//------------------------------// // A Seed Of Doubt // Story: Fear of A Child // by Bluecatcinema //------------------------------// The three ponies from the construction site were sat in a interrogation room, in the midst of an interrogation. Ballista and Titan were sitting on the other side of the table. "Can you please stop looking at me like that?" The wimpy pony of the group asked Titan. "Grrr..." Titan growled. "I demand to see our lawyer!" The second, more irritated pony snarled. "Why hasn’t he come yet?" “Caught up in traffic.” Ballista deadpanned, “But honestly, this would go a lot faster if you just tell us what we want to know.” “And we told you before, we ain’t telling you anything!” The head pony snarled. “Do you guys really think you’re in any position to be this defiant?” Ballista grimaced. “You three assaulted two RDL agents, with plans to kidnap a mental patient. Unless you give me a reason not to, you’re all looking at a very long prison sentence.” “Look, this is all a big misunderstanding!” The wimpy pony insisted. “I’m not a terrorist! I’m a very law-abiding’ citizen! I don't steal from the office, I never commit parking violations... I even return all my library books on time! Besides-” He pointed to the head pony, “He’s the one who thought this all up!” “Oh, you backstabbing buck!” The head pony growled. “I ain’t going to prison for you!” The wimpy pony pouted, “I didn’t even want to be there to begin with!” “Really? So you weren’t the one bellyaching about not being able to pay your rent?” The irritated pony crossed his hooves, “You practically begged to be a part of it!” “I did not!” The wimpy pony snapped. "Oh, quit whining!" The head pony snarled. "And you!" He pointed to the irritated pony. "Stop yelling. You're giving me a headache!" "I'm not whining!" The wimpy pony screeched. "I'll yell if I want to!" The irritable pony snarled. "Not if you don't want my hoof in your face!" The head pony threatened. "Bring it!" The irritable pony taunted him. "Not more violence!" The wimpy pony cringed. Their petty bickering quickly annoyed Ballista. "That's enough of that." He scowled, gesturing to Titan. "RUFF!" Titan barked loudly. The three instantly clammed up, as the wimpy pony cowered in fear of the big Diamond Dog. “Okay, now that I have your attention again, maybe we can finally get some questions answered. So, quit your bloody bickerin’ and just tell me what’s going on around here.” Ballista growled, as he turned to the head pony, “Now then… I was told by my two associates that you three were at that site because somepony was going to pay you to take the patient. Is this correct?” “Well, define ‘going to pay-’” The head pony hesitated. Titan growled. “Yes, yes we were.” The head pony added swiftly. “And who exactly hired you?” Ballista asked. “Hell if I know.” The head pony grimaced, “I was walking to the hotel after work one night, when this guy pulled me into an alleyway. Told me it was my lucky day. He was hiding in the shadows, so I didn’t get a good look at him. All I know is he wanted me to get a few guys to jump a carriage that was going to be arriving at our construction site in a few days. He apparently pulled some strings to have the entire crew take a few weeks off. His instructions were: attack the carriage, take the patient within, hurt no one.” “Hurt no one?” Ballista repeated, “That’s an odd thing to ask for in a kidnapping.” “Tell me about it.” The head pony grunted, “But with the money he was gonna pay us, I didn’t ask questions. But we brought empty crossbows, hoping it would be enough to scare them… but then the carriage was late. We kinda thought for a moment that we were being punk’d until you guys came in.” “So, you three really had no idea about what happened to the actual carriage?” Ballista raised a brow. “Hell no.” The irritated pony snarled, “I certainly didn’t waste nights at that damn site for my health…” “Well, you didn’t have to be there either.” The head pony glared, “Oh wait, who racked up gambling debts from all those air races?” "Don't get all high and mighty with me!" The irritable pony shot back. "You're the one who can't get any other job!" "Shut up!" The head pony spat. "You shut up!" The irritable pony snarled. "I just wanna go home!" The wimpy pony bawled. “Lauren buckin’ Faust…” Ballista hissed, as he turned to Titan, “Keep an eye on them. And no matter how much you want them to, don’t let them kill each other.” Titan gave a annoyed ‘ruff’, as Ballista left the interrogation room full of bickering idiots. The British pony pulled out his mirror as he tapped it. Elsewhere, Black and Fury’s carriage were making their way through the mountainside. Just then, Black’s mirror started ringing. “Ballista.” Black answered swiftly, expecting his call, “What did you learn?” “Well, one thing is for certain, they aren’t Forefather agents.” Ballista grimaced, “I don’t think even they would hire these morons.” “Hmph, I figured as much.” Black frowned, “Even by Forefathers’ standards, they were pretty lousy fighters.” “You said it.” Fury nodded, listening in, “Besides, if they were Forefather agents, they would’ve known that the patient wasn’t coming.” “Yeah, that’s what they said.” Ballisa nodded, “It sounds like they’ve been waiting for a while for this patient. Longer than expected, even.” “Which begs the question: if they’re not working with the Forefathers, then who hired them?” Black pondered. “Your guess is good as mine, mate.” Ballista admitted, “The ringleader didn’t get a good look at the guy who hired him. All they said was he promised good money for the patient’s retrieval…” Ballista then put a hoof to his chin, “Although... they were given explicit instructions to not harm anypony while doing so.” “That’s what they said back at the site.” Black mused, “...And you know what? They also described the two guys who were escorting the patient. That security guard and Dr. Horror.” “This is getting hinky.” Fury scowled, “I thought this transport was on the down low. If they weren’t sent by the Forefathers, then who else knew about them, let alone the two guys doing the run?” “...Hmm…” Black closed his eyes in ponderance, “...Ballista, did you ever find anything back at the hospital that could be linked to the patient?” "Well, now that you mention it, there was this one thing..." Ballista recalled. "We found an underground facility under the hospital. It wasn’t even that well hidden, actually. It was just this big hatch in the floor, right under a rug. May as well have put a sign there, saying 'secret passageway here'..." "What was down there?" Fury asked. "The cops found a lab with an empty glass cell." Ballista answered. "The whole place had been ransacked… but they did find some vital statistics about a 'Nyx’... With Nabudis' name on them." “Nabudis… isn’t that the doctor who organized the transport to begin with?” Black recalled. “That’s what Fletcher said.” Ballista nodded, “The guy’s been riding their asses to find the patient all day yesterday…” He then noted Black’s glance, “What are you thinking?” “Well, as we already know, not a lot of ponies knew that the VIP was heading over to the Isle of Wheat.” Black mused, “The Forefathers, Dr. Horror, and Dr. Nabudis. The Forefathers already made their move that night. Dr. Horror definitely had no idea… which leaves only one…” “Hold on, you’re saying that Doctor Nabudis guy hired those idiots?” Fury frowned. “Well, it makes sense, doesn’t it?” Black asked, “He was the one who gave the go ahead to transport this patient to a hospital that was still in construction. And specified that the transfer be made in the dead of night with no one knowing.” “That is a good point.” Ballista nodded, “And since he does work at Brightdale, he would have ways for clearing out a construction site for the company… the only question is why? Why would a doctor hire somepony to steal one of his patients?” “...I don’t know.” Black grimaced, “But me and Fury are en route to Canterlot right now. We’ll ask him ourselves. Hopefully, the doctor won’t be as difficult as those morons.” “Alright. Titan and I will sit on our ‘morons’ for a bit, in case they have something else to tell us.” Ballista declared, “Triage and the others are still over at the morgue, looking at that park scum.” “Still?” Fury