Trixie's Threeway Trouble

by crowscrowcrow

Chapter 6 - What a lemon

It was still early morning when Trixie awoke in the living room with a groan.

“Ugh, this is how Fluttershy slept while Trixie was hogging the bed? This will not do at all.” 

She slipped off the couch and stretched her legs, kicking the kinks out of her muscles after spending the night twisting and turning to get comfortable. She had never quite managed it and even when she did fall asleep it had been terribly restless.

It was a little too early to go through the usual morning chores, so she just groggily wandered through the cottage aimless until she ended up at the window facing Ponyville, staring out toward it quietly while her head slowly cleared up. 

Why was she down here instead of upstairs in a nice warm bed with Fluttershy again? There was some kind of reason… She always had great reasons for everything she did, even if she couldn’t quite recall what they were sometimes.

Oh, that was right. 

She breathed out a sigh as though deflating what little enthusiasm she had left for the morning.

Today marked the start of her ‘break up’ with Fluttershy. At least until Rainbow Dash was informed and agreed.

Since Rainbow Dash was a clueless featherbrain that couldn’t take a hint if it slapped her in the face with a neon sign, she’d never really given permission for the two of them to be together. The only right thing to do then was to hold off until they could tell Rainbow Dash properly and see how she felt about it if the three of them were to become an item.

Trixie really hoped that it wouldn’t be a permanent break. 

Being as magnificent as Trixie was, there was virtually no chance that any of this would backfire on her completely, but… It probably wouldn’t hurt to have a disappearing act ready, just in case the rug did get pulled out from under her. 

Had she swallowed her knotted handkerchief stage prop or did her stomach just do that on it’s own? Oh, right. She didn’t have her stage props anymore. Maybe she could focus on that rather than the thought of how she was going to explain all of this to Rainbow Dash in a minute.

It was convenient that everypony was meeting up at Sugarcube Corner this morning, it would be the perfect stage for either her great triumph or humiliating retreat.

There was no reason to be this nervous. Rainbow Dash loved her more than anything, surely a little bit of miscommunication couldn’t get her into all that much trouble. Even if it involved a sweet innocent childhood friend who Dash was immensely protective of. No reason at all.

No, focus on the stage props!

There had to be somewhere she could get materials from. From her vantage point she couldn't make out any of the shops, but she doubted any of them had a sign out front that read ‘Ready made magician’s tools’.

She could probably get three bowls and a small ball though, surely? That would be a start. Some handkerchiefs were also most likely available. Yes, that sounded reasonable enough. 

A pack of cards!

Trixie slammed her hooves on the window sill. 

Oh, she could really go for one of those! The sound and feel of cards rifling between her hooves was fantastic and it’d been much too long. There were so many magic tricks she could do with just a simple deck of cards! It would tide her over until she had the chance to create some more advanced materials! 

Even a dirt road town like Ponyville had to have ponies who played games. Where did they get them? Maybe a game store or at worst a general store? Wherever it was, she’d find out.

Thus Trixie mused on what other various bits and bobs she could find while watching the sun climb slowly over Ponyville. It was only when she heard the stairs creak that she snapped out of it and turned around.

“Oh, Good morning, Trixie. Did you sleep okay?” Fluttershy asked as she came down the stairs. Curiously, despite having had the lovely, soft, warm bed all to herself, she didn’t look any more well rested than Trixie herself.

“It wasn’t great. Trixie can hardly wait to talk to Dash so we can share a bed again.” She flashed a cheeky grin, then added. “Heck, maybe after that we can even get some sleep.”

“I’m sorry?” It took Fluttershy a moment, but then she quickly turned red. “O-oh! I, uhm, s-so a-about that. Rainbow Dash, I mean. Not the other… thing.”

Ah, Trixie felt so much better already. Just watching the flustered mare try so hard to keep a straight face. It made her want to tease her all the more. 

No! Bad, Trixie! There’ll be time for that after Dashie knows.

It was only Trixie’s legendary self control that allowed her to keep the spotlight from wandering. “Right. About Dashie. We’ve had our night to sleep on it, not that Trixie did much sleeping. Anyway, how do you feel about it? Trixie thinks… No, you go first.”

Fluttershy’s opinion was too easy to sway if she’d known Trixie’s conclusion. 

Taking a seat in the nice comfy chair nearby, Fluttershy shifted nervously, rubbing her hoof over her fetlocks. “I...I have a, uhm, c-condition. If that’s okay?”

“Condition?” She blinked. “Trixie did not expect you to bargain, but… she’s not in any position to refuse. What is it?”

“I want to ask her.” Fluttershy said with a surprisingly more determined tone and expression than usual.

“You? Sorry, Trixie would like to make sure she understands… You want to be the one that explains it to Dashie and ask if you can join?”

Fluttershy nodded while the blush returned to her face.

“That’s… bold.” Leaning back on the couch, Trixie brushed her mane back. “Even Trixie was dreading that conversation. She’d be happy to let you handle it, but why would you want to?”

