//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 The reveal // Story: Gem Hunt // by keithsterling //------------------------------// ~Outskirts of Ponyville~ After chasing Rainbow Dash around ponyville for several hours, Shimmer used a rebounding spell to finally corral the fleeting pegasi mare. The spell causes a magical manacle to form on Rainbow Dash's ankle attached to a long silver chain. At the right moment, Shimmer using her godly Celestial Alicorn strength to yanks the pegasi mare out of the air. As she comes crashing down to the ground, she none too happy about it. Even less so went she notices the manacle latched to her ankle attached to the chain begin held by the Alicorn size unicorn mare. The moment Shimmer senses that Rainbow Dash was going to retake flight, she yanked her toward her. She held the sulking pegasi mare upside down by the silver chain, wasting no time. "Would you happen to be ticklish, Miss Rainbow Dash?" Shimmer asked with a knowing smile on her snout. Rainbow Dash's moderate cerise eyes widen with alarm as the subtle threat from the unicorn mare quickly sunk in. It one of her best kept secrets and most embarrassing one; she is unbearably and hopelessly ticklish, especially on her feet. "Eek! What would you like to talk about your ladyship?" Rainbow Dash said more compliant as she flies up to get a cloud to sits on and talk with Shimmer. "The kidnapping of your friend." Shimmer said as Rainbow Dash was more than happy to tell her side of the story. Between complaining that she would have the unicorn mare if Scootaloo was not on the other side of Ponyville. "I would have that unicorn! If Scootaloo was not on the other side of ponyville! I would have her! Do you hear me? I would have had her!" Rainbow Dash said, complaining as shimmer whistle loudly, interrupting Rainbow Dash complaining about the situation. "What is your element, Miss Rainbow Dash?" Shimmer inquiry as Rainbow Dash had a puzzled look on her face about the question. "Huh? My Element? Loyalty, of course! Why do you want to know about that, your ladyship?" Rainbow Dash Inquiry scratching her head with her hand. "To help my son, Miss Rainbow Dash. Who knows this information might be vital? It best to add to the case file." Shimmer explains as Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Be my guest, your ladyship. If you don't mine, I have to get back to work now. See you around your ladyship." Rainbow Dash said politely as she takes off again into the sky to get back to work. "Why did you ask Rainbow about her element, your ladyship?" Twilight inquiry as two head back into town together. "Why you were chasing around Miss Rainbow Dash, your highness. Justice phones me and informs me that Miss Applejack suspects that the unicorn mare kidnapper was using her element against her to make sure that she paid up." Shimmer explains as Twilight breathes catches in her throat. "Their element against them," Twilight said in a little voice in dismay as Shimmer's sensitive hearing quickly picked up on it, not want to reveal her real species. Shimmer promptly thought of something. "Do any of those books in your huge castle library mention anything about elements, your highness?" Shimmer inquiry as Twilight's eyes blinks with incredulity. "I have not gone through all of them yet. So I can't say for sure, your ladyship." Twilight quickly answer as she spread her wings and flies back to the Castle of Friendship. With that Shimmer pulls her cell phone out of her purse and dials a number, it rings once and answers soon after. "Hello, baby, it your mother." Shimmer said "Hello mother, what is up?" Justice said "I suspect that Princess Twilight Sparkle knows more then she is telling us about the elements." Shimmer explains "I see mother, what did you learn?" Justice asked "Absolutely nothing, baby. She flew off before I could question her further. She was heading to her castle." Shimmer explains "I see mother, did your senses tell you anything that might help me, interview her, or interrogate her?" Justice asks "Maybe you should go in as a friend first, to interview her. She seems very concerned about the elements being used against Miss Applejack and Miss Rainbow Dash. You might be able to get her to talk more freely with you if you go in as a friend. Plus, I sensed you are trying to form a long term friendship with her, that the best way." Shimmer explains "Indeed, I am mother. If I am planning to wed Celestia one day. It best to try and befriend her close relationships. I have already formed a bond with Princess Luna and Princess Cadence. They no one closer to Celestia then Princess Twilight." Justice explains "Good plan, baby. Oh, by the way, I am going to wormhole back to Canterlot. After you're earlier phone call. Your grandmother called me the House of Lords has a quick vote this evening that could negatively impact Canterlot as a whole. So I must shower and change into my formal gown and head over to House of Lords. To rally our allies to stop it, I'll be out of contact for several hours till maybe sometime tomorrow morning. Good luck, baby." Shimmer said as she's wormhole back to Canterlot and hangs up the phone. 