frowned, “I get Triage is old and all, but I didn’t think he was slow.” “I can assure you, it’s not that.” Ballista deadpanned, “Apparently, something weird happened and Triage insisted that we send Armory over with one of his gadgets to check something.” "So the plot thickens." Black frowned. "What about Sterling and the others?" Fury frowned. "We haven't heard back from them yet." Ballista shrugged. "If we're lucky, maybe they'll find the missing piece of the puzzle." Sterling suggested. "We've never been that lucky..." Fury scoffed. "Either way, keep me posted." Ballista urged. "And I'll do the same." "Will do." Black nodded. Ballista's voice vanished from the mirror. "Sterling and his guys better be working hard, and not goofing off." Fury muttered. "Of course they're workin' hard." Black scoffed. "It's not like some walk in the park..." Back in Canterlot, Sterling, Survival and Nabudis were continuing their search, which had currently led them to the outskirts of another park. “Another park? Lauren Faust, how many parks does this city need?” Sterling grimaced. “You said it.” Survival grimaced. "Can't imagine how much of the city budget goes toward groundskeeping..." “Well, I’m not complaining.” Nabudis shook his head, as he took in the gates. "A park has plenty of places for our patient to hide in. Makes it harder for those attackers to find her.” “It also makes it harder for us, you know.” Sterling deadpanned. “Which is why we must persevere.” Nabudis declared, “Even if we have to explore every park in this city, we must find our patient.” “So… we're gonna spend the day digging in the dirt, climbing trees, and crawling through bushes." Sterling deadpanned. "Nice plan." "Well, your sarcasm certainly isn't helping matters." Nabudis frowned. "Well, sor-ry." Sterling sneered. "I just thought, with you seeming to know so much about the kid, you might have a better idea about where she could be. Or were you just blowing smoke with all that?" "I daresay I know more than you do." Nabudis retorted. "And it's not like you have any better ideas..." "But I'm not the expert here, am I?" Sterling shot back. "Guess that makes two of us." "Now see here..." Nabudis growled. The two continued their disagreement as the group made their way to the park. Survival fell behind, not wishing to be involved in the argument. "What s with those two?" He muttered. "Always arguing about something..." As he continued walking, he passed by an alleyway. The trenchcoat wearing pony that had spied on them earlier suddenly emerged from the shadows. “What the- what are you-” Without a word, the trenchcoat pony grabbed Survival, pulling him into the alleyway. “Hey, what the-” Survival gripped the other ponies’ hooves, “Let me go!” "Anything you say." The trenchcoat pony tossed him aside. "Arrgh!"' Survival grunted as he hit the ground hard. As he got to his hooves, Survival found his opponent blocking the way out of the alley. “Okay, bub, you better not mess with me!” Survival snarled, “I got a knife on me and I’m not afraid to use it!” “Lauren, take it easy!” The trenchcoat pony grimaced, ‘I’m not here to mug you or anything!” “Then why the hell did you yank me in here?” Survival challenged. “Because there’s somepony who wishes to speak with you.” The trenchcoat pony replied, pulling a mirror out of his pocket, and tapping it, before extending his hoof. “Here…” Survival, against his better judgement, hesitantly reached out and grabbed the mirror, as it began to activate. The mirror’s surface was snowy at first before it soon revealed the face of Secretariat Dysley. "Hello, Dr. Horror." Dysley smiled. “What the- Mr. Dysley?” Survival gaped. “The one and only.” Dysley nodded, “I’m glad that I’ve finally reached you. After what happened with the hospital, I’ve assumed the worst had happened.” “What is going on here?” Survival frowned, “How did you know I was here… let alone alive?” “Well, not long before the massacre, I’ve heard that an overnight transport was authorized and that you and Hamm were on it.” Dysley explained, “Speaking of which, where is Hamm?” “He’s dead.” Survival said bluntly, “And so are the pullers, by the way.” “Oh.” Dysley frowned, “I’m sorry…” “Yeah, me too…” Survival closed his eyes in grief. “...But, on the upside, at least you weren’t around when the hospital was attacked.” Dysley forced a smile, “We can all be thankful that one doctor survived this old mess.” "...Thankful?" Survival felt a scowl grow on his face. "All those deaths. Good, innocent ponies. And you're 'thankful' one survived?" “Uh… yes?” Dysley frowned, a bit taken aback by the sudden change in attitude, “After all, I hear you are one of our best doctors.” “Well, for your information, Dysley, I’m not the only doctor who survived.” Survival snarled, “Somnus is still alive and with me!” “Somnus? He’s with you?” Dysley gaped. “That’s right. And he told me everything.” Survival declared fiercely. “What are you talking about? Where is all this hostility coming from?” Dysley frowned, “You know it’s me, right? Secretariat Dysley, pharmaceutical trailblazer, philanthropist..." “The guy who tears a father from his child?” Survival accused. “What?!” Dysley gasped. “Som told me all about Nyx.” Survival growled, “About how he took her in when he found her abandoned in Everfree Forest. How he’s been raising her under Brightdale Hospital. And how you found out and fired him! And how you were going to take her away!” “Well, anything sounds bad if you put it like that.” Dysley grimaced. “How else would you put it, then, sir?” Survival scowled, “Never have I imagined that a Dysley would be capable of doing something so crappy, so cruel! Faust knows Sacred would never do something like this!” "Ooh..." The Trenchcoat Pony covered his mouth in shock. "I will thank you to leave my father out of this, Dr. Horror." Dysley said coldly, “And I don’t appreciate the accusations you’re throwing at me.” “I call them as I see them, sir.” Survival glared. “I wanna know why you would do this to Somnus, after everything he's done for your company! Yes, maybe he used company resources to take care of Nyx, but he did it because-” “Wait, you actually think I fired Nabudis over misappropriation of funds?” Dysley scoffed. “Well, that’s what Nabudis told me.” Survival frowned. “Then it seems Nabudis has filled your head with lies.” Dysley declared. “...What?” Survival gaped, “What are you talking about?” “Well, to start, I didn’t fire Nabudis over the misuse of company money.” Dysley claimed, “Can’t really call it misuse if I was the one who approved the spending.” “Wait… so you knew about-” “The underground facility? Yes.” Dysley nodded, “Honestly, Dr. Horror, nothing goes on in that hospital without me knowing. Which is why I know everything about Nyx… but what is this I hear about Everfree Forest? Why did he tell you exactly?” “...That he found her abandoned among a group of dead cultists following a ritual gone wrong twelve years ago?” Survival answered hesitantly. “You mean the cult run by Spell Nexus?” Dysley said incredulously, “Hate to burst your bubble, but that incident was over twenty years ago, and no one died… although Spell Nexus had to undergo a lot of therapy…” “Wait, what?!” Survival gasped, before scowling, “No way. That can’t be right!” “It’s the truth. Brightdale even helped with his rehabilitation. I could show you the records… but the hospital is kinda-” Dysley gave an awkward shrug. “But where did Nyx-” Survival began to ask. “Allow me to clarify.” Dysley declared, “You see, Nyx was brought to us by this Unicorn couple, not long after my father’s passing. They were socialites, desperately seeking help with the young foal’s ‘powers’, which had seemingly manifested out of the blue. The power to generate nightmare-inducing miasma.” Survival remained silent, acknowledging the similarity to what Nabudis told him. “As a favor, they asked we kept Nyx’s admittance and residency a secret, for the sake of their reputations and hers’.” Dysley explained sadly, “With Nabudis taking the lead, we specially designed the underground facility to keep her hidden, as well as keeping her powers in check. And up 'til now, we had monitored her, studying her, trying to find a way to reintegrate her back into society without her powers causing panic to