“I just think, well… It is going to be a really big thing f-for me and… Oh! For you too, of course, I didn’t mean, uhm.” Fluttershy’s fumbling was silenced as Trixie waved it off and motioned for her to carry on. “R-right… It’s just… I… I don’t want this to happen because you made it happen? I-If that makes sense? It has to be, uhm, m-my… I… Oh… I don’t know.”

With the shards of that broken explanation laid out in front of her , Trixie did her best to piece together what Fluttershy was trying to say. For a moment there it almost sounded as though Fluttershy didn’t want to go through with it, but this was a condition, not a rejection so…

What could be so important that Fluttershy wanted to put herself center stage, with all the pressure that came with it? It would be so much easier to push the responsibility onto Trixie. What did this look like from Fluttershy’s side? 

There was just one thing that came to mind.

“...You don’t want Dashie to learn about your feelings from anypony else, right? It has to be you.” Trixie finally concluded.

Biting her lower lip, Fluttershy avoided eye contact as she slowly nodded. “Y-yes… I’m sorry, b-but it’s not because I wouldn’t want you to. I just… I wouldn’t deserve anything if I can’t even talk to her about, uhm, y-you know… it.“

“Oh!” Trixie perked up. “That’s adorably admirable. You wish to work for your desire rather than have it simply delivered to you. So the prize is truly yours. Trixie hadn’t considered you would reason like that. She will accommodate if that is what you truly want, but… you, uhh… you understand why Trixie might be a little hesitant?“

Fluttershy’s guilty expression was confirmation enough.

Trixie went on. “Are you sure you can talk about this? Trixie notes you were struggling even just now.”

Rubbing her foreleg nervously, Fluttershy weakly nodded. “I… I have to. I know it isn’t fair. That you would be so much better at… it… but… I can’t be a p-passive pony in m-my own life. W-well I can, but not my… uhm lo… lov… love life.” 

Fluttershy’s face was so red that Trixie was absolutely sure Fluttershy would pass out before she managed to wrangle those last two words together. 

“Woah. Very well. Trixie is impressed by your determination, and you do raise a fair point.” Trixie was never going to say anything, but it had occurred to her during their (now on break) relationship that Fluttershy was certainly far too passive. At the time, she’d begrudgingly accepted this was just how Fluttershy functioned, but by the sounds of it Fluttershy did not want to be that way either. “How can Trixie help?”

“Oh, uhm… I don’t know...” Fluttershy replied.

You don’t know… or… do you not want Trixie’s help?

Fluttershy gave a weak smile. “...I’ll let you know if I think of something. If that’s okay with you?” 

Trixie tried to ignore the tight feeling in her chest. It wasn’t something personal. She knew that. Fluttershy just wanted to do this on her own. That was perfectly fine. Yes. No problem at all. It wasn’t as if her entire future was riding on this going well. 

“Perfect!” Flashing her biggest stage smile, she clapped her hooves together “Do not hesitate to call upon the Great and Experienced Trixie for advice! After all, she already snared Dashie once,” she added with a wink.

Fluttershy must have winked back, but since her mane was hanging over one eye, it almost looked like a wince. 

The rest of the morning went on as Trixie expected. The usual chores of feeding and talking to the animals, followed by a nice breakfast for the two of them where they discussed some preparations for their trip into Ponyville to meet the rest of the girl’s at Sugarcube Corner. 

Among these preparations was a saddlebag. The return trip yesterday had proven to Trixie that even with her many and varied powers, she would need a little more rest before she could carry a few dozen individual items in her magical grasp the entire way.

After all, Trixie had big plans for today besides the social gathering. It was time to do some shopping!

Aside from the cleared up clouds, Trixie found the trip to Sugarcube Corner had been entirely unremarkable. Well, perhaps that was not entirely true. Every step closer to their meeting had left her feeling a little more tense than before. By the time they crossed the threshold of the store, Trixie would almost take rejection over being held in suspense a moment longer.


Fluttershy had better make her move soon. Trixie wasn’t entirely sure how long even her steel nerves could hold out. 

She tried to focus on what she could do to improve her odds. The most obvious was to get Rainbow Dash in as good of a mood as possible. That shouldn’t be too hard for somepony as amazing as herself, right? 

The trickier thing was to create the opportunity for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to talk privately without anypony interrupting them. Fluttershy put up a brave front, but Trixie was sure she’d clam up when startled. Fortunately, distracting a crowd of ponies happened to be perfectly within her skill set.

At least she could depend on that.

Although, the easiest way would probably be to just wait out the meeting and arrange to speak to Rainbow Dash afterward. All that entailed was to make sure she didn’t find anything out ahead of schedule. Easy!

By the time they finally arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, most of the little friend group had already gathered. Rainbow Dash was buzzing around Pinkie Pie while Rarity perused the treats on display with reluctance. Actually, was this her friend group now too? Trixie wasn’t sure where she stood. They were friendly, but most of them she’d only interacted with once or twice.

“Hey, you guys!” Rainbow Dash flew a couple of circles near the ceiling as though to show off just how much more energy she had after getting her schedule sorted out then finally looped back down to meet them with a wide grin. “I won!”

