The tale of a Huntsmans corp

by Trickstermkcee

Chapter 4:Meeting and a destination

Chapter 4:Meetings and a destination

Everyone stared at the russian, he examined the group that stood before him. His eyes glistened in the fire, his body was hard to make out. His coat concealed most of his body as he approached them, his eyes examining the massive machine that they stood around.

“So...I assume I’m no longer in mother Russia then?” He spoke with a thick accent, his english was barely holding as he spoke, it was clear he didn’t know much.

“You would be right, although I’m wondering, what year is it?” James asked the russian, his claws crossed, examining his gear.

“Have you been living under rock? It’s 1943, me and my men were sent to help our brothers and sister guard stalliongrad.” He said with a proud tone, his smile broad and pleased.

“Well my friend, I’ve got news for you, the wars over, you boys won, and it’s now 2135.” Stared the tired looking bug mare, rubbing her head, “I need a smoke, anybody got any?” She asked the group, looking around at her fellow troops.

“Here, take one of mine.” The man offered, “Courtesy of the red army, to victory!” He said as he walked over and handed her a cigarette, the brand was old, and she smiled.

“You might have just became my favorite russian.” She said a matter a factly, lighting it with her lighter, made from a old 7.62 round.

“Isn’t he the only russian you know?” Asked the other changeling soldier, tilting his head in confusion.

“Exactly!” She replied, “No competition.” She states simply and took a puff, sighing in pleasure.

“So...should we search those weird metal things? They look old, and their gear is useless to us, but they might have some info we could use.” Asked Thomas, his crimson coat bathed in the soft glow of the barely kept flames.

“Be my guest, although form the way those body’s are, the intel they had was probably destroyed by all the bullets-“ she glanced at the bat pony, who in turn blushed heavily in embarrassment, “-but if you find anything, do tell.” She said, as Hames and Thomas, along with private Clank walked over to the corpses, shifting through them.

“So what is the state of Mother Russia?” Asked Artyom, taking a seat on a cut down trunk that had been knocked over by the howling blizzard. The snow was more or less not a bother at this point, just a background noise with snow pelting them.

“Well last time I heard, Russia was sealing off its borders, and setting up military checkpoints to stop what little people they had from being contaminated by disease...that was 15 years ago, they’ve been silent since, and nobody bothers going to the frozen wasteland or is now to find out what happened.” Answered Corporal Delano added in, scratching at her neck feathers.

“Ah, sounds like home.” He said with a sigh, and a shake of his head, looking around, “How many people are here?” He asked, looking in confusion.

“Total of 9 of us, that’s also adding the two guards we collected only a little ago, ones injured the other is shaken up, but in good condition.” Answered the dragon, offering his hand, “Sergeant Bishop at your service.” He said with a wide grin, his sharp teeth easily seen.

“Ah it’s a pleasure comrade!” Artyom bellowed out a laugh, gripping the dragons extended claw and giving it a tight grip, which Bishop returned with pleasure.

“Jesus they were right to call you russians, and I quote ‘Drunk lovable bears!’” The dragon laughed, the second bug blushed heavily, embarrassed.

“Ha! Wouldn’t surprise me a bit!” Artyom chuckled, sighing as he exhaled. Cloud of smoke from his lips flew out and flew away into the wind.

During the exchange and searching of body’s, both guards had exited the tent, looking around the area, they were stunned. They had both exited the tent just after the commander had yelled for the flare to be shot up, and witnessed the entire event of the strange creatures slaughter, along with the meeting of the newcomer, now they were talking casually and searching corpses.

“W-who-No what are these creatures?” Asked the mare, looking in terrified confusion. Night shade considered red fleeing, but Dawnsville has shot down that idea almost instantly, stating that they would most likely get eaten before hey even got a mile out.

“Celestia only knows, although our best bet is probably to go with them, then call for assistance when we reach a settlement.” Stated Dawn, biting his lip nervously.

Night shade looked at him, her eyes quirking nervously as she looked back at the tent, “W-well there is one idea...” she said as she limped back into the tent, spotting Dawns armor, she reached into it, carefully she dug out a tattered but recognizable notebook.

“Are you serious?!? Leading them to Ponyville will expose the princess to a serious risk!” Exclaimed the day guard, his eyes wide and his whispers hushed.

“Well it’s our best bet! If anybody can handle this it’s the princess! Plus theirs a messenger in town, If we get to Ponyville, we could at least get a message out!” She whispered back loudly.

They held each others gaze for a solid few minutes, but Dawn broke first, his eyes looking down, “Fine...” he growled, “But anything goes south, it’s on you!” He whispered furiously, and turned around, offering himself as support to the wounded mare.

“Thank you...” she whispered back and pecked him on the cheek, blushing as she leaned on him. He was stunned, but he moved anyway with a little nudge.

They both approached the soldiers. Dawn coughed onto his hoof and caught the attention of the diamond dog who sat by the tank, a small white stick in his hand slowly letting steam out the end. The dog inhaled and sighed, blowing out the steam, almost like a dragon.

“Yes?” He asked, standing up and examine the two carefully, they had put their armor on, and the bag pony held a book in her mouth. He raised his eyebrow and took the book form the mare, opening it he skimmed the pages till he stopped at a page, his eyes widened behind his thick glasses.

“Oi! Those guards brought me a map, it’s a rough sketch of the forest, and form the looks of it we got a small town, labeled Ponyville about 5 miles east!” He yelled to the group, who in turn looked to each other and nodded.

“Alright, James and Thomas, grab the two guards and Private. Embers and board the truck, everyone else man the tank, prepare for moving out, I’m already sick of this forest!” She shouted, and quickly people were securing their gear. The tent came down and was stashed on the truck, and the two guards were also placed inside, anything salvageable was kept and quickly, both vehicles were moving, a clear destination in mind.