those around her. We thought we were close to succeeding… but then Nabudis…” “Hold on, what do you mean Nabudis?” Survival glared “Well… he started to change.” Dysley shook his head, “I would be lying if I said Nabudis wasn’t instrumental to the progress we made with the young patient. Out of everypony, Nyx grew closest to Nabudis… but then, Nabudis started to act funny.” “Funny how?” Survival frowned. “Well, he began neglecting his other duties in favor of Nyx.” Dysley explained, “More often than not, he would pass off his work onto other doctors, or just blatantly ignore other patients. Every hour of the day, he was spending it with Nyx. One could say that he has become rather obsessed with her.” “Obsessed?” Survival winced, recognizing Fletcher’s comments about Nabudis’ determination to find Nyx. “Yes, not to mention all the time Nabudis had not shown up for work.” Dysley grimaced, “And not just because of his job. For days on end, he would just disappear, only to come back like nothing has happened. Where to, and for what purpose, he would not say.” "This... This can't be true." Survival struggled to reign in his feelings of uncertainty. "It just can't..." “When I first got word of his obsessions, it had already escalated.” Dysley continued, “He was refusing to let any of the other doctors that were assigned to Nyx to take care of her. There were even times that he was hostile.” “Nabudis? Hostile?” Survival said skeptically, “I find all that very hard to believe. It doesn't sound like the Dr. Nabudis I know." "I've known him longer than you have." Dysley retorted. "But even to me, he was acting out of sorts. I’ve tried to talk to him about his behaviors several times, but he refused to listen. I can only assume that my father’s death had finally caused him to crack… or maybe, this obsession stemmed from another obsession he once had…” He glanced intently at Survival, “Has Nabudis ever told you about his obsession with Nightmare Moon?” “Of course he had.” Survival nodded, “It was not one of his proudest moments. He said it caused him a bit of trouble way back when…” He narrowed his eyes, “Why you bring it up?” “Well, if you had seen Nyx yourself, you would be hard-pressed to not see the similarities between her and Nightmare Moon. Both have black coats, turquoise cat-like eyes… and that miasma…” Dysley trailed off. "What are you getting at?" Survival frowned. "I'll tell you what I'm getting at." Dysley rose to the challenge. "I believe Nabudis had begun to groom Nyx, so that she can become the new Nightmare Moon." "What?!" Survival gaped. "You can't be serious!" "As a heart attack." Dysley declared grimly. "Nyx’s parents had begun to pick on Nabudis’ behaviors. They wanted to bring her home, or at least find another hospital that could take care of her. But Nabudis was smart. He kept falsifying reports, intercepted transfer requests, buried memos in the paperwork... Next thing I knew, there was a story in the paper about the parents dying under 'suspicious circumstances'. Right after Nabudis decided to take a night off for the first time in months. I had no proof it was him, but it all seemed a little too coincidental for my tastes..." Survival listened silently, unable to even comment on the twisted words he was hearing. “It pained me to do it, but I had to fire Nabudis, and ban him from the premises to protect the company as well as the patient." Dysley continued. "However, it seemed even that wasn’t enough. Nabudis must have managed to arrange a transport and was going to take her to some secret location, so he could keep her all to himself…” "I can believe some of this." Survival recovered his voice. "Dr. Nabudis told me himself that he'd made preparations after you fired him…” He then scowled, “But the rest is just grade A hydra droppings! Nabudis got over that obsession with Nightmare Moon years ago! And he sure as hell wouldn’t kill ponies!" "Ponies don't just get over their obsessions, Dr. Horror." Dysley said bluntly. "Haven't you ever noticed how Nabudis always seemed... off? That he had a thing about him that made him not well liked among his peers?" "So what?" Survival said defensively. "All great minds have their eccentricities." "Do not allow your admiration of Nabudis to color your perceptions, Dr. Horror." Dysley warned him. "I know that it can be difficult to see a mentor figure, even... a father figure, as being in the wrong..." "It's only difficult because Dr. Nabudis has done nothing wrong." Survival retorted. "Hasn't he?" Dysley urged. "No, he hasn't." Survival said stubbornly. "Think about it, Survival." Dysley pushed. "Nabudis picked you and Hamm to handle the escort.” “Yeah, because we are his closest friends.” Survival rebutted, “The only ponies he could trust to take care of her.” “Yes… because everypony else saw him for the disturbed individual he is.” Dysley shot back, “All he needed was two ponies nai-I mean, trusting enough to do as he asked, no matter how shady it sounded.” “He is not disturbed!” Survival snarled. “Oh yeah? Name one pony who is friends with Nabudis beside you and Hamm.” Dysley challenged. "Well, uh..." Survival racked his brains. "I think there's... No, he doesn't count..." "As I thought." Dysley nodded, vindicated. “Ugh, that doesn’t prove anything!” Survival snapped. “Oh, then how about this? Isn’t it a little coincidental that those attackers knew all about the escort, and exactly where to strike?” “Well..." Survival frowned, eyeing him suspiciously, “I can only assume somepony told them…” “Like who?” Dysley challenged, “Clearly, it wasn’t you or Hamm. And I couldn’t have known.” He noted the suspicious glance in his eyes, “No matter what you may think, Survival... So that only leaves only…” "No, it can't have been Dr. Nabudis..." Survival shook his head. "He wouldn't do that. Especially not to me or Hamm." "Don't be blind!" Dysley growled. "Nabudis is not the benevolent stallion you think he is. Far from it." "You don't know what you're talking about." Survival shook his head. "I think you'll find I do." Dysley insisted. "No, you don't!" Survival insisted. "You're trying to deceive me!" "I'm trying to talk some sense into you." Dysley growled. "I don't want to hear it!" Survival spat. "But I've heard a little about you. About your connections to this group called the Forefathers." "'Fore-fathers'? Is that some kind of golfing club?" Dysley asked. "Don't play dumb." Survival snarled. "I know you're working with those maniacs." "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about." Dysley replied. "More lies." Survival glared. "And you're surprised I'm not buying anything you're saying about Nabudis." "You must listen to me." Dysley urged. "Nabudis is dangerous." "He's my friend." Survival retorted. "And I trust him." “Well, I guess that’s all there is to it.” Dysley sighed, “Make no mistake, Dr. Horror, your colleagues and friends will be avenged. I will personally see to it that those three who attacked you get their just desserts… in the meantime, I suggest you watch yourself. The last thing I want to happen is to lose my last doctor… for now, I bid you adieu…” Dysley’s face faded from the mirror, as without a word, the trenchcoat pony snatched the mirror out of Survival’s hoof. "Have a nice day." The Trenchcoat pony said flatly, before retreating down the alleyway. Survival stood in place for a moment. As much as he wanted to deny it, Dysley's words had left their mark. 'It can't be true.' He thought. 