Trixie had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. By the look of confusion on Fluttershy’s face, neither did she. Not that such a measly thing as ignorance had ever stopped The Great and Powerful Trixie.

Matching Dash’s enthusiasm, Trixie cheered. “Great! Congratulations!” Meanwhile, she stealthily glanced about the shop for some kind of hint; Rarity rolled eyes. “Trixie bet Rarity never stood a chance?”

“And good morning to you too.” Rarity said with a hint of exasperation. “Before you get too enthused, I would be remiss if I were not to inform you that the two of you may count yourself among the ‘runner-ups’ as well.”

“We lost?” Trixie shared a look with Fluttershy, who just gave a smile as though she was perfectly contented to accept that. 

“Well, yeah.” Rainbow Dash snickered. “I got here first. Of course, I win.”

“You did?” Pinkie Pie piped up. “I thought I was here first. I live here.”

“That’s why you don’t count, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash argued with a smug grin.

“Now hold on!” Trixie wasn’t about to let herself lose a contest she didn’t even know was going on. However, just before she could step forward, she felt a nudge in her side. She briefly paused to find the culprit.

Fluttershy swiftly lowered her hoof back to the floor, her eyes wide. The background chatter of the other three in the room made it almost impossible to hear the overly soft-spoken girl. “R-Rarity!” she whispered urgently.

Rarity was currently in the middle of defending the idea that Pinkie Pie must have won the race. Though it was hard to tell whether it was to give her a victory or simply aiming to annoy Rainbow Dash. Regardless, nothing about the scene struck Trixie as being off.

Puzzled, Trixie turned her attention back to Fluttershy, who seemed to get even more antsy now that it was clear she wasn’t seeing whatever she was supposed to see.

With a furtive glance back toward the bickering trio, Fluttershy leaned in. “Rarity knows.”

Trixie felt her heart stop. 

How did she forget that!? Rarity knew about the three of them, but she wouldn’t know to shut up.

Her eyes snapped back onto the meddling busybody currently yapping it up with Rainbow Dash. It was ridiculous but the benign conversation now felt more intense than even the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive! Except that now one wrong thing escaping the maw would be the disaster! 

She had to do something.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has an announcement to make!” She called out while quickly trotting up. All eyes were quickly drawn to where they rightfully belonged, on her. Now if only she’d actually had something to say planned out. “Uhm, T-Trixie has, uh, decided to… to put on a show!”

“A show?“ Pinkie Pie was the first to speak up, seemingly excited by the prospect as she bounced. “Omigosh is that why you’re all here? I’ve had so many surprise parties but I’ve never seen a surprise show before! Well, except that one time at a stag party, but—”

“Yes! The greatest surprise show in all of Equestria!” Trixie interrupted while the remaining three regarded her with various levels of surprise as she marched confidently around the room. “It is high time her adoring fans may once again bask in her brilliance! And, uh, to that end…Trixie will make her lovely assistant disappear!” She hooked a hoof around Rarity.

“Uh, Dar—Trixie,” Rarity began with a glance toward Rainbow Dash. “Wouldn’t you rather do this kind of trick with, well...”

Smoke Bombs! Trixie doesn’t have any!

Fortunately, The Great and Resourceful Trixie was well accustomed to making do with materials at hoof and she spotted an unguarded sack of flour past the counter. It quickly found itself about a cup lighter.

“Ahem, as Trixie was saying… Prepare to be amazed!” Trixie made a grand gesture while she added a bit of extra volatile magic to the ball of flour, firmly held in her telekinetic grasp. It wasn’t exactly what one might call ‘safe’ to be conjuring explosives. (That was why she usually went out of her way to have smoke bombs and fireworks prepared, after all.) But Trixie was a professional!

The resulting white cloud was magnificent, better than Trixie had expected really.

Thus assured, she was already halfway to the door with Rarity in tow, when a flash of orange light suddenly lit up the room. A roaring ball of fire was now where the cloud, and the both of them, had been just a moment prior!

Ever the master of priorities, Trixie followed her natural instinct to flee the scene. Wait, no. To complete the illusion and vanish!
It only occurred to her once she was outside, pressed up against the wall, that she was still holding onto a frazzled Rarity.

While initially reluctant to play along, the sight of fire seemed to have spurred Rarity on as well. As she too stood flat against the wall, chest heaving. “D-Darling… that might have gone a little far?”

“Not to worry, that went exactly as Trixie intended. Uhm, one moment...”

A quick peek through the door revealed the flames had luckily burned themselves out. Leaving just a patch of black soot in front of the trio of ponies left behind, none of whom looked worse for wear. 

Rainbow Dash was staring back at Trixie with a mix of equal parts confusion and amazement, though she didn’t seem to have fallen for the trick and was more dazzled by the accidental pyrotechnics.

Meanwhile, a shaking Fluttershy was hidden away behind Dash’s wing, protectively outstretched between her and the explosion.

On the other hoof, Pinkie Pie looked ecstatic and she gasped loudly. “She’s gone!” she loudly exclaimed.