17:00 hrs Castle of Friendship, Friendship Kingdom, Capital City of Ponyville, Private office of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The private office in the Castle of Friendship of Princess Twilight Sparkle is an average size room with a large bay window situated behind her solid oak desk. The walls are painted in the blue-gray color scheme to give a calming effect. On the right side of the room was a small sitting area consisting of a cloudy blue colored sofa with two matching armchairs. In the center of the seating area sitting on a large gray area rug, was a cherry wood finished oval coffee table. This area is used for a private meeting with Princess Twilight. On the left side of the room are two small rows of a cherry wood finished bookcase, full of numerous books of various subjects. A solid oak double-door is the only entrance in or out of this room. Standing with her back toward the double-door into the office, looking out the bay window was Princess Twilight Sparkle, her purple feathered bird wings folded and unfolded on her back periodically. She was attired in red slightly below the knee length dress on her average-sized purple bare feet with orange, red nail polish were a pair of black open-toed ankle strap pumps. Her gold tiara sat on her head behind her horn. Since she was told that the unicorn mare kidnapper might have been targeting her friend elements. Considerable concern has plagued Princess Twilight Sparkle's worried mind over the safety of her friends and friendship assembly. Since receiving and then losing the Elements of Harmony, Twilight and her friends have faced many frightening dangers to protect the homeland from evil. But this current threat is at a whole new level, this evil is not trying to take over their home or steal the magic of Equestrian Royalty. This evil is doing it for nothing more than money, robbing them of their sense of safety. ~There a knock on her office door~ "Come in!" Twilight called as the double door into her office are opened by Royal Investigator Justice Silverlight, he walks into the room with confident steps. A stark contrast to hesitant steps of Princess Twilight Sparkle. The two ponies meet in the center of her office in front of the seating area. "How may I help you, Lord Silverlight?" Twilight inquiry obligated waiting for Lord Silverlight to give her a snow job before getting to his real point what she known about her friends and their elements. But what happens next Twilight was so unprepared for and helped to form a lasting friendship between Twilight and Justice that lasted for years. "I know you have critical information about these Elements things. I am not going to waste time beating around the bush, your highness. My plan is to bind you, take those shoes off your feet, and tickle you till you tell me everything you know. I have a feeling that the method will gain me the most desired results from you." Justice said boldly as Twilight gape in stunned silence no one has ever gone straight to a threat toward her. "How dare you, Lord Silverlight! Threaten a Princess of Equestria! How dare you tell a Princess you are going to bind her and invade her personal space! Then tell her you will forcefully remove her shoes from her feet and tickle her till she talks! I will throw you in the castle dungeon, Lord Silverlight!" Twilight said testily as the threat of being thrown in the dungeon has no effect on him. "I don't fear the dungeon, your highness! It will not stop me from getting the information out of you, your highness! It your choice your highness will it be willingly or unwillingly. It doesn't matter to me!" Justice said coldly as he moved toward the purple Alicorn mare with real intent, causing her to stare with fascinated horror of someone defying her royal command. "Lord Silverlight stop! All right, I will talk willingly. Let sits down in the sitting area to talk." Twilight said, surrendering as the two sits down on the sofa. "Lord?" Twilight said as Justice raised his hand to stop her. "Justice will be fine, your highness," Justice said, correcting as Twilight smiled. "All right, Justice, So just call me Twilight." Twilight said friendly as she relaxed. "Before I start talking about the elements. I have something to confess to you, Justice." Twilight said truthfully as Justice's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Targeting my feet, Justice would have got you the desired affects you wanted that for sure. Because I am unbearably ticklish on my feet, in fact, I keep from a certain light purple dragon assistant that works for me. If he should find out that embarrassing fact about me unlimited practical Jokes targeting my feet would ensure. So please, Justice keeps my embarrassing secret to yourself." Twilight asked, urging as Justice had a gracious smile on his snout and nodded his head. Justice watches as an involuntary smile forms on the snout of this young purple Alicorn mare. A few moments later, the newest Equestrian Royalty reaches down to her shoes on her feet. With her hand, she nimbly and comfortably begins unbuckling the bands from her shoes and removes them from her feet. As Twilight draws her feet up onto the sofa from his position, Justice can tell that Twilight's feet are average size for a mare her age. Twilight's feet are very well taking care of with regular pedicures that keep them soft and