiredness out of her eyes. “I just hope I can help them change their minds...” She caught a glimpse of Sunshine nodding. The unicorn lightly patted the filly’s head before turning away again. She snarled at herself as regret began building in her heart. Her eyes shut tightly as she clenched her hooves and jaw. She felt ashamed of herself, feelings she’d tried fighting off, but now... “I haven’t seen Meng since you’d gotten back. Where is she?” Mystic’s eyes flew open. Her anger and regret were replaced with sadness. As she sat there, her lips slightly trembled. She didn’t move for what felt like hours. The snow around her made her shiver hard. “Mystic?” She knew she couldn’t keep it hidden. Without a word, she turned to Sunshine with a deep frown. She felt tears beginning to well up as her lip trembled. Sunshine’s face began to fall. “Mystic... where is Meng?” she asked. The unicorn held back the tears as her lip trembled hard. She shut her eyes, unable to speak. When she opened them, she saw Sunshine had a horrified and saddened look on her face. “She saved me...” Mystic murmured. Tears began rolling down Sunshine’s cheeks. The filly covered her face and began weeping into her hooves. Mystic brought her in for an embrace and began comforting the filly. As she held her close, Mystic felt a small tear beginning to roll down her cheek.