For just a moment, Trixie found herself transfixed with the look of genuine wonderment on Pinkie’s face. It stirred a warm feeling in her chest. Pride. The trick might have been simple and improvised, but it still inspired awe in her audience. 

Well, one third of her audience. That wasn’t bad for an ad hoc performance. If anything, it was such a rush to see she’d affected each of them differently. Maybe she should go back in there and actually do a few more tricks? She was pretty sure she could refine her street performance and induce that look of wonder in Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash too.

Yes, that would be such a sight! Maybe if she— 

“Oh, wait. There she is.” Pinkie Pie said, now also looking at her.


Trixie swiftly pulled away from the door, obscuring herself properly from the group inside.
“So,” Rarity said while she somehow made lounging against a wall look graceful, “would you be a dear and tell me what this is about?”

As much as Trixie just absolutely ‘relished’ the thought of going into detail with Rarity about her latest disaster, there thankfully wasn’t enough time. The sounds of approaching hooves from inside left little doubt of that.

“Remember when we had a spa day and the three of us had a lovely chat about relationships?” Trixie asked with urgency.

“Yes?” Rarity glanced toward the door, now seemingly aware of the sound as well.

“Trixie demands you forget all of that till Trixie tells you otherwise.” 

Rarity blinked. “I beg your pardon? That is half the reason I am even here. What makes you thi—”

As the steps terribly drew near the door, Trixie felt her window of opportunity shrinking and interrupted, “Please.”

The very next moment Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie came through the door to check on them. 

“Is it an outdoor show now?” Pinkie Pie asked, seemingly still entirely up for more entertainment. 

“No, darling. We were just on our way back.” Rarity replied as she trotted up to Pinkie. While passing Rainbow Dash, she shared a brief look with her before she spoke. “Trixie simply asked if I could help her with a costume for her new show. We’ll meet at my boutique later to take some measurements, isn’t that right, Trixie?”

“Yes! That is exactly it. Trixie thought it would be unfair to ask her infront of everypony and put her on the spot.” Trixie was glad the dent her pride had suffered wasn’t in vain. Though, it was clear that Rarity expected her to come by later today and properly explain herself in private. “That’s why Trixie made her assist in the disappearing act!” 

Floating in midair, Rainbow Dash looked confused. “Isn’t it normally only the assistant that is supposed to vanish?”

“Yes, but… but it is only natural that The Great and Powerful Trixie is twice as good as normal, isn’t it?” Trixie flashed her stage grin and took a little bow. “You should know that.”

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow Dash landed beside her. “Heh, yeah, alright. I suppose.” A quick glance around was followed by Dash slipping a wing over Trixie’s back before she casually added. “That was a pretty awesome trick.”

Trixie felt her whole being warm up. Rainbow Dash liked her cobbled together performance? She could hardly wait for her reaction to a real show. “Really?” She leaned into the feathery embrace and nuzzled Dash’s neck. “Tell Trixie more about how amazing she is.”

“Heh, shut up. Come on.” Rainbow Dash grinned and guided Trixie toward Sugarcube Corner, giving her a swift shove through the door before pulling the wing back. “Maybe after I see the rest of the show.”

“The rest?” Trixie asked while following along, though her cooperation was hardly required as Dash so easily swept her inside. She quickly found herself once more in the front room of the shop with the others. 

Fluttershy, who had been the only one not to come check on them, had just finished sweeping together a grayish pile of ash. Trixie wasn’t sure where she’d gotten the dustpan from. 

“Didn’t you say you were gonna put on a show?” Rainbow Dash asked. 

“Uh, what Trixie meant to say was… she’s going to be working on it. Yes. This was just a preview, but Trixie will need to make preparations for a full show. You know. Props, a stage, costumes, an actual act, a lovely assistant, et cetera.” She drew little circles in the air with her hoof to indicate the myriad of other things she had not mentioned. “Speaking of which, does anypony know where to get a deck of cards around here?”

It wasn’t really a lie. She had been planning to sort these things out. It just wasn’t why she’d done the impromptu trick and pulled Rarity aside. 

“Cards?” Rarity pondered for a moment. “I suppose you could try the bookstore?”

“Oh, oh!” Pinkie Pie chimed in. “Or the toy store! Or the joke shop!” 

“We have a joke shop?” Fluttershy asked, looking up from sweeping the floor.

“Yep! Don’t you remember? Dashie and I used it to prank all of Ponyville that one time, -except you, I guess- Oh! That was a week before Trixie got here, wasn’t it? She missed out on all that fun! Dashie, tell her about it!”

“Don’t remind me of Gilda.” Rainbow Dash groaned and gave a forlorn look at the clock on the wall. “When do Twilight and AJ get here? I’m bored.”

“It’s only been ten seconds.” Rarity chided.

Sensing another argument on it’s way, Trixie paid them no further mind and broke off to go assist Fluttershy with whatever she was doing. “Where did you even find all this grime?” she asked while pulling up flank to flank with her, staring down at the mess.

