The tale of a Huntsmans corp

by Trickstermkcee

Chapter 5:Dragonborn

Chapter 5:Dragonborn

Fire bursted from some destroyed circuits, rapid beeping rang out throughout the cockpit, their was someone screaming, Something was blinding me, but it didn’t mean it went unheard...




The screams and cries of injured soldier rang out across the the chinook, he couldn’t move at all.

“WAKE UP GOD DAMMIT!” Someone was shaking him, he didn’t know why, but he felt so tired, maybe If he just quieted down he could get some much needed sleep...

“JESUS CHRIST YOU IDIOT, WERE GONNA DIEEEE!” Screamed someone in despair, wonder why they were screaming, “WERE GONNA HIT THE GROUND, HOLD O-“



“God dammit shut the alarm off Rick!” Someone groaned on the bunk below me.

“Shut up Jay, your voice is so annoying to listen to-“

“Both you idiots shut up, we’ve been requested at central command!” Stated the lieutenant, his gruff voice sounding off as I opened my eyes, “And Rick shut that goddam alarm off.” my hands moved to obey, shutting my alarm off as I slapped it.

“Yes sir...” I grunted as I looked around, them jumped onto the floor from my upper bunk, moving to my footlocker I grabbed my fatigues, sighing as I worked to get them on. I was a average 5’11 white guy, emerald green eyes, and silver hair. I was lean and not to strong.

“What do you think central needs us for?” Groaned Jay as he got out of bed, he was about 6 foot, white guy, well built, slender and had brown hair, walking over and grabbing his clothes.

“Probably just another pickup for a squad of marines...” grunted Martin, he was Hispanic,around 5 foot 10 inches, built like a tank, and extremely smart, black hair.

“Yea, your probably right... I hope” sighed Jay, as he walked over, Martin quick to follow as they left the small bunk room. We lived in a old hotel that had been secured.

“You ready boys?” Cried out Lieutenant Anderson. He was our commanding officer, 6 foot, African American, quick on his feet, grey hair, he was probably the oldest still alive field officer they had, at 56 years old.

“What’s the op sir?” Jay asked as they climbed into a Jeep, it was beat up and dented with bullet holes, but gear was gear.

“Can’t discuss it in the open, some super important op, or whatever, they didn’t give me much to go off of either.” He said with a chuckle, “The brass doesn’t tell me much these days, even though I’m the only competent officer around these days...” he added with a grunt.

They drove quietly, the creaking of their Jeep the only sound. They didn’t talk much when they drove, mostly so they could keep their eyes and ears open for anything unusual. Reason being they were crossing through a sort of no mans land, constantly under threat by bandits and desperate survivors. The military and militias did there best to secure somewhat secure routes go and from main base.

Soon they arrived at their location, the old hangers just outside of town, their current base of operations and air base for the small militia.

“Halt!” Shouted a guard up ahead, his rifle leveling with the Jeep, a second guard approached, “State your business!” Grunted the second guard, his eyes scanning the 4 men inside the vehicle.

“Lieutenant Anderson, reporting to central command, bringing 2 pilots and a spec ops soldier.” Stated the officer, his calm demeanor easily making him seemed relaxed.

Quickly the guard nodded and tapped his radio, speaking into it, he was greeted with some return chatter, and after a second, nodded and pressed a button. The gate rose a second later, allowing them access to the fenced of area.

“Have a good one sir.” Stated the gate guards as they drove past, and made their way towards their destination, the air tower.

They arrived within a few minutes, and were greeted by a man flagging them down, he wore a old dusty uniform, most likely a uniform recovered from the air base. He wore a rank pin, depicting him to be a captain

“Hurry up and get to the hanger! I’ll update you while we’re heading over!” The man spoke quickly, climbing into the Jeep with them as they sped off.

“So what’s this super important mission you want us to complete? We’ve been kept in the dark and I’m not to pleased about it.” Grunted Anderson, his hands moving masterfully across the wheel as he moved around a crew of engineers.

“Yeah yeah, the job is simple, you’ll be flying to a set of destinations, transporting a squad of personal to each site, then doing a pickup for a separate squad, quick in and out.” The man stated calmly.

“And this crew is needed because...?” Asked Martin, his eyebrow raised in confusion.

“Well you will be piloting a bit of a different aircraft than usual, to be specific you will be piloting a recently recovered and repaired Boeing Ch-47 Chinook...we call her mayfly!” Said the officer, his grin broad and pleased.

“W-Walt what...when did we recover a Chinook!?!” Asked Jay, his eyes bulging slightly as I blinked, this was massive news.

“Well we found it in a field outside of Chicago when we were moving supplies out of the city, and we called in some favors and got it back to us in mostly one piece.” He hummed, “She was a wreck, damaged rotors, torn up hull, and the blood wasn’t to comforting... but she’s a fixer upper!” He said, his smile suddenly seemed less convincing.