'But how else would those thugs know when and where to strike?' Trying to shake off his doubts, Survival headed over to the park, so he could rejoin Nabudis and Sterling. Once there, he spotted Sterling, inspecting some bushes. "Oh, hey." Sterling noticed Survival's approach. "Where have you been?" "I thought I saw the patient running down an alleyway." Survival answered. "Turned out to be a false alarm, though. Where's Dr. Nabudis?" "Checking over by the fountain." Sterling pointed. "Speaking of which, I was thinking that, now that we have a moment alone, we could talk about Nabudis." "Talk?" Survival frowned, not liking the conspiratorial tone in Sterling's voice. "What about?" "I know you two are close, but I have to say, Nabudis might not be who you think he is." Sterling clarified. "What's that supposed to mean?" Survival asked defensively, well aware that Sterling was the second pony to tell him that. “Well, the truth is… there is somepony that I once knew, back from when I was a Forefather.” Sterling revealed, “Somepony that had more than a few things in common with Nabudis...” “Hold it right there, bub.” Survival stepped in, incensed “I already told you guys that Nabudis is not a psychopath! Quite frankly, I am getting sick and tired of-” “Hey, I’m not saying he’s a psychopath.” Sterling scowled, “But he might not be innocent either…” “What are you even talking about?” Survival demanded. “That story you told me about Nabudis helping that stallion who got his hoof cut off by a chainsaw wielding psycho mare, back in Neigh Orleans...” Sterling recalled. “...Which hoof was it, exactly?” “Not sure how this pertains to anything.” Survival huffed, “But it was the-” “Front left hoof?” Sterling finished, a grim look on his face. Survival paused for a moment, taken aback. “What the-” Survival stammered, before glaring, “Okay, how did you know that?” “Because...” Sterling then lifted his front left hoof, pulling his jacket sleeve down to show the faint, but visible, scar of when his hoof was severed and subsequently sewn back on, “I was that pony.” “...No…” Survival shook his head, stupefied, as he then suddenly took Sterling’s hoof into his own, to the owner’s surprise, as he looked it over, “T-that can be right! There’s no way! T-this is a joke, right?” “It is not.” Sterling pulled his hoof away abruptly, “Trust me, I still remember the day that damn mare lobbed it off. Hurt like a motherbucker!” “But how can that be?!” Survival asked, “You only just met Nabudis yesterday! You two would have recognized each other if he had fixed your hoof!” “But that’s the thing… he didn’t.” Sterling announced. “Huh?” Survival gaped in confusion. “You see, I was there that day in Neigh Orleans on a mission for the Forefathers.” Sterling recounted, “I was sent there with three others to retrieve some notes for a regenerative serum. Crap went down, and I lost my hoof. But the stallion who sewed my hoof back on and treated me was a stallion who called himself Doc.” “Wait… as in that ‘Doc’ Caboose was talking about earlier?” Survival grimaced, “The one Dysley was supposedly working with?” “The very same.” Sterling nodded, “He was the head doctor back in the Forefathers. And an expert surgeon. He was not as bad as others I’ve come to know in that organization… but he was definitely the strangest… he was always shrouded in cloaks, and he wore a mask with a voice modulator all the time. No one knew who he was, especially me… at least, until now.” “Hold on… are you saying that Nabudis and this ‘Doc’ are one and the same?” Survival gaped, “...No, that can’t be. I refuse to believe it!” “Look, I don’t want to believe it any more than you do.” Sterling said firmly, “But you can’t deny the similarities.” “This doesn’t prove anything!” Survival insisted, his resolve weakening, “Just because you just so happened to lose your hoof in the same way and in the same location doesn’t necessarily mean you are the same guy from Nabudis’ story.” “Then what about how you said he went to Alpacia and Yokestadt?” Sterling pointed out, “I’ve been to both those places, and both times, it was with Doc. Don’t you think it’s a bit too much of a coincidence that Doc and Nabudis have been to all the same locations?” “Yes I do actually.” Survival grunted, “Alpacia and Yokestadt are very big countries. Neigh Orleans is also a very populous city. By your logic, I could have easily been Doc.” “Not likely… Doc was Sacred Dysley’s partner, you know.” Sterling revealed, “...And from what I could tell, he was just as close to Sacred as Nabudis was.” “He was?” Survival’s glare softened. “That’s right. And Doc was just as heartbroken when Sacred died all those years ago.” Sterling frowned. “Well, that still doesn’t necessarily mean anything.” Survival grimaced, “I mean, Sacred was married. If the rumors were true, then it’s not farfetched to say that he had affairs with more than one guy, you know?” “Survival…” Sterling frowned. "It's still not certain!" Survival insisted. "It could all just be a massive coincidence!" "That would be quite a big coincidence, you have to admit." Sterling pointed out. "What's more likely to be true here?" "And what if it is true?" Survival groaned. "Then what?!" "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Sterling declared. "Despite the evidence, we still need to be absolutely sure before we confront him, so don't let Nabudis know about any of this just yet." "So there's still a chance that Nabudis and this Doc aren't the same pony." Survival pointed out (for his own sake more than anything). "Until we know for sure, I won't burden him with the accusation..." Soon after, Nabudis returned. "There you are, Survival." He frowned. "Care to explain your sudden absence?" "I thought I saw the patient run down an alleyway." Survival repeated the lie. "But it wasn't her. Just a dumb cat." "I see..." Nabudis mused. "It seems Nyx isn't hiding at the park either." "So much for that idea." Sterling sneered. "Now what?" "We keep looking, of course." Nabudis said testily. "Yeah, sure." Sterling scoffed. "If it ain't broke..." "Spare us all the sarcasm, please." Nabudis scowled. "Save your energies for searching." "I think I have a few ideas where we can look." Survival declared, eager to defuse the situation. "Well, let's hear 'em." Sterling urged. "Better to listen to you, anyway..." The trio left the park, Survival beginning to list his ideas. Back at the morgue where Weasel's body was being kept, Triage and his coneades were waiting, the mortician standing beside them. “Are you absolutely sure this is necessary?” The mortician grimaced, “I mean, the circumstances are strange, but this seems to be a whole lot of effort to go to just for this one guy.” “It may look that way, but considering what happened to me earlier, I have reasons to believe there’s something very wrong going on around here.” Triage said firmly. “And hopefully, with Armory’s help, we’ll figure what that something is.” “You sure we can’t just chalk this up to you getting early dementia?” Incognito crossed his hooves. “Cog.” Master Mind cuffed him on the head. "Fine. Let's just make it quick." Incognito said tersely. Moments later, Armory coming in, lugging in something that looked like a industrial vacuum cleaner, and visibly struggling. “Oh, don’t mind the cripple here.” Armory scowled, as he pulled it once more, “Just pulling this VERY heavy instrument all by myself! Wouldn’t need any help!” “Alright, you made your point.” Incognito scoffed as he and Master went to help move the machine. “What is this thing?” The mortician frowned. “The thing that will break this case wide open.” Triage stepped forth, “I want to thank you again, Heinrich, for doing this.” “No problem.” Armory stretched his back, a bit sore from the hauling, “I must say, I was wondering why you required me and my magic detector. The others mentioned you went crazy or something?” “I didn’t go-” Triage growled, before sighing, “You see, I was looking at Weasel’s body. You know, the scumbag from the park. But when I did, I think I might have breathed in some hallucinogen, because next thing I knew, I was rudely slapped by Incognito, having suffered some episode.” “It worked. Didn’t it?!” Incognito hissed. “Well, it couldn’t have been any hallucinogen I know.” Master Mind frowned, “I checked and double-checked Triage’s work when he re-examined the body and we found nothing. In fact, there was nothing to indicate there was anything in his body to begin with.” “That is why I suggested calling you.” Triage declared to Armory, “I heard you were developing something that could detect and collect traces of magic and magic residue.” “That I was.” Armory smirked, as he then pulled out what looked to be the wand of the ‘vacuum cleaner’, “Allow me to present the Magische Probe, the top-of-the-line magic detector and sampler, made by yours truly!” “Um, what?” The mortician grimaced. “Let me explain.” Armory began, “Like hooves, magic can leave prints on whatever it touches. And that residue has a bit of a dna match with it’s user. It's really quite a fascinating phenomenon. You see, how it