//------------------------------// // Whole Lot of Apples Going On Pt.4.875 (Fritters) // Story: Dragon's Mommies // by TAD2 //------------------------------// Spike was sitting at a table and staring at the piping hot plate of apple fritters that he wasn't allowed to touch. He wanted to taste one so much, but he needed to wait for Celestia to arrive. 'I hope she gets here soon.' Thought Spike. Spike's prayers were answered moments later. Celestia in her full royal grace teleported to the apple farm. She looked around the area and she smiled when she noticed Spike looking at a plate of apple fritters. She giggled as she used her magic to levitate Spike's necklace around his neck, while moving the fried treat over to her, but not before taking the top one off the pile and moving it closer to Spike. "Here you go, Spike." Said Celestia as she walked over to Spike. Spike looked at the Princess. He smiled at seeing that his necklace was back and that he got an apple fritter. "Thank you Celestia." Said Spike as he ate the apple fritter in a single inhale. Spike looked around. "Um... Celestia, why is everyone quiet?" Asked Spike. It was true, the moment Celestia teleported to the farm, everyone was slack jawed at the sight of the princess. Celestia giggled at Spike as she took a seat at the table with him. She leaned down to the dragon. "Spike, most ponies are not used to seeing me teleport out of the blue." She then giggled. "But that's why I do it." "Oh." Said Spike, he then began to giggle as well. Spike looked down at his necklace and smiled at seeing that it was back with him. But then he noticed the rune marks on the gold. "Celestia, what are these?" Asked Spike. Celestia swallowed her mouthful of fritters and smiled at the little dragon. "Well Spike, those are called runes, it’s a form of magic that only requires the caster to cast it once. But it will stay active for as long as the caster deems fit. Each rune represents a word, and I searched for a long time to find the right rune combination for you. It says, 'Dumtaxat purpurae viriditate qui videt familiae decus tollat.' or 'Only those of purple and green, and those who he sees as family, may remove this charm.' I wanted to make sure that nothing would happen to it going forward." Said Celestia as she stuffed another fritter into her mouth. 'Sweet me, these things are almost as good as cake.' Thought Celestia. Spike smiled as he looked at his necklace. He then gave Celestia a hug. " Thank you Celestia." Celestia smiled at Spike as she wrapped her wing around him. "I'm sorry she took it in the first place." Suddenly all the girls walked over to the table to greet Celestia. "Good afternoon girls." Said Celestia as she took another fritter into her mouth. "I hope nothing has happened in the last day that I should be concerned about." All the girls shook their heads. Celestia smiled at hearing this, so she gave each of the girls a fritter from her pile. Rainbow and AJ scarfed them down in a second, while Rarity and Fluttershy took their time eating them, but the weird one was Pinkie. When Celestia gave Pinkie a fritter, it wasn't there a nanosecond later, so she tried to give her another one, that one disappeared too, so she tried a third time, and she actually saw the fritter disappear. Pinkie was moving so fast, that Celestia didn't even notice her move until she focused on the little filly. Spike on the other hand, was giggling at Pinkie's actions with the fritters. But all good things must come to an end, as the plate of fried food was now empty. Celestia sighed. 'Dang, I'm only half full.' Thought Celestia. Suddenly there was an even larger plate of fresh apple fritters on the table. "I thought you could use a few more." Said Pear as she took a seat at the table with Celestia. Celestia smiled at Pear. "Thank you, Buttercup." Said Celestia as she gave a few of the fritters to each of the girls, she gave a dozen to Applejack, a dozen to Spike, and a few to Pear as well. Celestia shoved three into her mouth and smiled at the taste of fresh fried dough that was coated in so much glaze, that it could make a stallion so sugar high, that he would be able to stop time. Celestia swallowed the fritters and looked at Pear. "So, Buttercup, I got an invoice from the mayor’s office this morning requesting funds for repairs for Ponyville town hall." Said Celestia. Pear shrugged. "How weird, it must have happened right after I walked out with Spoiled. How much did it say the repairs were going to cost?" Asked Pear, she knew what she did to town hall, and she was prepared to pay for it. Celestia gave Pear a knowing smile. "That's just it, the invoice also noted that all the repairs would be payed by Filthy Rich. It was just informing me of the less than normal amount of documents that will be from Ponyville until the repairs are done." Pear smiled at hearing that Filthy Rich was going to pay for the damage. "Well that sure is nice of him to do that." Said Pear Celestia nodded. "Yes, it was. So, do you think that little foal will be alright without her mother?" Asked Celestia, she needed to get statements for the court. Pear nodded. "Yes, without a doubt, Diamond Tiara will be just fine without Spoiled. She has a father who loves her more than anything, and I've known Filthy since I was a little filly, he has always been a good stallion." Said Pear. Celestia smiled at hearing this. "Thank you for telling me all of this. Hold on." Said Celestia as she gave Spike the last fritter on the plate, he was trying to reach for it himself, but he was still cursed with little legs. Spike smiled at getting the last fritter as he rendered it to crumbs in no time flat. Spike looked at Celestia. "Celestia, do you want to help make the jam with us today?" Asked Spike. Pear looked at Spike. "Spike, I'm sure the princess has a lot of things to do today." Said Pear as she gave Spike a sad smile. Spike became sad at hearing this, but he didn't want to take her away from her work. "Oh, ok." Said Spike. Celestia sighed as she looked at Spike. "Yes, I am sorry Spike, but the life of a princess is a tedious thing, and my day is full of boring meetings, reading papers, making appearances in Canterlot and many other things that my assistant reminds me to do." Said Celestia as she then smirked. "But she owes me for showing up to her daughter’s birthday party a few years ago, so." Said Celestia as she teleported a piece of paper and a quill to her. She then started to scribble a little note and smiled at the letter. On Time, I'm cashing in that favor from a few years ago, clear my schedule for the day and reschedule everything that you can, I'll be back in a while. Celestia then sent the message to the mare. She looked at Spike and smiled at him. "My schedule is now clear, and I would love to help you make the jam this year. Believe it or not, I've done a lot of things in my life, but making jam, not one of them." Said Celestia. Spike smiled a wide smile as he gave Celestia a hug. "Yay." Cheered Spike.