//------------------------------// // Wait for me... // Story: A Small Journal // by bronypanda //------------------------------// Author's note: Hey everypony! It's your favorite panda brony, brony panda here with a new chapter for "A Small Journel" Now i know I've kinda been lazy, but thats only because my internet has been off so i couldn't do much but I'm back now so here ya go!! Wait for me... "I'm going to make a deal with Discord". Celestia repeated outloud, leaving everypony baffled. It was silent, with whispers echoing in the large space of the throne Room. Everypony listened carefully for what the Princess was going to read next. Celestia fiddled with the journel, flipping through it a numerous amount of times trying to find where the entry would continue on. The look of confussion and desperation on her face was enough to get Twilight curious. She slowly approached the princess raising an eyebrow. "Princess..."? She said almost in a whisper. "What was this deal"? Princess Luna looked at Twilight in the eyes, then to the rest of the crowd. Celestia still despretely trying to find something that would tell her, ANYTHING, that could tell her what took place after the entry. "It seems we will never know". Said princess luna, concluding that clearly their was nothing else that could be found. "Sister, there is nothing more". She whispered to Celestia, trying to comfort her. The princess now violently flipped through the pages as if her life depened on it, only to be grabbed by her sister and shaken out of her panic. "Celestia!! Enough! Do not waste your time looking for something that doesn't exist. We will never know Millenium Sky's deal. And we must leave it at that". Celestia wiped away a few tears before she flipped through the journel again to the final entry and began reading it once again to herself. With a heavy sigh she simply nodded and closed the journel. A mood of disappointment was swept over her audience when she informed them there was nothing left to be said. Yet, they wanted to hear more. To be specific, about her love life with the late king. 3 small fillies approached her; one known as Sweetie Bell stepped foward. "Princess"? She asked. "Do you....do you think you could read more? More about you and King Millenium"? Celestia was a bit suprised at the young filly's request. She looked once again to the ponies in the room, all nodding in agreement with whispers of excitment. "That sounds like a marvelous idea sister"! Luna shouted. Celestia was still suprised by the fact that everpony was so intrested in her love life. "Well, if....if everypony is so intrested, I guess a few stories woudn't hurt". Celestia said softly. Almost immedietly, the whole room felt alive once again, her massive audience of subjects were very thrilled to her what stories the Princess would share. She turned to the very first few entries of the journel and began outloud. (Journel Entry) I couldnt sleep that night. For the rest of the evening, I sat on the balcony just thinking about her. I wonder of she's thinking about me. I'm still suprised myself at how we fell for each other. First we hate each other, leading to us arguing, leading to us making out, leading to us falling deeply in love, all in about 10 seconds flat. Then again I do worry a little. What if it was all just a cruel joke? I'm pretty sure she isn't called Trollestia for no reason. What if she was just using me for kicks? Heartbroken. I would be devastated. I can't backout now. Not after how I acted this afternoon. UGH gods im soo STUPID!!! what am I thinking?! Of course this was just a joke! I mean, somepony as regal as her would never fall for me! Sure I'm good looking but she's WAY out of my league. I mean just look at her! She's smooth, she's slender, beautiful, gorgeous, intelligent......amazing....perfect......Curses...I'm in love. What if....what if...what if it was all just a lie? What if she's trying to make a fool out of me? Is this revenge because she didnt want to be betrothed to me? To me.... What if im not what she wants? What if i'm not good enough for her? I have go to see her again". Princess Celestia paused after reading the paragraph. She chuckled after she heard a few stallions and mares whispering in the crowd "Oooo thats cold". Applebloom and Scootaloo were desperatley trying to silence Sweete Bell from yelling out "Oh come on"! The princess only smiled and continued reading. "I went back into the hotel room to check up on my parents. Fortunetly they were sound asleep. What luck! Slowly I went back outside and opened my wings, preparing to take off until I heard hoof steps step onto the balcony. It was my mother. Oh no. I was expecting her to start shooting lightning at me for trying to sneak away this late at night. After