works is-" “Hey, Armory. We love you, man, but we’re kinda on a tight schedule.” Incognito sighed, “So can you hurry it up?” “Okay, okay.” Armory grunted, as he approached Weasel’s body, tugging the machine with him, “The point is, with this device, we can see if magic was used on this poor soul, and if it was, this machine will be able to extract it’s residue, whatever remains of it at least.” “Whoa, whoa, hold on a moment.” The mortician stepped forth, “This thing isn’t going to contaminate the body or something? I can lose my job if a body got bucked up on my shift.” “Relax. I’ve tested this thing loads of times. As of now, it has a 97% success rate.” Armory rolled his eyes. “97%?” The mortician’s eyes widened, “What happened during the three percent?” “...It’s probably best to not dwell on that.” Armory shrugged, as he then flicked the switch on the device itself, “Now let’s do this!” Armory waved the wand over the body while the others looked on (the mortician nervously so). Suddenly, the Probe’s main body began lighting up and giving off sounds, as Armory slowed his waving. “Ooh, we got something!” Armory smirked. “Looks like I was right after all.” Triage chuckled. “Thank Faust.” The mortician sighed in relief, “For a moment there, I thought it was going to explode or something.” “What are you talking about?” Armory grimaced, “The machine does the detecting just fine. It’s the sample-taking that it usually has problems with.” “Wait, what?!” The mortician’s relief was gone. Armory pushed another button, and the machine began rumbling ominously. "That doesn't sound promising..." The mortician cringed. "No, it does not." Master Mind agreed. "That thing looks like it's about to burst..." Incognito said warily. "Maybe we should get out of-" *TING* Suddenly, a small vial popped out of the top of the machine. “All done!” Armory smirked as he took the vial. “What, that’s it?” Incognito frowned. “Yeah, what were you expecting? A fanfare?” Armory deadpanned, as he then gave the vial to Triage, “Here ya go, Triage.” Triage examined the vial. Inside it was what looked to be a small blue wisp, swirling around. “...What the hell is it?” Master Mind glanced over his shoulder, “Some sort of gas?” “Not likely. We would have found it sooner if it was.” Triage frowned, “But I have a good feeling that this is what brought on that hallucination.” “So it must be some sort of toxin.” Incognito surmised, “A magical-based one at that. You must have breathed in the remnants of it, when you cut the stiff open.” “A good deduction, Incognito.” Triage nodded, “It’s a miracle there was anything left.” “But I am curious… if this is the thing that killed this pony, then why didn’t it kill Triage?” Master Mind asked. “I can only assume there were varying factors.” Triage mused, “I only breathed in a fraction of what was in this body…” Triage then adopted a grim expression, “... That, and I think me being awake might have something to do with it.” “Huh? Why would you being awake change anything?” Incognito frowned. “It’s something Sterling brought up earlier.” Triage recalled, “About those ponies who died in their sleep the last couple of months…” “Oh, yes, I think I remember the stories.” Master Mind mused, “But why bring them up? Do you think there’s a connection here?” “Sterling seemed to think so, and considering how this guy was asleep when he kicked the bucket like them, there might be a chance whatever this is…” He held up the vial, “Might have something to do with the others.” “That’s a big ‘might’, Triage.” Incognito grimaced, “I heard all about these deaths too. They were all corporate, ponies working in big companies. But I hear this Weasel guy liked foals… and not in a good way. If this is all the work of somepony, why the major change in m.o.?” “First things first, we have to confirm whether or not this pony’s death is connected to the others.” Triage said firmly, as he turned to the mortician, “I must ask, do you still have the body of the treasurer who passed three weeks ago? I read that she was sent here as well.” “Well, there’s still paperwork being done on having the body released, what with the odd circumstances.” The mortician frowned. “Then I must ask that you permit us to analyze her body with the Probe.” Triage requested, “If my suspicions are realized, then we just might be able to find what little remains of this blue wisp.” "I don't know..." The mortician said hesitantly. "It's a little late for examinations. Protocol states-" "This really isn't the time for protocol." Incognito cut him off. "We need to find out what this is all about as soon as possible." Triage insisted. "Even if it means bending the rules." "It’s for the greater good." Armory pointed out. "The sooner we solve this mystery, the sooner we can stop these deaths. What do you say?" "...Okay, do it." The mortician agreed. "Just let me step out first. I'd prefer not to be implicated in all this..." With that, the mortician left the room. “Are you sure about this, Triage?” Incognito frowned. “I know I am.” Triage said firmly, “But in the meantime…” He held up the vial once more, “Me and Master Mind should get to work on finding out what this is… with luck, we can get to the bottom of this...” Meanwhile, Nabudis, Sterling, and Survival were halfway through the park. "Somnus, a quick word?" Survival asked. "Alone?" "Gladly." Nabudis nodded, giving Sterling an aside glance. The two moved a short distance away. "What's the matter?" Nabudis inquired. "It's about Nyx. And her parents." Survival said tentatively. "What about them?" Nabudis frowned. "Did... Did you ever go to look for Nyx's parents after finding her in Everfree?" Survival asked. "I did not, actually." Nabudis answered. "Why not?" Survival said awkwardly. "Because, by all accounts, they were probably long gone." Nabudis replied. "Nyx was in a very dishevelled state when I found her, marking her as being on her own for days. Aand even if they weren’t gone, Nyx would have been better off with me, anyway." "I see..." Survival said quietly, feeling more unease than ever (due to what Dysley had said). Before Survival could inquire further, Sterling butted in. "There you two are." He scowled. "Ditching me again, are we?" "No, just... Discussing patients." Survival lied. "Not something we can share with others." Nabudis added. "The old Hippocratic oath, you know..." "Well, the park is turning out to be a bust." Sterling shrugged. "Any other ideas?" "A few." Survival nodded. "But let's get out of here first." As they made their way to the exit, Survival heard something in a nearby bush. "Agent Slugger, reporting in." “Hey, guys.” Survival spoke up, as he approached the bush, “I think I hear something.” The two stallions frowned as they joined him. The three kneeled by the bushes, and peeked over to see a rather thuggish brown Earth Pony stallion, holding up a mirror. It was impossible to tell who he was talking to. “What’s up?” Nabudis frowned. “This guy just called himself an agent.” Survival explained, “Considering how he doesn’t look like EBI or the RDL, I think this might be a Forefather agent.” “How can you be certain?” Nabudis grimaced, uneasiness in his eyes. “It might have something to do with that.” Sterling growled, pointing to the mirror in his hoof. On the back of the mirror, as the thug held it up, the unmistakable eagle and two Fs were partially visible on the back of it. “Huh, almost didn’t see that.” Survival mused, before frowning, “Seems a bit dumb to have your secret organization’s emblem just out there, isn’t it?” “Well, how else are they going to get brand recognition?” Sterling joked. “Now is not the time to joke around, Silver.” Nabudis glared, as he turned to Survival, “Fievel, does this pony look anything like the ones who attacked the carriage?” “I don’t know. They were all wearing cloaks, so I didn’t get a good look at them.” Survival admitted, “But I might be able to recognize his voice. We’d need him to say something familiar though for comparison.” “Well, let’s listen in. He might know something.” Sterling declared. The group moved in closer. They weren't close enough to hear who was on the other end of the mirror, but they could definitely hear the agent's side of the conversation. “The subject has been found? Are you sure?” The