“Uh...and your sure this thing works right, as in it will stay airborne... right?” I added in, not feeling any better about the situation.

“It should fly just fine, we have been spending months fixing it and running it through tests, it will fly just fine, so long as it stays fueled!” He responded, his eyes looking up form the men in front of him as he turned towards the front, the hanger was coming into view.

“So are we bringing anything else besides the marines?” Asked Jay, his eyes gazing at the massive metal doors as they were rolled open, revealing the massive bird inside.

It was glorious. It really couldn’t be anything else, I could see it on everyone else’s face as we pulled up towards the entrance of the hanger.

“Holy...” mumbled Martin, his eyes wide as he stared at the massive creature that sat in front of him. Her hulking body, short stubbed cockpit, the multiple view windows, and the hulls door lowered, multiple men rushing around it, dusting her off, doing last second checks to make sure she would take off, she was something else, painted in white paint, the words, “Mayfly” were cleanly painted on.

“She’s a beauty, and she flys like a dream...” mumbles the captain, “And now she’s your beauty, treat her well boys.” The captain added, his eyes brimming with pride, a small grin on his face as he exited the Jeep and approached a squad of soldiers, shouting orders.

“Move it! I wanted you on board that bird yesterday!” He shouted, shoving a soldier forward as they boarded it. One soldier stayed behind and talked to the captain, before hurrying over to the odd group.

“I’m sergeant Kiwoski sir! My men are on board and waiting your orders!” He stated, his hand snapping to a salute.

“Where are you boys heading?” Asked Anderson, Jay and Martin had grabbed headsets and had passed me one as well, sliding it over my head, the soldier pulled down the mic, placing it over his mouth.

“Edge of Miami sir!” He said as he turned and walked over to the ramp, I followed him in, passing by a dozen or so soldiers. They were Charleston chargers, heavily armed and armored troops sent out to take care of fire missions or provide support in high risk areas.

Quickly I entered the cockpit, and taking a seat in the main pilot seat, looking to Jay, his helmet was on and he seemed to checking multiple setting and gauges.

“Are we all good to go?” I asked, cause him to look over to me, his hand reached up and tapped a button.

“Yep, we’ll be in the air in 5, so make sure your familiarized yourself with the controls, this won’t be like the simulations.” Jay replied, his eyes gazing over his control system.

I nodded, quickly checking a few gauges and making sure everything was proper and set as Martin entered the cockpit, “Alright, everything is set, our landing area will be marked by green smoke when we arrive, so do watch out for it.” He added, closing the door as he exited the room.

“Echo one two, this is Alpha omega, we are preparing to take off, what’s the status on airspace over.” I rattled off, checking to make sure we were clear, and flipping a switch, a minute later the sound of something sealing greeted my ears.

“Alpha omega, this is echo one, airspace has been cleared of all other aircraft. You are clear for takeoff when ready, over.” A young feminine voice responded.

“Alright Echo one, thank you, over and out.” I replied, and flipped a few switch’s, quickly the heavy beats of the massive helicopters to rotors slammed to life. The thumps and whine of the starting engine gone with the thumping of two massive blades spinning up.


“Okay, remember, no barrel rolls Rick!” Shouted Martin through the door, there was some chuckles and some other chatter rang out as the chinook lifted up slowly, the droning thumps made Rick smile, he was as happy ever. Slowly they took into the air, and their journey began, little did they know that this journey would end in tragedy.



“U-ugh...” Rick groaned, his left eye slowly opened, and he grunted. He reached over and gripped around, although he didn’t recognize the foreign area around him. Where was the shelf? The bed rail?

*Click* *Click*

“H-help me...” groaned out a voice, his head slowly turned to identify the voice. What his eyes saw burned itself into his brain.

A soldier he didn’t recognize, lay against a panel, a hunk of what looked to be a steel pipe was stuck clean through his chest, he looked to Rick, his eyes begging. His handgun was clenched tightly in his hand and pointing at the door, clicking uselessly at the missing door.

“K-Kill me...” he moaned weakly, his body shaking as he breathed weakly, his body twitching heavily, his free hand reaching for Ricks holster. He wanted his revolver.

Rick reached for his gun, slowly he undid his holster, his gun clicking weakly, as he worked it out, and started to pull the hammer back.

“AAAGHHHH!” sreached another man, who flew through the door, and jumped onto the man on the dashboard, tearing into his neck.

“AA-URREGHH...” quickly the struggle form the already dead man slowed and stopped, slumping as the man who Rick recognized was Martin, his squad mate for the last 6 years of service...and he...he was infected... “O-oh christ...” He whispered as his revolver raised.

“ARGH!” Martin growled, spinning on his heel, grabbing at Ricks arm, which he pulled to the side, and bit right into.

