//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Of Soldiers and guards // Story: The tale of a Huntsmans corp // by Trickstermkcee //------------------------------// Chapter 2:Of soldiers and guards The Blizzard struck hard, the wind howling like wolves in the night. Trees flew by as Dawnsville glided above them. He was almost blinded and was barely able to fly, having resorted to ducking just above the trees to navigate, he had lost contact with the other two guards when a rather harsh bash of snow struck them. He had seen the night guard seemed to swerve and although he couldn’t tell he had thought he had seen her crash somewhere below him. Reluctantly he had pulled back to search for her, although the hellish conditions of the snow had frozen some of his armor joints and he was barely able to fly, he kept searching. “H-HELLO, C-CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME!” Dawn yelled below him into the forest. Nothing came back as the wind howled aggressively, causing him to jerk and dive down slightly, entering the forests tangle of branch’s. Quickly he dodged left and right, swerving around snapped branches and such, narrowly escaping a very sharp branch. “OOOF” he groaned as he slammed into the ground, groaning weakly as he sat up, barely able to see much except for the hellish snow storm and the dark forest around him. Although he soon noticed something, a small flint in the dark, golden in color, and he stood up, on trembling hooves he approached it. “S-s-sir is t-that you, w-we have to find t-the other an-“ he cut himself off as he stopped. In front of him was the sergeant. His body lay hanging from a tree, a large branch lay impaled in his chest, and his body unmoving, his wings limp and useless. “H-HUURKK!” He gasped and spun around, emptying his stomach contents onto the ground, next to a dried blood puddle. His eyes drifted to the soldiers armor, which seemed to have turned the color of pale blue. “S-Sweet C-c-Celestia...” he groaned as he backed up, although his ears seemed to register a noise that was almost concealed by the shaking of brands and howls. “H-help...” a quiet voice spoke, it almost seemed to be begging. Without pause the Corporal spun on his hooves, not daring to look back as he galloped quickly, moving to head in the direction of the voice. “C-can you hear me!” He shouted into the forest, still moving as his armor creaked and crunched, the armor almost seeming to act like ice, making it troublesome to move. “P-please...” the voice groaned out, it was just a little off to his left. His head snapped in the direction and he galloped quickly off in the direction the voice had once more came from. He found the source moments later, a clearing up ahead showed a blazing orange like color, almost seeming to appear form the darkness and snow, forming in front of him. He entered into the clearing, his wings seemed to tighten by his side as he approached the blaze. Quickly he spotted the owner of the voice, the mare that had gone missing! “O-oh...buck...” he mumbled as he gazed at the injured threstral that lay against a rather large rock near the blaze. As he moved over to her, his eyes drifted over to the massive fire. It seemed to be coming from a massive hunk of metal, it’s shape was almost like a massive rectangle, with a strange similar but smaller rectangle on top, a long pipe was poked out the front, although it was bent downwards. “I-I’ve got you!” Dawn quickly said, crouching next to the mare, who later against a rock, nursing her side, grunting. “What happened to you?” Dawn asked as he quickly used his muzzle to dig out a small red box from a hidden pocket inside his armor. “I-I s-s-saw something...big...it was moving through the forest, I-I broke off and started to head towards it, bu-but the...armor froze-“ she weakly groaned and coughed, a little blood tricking out. “S-shh, let me get a look at your injury’s, I’ll get you fixed up, then I’ll go and find some help!” He started with a nervous wince as he pushed her wing aside, viewing her side. The wound was terrible. A long gash was created along her side, running along her side almost all the way down to her hip. That wasn’t all though, it appeared that she had wedged her right wing under a price of her armor, which made her unable to fly. “W-what am I gonna do...” he mumbled as he got to work bandaging her side, the bandages already slowly gaining a red hue as they were rapped carefully around her chest. “W-where’s the sergeant...” she coughed, looking to him, her light grey eyes shimmering in the night, “H-he had a-a m-map on him...I-in his pocketbook...” she wheezed,barely able to tolerate the pain. Dawns eyes widened slightly at what she said, “T-the s-s-sergeant...” he mumbled, “D-didn’t make it...” he said