supple. The orange, red nail polish on her nails complements her purple-colored feet perfectly. Twilight couldn't help but polite laugh as she notices Justice watching her put her bare feet up onto the sofa. She might be the newest Alicorn Princess in Equestria. Still, she quickly learned that some ponies admire the feet of the Alicorn Princesses for their uniqueness. "Shall we begin, Justice?" Twilight said politely as she leaves her bare feet partially exposed on the sofa. With that Justice thought this will not be your typical interrogation or interview with this purple Alicorn mare. This was going to be a conversation between two friends that trust each other. "First question Twilight, What are these elements?" Justice inquiry as he brings out his notebook so he could have a detailed record of Twilight statements. "You should be familiar with the legend of the mare on the moon, better known as Princess Luna (Justice shake his head). The elements are six mystical jewels that my friends and I used to heal Princess Luna from being Nightmare moon. Each one of my friends is a holder of one of those gems." Twilight explains playing with her bare toes allowing Justice to finish writing down his notes in his book. "The six elements are Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, Magic," Twilight explains as she stretching her legs out in front of her on the sofa within reach of Justice's hands crossing her ankles over each other. "I have question for you Justice." Twilight inquiry as Justice gestures towards Twilight's feet in front of him. She kindly nodded her head 'yes' allowing Justice to pick up her foot so he could confirm his earlier hypothesis about her feet. "Go ahead Twilight, ask me your question. So far you have been totally honest with me. I will do the same for you." Justice said as he carefully picks her foot up to thoroughly examine her foot to confirm his hypothesis about it. "Justice do you really think the unicorn mare kidnapper use my friends elements against them?" Twilight asked a bit worried. "That is most likely Twilight what the unicorn mare kidnapper did." Justice answers. Justice's held an average size mare's purple colored foot in his hand, a closer examination of Twilight's foot revealed that her pedicure was even more remarkable then he first thought. He also pick-up the slight scent of lavender oil rubbed onto her foot and felt lotion rub about her foot making it more supple to the touch. He carefully set her foot back on top of her ankle again. Justices' hands are cover with lavender oil and lotion from handing Twilight's well-taking care of foot. Twilights couldn't help but chuckle at Justice what does he expected went you handled the barefoot of an Alicorn Princess that must look her best all way down to her feet. Feeling sorry for him, she floated a make-up removing cloth out of one of the drawers in her desk and floated it over to him to clean the stuff off his hands. He thanks Twilight for the make-up removing cloth; she floats to him, and she smiles at him. "But Justice, that brings up another question. How did the Kidnapper know what my friends' elements are? It not like we advertise the elements to every pony? The elements are sort of inside us." Twilight comments as Justice's plays with her average length toes just because they are just there. "The Kidnapper might have had your friends under surveillance for some time, Twilight. Which is not unheard of because she is a unicorn?" Justice comments as he continues to play with her toes. "You are talking about the unicorn spell called surveying. This spell allows the user to watch with unseen eyes anyone they have laid their eyes on once." Twilight comments as Justice stand up and walk over to the bay window to look outside. The sudden rhythmic pap-pops of mare's bare feet on finish wooden floor of Twilight's office stops next to Justice at the bay window. Standing next to him was Twilight like him; her face showed distressed. Twilight knows with the unicorn spell surveying the Kidnapper could watch any of her friends with ease as her and her friendship assembly are always in public. "I must say this one hay of a way to begin a friendship, Justice." Twilight comments as Justice chuckle with the statement from Twilight. "That for sure Twilight, But it doesn't hurt to have another Alicorn Princess at my side. Especially a young one who trusts me so much to remain standing barefooted next to me, knowing I would bind her and tickle her to make her talk." Justice comment joking as Twilight unleashes great gales of laughter for a few moments. "It not like I fully trust you because my shoes are all the way over in the sitting area, and I do want to go get them." Twilight comment joking as smile forms on Justice's snout, before being replaced with a stern look. "Out of the remaining Element holders, Twilight. Who do you think the Kidnapper would target next?" Justice posed the question to his new friend Princess Twilight. "That easy, Justice, she would either target me because of my little dragon assistant or my friend Rarity. She has a sister named Sweetie Belle," Twilight said, knowing as Justice asks her to call Rarity. Ask her to keep a close eye on her little sister Sweetie Belle till he can make it in the morning.