Before Fluttershy could stutter out a response, Pinkie Pie jumped in. “Well, duh, silly. You made it! That’s okay, though. I needed to sweep the place anyway! Forget that, I had a question. You’re a magician, right?”

“Your powers of deduction are truly incredible.” Trixie’s sarcasm seemed to be lost on the excitable mare, but Fluttershy’s vaguely disapproving and more importantly disappointed look was not lost on Trixie. Even though Fluttershy was still smiling. “Trixie meant to say… Yes. What of it?”

“Do you do parties? Oh, not like me. I do parties but its like the planning and throwing of one, sometimes several. You know. But what I meant to ask is, do you perform at them? I just thought I’d ask since you mentioned getting back into doing shows.”

Of course it had to do with some kind of party.

“As some sort of sideshow? Trixie has not. Normally, Trixie is the...” her eyes drifted over to Fluttershy for a moment, “main attraction.”

Fluttershy took a sudden and prolonged interest in a cupcake display.

Heh, adorable… Gah! Wait, this is exactly what Trixie shouldn’t be doing!

Trixie pried herself away from Fluttershy and put a few steps distance between them while checking if Rainbow Dash had been watching. Fortunately, Dash seemed preoccupied with Rarity. Curiously, they didn’t seem to be arguing anymore, but were having a hushed conversation of their own.

Her chest tightened. What if Rarity was telling Rainbow Dash? 

Pinkie Pie popped up about an inch from her face!

“Gah!” She completely forgot about her!

“Soo, what do you think?” Pinkie Pie held an impossibly wide smile. 

“What? Uh, sounds great. Excuse Trix—” 

“Coming through!” Applejack came barreling through the doorway, accompanied by Apple Bloom. 

They barely crossed the doorstep when Applejack spun around and slammed the door closed, pressing herself up against it. From the looks of how she dug her hooves in, she seemed ready to hold back a stampede.

“What the hay, AJ?” Rainbow Dash thankfully zipped away from Rarity and hovered around Applejack instead.

“Ah saw Zecora headin’ fer tha town.” Apple Bloom answered instead while taking a few steps further into the room. 

It didn’t mean much to Trixie, but a collective gasp rose from everypony else followed by some quick whispers back and forth as though they’d become afraid to speak aloud. Shortly afterward the group split up and started work on closing the windows and lowering the blinds of the store front. Trixie noticed that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were sticking together. 

Being ever perceptive Trixie quickly noticed all the attention in the room had shifted away from her. She stomped a hoof loudly. “Somepony tell Trixie what is going on here.” 

The noise startled the room and all eyes were quickly back on her. As they should be. The problem was their faces. They didn’t hold a look of awe, although as much as Trixie felt that would be deserved for her at any moment, that was rarely the one she got so it wasn’t too strange. However, it wasn’t anger or annoyance either, two stares she found herself on the receiving end of more often. Not now.

Everypony seemed to be afraid.

Trixie involuntarily shrunk back a little. Weren’t these the same ponies that faced the terrors of Nightmare Moon and even marched up a mountain to confront a dragon? What could it be that had even them this timid? Fluttershy she could understand, but Rainbow Dash? Applejack? What on Equestria was out there right now?

Surprisingly, it was Applebloom that spoke up. “She comes from deep in tha Everfree Forest. Everypony knows ta hide when we see Zecora. Zecora’s a—”

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack briefly pried a hoof away from the door to pull Apple Bloom back to her side. “Don’t ya know calling her thrice fast makes her appear? Never say that name, ya hear?”

Trixie was starting to get nervous. “Who is Zecora?”

“She’s an evil enchantress who, who uhm, does evil…something that rhymes with trances?” Pinkie Pie half sang to herself as she pulled another set of curtains closed. “Dances! Oh, that’s going into the song!”

Making a mental note to disregard the crazy pink pony, Trixie had a quick glance around for anypony else who could be of help. She just caught the tail of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy heading upstairs, leaving only Rarity. 

Near the window, Rarity was trying to catch a glimpse of the street, or perhaps simply scrutinizing the curtains. Either way, she caught Trixie’s gaze. “Ah, well I’ve heard rumor that she once cursed a pony with a horrible earworm.”

“This Zecora conjured parasites inside a body!?” Trixie gasped.

“She did? Oh my gosh, that is so evil!” Pinkie Pie only seemed to be half listening.

“Actually,” Rarity cut in, “I meant to say a pony had a jingle stuck in their head, but a horrid one. She said Zecora spoke in mysterious rhymes!”

Trixie was just about to inquire further into what kind of spell that had been, when Pinkie Pie suddenly broke into a song and dance routine all about the evils of Zecora. 

Apparently it involved a lot of evil dances, trances and pony stew. The entire earsplitting performance left the room speechless and she was glad that at least Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash didn’t have to suffer through it.

The description it painted of this Zecora had even Trixie shaken. Such mysterious powers and monstrous intent. She felt lucky to be inside, who knew what could have happened had she been roaming Ponyville by herself when Zecora showed up.