with a cough, the cold had melted away as the snow came down, the blazing fire having warmed him up, his armor had gained its glistening back as the ice had thawed slightly. “O-oh...b-but we need his book...please...get it from him, dead or not, w-we need to escape.” She said with a few coughs, sitting up and looking to him, “J-just...get it from him...” she weakly grunted, working again her armors straps, trying to loosen them. “B-but...” he looked back into the forest, then at the mare, his mind worked quickly to find any better option, but none came to mind, she was right. “o-okay...I’ll be back soon.” He said, turning his back to her. “No! Wait...” she hissed, reaching into her armor, she slowly withdrew a dagger, it rasped as it was withdrawn from its sheathe, “Take this with you, i-I noticed you lost your sword in the blizzard, just in case anything comes at you...” she groaned and stopped talking as he took it, sliding it into the small armored pocket under his right wing. “Thank you... I hope you survive this.” He said softly as turned and began his trek, galloping towards the dark forest, his eyes steeled in a determined gaze, unfaltering as he entered the forest. Dawnsville creeped through the forest, his eyes wide as he moved. “I-I-I should have just became a musician...” he mumbled, glancing at his cutie mark, a sword and a violin crossed over each other. Finally he spotted his objective, a clear g up ahead, and quickly he galloped forward, a nervous look on his face as he entered the clearing, but the look of nervous glee on his face turned to horror. Blood was all over the ground, the body of the sergeant was missing his hind legs, which had been torn off, his armor bloodstained and tossed aside. “Oh...oh merciful Celestia, please...please save his soul.” He whispered as he approached the hung up corpse. Slowly his wing opened up and slowly pushed into the guards armor. Slowly he found something inside, and fished it out. What he pulled out was a small leather bound book, some blood splattered across the bottom of it. “U-ughh...” he grunted and backed away, looking up at the sergeant, he slowly lifted his wing and slid two feathers across his eyelids and slid them down, closing his eyelids, “May you see Celestia’s bright sun, and luna’s beautiful moon.” the guard whispered softly. Then turned and hurried into a gallop, not daring to look back for fear of breaking down. As he walked he unbounded the book, and opened it. Writing from page to page, it was most likely his notebook, “Sergeant Shield spire...” he mumbled as he looked through the journal,as he turned another page a picture fell out., slowly falling to the ground. “H-huh?” He softly grunted as a small cloud of cold air flew out, reaching down he picked it up with his wing, looking at it. The picture contained a mare standing alongside the sergeant, who was wearing a dress uniform, smiling brightly as she seemed to be kissing him on the cheek. Dawns eyes fell as he slowly placed the picture back in the book and stuffed of into his armor, moving to continue his run. He soon arrived at the clearing, although what greeted him was terrifying. Two metallic beasts had taken up positions, one similar to the strange metal monstrosity that lay crumbled. The second was of similar size but less threatening, but what made him extremely nervous was the number of creatures moving around the sight. “Hey get a medic over here!” Called out a griffin as he stood up from the unconscious mare, his arm was clutching a strange weapon hanging from a strap around his neck. He glanced up as a pony approached him, the pony wore some sort of gear that matched the forces tint. They quickly talked then the griffin walked over to a group of other creatures, one diamond dog, one changeling, and a dragon. Dawn slowly approached the group, sneaking towards a second changeling who stood by and watched the others. ‘CHICH-CHICH!’ sounded odd a strange sound, causing him to look to his side, next to him stood a griffin hen,her eyes glowing a solid pale blue as she aimed a strange piece of metal in between his eyes. “Surrender and you will not be harmed, attempt to resist and you will be dealt with accordingly.” She stated calmly, watch him without blinking. “...Buck...” he mumbled and he nodded, “I-I-I surrender...” he mumbled and she smiled. “Good boy” she said with a smile and motioned for him to move forward, “Hey I caught someone stalking the tree line! He’s wearing armor, similar to the first one, although he looks more pony than the other.” She called out as she pushed him into the clearing, the group turned to him. “So...guess things are about to get interesting.” Mumbled the diamond dog, who pushed up his glasses. “Uh...lovely night for it?” Dawn said, grinning nervously.