a few awkward minutes, she only smiled and whispered, "Go get her". Smiling back, I jumped off the ledge and took off into the cool night air and headed for Canterlot Castle. Now the castle is heavily gaurded and I mean HEAVILY gaurded and they let almost nopony in after dark, but lucky for me, when your betrothed to the daughter of the high king of Equestria, you have some perks. I flew around the castle looking for the right tower almost getting lost a couple of times. I finally found a tower that was the second largest out of all and I knew this had to be her chambers. Next to it, stood the spire, which was obviously the king and queen's special chamber. Want to steer clear of that. Landing on the balcony of the tower, I approached the glass door and peered inside, seeing a white smooth figure with pink flowing hair lying in bed. Celestia. Feeling my heart beating faster every second, I tapped my hoof on the door effectively but quietly on the glass. It was enough to wake her as I saw her sit up immedietly and looked toward her window. She walked towards the door and I desperatly tried to look heroic and dashing. Oh gods I suck. Yeah...so by now i had lost all confidence and was 100 percent unsure that I should continue living, so I opened my wings and was about to fly desperatly away. I froze in place when I heard the glass door creak open, followed by one hoofstep followed by a lite chuckle. Slowly i turned around and their she was.... Princess Luna. My face immediey exploded and I became redder than a tomato on fire. I facehoofed and refused to take my hoof away from my face. Still red, i backed away slowly and cursed under my breath. "So your Millenium Sky"? The filly asked curiously. (chuckle) if your looking for Tia, her room is over there". The whole throne room exploded with laughter, especially form Princess Luna. "I quickly glanced to where she was pointing, one of the smallest towers with a white figure waiting at it's balcony. "Oh" I said embarrased. "right" this was probably becoming the worst night ever right now. Before I took off I looked back at Luna, "Hey um, mind keeping this between us"? I begged. She only smiled and giggled, " No problem, oh and by the way, good luck, you'll need it". When she finished speaking, she went back inside her room and went back to sleep. A little dazed when she said "good luck", I snapped out of it and returned to the task at hand. Opening my wings again i took off for the little tower where she awaited. So much for romantic suprise. I landed behind her. She just stood their looking at the moon. Now being a stallion, I didnt think of anything to say. "Hey" I whispered to her. Inside my head, I was beating myself with a sword for saying that. IDIOT, I yelled in my brain. She turned towards me and smiled. "Hey", she replied. My heart was racing again because I STILL had nothing to say to her. Thank the gods she was the one to brake the ice. "(chuckle) uh right, my room is over here". I cursed myself again, cause she knew that I messed up. Why me? I turned red again and couldn't think of anything to say. I was about to faint when she walked over to me and kissed me on the lips, wrapping her hooves around my shoulders. My confidence and princely pride returned when we broke apart. We looked into each other's eyes for awhile until she broke the silence, "So what are you doing here big guy"? She whispered adorably. Oh gods, how I love that voice. Since i had my confidence back I thought of some romantic cheesy stuff. "Well, I just wanted to see you again. After what happened this afternoon, its kinda hard to forget you". I whispered back, charmingly. She only chuckled and began to walk back to her room. My hopes began dropping fast. "Well it's time to go to bed". She said with a yawn. My heart immedietly sunk, thinking about all those scenarios about being humilated and heartbroken. I just stood their with a blank expression until she turned around again with a little confusion on her face. "Well"? She asked. "Well...what"? I asked back, hopes slowly rising. "Well, aren't you coming inside with me"? My heart exploded like fireworks. Many loud whistles and oooooo's were echoing in the room, making The princess blush. "No, No nothing like that you silly ponies. Just be quiet and listen". She chuckled playfully. "Oh, ok, that sounds good". This was just to good to be true. Now we were still teenagers but I wasnt thinking any sexual thoughts or anything like that, but I was VERY excited to be with my betrothed in the same room, in the same bed. I was very very VERY nervous and happy. She got into bed, looking at me, waiting patiently with a cute smile. I quickly took off my regalia with my magic and got into bed with her. I was hoping she wouldnt hear how hard