Somewhere during the song, however, a different kind of eerie sensation began to creep up on her.

“Wait a minute, this is starting to sound familiar. Didn’t some ponies say things like that about Trixie?” Once the thought took hold, it was impossible to shake. “Do you ponies just do this every time a new unicorn comes into town?”

“Oh, come now, darling, of course not.” Rarity chuckled, “Besides, that dreadful Zecora isn’t even a unicorn. She’s an earth pony, I think.”

“An earth pony?” Trixie asked, almost certainly she had misheard. Affirming nods all around dispelled that notion. “You cannot be serious? Heh.. hehe.”

The Illusion of any actual threat thoroughly shattered, Trixie burst out laughing. 

“Haha! That, that’s too good! You almost had Trixie going there!” She slumped against a nearby wall for support as her legs gave way. 

“Trixie! Shush! What if she hears you?” Applejack cautioned, but it only made the entire thing even funnier.

“Hah! What is she going to do? Mime Trixie to death?” By now she’d been laughing so hard she couldn’t even see straight anymore and had to wipe her eyes clear.

“It’s rhyme.” Rarity corrected.

“Whatever,” she chuckled. “Hehe. Ah, the Great and Senseful Trixie of course suspected you were playing a prank on her, but she had almost believed your little act. Until this. It’s just a step too far.”

“Ain’t ya scared?” Apple Bloom asked.

Strangely, everypony was keeping up the act. Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie were all still looking at her with a straight face. No, if anything they looked more worried after all the noise.

It was only the little filly who seemed less afraid than before, and she hadn’t looked all that spooked to begin with.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is not afraid of anything!” She flashed a confident smile, then knelt down to eye level. “How about you?”

Apple Bloom shook her head and trotted forward. “Nope! Ah weren’t scared of you none neither an’ ah was right not ta be. Even though folks said ta same sorts of things.”

“You are leaving out some key details there to make yourself look better.” Trixie observed in a stern tone, then grinned as she added. “Very impressive.”

“Course ya ain’t, but ya ought ta be!” Applejack cut in, sweeping Apple Bloom back once more before turning her attention to Trixie. “An’ you, Ah don’t want you filling her lil head with nonsense.”

“Ah ain’t lil,” little Apple Bloom grumbled.

"Nonsense?" Trixie repeated. "What? Like scaring her with foal's tales about how an earth pony living in the woods turns ponies to frogs with her amazing mud magic?" 

Applebloom stifled a laugh at that.

“Consarnit! Look, Ah realize ya ain’t meaning any harm, but—”

Suddenly, a multi-colored blur came down from the top floor and halted just between the two of them.

“The heck are you guys doing!” Rainbow Dash hissed in a stage whisper. “We heard you yell from up there. Keep it down, before she gets us!”

“Are you serious? Trixie can’t believe this.” She rolled her eyes and noticed Fluttershy carefully making her way down the stairs. 

“Ah tried telling her, she just ain’t listening.” Applejack told Rainbow Dash. “Can’t ya do something ‘bout it? She’s yer girlfriend, ain’t she?”

“W-what. I, uh, I...” A flustered Rainbow Dash looked over at Trixie, clearly seeking some sort of confirmation or support. They’d never really discussed how open they were going to be about it.

On the one hoof, Trixie didn’t like that Applejack was trying to go over her head, but on the other… she couldn’t muster up enough anger to combat the warm feeling rising in her chest. It was a little embarrassing to have their relationship acknowledged so publicly, especially during an argument, but she liked it.

“That’s… that’s right.” Trixie cleared her throat as she surveyed the room, trying to get some idea of the general response. Rainbow Dash looked relieved where as the others were clearly entirely unsurprised though Rarity was fighting back a squee.

Everpony was fine with them being together. 

It wasn’t a big deal, and paradoxically it felt as though that in itself was a big deal? 

Trixie couldn’t quite explain the feeling. All she knew was that she had no idea why she had been arguing anymore. It seemed insignificant now. Who cared that a bunch of ponies wanted to huddle up inside with the lights off?

“Yeah, yeah she is! And she doesn’t have to be quiet if she doesn’t want to be!” ” Rainbow Dash said a little too loudly, as though she was nervous about saying it herself, landing beside Trixie. Dash hesitantly stretched out a wing for her, but seemed to buckle under the weight of all the eyes being on her. She ultimately chickened out and faked a stretch before bringing it back to her side awkwardly.

“You’re not gonna tell Trixie to be quiet?” Trixie asked, surprised.

“Heh, would you listen if I did?” Rainbow Dash gave a knowing nudge to Trixie’s shoulder.

“Trixie might have for you,” she lied. If she’d actually been shushed, she would have been angry, of course. Now it was enough to know Dash was taking her side even if she didn’t know why she was objecting. Somehow, she didn’t have much motivation to fight anymore. “Trixie thinks this whole Zecora thing is silly. It reminds her too much of how she was treated.”

“Oh,” Rainbow Dash didn’t seem to know what to do with that information, but cogs were clearly turning as she looked around at her friends, then the window, then finally back to Trixie. “Uhm… Screw Zecora?”