agent smirked. “No…” Nabudis gaped. “It can’t be.” Survival shook his head. “...Maybe he’s talking about another ‘subject’?” Sterling grimaced. "You're saying she matches the description?" The agent declared. "Pre-teen filly? Black coat? Cat-like eyes?" The three stood there in silence. “What’s that? I should probably stop repeating everything out loud for everypony to hear?” The agent frowned, “Well, I don’t see anypony around me. So I don’t see what the big deal is...” “What do we do?” Survival frowned. “We have to follow him!” Nabudis growled fiercely, “He knows where N- the patient is!” “Take it easy, Nabudis.” Sterling grimaced, “We can’t afford to act irrationally. Now, just give me a sec, and I’ll call Fletcher and Caboose to our position, and we’ll grab him together and-” “So... Report back to the safehouse?” The thug shrugged, “Wait until further instructions? Again, stop repeating everything out loud? I’m a dumbass?” He growled, “Oh, real mature! When I get back to Infinity, I’m gonna kick your ass!” Turning off the mirror, the irate thug began to move away. “No, he’s gonna get away!” Nabudis roared, parting the bush. “Som, wait!” Survival gasped. “Don’t move, you idiot!” Sterling snarled. But it was too late, for as Survival and Sterling grabbed Nabudis, the doctor tripped on a root, sending all three to the ground with a ‘thud’. “Oof!” Immediately, the thug pony turned to face the others, his eyes alight with terror. For a second (that seemed to stretch into minutes), they stared at each other. “Uhh… hello?” Survival smiled weakly. “Oh, crap!” The thug hissed, as he made a break for it. "After him!" Nabudis yelled, “We can’t lose him!” The group chased after the pony as he hurtled out of the park. The chase led them down the alleyways. "I know these alleys." Sterling declared. "Survival, take the left turn! Nabudis, straight ahead! We'll trap him in a pincer movement!" Survival and Nabudis complied, while Sterling moved right. Up ahead, the target zigzagged through the back alleys, starting to grow confident that he could evade his pursuers. As he made a turn, he saw Survival in his path. "Not so fast." Survival growled. The pony tried to retreat in another direction, but was faced with Nabudis. "Going somewhere?" Nabudis jeered. The pony stepped back, but was then tackled by Sterling. "Gotcha!" Sterling smirked, pinning him to the ground. "Get offa me!" The stallion demanded, “I did nothing wrong!” “I’ll be the judge of that.” Sterling scoffed. He pulled out hoofcuffs from his jacket’s pockets, given to RDL agents for arrests such as these, and cuffed him, “You really should've listened to your friend on the other end.” “Oh, buck me…” The thug snarled. "Okay pal, here's how it's going to go." Sterling announced, as he lifted the stallion to his hooves. "We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna answer.” “I ain’t got a thing to say to any of you!” The thug spat defiantly, “Kiss my flank!” “Survival, is this guy one of the three who attacked you?” Sterling turned to Survival. “Still not sure… hold on.” Survival frowned, “Say ‘Doctor Horror’.” “‘Doctor Horror’?” The thug repeated, “Why-” “Nope, the voice was more gravelly.” Survival shook his head, “And it’s definitely nothing like the other two.” “Well, it was a long shot.” Sterling sighed, before glaring at the thug, “But since we already have you here, perhaps you can tell us what you-” “Step aside!” Nabudis demanded, shoving Sterling, staring hatefully at the thug, “Where is she?!” “What the-” Sterling growled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about-” The thug spat. “LIAR!” Nabudis roared, grabbing him by the neck. “Whoa now, what are you-” The thug panicked. “Tell me where she is!” Nabudis demanded again. “Som, what are you doing?!” Survival gasped. "I'm telling, I don't know anything!" The thug feigned innocence, utterly terrified. "You are lying!" Nabudis roared, the thug's words making him even more angry. "Talk, or else!" He started punching the thug. "UURGH!" The stallion grunted with pain. "Where. Is. Nyx?!" Nabudis roared, punctuating each word with a punch. "Tell me where she is. Now!" Nabudis' brutality and rage horrified Survival. He had never seen his mentor act like that before. Seeing such a display only made his suspicions worse. “Ohh… ohh…” The thug whimpered, his face bloody and bruised. “I’m only going to say this one more time…” Nabudis clutched him tightly by his throat, hoisting him up against the wall, as the thug gagged, “Where is my baby girl?!” "Som, stop!" Survival yelled, grabbing Nabudis' hoof. "That's enough!" Sterling grabbed his other hoof. Without a bit of force, Nabudis was pulled away, leaving the thug to fall to the ground, coughing. “Nabudis…” Sterling glared. “Alright, I might have got a little heated just now.” Nabudis brushed off, calming down. “A little heated?!” Survival gaped, “You were going to kill him!” “I had to do whatever is necessary!” Nabudis rebutted, “I have to find Nyx, no matter what!” “Well, I’m afraid you’re too late.” The three glanced at the thug, as he spat a bit of blood, laughing. “We already knew where the patient was, before I said it out loud.” The thug smirked, “While you guys were busy chasing me, I gave the others time to close in on her. She'll be ours before the day is through, just mark my words!" “You son of a- you were a diversion!” Sterling snarled. “That’s right. I might have flunked elementary school, but I ain’t so dumb that I repeat everything out loud!” The thug chuckled, as his eyes darted towards the direction of Canterlot Castle. Nabudis was quick to pick up on his eyes’ side glance to the Canterlot Castle. His own eyes lit up in shock and disbelief. Sterling and Survival did not pick up on the cue. ’...Oh, you gotta be kidding me.’ Nabudis grimaced, ’There of all places?’ “So I guess it looks like I outsmarted the lot of you!” The thug cackled. “Oh, shut up!” Nabudis slammed his hoof into the thug’s face, knocking him out, “Lousy trash…” Without another word, Nabudis started to move in the direction of the castle. “And where do you think you’re going?” Sterling scowled, as he and Survival stepped in front of him. “What does it look like?” Nabudis glared, “I’m going to find Nyx!” “And who the hell is Nyx?” Sterling frowned, “Is that the patient’s name?” "That's none of your concern." Nabudis retorted. “Somnus, please…” Survival insisted. “It is our concern!” Sterling growled, “We are here to help you find the patient!” “And you all have been a ‘big’ help.” Nabudis sneered sarcastically, “Oh wait, no you haven’t. Why else have our enemies found the patient before us?!” “We don’t know that for sure!” Survival stammered, trying to sooth the angry doctor, “Maybe that agent was bluffing!” “Oh no, he wasn’t.” Nabudis shook his head, “I saw it in his eyes. He was waiting in that park for us, so he could lure us away and give his cohorts a chance to nab Nyx. Well, not if I have something to say about it!” "Fletcher was right about you!" Sterling scowled. "You are acting obsessed about this patient!" "I am not!" Nabudis retorted. "You are!" Sterling insisted. "And you know what? It makes me think like this patient of yours is something a whole lot more to you than just a patient." "It does?" Survival frowned. Sterling was so close to the truth... "That is ridiculous!" Nabudis scowled. "I simply care about her wellbeing, as I do with all my patients!" "Sure ya do." Sterling said mockingly. Survival wasn't sure how long he could hold himself back. The truth was welling up within him, eager to burst free... "What is that supposed to mean?" Nabudis growled. "What do you think it means, Mr. 