my chest was beating right now. We looked into each others eyes and shared another loving kiss. After we broke she nuzzled her head into my golden coated chest and got comfy. "I love you". She whispered. I almost felt a tear run down my face. Relieved that this was all real and not a lie or some cruel joke. I kissed her on the forehead. "I love you too". I whispered back. And we fell asleep. "Awwwww". You could see the blush on the princess's face. A light applause started, leaving the princess bashful but greatful for her subject's support. "You'll love this part". Princess Luna announced, nodding to her sister to continue. "BEEP*BEEP*BEEP*BEEP* The sound of a stupid alarm clock buzzed in our heads as we awoke. I turned to my side to be met by the face of my love, her eyes opening slowly. She rubbed her eyes as she remembered that I was with her. I looked into her eyes and whispered "Good morning princess" to her. She responded with groggy "morning......" but just then her eyes widened into huge orbs, "MORNING"? I had a confused look on my face, wondering why she was so shocked that it was morning, then it hit me like a train. Not only should I not be here, but I was IN bed with the daughter of the king. Millions of scenarios played out in my head of if he should find out that slept with the princess, literally. We both stood up in bed violently and I almost fell over, she squealed when a knock came from her door; it was her servent mares coming in to prepare her for the day. "M'lady, are you ready"? They asked. I struggled to get my regalia and armor back on, trying to get to the balcony at the same time. "J-just a second, don't come in yet"! Celestia yelled, trying to stall them. I opened the balcony and was about to take off, until I remembered something important. I turned around to be met face to face with my future wife. The problem we always had was whenever we saw each other's eyes, we would instantly get lost in them. Another knock at the door snapped us back to reality and I needed to leave. Now. "W-wait! When will I see you again, Sky"? She asked desperatley grabbing my hoof, not wanting me to leave her. It pained me knowing what the answer was. "Unfortunately my love, not soon enough". I whispered before pulling her in for a passionate kiss that I wish......lasted forever. "One last kiss". I whispered to her, "I WILL see you soon, just wait for me". I said to her before diving off the edge of the balcony. As I left I heard her servents come in. I turned my head to see her face before I soared back to my hotel". "Aww, how romantic"! Princess Cadence said, while pulling Shining Armor in for a hug, almost choking him to death. "OOH IT'S JUST LIKE A MOVIE! NO MORE LIKE A MARE-FLICK"! Shouted a too excited Pinkie Pie as she bounced over to the front to get a better look. It was getting late so Princess Luna had to go and raise the moon. "Go on and continue without me, I'll catch up with you ponies in a bit". She yelled as she walked into the hallway". Celestia waved to her and cleared her throat while flipping the page for another entry. (Journel Entry) "Before I say anything else, my father, king Saphirius is not a iron fisted King like you would expect him to be. Instead, he chose to be the wise but comedian type of our family. He enjoys fun, and encourages adventure and is a huge supporter of love and compasion. But he is also the our leader and a wise one at that and I always go to him for advice or questions. So you could imagine his expression when I told him were I was last night. He was extatic but also told me to be careful of my actions, not wanting to cause any divides with the king and queen of Equestria who might have had a misunderstanding. Next we have my mother, Queen Emerelda, she wears the pants in the kingdom. SHE is the one who takes care of the kingdom, all the taxes, our subjects, etc. my father only offers his counsel every now and then. But after her little push from last night, I'm starting to see her soft side, which my father talks so fondly of. Now I'm not gonna go into any detail about how last night went when I arrived in to the room. Instead, I'll talk about what followed. The reason I told Celestia "Not soon enough" is quite simple. It is because today of all days, my parents and I are returning to the Crystal Kingdom this afternoon. I won't even get to say goodbye to her. Luckily i did that this morning. I wouldn't return to Canterlot for another 15 years. I would be 32. As we passed the Canterlot wall, I looked back to the castle and her tower. In my mind I saw her standing at her balcony patient for my return. "Wait for me". I whispered. "I will...." Author's note: There ya go guys, new chapter will be soon, comments or suggestions below, until next time, Ciao