A few gasps sounded. Applejack quickly covered Applebloom’s ears and glared at Rainbow.

“That’s… not quite what Trixie meant, but she sees what you were trying to do there.” Trixie snickered and patted Dash on the cheek, loving the pinkish color rising further through the fur with every touch. “You are lucky you’re so cute, Dashie.” 

“Look, I, I just thought-Gah! Quit it.” Rainbow Dash swiped Trixie’s hoof away and did her best to look in control of the situation. “Whatever.”

Despite her every instinct telling her to tease Dash more, she tore herself away to face Applejack. “Fine, have fun with your early Nightmare Night.”

“Uh, sure. Thanks.” Applejack’s eyes flicked back between the two of them, as though she wasn’t thanking either one, but a single unit. A courtesy that had Trixie feeling better than winning the actual argument would have. “Trust me, Ah wouldn’t have rattled yer fence if Ah didn’t think there was a real threat, alright? Ah just wanna keep tha folks Ah care ‘bout safe. That includes you.”

“Stars did you really just say that? How could any pony utter such embarrassing things with a straight face.” It was such a cliché that Trixie could scarcely believe she was feeling so weirdly happy. It reminded her of something else important. Her eyes flickered between Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity “What’s worse is, Trixie actually came here to say something embarrassing too. She supposes now is as good a time as Trixie is likely to find…You three remember Trixie’s first Ponyville performance, yes?”

Some uncomfortable looks were exchanged between the trio. 

Rarity was the first to speak up. “Yes, I do believe it is safe to say it was a memorable performance, dear.”

“Trixie’s had a lot of time to think about it. She still feels she has every right to deal with hecklers as she sees fit...but she also had some input from friends along the way...” She said as she lingered on Applejack, Rarity and Apple Bloom for a moment then scraped her hoof along the floor, avoiding their gazes. This was harder than she thought it would be.

A familiar warm feeling crept over her. She looked up to find Rainbow Dash very pointedly dodging eye contact with everypony, but one of her wings was now finally draped over Trixie’s back. 

“You, uh, were saying?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Thank you.

Scooting a little closer to her, Trixie took a deep breath. “It is possible that the Great and Tactful Trixie could have perhaps found a way to go a little bit easier on her challengers and still gotten her point across.”

“Well, that’s… quite tha conclusion ya came to.” Applejack looked a little confused. 

“Trixie is sure you get what she is trying to say so… Trixie will leave it at that?” She floated the idea for a moment, but quickly shook her head. “No. Look, what Trixie means to say is...”

“Oh my gosh. Is that Twilight and Spike?” Pinkie Pie interrupted suddenly, looking through a gap in the curtain. 

Trixie ignored her, simply carrying on. Somepony else could deal with that. After all, Twilight could take care of herself. “...She may have changed her mind a little after getting to know all of you and...” 

“Whoa nelly!” Applejack turned around and stormed to the window, laying her head atop Pinkie’s so she could see. “It’s true! What in the hay are they doing out there?”

“She’ll be fine!” Trixie called after Applejack, gritting her teeth a little. “As Trixie was saying, you’ve all rightly apologized for your part in the whole debacle and...”

“I certainly do not mean to alarm anypony,” Rarity started, now positioned on the other side of the window. “I think I just saw somepony else too.”

“What? Nopony should be out there!” Rainbow Dash was at the window in a flash. “Everypony knows to stay indoors unless they are new.”

“...This is fine. Trixie is definitely not upset that Twilight Sparkle is stealing Trixie’s spotlight. Again.” She said through a clenched jaw. “She is so not upset that she’s going to press on with this and trust you are paying her due attention. Even though you’re all crowding the window now... Okay? Okay...”

“We have to get her out of there! I saw that shadow pony again!”

“...Trixie’s sorry for humiliating you all!” She shouted over the murmuring little crowd of turned backs by the window.

A collective gasp rose up, as did Trixie’s spirit.

“It's definitely Zecora!” One of them called out, by this point Trixie didn’t even care anymore who it was as her spirit sank again. 

"And… and… Curses..." Trixie deflated, listening to the lot of them formulate plans for something.

Being ignored was hard to stomach at the best of times, but over some foalish campfire story? Why did she even care? She had said her piece. She wasn’t the least bit bitter about it. Even if her big apology turned out to be a lemon.

Oh, on that note.

“Pinkie Pie, do you sell lemons?” she asked, brilliantly taking her mind off her current situation. 

“Lemons? Sure!” Pinkie Pie replied while staying glued to the glass. “We’ve got lemon yellow macarons, Lemon drops, Lemon cheesecake, Lem—”

“How about just a regular lemon?”

To her surprise, Pinkie Pie actually turned around this time and gave her a puzzled look. “Uh, like… just the fruit? No? I don’t think we sell those, but there’s plenty in the storage room if you want one. Help yourself!”

This is what got her to notice Trixie?

“Great. Trixie’s used to that.” She turned her back on the lot of them. They could have their little circus without her. 