'bedside manner'?" Sterling retorted. "I'm thinking this isn't just some missing pony case. That this patient of yours is more than just somepony you wanna help..." Survival winced, as Sterling's theory echoed the words Dysley had told him not so long ago... “We do not have time for this!” Nabudis roared, “We have to go now, and get Nyx before they do!” "Why, so you can have your own Nightmare Moon?!" Survival blurted out. "...What?" Nabudis froze. "Huh?" Sterling gaped. “What are you talking about?” Nabudis murmured, his eyes adopting a cold gleam. “Look, while you guys were arguing earlier, I was pulled aside by this guy in a trenchcoat, and was reached out by Secretariat Dysley.” Survival revealed. “Dysley?” Sterling gasped. “Oh no…” Nabudis murmured to himself. “Dysley and I got to talking…” Survival continued, his voice wavering with hesitation, “He told me a very different story from what you told me regarding Nyx. How she had two loving parents who were ‘murdered’, how you dote over her every minute of the day… and how you wanted to keep Nyx all to yourself, and make her the new Nightmare Moon!” "Whoa, seriously?" Sterling asked, shocked. "I don't know what you're talking about." Nabudis retorted. "Don't you?" Survival asked in an accusatory tone. "I didn't want to believe you would do something like that. Faust did I not want to believe… but I can’t deny everything I have seen up to this point… and to think, I was ready to stick my neck out for you…” “Listen to me!” Nabudis insisted, “Whatever you’ve been told is a lie. This is obviously a ploy by Dysley to try and turn you against me! To paint me as a disturbed madpony!” “Really? How do I know that what you said this morning wasn’t ‘obviously a ploy’ by you to manipulate me into not trusting Dysley, so I can help you spirit Nyx away so no one would ever find you?!” Survival shot back. “You’re seriously going to take his word over mine?!” Nabudis accused, “Survival… I’m your mentor… your friend-” “Don’t you even!” Survival snapped, as Nabudis clammed up in shock, “From the very beginning, you’ve been hiding things from me! About Nyx and yourself! From not telling me and Hamm who we were escorting or why, to why you haven’t been at the hospital for weeks and just about everything in between! Friends are supposed to be honest with each other!” “Fievel…” Nabudis frowned, fraught with guilt, “Please understand… I’m not the bad guy here!” “Really?” Survival glared, “Then tell me… did you send me and Hamm out that night, knowing that we were going to get attacked and possibly killed by those Forefather agents?” “No, never!” Nabudis angrily denied, pain in his voice. “Then how did they know, huh?!” Survival snarled, “Out of everypony who could have known about the escort, you and I are the only ones left alive! And you are the only one who knew anything about Nyx! How do you explain any of that?!” “I didn’t tell a soul!” Nabudis roared, “Dysley-” “Dysley! Dysley! Dysley!” Survival mocked, “It keeps coming back to Dysley! I get that Secretariat is nothing like his dad, and I have no doubt in my mind that he is hiding something!” “Yet you are trusting him?!” Nabudis glared. "His words made some sort of sense." Survival declared. "He had a lot of good points. more than you're making right now!" "I am not the monster Dysley seems to be making me out to be!" Nabudis tried to defend himself. "Then why don't you prove it!" Survival got up in his face. "Give me proof that you weren't involved in the attack, right now!" “Okay, let’s all calm down here!” Sterling pushed the two apart, “It's helping no one to turn on each other like this-” “You stay out of this, Sterling!” Nabudis snapped, “You and those two RDL lackies of yours have caused enough problems as it is!” Sterling stood there in silence, as well as Survival, as they both stared at him. “...What?” Nabudis asked. “...You just called Silver ‘Sterling’.” Survival pointed out. “I… I did?” Nabudis frowned, “I… I must have been thinking of someone else-” “Oh, no you weren’t.” Sterling began, his voice grim, “You were thinking of the right pony…” “I don’t know what you’re implying.” Nabudis shook his head. “It all adds up, doesn’t it?” Sterling declared, “How you were close to Dysley senior, how you know all kinds of advanced medical procedures and psychological know-how, and how you just so happened to have saved another stallion’s hoof. A feat like that is pretty rare, and I oughta know, considering a certain doctor did that for me. It's something I'd never forget, and I like to think it's something the doctor will never forget…” Sterling stared him right in the eyes, “...Am I right, Doc?” Nabudis stared back, as if ready to refute his claim… but then he let out a deep sigh. “...It’s been a while, Sterling Cross.” Nabudis… or rather Doc, relented. “Oh my Faust… so it’s all true? You really do know him?! You’re really a Forefather agent?!" Survival gasped, horrified. “No, I’m- look, it’s not what you think!” Nabudis insisted. “Then what is it?” Sterling challenged, “What the hell is going on around here, Doc?! What has happened between you and Dysley?! What is the deal with Nyx?! And what the buck is Project: Bad Dreams?!” “I’m afraid I have no time to explain!” Nabudis shook his head, “Right now, Nyx needs me-” “For what? What is so important about her?!” Sterling demanded, “Because the way you’re sounding right now, you’re coming off just like that Weasel guy!” “...Really?” Nabudis growled, outraged, “You compare me to that filth?! Come on, Sterling, you know me! We were friends-” "Don't you give me that." Sterling retorted. "I didn't even know who you really were up until now! You’ve been hiding from secrets me just like Survival.” “An unfortunate, but necessary, act of deception.” Nabudis said sullenly , “It was for the good of everypony!” “How?! How was lying to me for all those years for anypony’s good?” Survival demanded, “It’s like- it’s like I don’t know you anymore! I don’t think I’ve ever known you.” “I’m sorry, but I did what I had to.” Nabudis defended grimly, “But you have to believe me, I never meant for anypony to get hurt in all this. Fievel, please…” “...I can’t…” Survival’s anger gave way to sadness, “...I don’t.” “...I see.” Nabudis nodded glumly, “I guess that’s that…” “If you’re not going to tell us, then I have no choice.” Sterling said firmly, “I’m going to have to take you in. We may have been friends, but you need to answer for your work with the Forefathers, just as I did. So, please make it easy on us and come quietly." “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Nabudis shook his head, “I need to get to Nyx before the others do. And I am not going to let anypony get in my way… not even you two.” “Don’t try it, Doc.” Sterling warned, “We are going to save Nyx or whatever her name is… and we’ll protect her, whether it’s from Dysley or from you.” “And here I thought you were one of the good ones.” Nabudis grumbled, “I’ll only ask this once: stand down.” “You really think we’re just going to let you walk away?” Survival demanded, finding new resolve from Nabudis' stubbornness, “Come on, Nabudis, look at Sterling. He’d cream you!” “Well, then, it’s a good thing I came prepared.” Nabudis smirked. "Did you, now?" Sterling took a defiant step forward. “Sure. Watch this.” Swiftly, Nabudis reached into his jacket’s pocket, and pulled out a strange bottle, He pressed a button on the top of the bottle, which sprayed its contents all over Sterling and Survival. “Hey!” Survival shielded his eyes. “What the-” Sterling grunted, shielding himself as well. As the substance spread all over them, it began to solidify and set, as the two were now covered in some sort of paste, sticking them in place. “Ack! What the buck is this?!” Sterling growled, as he struggled in place, “I can’t move!” “Yeah, me neither!” Survival lurched back and forth. "Super-strength medical adhesive." Nabudis revealed. "Normally used to meld together massive wounds, but it has other uses, as you can see. You two won’t be going anywhere for awhile.” “So that’s it? You’re just going to leave?” Sterling asked, trying to shake the paste off, “Come on, Doc, don’t do this! Whatever is going on, we can help you!” “I’m afraid we’re well past that point, Sterling.” Nabudis sighed, as he turned to leave, “This is something I’ll have to do on my own...” “Somnus, please!” Survival pleaded. “Just one more warning.” Nabudis declared, unable to face the two, “If any of you value your lives, you will stay out of this. Too many ponies have already lost their lives in these past few days, and I can’t have any more deaths on my conscience… good-bye.” Nabudis walked away, leaving the two. "Som, wait!" Survival yelled. "Get back here!" Sterling called. Nabudis kept on walking, until he vanished from sight. “Somnus! Somnus!” Survival cried, as he let out a scream of agony. “AGGH! Faust dammit!” “Survival… I’m sorry...” Sterling