“AAAA-AAAAGGHH!” screamed Rick, tears built up in his eye as he struggled to pull his arm away, Martin wouldn’t let go, “M-MARTIN LET GO OF ME YOU SON OF A-“ and Martin complied, only instead he changed to somewhere much worse, Ricks neck.

“U-URRRK!” He gasped and flailed, his gun falling to the side, his struggles useless, and unable to do anything anyway, slowly the light dimmed. He couldn’t feel anything, it hurt so much a second ago... he could feel Martin tearing apart his neck and soon everything went black...


*CRACK* BOOM* tink *CRACK*BOOM* tink

Jay stared down the sights of his .50 Deagle, his eyes glistened with tears at the bloody mess that was now the pilots seat, two body’s now unmoving, one missing its head, another a massive hole in its throat.

Quickly he shifted his sights to the corpse on the dashboard.


Another corpse with no head. His hands flew to his straps that had saved him from being impaled by a sharp peace of cockpit glass. Slowly he eased himself out of his seat, his eyes wide as he stumbled. His eyes glanced to the chargers M16 that lay on the floor, and slowly he picked it up, holstering his sidearm.

As he stumbled out of the cockpit, he stared at the scene that sat in front of him. Right in front of him lay a corpse, it’s arm and head missing. It belonged to the sergeant, Kiwoski or something, he had only know him for a second...

“O-oh fuck...” he mumbled, slowly he stumbled over the body, his eyes wide as he observed the carnage of the crash. Corpses were everywhere, some covered on snow, some left bleeding on the ground, a few were torn to shreds.

Although that wasn’t what he was looking for, what he was looking for were the missing ones, he counted 8 bodies total, the rest were nearby, he took the M16 and aimed of upwards, and pulled the trigger.


A burst of rounds flew out of the barrel, he knew his fragile probably had told them he was there, but it was always a good idea to bring them closer.

“Wait...” he mumbled and pulled his hand in front of him, b it what greeted him was something else, it seemed almost scale like, his eyes widened as he examined the battered and bruised hand, yet no serious damage. If he was wearing wonder he had survived the crash with minor injuries...

“SCREEECCCH!” Jay spun around, aiming right above the entrance.


“ACK!” Gurgled out the creature, it’s dieing moan thrown to the wind as it tumbled off the chinook, falling in front of him.


“SCREEEECH!” he counted at least 3 more. Quickly they rushed him, flailing there arms and trying to grab him.


2 were cut down quickly as he emptied a spray into there chest and heads, he snapped his sights on the third one, and pulled the trigger-


He growled and prepared to hit the enemy with his gun.


He watched as a tail, no, HIS tail flew up, impailing the infected on it, and the creature gurgled and gasped, struggling as the tail slowly lifted him up, and suddenly threw him at the chinook.


The body feel over, it’s head splattered across the crashed helicopters side, “ much for a paint job...” he mumbled and looked back to the chopper, moving his body towards the cockpit, tossing the useless rifle to the side.

“I-I need to make c-contact with-“ he was suddenly tackled, his massive framed slamming into the dashboard as another man dove on him, snarling and growling. It was the lieutenant, his eyes were sunken, and he looked deranged.

Quickly Jay grabbed the old mans coat, his body struggling against his grip as the pilot slowly lifted Anderson, and slammed him to the side.


He had stuck the Lieutenants head through a very sharp piece of glass, his eyes wide and his mouth open, slowly leaking a blackish liquid, jay stood up and gagged, turning away as he reached down, dogging for what he needed, the reserve radio.

“H-here we go...” he mumbled out to nobody in particular, slowly he flicked the radio on, raising the radios microphone to his lips.

He mumbled into the microphone, “T-this systems...c-crash” he paused, looking at the words scratched hastily on a card he was supposed to recite...and tore it apart, “...fuck went down in a snowy m-m-mountain...w-w-when did mountains appear in dc? I-I survived, m-my co-co pilot was not so lucky, t-theirs snow’s so dam cold... help me...” He begged into the microphone.


Static...that was what he was greeted with, and slowly he stood up, ignoring the body’s and blood, he stumbled out of the aircraft, and looked around. His eyes slowly looked around, and he caught the briefest glimpse of something.

Jay Lavi Hendricks stared, as the sun rose, his eyes watching the moon sink below the sky and the sun raise, he stared at something he hadn’t seen in his lifetime.

A city, one that wasn’t in shambles. A city that wasn’t inhabited by raging infernos, A CITY WITH A GODDAM CASTLE AND SPIRALING TOWERS!

Slowly he stumbled forward, unable to resist as he was so captivated. He began to walk. Then he began to run. Then he sprinted, and within seconds his wings had spread, and he had taken flight, his shredded fatigued and a single deagle was all that he carried. A man had died, and a dragon had been born through fire and flames, he just didn’t know it yet.