As she trotted toward the kitchen door, she found Fluttershy standing in her path.

“Uhm, I… I’m sorry that didn’t go so well.” She whispered, looking self conscious, presumably due to her part in convincing Trixie this had been a good idea. “I think you did the right thing. It’s just...”

“Yes, yes.” Trixie waved her off, but felt a little less sorry for herself just knowing at least somepony had paid attention to her. She glanced past her into the kitchen for a moment.

“Do you, uh, if you want to be alone for a little while, that’s fine.” Fluttershy gently patted Trixie on the shoulder. “Tell me when you want to talk? If that’s okay?”

“Trixie’s fine, go and… rescue Twilight or something. Thanks, anyway.” Just as she went to leave, it occured to Trixie that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had been on their own for a fair while. “Wait, before that. Did you and her… talk?”

Fluttershy gave an apologetic look.

Of course. Why would she expect anything to go right today? Fluttershy stuttered something but she’d already walked past her and into the kitchen.

She’d have liked some more distance but this would have to do for now. Leaving wasn’t an option while all of Ponyville was in a panic. The last thing her reputation needed was to be seen roaming the street during an evil witch lockdown. 

Fortunately, once she’d found the storage room and shut the door, the muffled whispering voices in the front room were barely audible and easy to ignore back. 

It felt like a backstage dressing room, No voices, just a quiet thrum that was easily tuned out. The perfect place to sequester herself away from the waiting audience until she was ready. Granted, those rooms weren't usually stocked wall-to-wall with ingredients in baskets.

Still, even those were a welcome distraction to rummage through.

After a couple minutes of 'lounging backstage', a sudden tremendous racket came from the kitchen.

“Spike!” Twilight Sparkle shouted loud enough for even Trixie to hear it clearly. 

Clutching her thumping chest, Trixie glared at the door. What had that little lizard done to make so much noise? Whatever, she’d deal with it after getting what she came for.

Curiously, for a place where Pinkie Pie worked, everything was sorted very intuitively. It took her no time at all find what she was after and plop a lemon into her saddlebag. 

Technically, that meant she didn’t have reason to be back here anymore, but it wouldn’t do any harm to hang around, would it? She wasn’t in any rush to meet up with the rest of them. They could vanish for all she cared right now. 

Trotting up to the window, she pulled the curtain aside with an annoyed grumble. The one good thing about this whole tomfoolery was that she could at least enjoy the sight of empty streets. Once she got past the ghost town eeriness it was actually kind of peaceful. No ponies running around to… hold that thought.

A red bow was crawling along the bottom of the windowsill. 

Trixie pushed open the window and peered down at the little culprit. “Apple Bloom?”

With a start, the little filly jumped twice her height into the air. “Hah! Ah...ah… oh, uhm. Howdy.” She finally answered, doing her darndest to look innocent.

“Off to cause mischief are we?” Trixie grinned as she leaned on the window sill, resting her head on her hooves. “Nopony with a clear conscience is that jumpy. Trixie should know.”

“N-no Ah ain’t!” Apple Bloom objected a little louder than she’d meant to as she folded her ears back and carried on in a quieter tone. “Ah was just gonna go talk to the zebra.”

“Zebra?” She leaned out of the window a bit and followed Apple Bloom’s gaze, catching sight of the striped pony walking down the street. “Huh, would you look at that. Weird. Anyway, you better hurry up then. She’s getting away.”

“Uhm, aren’t ya gonna stop me?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Nah. Trixie will probably go tell your sister in a bit, though.” She waved the filly off on her adventure. “Just make sure you catch up to her before she gets to the forest, alright? Trixie got lost in there once and it wasn’t great. Don't tell anypony.”

“Thanks!” Apple Bloom squealed then galloped off after her quarry. However, a mere moment later, she was back at the window, trotting in place and clearly in a hurry to leave. “Trixie?”

“Yes?” Trixie tilted her head, curious to hear what brought her back.

“Ah just wanted ta say, Ah thought it was nice ya tried ta make up with mah sister an’ her friends. Don’t be mad at em fer not listening. It ain’t you. They don’t listen to me none neither. Okay, bye!” And with that she was off again. 

“Uhm, bye?” Trixie called after her, feeling a little bewildered. Was she really so sulky that a rambunctious filly felt she had to take time out of her escapade to cheer her up? 

This couldn’t stand. 

There was nothing great nor powerful about sulking off in a corner. A simple fact that even a foal apparently had picked up on. She’d get back in the fray immediately!

Well, right after fixing her mane in the reflection of a particularly shining metal pot she passed in the kitchen on her way back.

“Trixie has returned,” she announced as she entered into the front room. “Now as she was saying… Spike?”

“Oh, hey, Trixie.” The little dragon waved at her with a frying pan while wearing a metal pot for a hat.

Other than him, the room was entirely empty. 

“Hey… Where is everypony?” Trixie asked as she trotted around trying to find the answer herself.

Spike stood at attention and saluted. “Apple Bloom went missing. They all left. We’re holding down the fort!”

“Oh, come on!”