frowned. “How… how did things get this messed up?” Survival quivered, on the verge of tears, “First Hamm, then Brightdale, and now… I find out that my mentor is a Forefather agent? Faust damn, when I think things couldn’t get any worse!” "Just try to stay calm." Sterling tried to offer comfort. "Calm?!" Survival screeched. "How can I be calm in a situation like this." "Well, losing it won't help either." Sterling pointed out. "I suppose not..." Survival sighed. "There ya go." Sterling smiled. “...Now what?” Survival grimaced. “Well, first things first, we need to get out of this ‘sticky situation’.” Sterling declared, as he then (with great difficulty) reached into his pocket, pulling out his mirror, “Luckily, our tech guy installed an emergency signal emitter for a situation like this.” He tapped a secondary button on the back of the handle, and the mirror began to make a soft humming noise, “There. Caboose and Fletcher will be able to follow it straight to us.” "Well, let's hope they don't take too long." Survival sighed. Across Canterlot, Caboose and Fletcher doing their own searching, with Caboose trying to lighten the mood with some chatter. "...And that is why, in my opinion, horseshoes are a waste of iron." Caboose finished his thought. "That was a very well-constructed argument, Caboose." Fletcher said awkwardly. "But we really should-" Fletcher was interrupted by the same humming noise emmanating from his mirror as Sterling. "Oh, no." He frowned. "What is it?" Caboose asked. "Gotta call waiting?" "No, Sterling and the others are in some kind of trouble!" Fletcher corrected him. "We need to get to them, fast!" "Right behind ya!" Caboose grinned The two rushed off to find their comrades. Thankfully, they arrived on the scene sooner rather than later. “Guys! Over here!” Sterling called to them. "What the heck is this?" Caboose frowned. "Did somepony leave a giant wad of bubblegum that you guys stepped in?" "And who is that?" Fletcher glanced at the still unconscious thug. "And where is Nabudis?" "It's a long story." Survival sighed. "How about you get us out of this before we tell you?" Sterling suggested. "Of course." Fletcher nodded, as he inspected the adhesive, “Hmm, nothing a little knee grease won't cure, eh, Caboose?" "Oh, yeah." Caboose nodded, “...Do you have knee grease on you? ‘Cause I didn’t bring any.” “Just grab Sterling. I’ll grab Dr. Horror.” Fletcher rolled his eyes. The two rescuers grabbed their trapped friends by their midsections. "Are they going to...?" Survival cringed. "Looks like it." Sterling nodded. "Just be careful not to rip our legs off." Survival urged. "No promises." Caboose shrugged. The two free stallion used all their might to pull their friends free of the adhesive, and set them back down by the still-unconscious stallion. "Finally." Sterling smiled, stretching out his legs, which were almost numb from being stuck for so long. "Still in one piece." Survival noted after a quick inspection. "Now then, would you be so kind as to tell us what's going on?" Fletcher urged, “How did you end up in this gunk?” “Well, you’re not going to like it…” Sterling frowned. Sterling and Survival quickly explained the truth about Nabudis. “No way!” Caboose gasped, “Nabudis is Doc?! An Arhubarbus?! Wow, what a classic horror movie twist! Did not see that coming!” “Ugh, again with the horror movies?” Survival cursed under his breath. “This is certainly not good… especially the part where Survival lied to us about Nabudis.” Fletcher glared at Survival. “Easy, Fletch…” Sterling warned. “No, no, Fletcher is right to be mad at me.” Survival admitted glumly. “I didn’t want to lie to you guys, but I also didn’t want to tear a father away from her daughter… Faust, I let him play me like a fiddle.” “Come on, pal…” Caboose patted his back, “You’re more like an acoustic guitar.” “I don’t know, guys.” Sterling frowned, “Something about this doesn’t add up.” “What are you talking about, Sterling?” Caboose frowned. “Nabudis is Doc.” Sterling began, “A high ranking member of the Forefathers… yet, this whole time, he has been searching for the patient alongside us, rather than with Dysley and the other agents. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?” “Perhaps it was his way of keeping tabs on us while his cohorts look for the patient.” Fletcher surmised, “Or maybe he intended to nab the patient right from under our noses…” “But then why did he beat the crap out of this agent here then?” Sterling gestured to the knocked out agent, “You should have seen the way Nabudis was laying into him… he was about ready to kill him before me and Fievel stopped him. Not something a Ourobors would do to a fellow agent.” “Okay, you guys were giving me flak for letting my emotions cloud my judgement, yet you are now defending him?!” Survival snarled, “What the hell?!” “He does have a point.” Fletcher frowned, “I get that he was your friend too, Sterling but-” “I’m not saying he’s innocent in all this. Far from it.” Sterling glared, “...But I am afraid Nabudis is caught up in something far worse than we realized, and I can betcha that it has something to do with Secretariat.” He glanced at Survival, “Don’t tell me you don’t think the same way.” "I know it does." Survival admitted. "But I'm still not sure how..." “Look, right now, we have no time to debate that.” Fletcher said grimly, “If what our fallen agent here said is true, then we have to find our wayward patient and fast.” “But how? This guy was our only lead and he’s out cold.” Sterling grunted, “Even then, I don’t think he even knew where she was.” “Nabudis did.” Survival crossed his hooves, “I saw it in his eyes before he sprayed us with that adhesive… he wouldn’t have run off like he did if he had no idea where he was going.” “Which leaves us in the dust.” Sterling growled in frustration, “Nabudis is in the wind. The Forefathers are closing in. And we’re no closer to finding this Nyx.” “Yeah. I think the writers wrote us in a- wait a minute.” Caboose paused mid-fourth wall break. He stared at Sterling, “What did you just say?” “...We’re no closer to finding Nyx?” Sterling repeated, confused. “Nyx… Nyx… oh, no…” Caboose murmured, horror in his eyes. “Wait, you heard the name before?” Survival asked. “You bet I have…” Caboose declared, glancing fearfully at Fletcher, “Hurricane, my daughter. Last night, she was telling me about this new friend of hers who was missing her ‘papa’. I didn’t think much of it because we were busy looking for the patient all day… but the new friend’s name… it was Nyx. Her name was Nyx!” “Wait… you don’t think…” Fletcher gaped. "Son of a draft horse, your daughter found the patient!" Sterling gasped. “Unbelievable!” Survival was stupefied, “Your daughter didn’t happen to tell you where she was, did she?” “Oh, she was telling me all about it last night.” Caboose grimaced, beating himself for not realizing all this sooner, “She ran into her while she was hanging out with Princess Miracle and the twins. Said Miracle asked her to stay the night over at her place.” "Wait, that would mean..." Fletcher said in hushed tones. "Nyx might be at Canterlot Castle right now!" Sterling gasped. "The one place none of us would think to look." Survival noted. “Wow… looks like I was right all along.” Caboose mused, “...But I can’t enjoy it because the bad guys know about it too!” “Then we must act posthaste!” Fletcher declared, “We must get to Canterlot Castle!” “But then what?” Caboose frowned, “She might have Freddy Kanter powers! The only pony who knows how to handle that is one of the bad guys!” “It’s something we’re going to have to improvise when we get there.” Fletcher grimaced, as he made to leave. “Wait, what about this guy?” Survival gestured to the thug. “We’ll just have to leave him. He’s cuffed right now, so I don’t think he’ll get far.” Fletcher frowned, “We’ll be back for him afterwards. Come on!” “Um, right behind you!” Caboose frowned, as he followed. “Faust, I hope we’re not too late.” Survival grimaced, as he and Sterling followed suit. “You and me both.” Sterling nodded, as he eyed the castle in the distance. Nabudis’ warning flashed through his mind for a brief moment, as the former Forefather agent worried about his former comrade. ’Doc… what the hell did you get yourself into?’